InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Awaits ❯ Colorfully White Cloth ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Love Awaits
By Forgotten Tennyo
Chapter 4 - Colorfully White Cloth
“You can't be serious.” Sesshoamru snorted and looked away from Tsubasaka. “There is no way I am dumping her in some human village. If they could care for her I would not have found her mute, beaten, and dead.”
Tsubasaka sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “I don't expect you to actually do it. When you came to me to get her kimono, I knew that you were particularly attached. The problem is humans cannot be kept as pets. They desire love and companionship. It wont be long before your little ward starts dreaming of a life and home with a strong and desirable male.” She tossed a look from the corner of her eye to Sesshomaru. Was it just her, or did that make him grimace a little. No? It could have Tsubasaka's imagination.
“When Rin is full grown I will make the decision on what to do with her. Until then it can wait.” The golden eyes leveled on the demon before him. “Now about the kimono.”
Tsubasaka burst out laughing. “Excuse me? When she is full grown? You came here over ten years ago for her first kimono, Sesshomaru. You might have raised a human, but do you have any idea about them? I have tailored several garments for pregnant married women who are much younger then your Rin is now.”
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. Only one word came past his lips. “Kimono.”
“Alright.” Tsubasaka turned away throwing up her hands. “Perhaps we can help each other out in this.” She waved her arm, and stairs to the treetops appeared before them. “I am going to remind you that I am to busy to make you a kimono. I wont hear another word about it so don't even try to argue, and glaring at my back wont work either.” She stopped with out looking back. “You can take your hand off tokijin. Threatening me wont work either.”
“Ridiculous.” Sesshomaru said, but slowly moved his hand away from his sword.
Entering a room full of fabrics, Tsubasaka went right to a trunk and opened it. Rummaging around in it she said, “This material, I was working on, was going to be my greatest creation. Now it appears to be my deepest frustration. You can have it.”
Sesshomaru arched and eyebrow as she turned to him with an iridescent fabric in her arms. It held the palest for blue colors. “That is completely wrong for Rin.”
“You think that now.” She held it out to him. “Here take it and see.”
Sesshomaru reached out and took it and something stunning transpired. Although looking at Sesshomaru's face one could hardly tell. The material was slowly saturated in a deep shade of crimson.
“I have been working most of my life trying to create a fabric that would take on the aura's of demons and humans souls. Sadly it's turned out a complete failure.”
“The material adapted to my aura. How is that a failure?”
“It's red, Sesshomaru, as is your aura.” Tsuabasaka poked the material. “This is white. The shiniest silvery white in all creation, and I have found no one that can use it. Seems everyone these days is to tainted with their own desires.”
Sesshomaru calmly pointed out. “It didn't stay white when you touched it either.”
“Mocking me wont help. Find some one to sew it for you.” Tsubasaka waved him away in disappointment. “Anyone will do for the job.”
Sesshomaru contemplated that he didn't have a new kimono for Rin as he desired, but Tsubasaka had been given him something of deep value to herself. Turning silently he left the Butterfly demon muttering to herself.
Reaching Ah-Un, he tucked the cloth deep in the saddlebag. “Remind me never to go near that demon again Ah-Un.” Sesshomaru mounted up. “She is completely irrational.”
Sesshomaru walked silently into camp. Jaken was kicking his feet in the spring water. Rin, thankfully, was fully clothed and basking on a rock. The dark hair was still wet from a recent dip in the hot springs, and she looked totally relaxed.
Jaken noticed his lord approach first and jumped to his feet. “Lord Sesshoamru! You have finally returned.”
Rin jumped up at the sound of his name. “Lord Sesshomaru, welcome back.” She smiled at him but didn't move off the rock.
Sesshomaru looked over at Rin with Tsubasaka's words playing in his ears. He narrowed his eye and stared. Sure, Rin was taller, and her hair was longer. He would admit that her chest had expanded, somewhat. Still that in no way classified her as a mature human female that was in need of a mate at this time. Tsubasaka was exactly as Sesshomaru had deemed. Wrong. Rin was still to young to be entrusted to the humans. She was still in need of his care and protection. “Come. We are leaving this place.”
“Yes, my lord!” Jaken gathered up a few things from around camp.
Rin tied up her hair and looked almost wistfully at the waters. “Farewell, dear hot springs. I will miss you.” With that she leapt off the rock and began to trail after Sesshomaru. It was odd the way he had looked at her when returning. It was as if he had been searching for something. Well, that can be ignored. What was driving Rin crazy was this Tsubasaka, butterfly demon.
Jaken had said she was a tailor of some sort. Rin had thought Sesshomaru was going to return in a glorious new style of Kimono, but that wasn't the case. He was in the one he always wore. He hadn't called Jaken or herself over and given them a new kimono either. Which could only mean he hadn't gone to see Tsubasaka to get one.
Jaken had said that Tsubasaka was a butterfly demon, and butterflies as a rule had to be extremely beautiful. Rin smiled at the image that created in her head. A lovely creature with bright and colorful wings danced in her mind's eye. Why would Sesshomaru seek out such a creature? His words played back on her “I have need of her services.” Rin frowned thoughtfully as she pondered her mystery.
Lord Sesshomaru had gone off to visit with a beautiful butterfly demon that made clothing, but he hadn't returned with a kimono. There could only be one reason for the visit then. Rin frowned as she lifted her eyes to Sesshomaru. He had gone off to have some romantic encounter with this other demon. No wonder he had told her where he was going. He was feeling guilty leaving her and Jaken alone while he was fraternizing, if that was the right word for what Rin suspected he had been doing.
The nerve. Rin seethed for a second before taking a deep breath. What was she so upset about? She had no hold on Lord Sesshomaru, and truth was she should be grateful that he had kept her with him this long. Still, the knowledge did little to tone down the acidy feeling of jealousy that rose in her.
“Rin?” Jaken's voice infiltrated her thoughts.
Rin shook her head trying to clear away her thoughts. “Yes Jaken?”
“Is something troubling you? You haven't asked me a thing in the last few miles. In fact you haven't said anything in while.”
Rin looked ahead at the white demon and sighed, “It's nothing Jaken. I was only lost in thought.”
“Find yourself then Rin, if you aren't paying attention you could be putting yourself at great risk. These woods are full of humans, demons, and wild animals.”
Rin nodded to the imp. He really only had her best interests in mine and for that she was eternally grateful.
To Be Continued.
AHHHH!! I feel like I am wearing cement shoes! Believe me I am going some where with this story. It's just taking a while to set the scenes without rushing.