InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When My Heart Told Me to Listen ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When My Heart Told Me to Listen

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co. They belong to the brilliant Rumiko Takahashi

AN: I have to say I used to absolutely despise Kikyo, but now I kind of like her. She's a complete character in the manga and she plays a role in the formation of Kagome and Inuyasha's relationship. Without her there would be no way Inuyasha would see the difference of someone truly loving him back. Kikyo is cold and guarded, her responsibilities as a priestess guarding the Shikon no Tama did that. Thus when Kagome came into the picture she could fully give herself to him and always put him first. So Kikyo helped push them together. I think she should be respected as a character and not out right hated. But of course you can disagree with me.

Also!!! There's a little Hojo/Kagome. Can you blame me; he's sweet, except for his crappy health gifts. Anyways on with the show!...I mean story...

Chapter Five

Inuyasha opened his eyes lazily, looking around his room for the glaring red numbers that would tell him the time. He could guess that it was still early morning, before dawn as only little flickers of light began to flitter into the room. He started to become aware of his surroundings and the fact that there was a warm body pressed up against his chest. A naked warm body to be exact.

"What the-" Inuyasha mused out loud as flashbacks from the night before filled his mind. 'Shit, definitely not Kagome.' He took a deep sniff and allowed his senses to expand before coming to a conclusion that she wasn't some girl he just met. "Kikyo?" He said in a hushed whispered and the woman in his arms stirred. 'Damn, I really didn't see Kagome last night like I thought.' He began to slip her slowly out of his arms and slipped out of the bed as carefully as possible. When he achieved freedom from his bedding, he slipped on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

"I really need to clear my head." Inuyasha then went for a run around the grounds hoping to clear the thoughts that were plaguing his mind. 'You let her leave.' A voice sounded in his head, guttural and deep.

"What?" Inuyasha paused in his run to look around. He wasn't picking up any scents or the presence of anyone else.

'It's me you dummy. I told you to let me do it, we would have our mate.' His demon responded.

Inuyasha's eyes bugged out at this. 'The hell you talking 'bout!?' He responded in his own mind, the fear of looking like a mad man too big for him to risk speaking out loud, even if he was alone. Its one thing to argue with yourself, it's a completely other thing to lose the argument.

'Go find her.'

'She ain't lost. I know perfectly damn well where she is!' Inuyasha felt his anger rise as well as doubt begin to creep into him.

'You sure about that?' With that he felt his demon recede into the darkness where it stayed.

"What the hell? I guess there goes my run." Inuyasha went back into the house and picked up the receiver, not caring what time it was he called Miroku.

"C'mon you worthless monk, pick up your phone." On the fourth ring a sleepy Miroku answered.

"Do you see the time?" Miroku asked unbeknownst that Inuyasha was on the caller.

"Where's Kagome?" Inuyasha asked impatiently, skipping over the greetings as he usually did.

"Hi to you too Inuyasha." Miroku answered as the sleep began to leave his voice.

"Miroku, where is Kagome?" Inuyasha's words registered in Miroku's mind as the lie he'd be practicing dropped from his lips.

"At her apartment. Where else would she be, its 6 in the morning!" Miroku stated really hoping there weren't going to need to lock him in a cage somewhere.

"Miroku" Inuyasha growled into the phone "You better not be lying to me."

"I'm not. Honest my dear friend, I do not know where she is." Inuyasha contemplated his words for a minute. 'If he was lying he would've spilled his guts by now, but still I can't help this feeling.'

"Alright monk, but if I find out you're lying"

"I know I know." With that Inuyasha hung up not bothering to say goodbye.

He looked around the kitchen, and his stomach let him know how hungry he was. He began rummaging through the pantry looking for food preferably ramen.

"Ah ha!" He said grabbing hold of a cup of ramen noodles. He walked over to the sink and filled it with water and placed it in the microwave.

"Of all the things you could afford to eat, you eat trash that cost a dollar." Sesshomaru said as she graced his brother with his presence.

"What's it to you, asshole." Inuyasha responded not even bothering to look at him. Sesshomaru, on the other hand narrowed his eyes at his brother's language and his nose gave an undeniable twitch.

"You smell." He responded cold and calculating.


"I'm surprised Kagome hasn't left you yet for messing around on her, but then again I've never understood that foolish girl." Sesshomaru smirked as his brother threw a kitchen knife at his head, and miss. "Who would think your aim was just as bad as it was when we were kids."

"Is there some reason why you're here?" Inuyasha said grinding the question through his teeth, finally making eye contact with his brother.

"I need you to attend a conference in China."

"For what? You're the CEO asshole. The job too much for you?" Inuyasha smirked arrogantly at his brother, knowing very well his late nights at the office were not out of incompetence.

"Little brother, you will go." Sesshomaru said leaving the kitchen just as the microwave went off causing Inuyasha's protest to die on his lips.

"Asshole..." Inuyasha took his ramen out the microwave and sat at the island and began eating his meal. For the first time in ages he was eating relatively slow as he considered what his demon said to him. 'There is no way Kagome is my mate. She's too good for me, this is all I can give her.' Inuyasha's nose caught a waft of Kikyo as she made her presence known to him.

"O so this is where you went off to." Kikyo said as she entered the kitchen dressed in on of his shirts. She had a case of bed hair and would look divine to any man that laid eyes on her. She once enticed him, once before she held his heart. Now she filled the void when Kagome wasn't with him.

Inuyasha's expression softened when he saw her, earnestly wishing to every Kami that one day it would be Kagome not her that he woke up to on days like this. He planted a chaste kiss on her lips as she made her way to him and gave him a gentle hug around his torso.

"Ugh, really ramen for breakfast. I can't believe you eat that trash." Inuyasha's hand stilled over his noodles, not daring to believe she insulted his food. "Don't you have anything else to eat? Where's the chef? I'm starving for an omelet." Kikyo said pulling away from him, making her way to the fridge and propping it open. Inuyasha was still in disbelief over her words. It was one thing for his brother to do it, but a completely different thing when Kikyo did so. He shook his head and rose from his seat at the island and tossed his unfinished cup of ramen and left the kitchen.

"Inuyasha?" Kikyo said turning towards where he was seated only to find herself alone in the kitchen. Kikyo shrugged her shoulders and went off to find a chef to cook her some breakfast.

Inuyasha made his was to his unused study to give him some alone time. He needed to go over the reports for the conference he would be attending in China later this week. He needed time to be alone, and think.

"We need a merger..." He mumbled to himself as he scanned over some papers and a few emails.

While Inuyasha contemplated the agenda and purpose of the conference he would be attending, Kagome, hours later, and several time zones ahead was landing at Cairo airport.

"Thank you. Have a nice day." The flight attendant said as passengers began to disembark from the plane.

Kagome being one of the first few to leave the plane began the long trek down the terminal to the baggage claim. She was hoping that her luggage hadn't been damaged during the flight. Silently praying to the Kami that her belongings made it in one piece. As she was walking looking around for the baggage claim she bumped into someone knocking her off balance.

"O forgive me, I didn't see you." A velvety masculine voice said. Kagome squeezed her shoulder for a moment.

"No it's alright, I wasn't paying attention." Kagome responded finally making contact with the face of the voice. His eyes were warm, friendly, and brown. Kagome took that moment to take the rest of his appearance in. Short brown hair that framed his face, a pointed nose, a friendly smile not smirk, and normal ears, and very kissable lips. Kagome looked on and found that his frame was slim yet he seemed built. He wore a pair of white jeans, white tee, and loafers. It was very fitting for the current temperature, which was starting to peak.

"Hojo." The man said reaching out a hand. Kagome responded automatically and reached out her own and shook hands.

"Huh?" She said still caught in her moment.

"My name. It's Hojo." He said gracing her with an even bigger smile that made color drain into her cheeks.

"Oh. Kagome" She responded finally with her own smile.

"So what brings you to Egypt? The pyramids?" He asked making polite conversation as they both stood in the terminal.

"I wanted to visit, get away. I've always loved this ancient stuff. So yeah the pyramids..." She responded sheepishly tugging at her long-sleeved shirt.

"Well then you're in for a treat! I'm one of the tour guides! Care for a tour miss?" Kagome's eyes lit up at his revelation. 'Maybe I won't have to hunt people down for this stuff.'

"That would be great!" She said shifting her bag from one shoulder to the other.

"Here let me take that from you." Hojo reached over and took her bags. "Anymore bags?"

"Actually, I do. Baggage claim."

"Well, lets get them." He said giving her another one of his endearing smiles. They began to walk the rest of the way to the baggage claim. They made polite conversation on the way. Small talk as Kagome would call it.

'Well isn't this refreshing from the way that Inuyasha would be acting if I were with him. He would mumble, grumble, complain, and tell me to carry my own bags. Not to mention he'd call me a clumsy human.' Kagome shook her head trying to rid herself of those thoughts. 'I have to get him out of my system while I'm on this trip.'

Kagome stared at the man walking next to her. Carrying her bags nonetheless. Though she felt a little bad for taking advantage of the polite stranger she was relieved she didn't have to carry them. After all he offered. They made their way out of the airport and the sun was hanging high in the sky and giving testament to the temperature. Hojo had convinced Kagome to go to this little hotel that would treat her kindly during her stay. He promised to see her around 4 when the sun wasn't so blazing and she had some time to relax. Although he did warn her not to fall asleep, even though her jet lag would tempt her relentlessly.

Hojo rode all the way to the hotel with her making sure she was in her room safe and sound. The hotel was such a dainty little thing. It was family owned and run and the place was beautiful so much detail. Kagome stared at the bed and wish to every Kami looking down on her to just let her sleep, but she knew better. Tomorrow she wanted to wake up on Cairo time, not Japan time. So she toughened up and headed into the bathroom. After a thorough inspection of the bathroom she found it, the bath soap, and began to fill up the tub. What better way to unwind then to take a bath.

As Kagome sat in her bath her thoughts ran away with her, again.

'I wonder what he's doing right now...' She scuffed out loud at this thought. 'He's probably with Kikyo. He thinks I don't know about her. This is so frustrating. Why can't I let this go? To him its just sex he's stated that over and over. So why do I keep doing this? Hojo seems so nice though...a polar opposite of Inuyasha. Where Inuyasha would've called me clumsy he helped me and smiled. His smile.'

Kagome's heart fluttered as she pictured his smile. His smile was sweet and genuine and not the cocky half smirk/smile that Inuyasha wore every time she was around. Hojo's smile didn't scream I want to sex you up, Hojo's said...well it didn't really say anything. No matter Kagome appreciated the difference, Hojo was sweet and she'd be sad to leave when her three weeks were up.

"I better get out before I turn into a prune." As Kagome dried off and got dressed she kept thinking more about Inuyasha and herself. They were not a couple, never wore, and he made that very clear that they never would be. 'I guess its time we said our goodbyes. Got to start afresh some how.'

With that Kagome shoved her last thoughts of her once lover, her sliver-haired hanyou in the far crevices of her mind. She looked at the time and saw that it was nearing 4.

"Hojo should be here any moment." Just as those thoughts left her lips there was a knock on her door. Kagome went over and opened.

"Hi. You ready miss?" Hojo asked with a bright smile on his face that lit up his eyes. Kagome couldn't help that her heart would flutter every time he smiled at her. It was almost maddening except for the fact that she enjoyed it.

"Yup! Should I take anything with me?" She asked taking one last glance at the room.

"No nothing but a camera and sunscreen. You got that?" Hojo asked looking into her eyes.

"Yup sure do." With that they left the hotel and started towards the pyramids. Hojo began his "tour" as the rode in a car out of Cairo. It was interesting, it really was but Kagome couldn't stop the thoughts that began to plague her mind and cause the lump in her throat. It was safe to say she was torturing her self.

'This is clearly going to take a lot longer than I originally thought it would. It's so hard. I can't stop thinking about him...'

They pulled up to the first pyramid and got out of the car.

"I'd be lying if I said I knew who was buried here. But it was someone of not too much importance. This grave was robbed...a lot. For what after you know the first 500 times, I don't know." Kagome giggled at Hojo's statement.

'He's trying to make me laugh. How sweet.' He smiled down at her and the sun hitting his back made his smile appear even brighter.

'Well she giggled. That's a start.' Hojo thought to himself.

They walked around for a bit and Hojo pointed out the important stuff, like other pyramid's in the area, even what seemed to Kagome as miniature one's. They walked through the stoned structures and Hojo gave their time period, and who built them. Kagome was impressed. She felt a whole new breathe of air fill her lungs. She felt alive.

"So.." Kagome drawled out getting Hojo's attention. "How many girls do you usually take here?" Hojo scratched the back of his head and blushed.

"Or am I first one?"

"The first." He said sheepishly. Kagome's face lit up at his response. "I was at the airport to see off my mother and that's' when I ran into you. You looked so beautiful and I wanted to impress you with something just as equally as enchanting, like the old Egypt."

"You think I'm enchanting." Kagome's eyes watered as her heart fluttered in her chest.

"Yeah I do, and you actually seem to care about this stuff. I notice your interest peak more when I told you I was a tour guide."

"I used to work at a museum, but I have a history degree. I like the ancient cultures. So you found my sweet spot for this stuff." Kagome smiled at Hojo and his heart warmed.

"Well then pretty lady" He said closing the distance between them. "What's say we go into town and get some food? I heard you're stomach a little while ago." Hojo said as he hooked their arms together and grinned at her.

"You heard that?" Kagome blushed, embarrassed. "I was hoping you didn't."

"No worries. You are my guest so I must give you the very best." With that they got in the car and drove back into town.

"Thank you for your time gentlemen and for accepting our deal." Inuyasha said his farewell to the board of CEO's in china. His Mandarin a little rusty, but nonetheless it came out formal. He'd be here for about three more days, making sure that each and every one of the 15 members understood and signed the contract. It was no easy job to come up with a contract in a day. One that outlined an agreement between all sub companies that were owned by Hitomi Inc. Sesshomaru wanted to buy them out, Inuyasha thought differently they would look better to the consumer if they merged, and kept the little guy alive.

Even still Inuyasha had to attend the conference and all the meetings. His brother was too much of a big shot to be seen mingling with these "low lives" as he so eloquently put it. No matter, the meeting was over and Inuyasha had time to kill. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, completely ignoring the email from Sesshomaru asking how the meeting was and making a phone call.

'C'mon pick up, pick up Kagome.' He thought as he hit dial, he heard a click signaling a pick up what he didn't except was...

"Sorry the number you have reached has been disconnect. Please try your call again. This is a recording."

"The fuck!?" Inuyasha hung up, dialed again. Same thing. He called her apartment, same thing.

"What the fuck is going on." Inuyasha felt his heart constrict in his chest. 'Did she leave me?'

'I told you she left.'

'The hell you talking 'bout!?'

'She left. You refused to mark her, claim her. My mate is gone.'

'Your mate?' Inuyasha grumbled his anger was rising. He didn't understand what was going on.

'If you had listened and stopped thinking with your dick you'd know where she was.' Inuyasha felt his demon recede back into his mind. He dialed Miroku.

"Where is she!?" He all but roared into the phone. Miroku noticed that he skipped the pleasantries. This could get bad really fast and he was already mad, good thing he had a plan.

"Who?" Miroku responded as dumbly as possible. He grabbed Sango arms as she walked past him in the dojo, silently telling her to wait. He placed the phone on speaker just as Inuyasha continued.

"Don't play dumb with me Miroku! Where the fuck is Kagome?" Inuyasha was shouting now. Sango's eyebrows shot up, she wasn't expecting him to notice so soon. Inuyasha was in China, nowhere near them. This will get

"I don't know Miroku, we haven't been able to reach her."

"WE! What you mean we? Is Sango part of this?"

"Shit." Miroku mumbled as he looked at Sango, his eyes searching.

"Yeah, Sango can't reach her either." Miroku shut his eyes waiting for the explosion.

"Miroku! When I get home you are so-" He retorted died as Sango hit he end call button.

"You need to call Kouga right now!"

Inuyasha stared at his phone in disbelief. His anger was stewing. The monk had no answers and Sango knew. Which meant...that this was a plan. Why would she leave him, didn't she know he couldn't give her anything. 'She could never really love me anyways, why is she making this so difficult. Where the fuck did she go!?'

Suddenly the conference room door opened and in walked the last person Inuyasha waned to see.

"I knew I smelled mutt." Kouga said as he entered, grinning ear to ear. His piercing blue eyes drew in the sight of Inuyasha before him. A death glare was sent towards him and Kouga grinned wider. Kouga was dressed in a slim fitting suit and his hair in a high ponytail. Inuyasha wanted him go.

"What you want flea bag?"

"Is that how you treat old friends?" Kouga mocked and fiend pain.

"You're not a friend, but you are old." Inuyasha smirked hoping to make Kouga his punching bag for the next few moments.

"Well see who's really old!" Kouga said baiting Inuyasha as he readied a fighting stance. Inuyasha took the bait and within seconds was in front of Kouga ready to show the wolf just how hold he was. Kouga smirked as he let a powder drop. Inuyasha coughed as it invaded his lungs, bringing him to his knees.

"You see mutt, this powder affects dogs" Inuyasha's vision tunneled and his hearing began to fade. "Not wolves" that was the last thing he heard and Kouga smirked as Inuyasha blacked out.

AN: I know it's so mean of me to end it right here but don't worry the next chapter will come soon. What is Kouga doing? Why did Sesshomaru really send him to China? Welp hope you enjoyed it. Review please! Thanks!