InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When My Heart Told Me to Listen ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When My Heart Told Me to Listen

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co. They belong to the brilliant Rumiko Takahashi

AN: Here I am back with another chapter after....anyways that doesn't matter. There is a lime so you are thus WARNED! If you don't want to read it why are in the X section? But again there is a lime, so you can't say I didn't tell you.

Chapter Two

Kagome began to slowly come to, and the first thing she felt was the pounding of her head. "Oh my head" she whispered hoarsely. She also began to realize she was laying on something very soft and was under soft and warm blankets. "Where am I?" she mumbled to no one in particular. 'Was I kidnapped?'

"You awake yet wench?" A very gruff but familiar voice asked her from across the room.

"Inuyasha? Is that you?" Kagome asked sleepily as she began to sit up.

"No. I'm the boogie monster. Who else would save your sorry ass again." Kagome bolted up at this, squinting at the sun coming in, otherwise noticing the disgruntled look the hanyou wore. He was sitting in an arm chair by the window staring at her.

"I didn't need you to come find me!" Kagome shouted suddenly filled with anger as sleep dissipated from her body and voice. "I was fine!"

"Yeah sure" Inuyasha snorted. "Lying in the rain and mud like you were, half dead to the world, I'm pretty you were fine." He felt his anger rise as he glared at her.

"You're so arrogant. Thinking I need you every second I breathe!" She replied more disgusted with herself knowing she was lying. In a flash he was over her with her hands pinned above her head.

"O but Kagome, I'm afraid you do." He purred into her ear as he brought his tongue out to lick the shell ghostly. She gasped and he smirked. "C'mon Kagome, you can't lie to me. My nose never lies."

"You're nothing but a dog." She all but bit at him, his smirked increased at her irritation.

"What's wrong babe? You need a reminder of what your place is?" He hissed at her through mild irritation. Kagome began to squirm beneath him and tried to wiggle her wrist out of his grip. But alas his legs were situated on either side of her over the blanket and his grip on her wrist was unrelenting.

"Get off me! I don't like you!" Kagome tried to fight as much as she could as tears began to form in her brown eyes, as memories of the night before began to fill her mind.

"Quit the theatrics Kagome. You were saying such different things last night" his voice dropped to a husky whisper "you're begging for the wrong thing love." He said as he blew hot air into her ear making her shiver.

"Leave me alone Inuyasha. I want to go home." She said in a quiet voice looking at anything but him.

"O dear. You don't miss me? Well that makes sense since you spent so much time here yesterday." She could hear the smirk in his voice. "How 'bout I make you feel real good love." He said licking his lips as he made his way over to her neck.

"No. Please. I don't-" Kagome moaned as his lips found purchase on her neck, giving it soothing pleasuring attention. She felt his teeth graze her skin and she bit back a louder moan.

"Don't what babe? Tell me love." He said as he let one of her wrist go, only to hold it captive with the other in one hand as he used his free hand to seek her beneath the blankets. He watched her closely with his golden eyes as he worked the blankets, freeing her more to his touch. He worked his hand under the t-shirt she was dressed in and slipped a deadly clawed finder inside her wet folds. She gasped at the sudden intrusion and he took the advantage to seal her lips with his, working his tongue into her mouth coaxing hers into a dance. He slowly began pushing his finger in and out of her and she moaned into his mouth as her body arched. Inuyasha opened an eye to behold the beauty before him. Truthfully he was spellbound by her. Her raven hair was fanned out beneath her and her body moved wantonly below him and she mewled into his mouth. He was indeed pleased with her response. He worked his legs over the blanket 'til he was settled between her legs. "Tell me what you want babe." Inuyasha said to her as he pulled back a little to let her breathe. He watched her as she caught her breath all the while her eyes still shut. When it became obvious she had no intention of replying to him he increased the speed of his finger as he added a second.

"Inu" she barely managed out as she felt the coil in her stomach begin to wind as liquid heat centered its self between her legs. His thumb began to brush her clit in time with each stroke and she moaned ever so slightly at the sensation. Inuyasha was beginning to feel a bit flustered with her. She was ignoring him in response to the pleasure he was bringing her. He nipped her chin and Kagome's eyes fluttered open.

"Look at me wench." He said through clenched teeth as his own erection began to strain against his pants. He wanted her badly, but after the stunt she pulled last night, leaving while he slept there was no way he was going to bring her that kind of pleasure yet. She had to be punished, and punished she would be. "When I ask you a question you answer. Now. Tell me, what do you want?" He whispered huskily into her ear as he added another finger stretching her a little bit more.

"Inu" Kagome managed again through a small moan.

"That's right baby. I'll give you what you want, soon enough." He pulled his fingers out of her and she whined at the loss. Kagome opened her eyes and watched as he licked each finger eyeing her hungrily. "You taste so good Ka-go-me." Inuyasha said teasing her. He then proceeded to slice through the t-shirt she wore leaving her bare to his gaze beneath him. "You really are a sight to behold my love." Kagome looked away from him feeling self loathing set in. 'I hate when he calls me his love. I'm not his love. Just what he uses to satisfy himself when she's not around.« He began to smell the guilt tinge the edges of her scent and to regain her attention at his ministrations he captured a nipple between his lips. Sucking gently on it rousing her from what ever thoughts were beginning to plague her mind. Her voice lost it self as he began to pleasure her. He released her hands and began caressing her breast as he suckled on the other. His free hand began its trek back down to her nether lips as he began fingering her in time with his mouth. Kagome moaned louder seeking purchase into his sliver locks. Her fingers found the base of his ears and began to rub them gently but firmly. She arched into his mouth as he began to growl sending the vibrations to her bringing her to further heights. He switched to her other breast and brought her body closer to him with his hand, Kagome rubbed his ears a bit more firmly and he bit her nipple causing her walls to clench around his fingers. He knew she was very close.

"Inu...please." She said as he began to go lower near her womanhood. Inuyasha looked at it then he looked up at her face. Eyes shut, mouth slightly open, panting breaths and her chest rising and falling faster than normal, the sight only got him harder. He looked back down at her pussy and groaned. She always kept it shaved and he loved it, it made her more sensitive to his touch. He captured her clit with his lips and her hips bucked up he continued with his strokes speeding them up as he began to suckle her clit harder. He wanted her writing beneath him. Kagome pressed his head into her as he began to lick her, his tongue finding its way insider her, flicking back and forth and in circles. "More. Inu please! I need you." Inuyasha couldn't deny that he wanted her. Hell he needed her. He just wasn't ready to admit it yet, not to himself and especially not to her. She needed to learn her place and know that she was his and his alone, and what better way to do that but by bringing her release that only he could.

Inuyasha felt her walls clamp around his tongue as he fingered her clit in firm circles. She gasped as she tugged at his head forcing him deeper inside her. He smirked as he felt her body trembled as her orgasm struck her, she moaned a broken version of his name and he began lapping up her essence trying to get her as clean as he could in the process. When she was no longer trembling and he was satisfied that she was "clean" he made his way back up her body and placed a kiss on her lips. Kagome could taste herself as he kissed her and she began to wonder why she was so weak to him and his touch. He pulled away to look her in her face as she opened her eyes back up.

"So my dear Ka-go-me, did you enjoy that." Inuyasha asked with a toothy grin. She rolled her eyes at his antics. His ego was swollen and there was nothing she could do about it. Her answer would only make it bigger, so she bit her lip. "Well did you?" He asked again, his patience wearing thin with the woman below him.

"Uh...yes." She said looking away knowing his face would break out into a grin big enough to split his face in half, so she was hoping at least. He lazily traced a finger around her nipple and she shuddered under his touch.

"I wanted to really give you it, but after that stunt you pulled last night, I think you have to earn it back." He said eyeing her carefully. Her head snapped back and she glared at him angrily, temporarily forgetting what he was doing with his fingers in hindsight of his words.

"Excuse me!? You do remember that you told me to and I quote "Get the fuck out of my house you stupid wench" when she called." He knew who she was he didn't need an explanation. He rolled his eyes at her.

"So you left. I don't understand why." He said playing dumb.

"You can't be serious Inuyasha. You told me to get out your house. I wasn't going to stay especially since you refuse to choose. I'm tired of being your fuck doll." She said to him, the last part softly he almost didn't hear, almost. She was wishing he would remove himself from over her. His weight was perfectly placed so she couldn't move but was neither uncomfortable. He glared at her and grabbed her jaw.

"Don't you dare say those words again! If you want to be treated like one, o I'll treat you like one. I made it clear. We don't talk about her when we're together. You got it?" His anger was rising and she could feel it coming off his aura in waves. She decided she would let it go, for now. She nodded her head curtly at him. "Good. Now let's get you food." He said sitting up and getting off the bed. Inuyasha pulled her up and took the tattered shirt off her body and threw in the corner of his room. Kagome hugged her body to preserve whatever modesty of hers remained, as he went into his closet to emerge with another shirt. He slipped it over her head just as she asked a question.

"Where are my clothes?" She stared at him while he dressed her like a helpless child.

"They're being washed. After all you were lying in some filthy shit when I found you." Kagome glared at him. She was unimpressed with his manners so she smacked him in the shoulder. "Watch it wench, before I tie you to this bed." She huffed at him. He pulled her to her feet and grabbed her hand as he made his way to the door. Walking down the hallway they walked in silence as they made their way down the stairs into the kitchen. Upon arriving into the kitchen they found some breakfast waiting. Kagome sat herself onto one of the stools at the island and began helping her self to a much needed meal. Inuyasha watched her with interest, his own sexual desire hadn't been sated but he knew she needed her energy. He'd get her later as he started on his own breakfast. They ate in silence as he stole glances at her. Kagome kept her eyes from straying towards him.

I really hate it when he does this. Kagome mused to her self as she chewed her pancakes over and over before she swallowed. He acts like he owns me when we both know I'm just his 'fuck buddy'. Pompous asshole. He walks around with her on his arm yet I'm the one in his bed. I guess that makes me the home wrecker. Kagome frowned at this thought. Her mind was being plagued and she swallowed the oversized lump in her throat; her appetite suddenly gone. Inuyasha's nose twitched as he picked up her scent change.

"What's wrong?" He asked concern filling his visage.

"No-nothing." She stammered. Inuyasha reached over and brushed his fingers against her cheek. Kagome recoiled slightly at the touch not wanting to fully alert him of her distress towards him. "I'm fine Inuyasha. Trust me." She said planting a fake smile on her face as she finally looked towards him, trying to seem as believable as possible. Inuyasha quirked an eyebrow at her smelling the lie as it dropped from her lips. "I need to go anyways. Thanks for the breakfast." Kagome hopped from the stool as she made a beeline for the stairs straight to his room to find more of her clothes. Inuyasha was behind her in an instant.

"Where are you going Kags?" He asked her as he watched her search his room for something. "What are you looking for?"

"I need my clothes! Where are my clothes!? I need to go home now!" Kagome yelled as she dipped into his closet searching through the clothes on the floor. He walked in behind her and pushed her up against the wall of the closet.

"Who said you could leave?" He asked eyeing her. Kagome had never felt so strung by him before. 'What kind of game is he playing with me? First he tells me to get out, now he's saying I can't leave. I'm sick of this!'

"I'm leaving Inuyasha! I can't do this! You disgust me!" With that said she did something she's never done before, she spat in his face. He stepped back and Kagome saw a dark look flash over his face and she swore his eyes turned red but they were back to their amber color so she just looked on. He did something she didn't expect he chuckled and then started to laugh.

"My dear princess, you are funny." Inuyasha stated flatly all traces of laughter gone from his voice; doing a perfect impersonation of his cold calculating brother. He wiped the spit from his face and glared at her, he felt his youkai flare and he dared her to step one more toe out of line. 'punish mate' He felt the harsh whisper in his head but he shook himself free only to say "get out." He said it so calmly she hardly heard it, Kagome didn't think he said anything at all if it wasn't for the fact he raised his arm towards the door.

"But my--" She began only to be interrupted by him as he shoved some sweats into her arms.

"Get out" He glared at her, daring her to disobey him, to enrage him. To provoke him. She most certainly didn't need to be told again. She slipped the sweats on as quickly as possible ignoring that they carried his scent as she grabbed her strewn keys from the floor and headed out the door. 'That bitch thinks she can disobey me and nothing will happen to her. Well she's got another thing coming.' Inuyasha mused to himself as he heard the front door close from a distance his ears giving a knowing twitch. 'We must punish mate' Inuyasha suddenly felt the need to agree with this thought, even though he didn't know where it came from.

Omnia mea mecum porto

AN: Reviews are welcomed!