InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Opposites Attract ❯ Just a Little Crush... ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Okay—Sorry I never got around to completing this—BUT
My writing style has changed a bit, and if I think of anything that
could possibly better this story, I will make changes to it, but
for now—HERE WE GO!
It was a calm morning at the Takahashi mansion. Inuyasha had just
gone for a swim and was in the process of filling out a dating
questionnaire… With help of Myoga, the oldest and most loyal
servant of the Takahashi family.
“Hurry up and ask me the damn question.” Inuyasha
ushered as the old man was having trouble reading the survey.
“Yes, young master. First question: A couple is sitting in a
café. The guy says to the girl: “You are a ________
girl.” You have three choices. A)Cute B)Difficult
C)Troublesome.” Myoga looked up at the hanyou, watching him
pour himself another glass of white wine, seemingly confused on
which answer to pick.
Whilst thinking of Kagome and her stubborn mouth, Inuyasha
responded without any hesitation. “C. Troublesome. That was a
stupid question. Next one.”
“How will you react if your girlfriend is close to another
boy? You have three cho—“ Myoga was interrupted as a
low growl was heard and a certain pair of eyes flashed red.
`Close? Boy? There won't be another. Mine. MY MATE.
“What do you mean if my girlfriend is CLOSE to ANOTHER BOY?!
What kind of question is that?! What the hell are you reading to
me, old man?”
“Young master, I was just reading the questions in the
book… Anyways you don't even have a girlfriend.” Myoga
realized the error in his words as Inuyasha shot him a glare that
could pierce the soul.
WITH OTHER GUYS?!” Inuyasha pointedly stared holes into
Myoga, waiting for his response, which was going to please
“Please! The book asks these questions—“
“What kind of stupid book is this anyways?” Inuyasha
rolled his eyes and took another sip of his wine.
“… You bought it…” Myoga mumbled under his
breath, seemingly forgetting that his assignment was half
“Myoga, you damn flea. Do you have a death wish?”
Inuyasha questioned while flexing his claws and baring his teeth,
ready to swipe at any response deemed incorrect.
“I'm sorry master, I was out of line. Shall we get back to
the questionnaire?” Myoga's eyes pleaded for his mercy.
“Very well. Continue.”
“This is all from the book—If your girlfriend is close
to another guy, what will be your reaction—once again this is
word for word from the book. These are your options: 1) No reaction
2) Would be willing to talk and accept the matter, but retain some
uneasiness about the situation 3) Cannot tolerate it 4) No
questions, just accept it.”
Inuyasha pondered over his options, growing visibly uncomfortable
with each and every second that passes. “I refuse to answer
this question,” he finally stated.
“You can't do that, you won't get the correct answer if you
refuse to give your input.”
“Okay, fine. Option 2.” Inuyasha slumped against the
table, getting tired of the concept of finding a girlfriend.
“Last question. What kind of girl attracts you the
Inuyasha's mind flashed to Kagome.
`Her. That's what attracts me. My bitch. Long silky hair,
big brown eyes, creamy long legs, a fiery temper, a pure
virgin…' His thoughts trailed off and were soon
interrupted by Myoga's loud `ahem'.
“Once again, I repeat. The choices are: 1) Clean and pretty
2) Cheerful and care-free 3) Strong-willed and stubborn.”
“Option 3. Now hurry up I want my results.”
Myoga looked through the key and added up the results then paused,
looked towards Inuyasha and frowned. “Master, please just go
ahead and fire me. I'd rather not read this out loud.”
Inuyasha grabbed the book and looked over his results, where he
wasn't happy with the findings. He quickly shut the book, held it
up to his fangs and proceeded to tear it up in half.
“No master stop!” Myoga latched onto the book and tried
to deter Inuyasha's vice-like grip away from the questionnaire.
“There's tips and tricks in the back! It might
Inuyasha flipped the book back open and read the advice out loud.
“Suggestions for your type: change your image, always wear a
smile—“ Myoga studied Inuyasha and shook his head.
“-- wear clothes which are cute and friendly—“
Once again, the flea looked at the hanyou from head to toe, holding
himself back from snickering while imagining him in anything `cute
and friendly' “—Treat others nicely so that you can
change your interpersonal relationships.“ Myoga cleared his
throat and fixed his glasses as he watched the terror come across
the hanyou's face. Both of them entered an awkward slow
staring/glance contest, Inuyasha not wanting to say anything to
embarrass himself, and Myoga not wanting to get into trouble.
Kagome made her way to the campus the next day, taking her time,
lost in thought.
`What have I gotten myself into. Today is a new day, and I'm
certain it won't be a great one. Not after I sourly rejected that
bastard's offer and almost nicked his head off with that
heel—“ A grin formed upon her face and vanished
just as fast when she was suddenly interrupted out of her thoughts
by cat calls and two deep, loud, and familiar voices.
“Hardworking virgin!” One voice said.
“Hey! Virgin girl!” Another exclaimed.
Kagome ran towards the sounds of the voices, fuming. It was Miroku
and Koga. They sat under one of the oak trees with a blanket
sprawled out underneath them.
“Will you stop calling me that, you ignorant brats!”
Kagome shouted, slightly deafening the two boys.
“Calm down Higurashi, here sit down.” Miroku pat the
spot next to him, motioning for her to take a seat.
“Do you want a drink?” Koga asked, opening up a flask
and offering it to her.
Kagome pushed away the flask. “It's nine in the morning, you
shouldn't be drinking this early.” She huffed, crossing her
arms while shifting her weight to her left.
“We're adults. It's never too early to drink.” Koga
snorted, while taking a swig of the content.
“Here how about some katsu?” Miroku held out the plate
in front of Kagome's nose, the aroma seeping out made it impossible
for her to refuse. She sat down in between the two guys and
prepared to dig in. That is, until she felt a hand below her,
wiggling around.
Kagome leapt back up “Oh my gosh! Miroku I'm so sorry! I
didn't see your hand there! I thought…” Koga eyed the
other boy and started grinning widely.
“Oh Kagome, don't worry a bit, your wondrous ass could never
hurt this hand of mine.” Kagome nodded and hid her blush
behind mouthfuls of the chicken katsu, not noticing the wink Miroku
shot at Koga. Or the “You bastard” Koga that mouthed
“Continue talking, don't mind me here.” Kagome mumbled,
mouth a little too full of food.
Koga nudged Miroku, trying to get his attention.
“Sesshomaru's been acting weird since we found out that Rin
is coming back.” Kagome's eyes shot up, now focused on
listening in on the conversation.
“I heard Rin is now the spokesperson for this new airline
company. Her posters are pasted everywhere in the streets.”
Miroku replied.
With a mouth still full of food, Kagome butted in, not bothering to
look up and seem too interested. “Who is Rin to
Miroku looked back at the girl, stifling a laugh at the sight of
her shoving more chicken in her `full' mouth. “Rin is
Sesshomaru's first love.”
`First love?' Kagome wondered.
As if he had heard her thoughts, Koga clarified on the situation.
“Sesshomaru has always been the odd one out, when it came to
the four of us. Granted, that might've come from the fact that his
mother died when he was a young age. Our parents told us that
Sesshomaru was probably the happiest baby they've ever seen,
constantly smiling at everyone that came his way… Until that
night… I'm sure you've heard of that story on the news, they
do a story on it at least once a year and it's been almost two
decades now. `Who killed the world-famous media mogul, Inukimi?'
What people don't know; what was hidden from the media was worse.
At the scene of the crime, they found Sesshomaru, hidden under the
bed, a claw or two missing and burns around his abdomen, there was
indication that it wasn't a youkai that attacked them, but a human.
After that, Inutaisho—“
“Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's father.” Miroku added.
“Yes, Inutaisho tried his best and took Sesshomaru to
numerous youkai pup therapists but all he would do was sit and
stare. Not one movement, not one whimper. No emotion, just a blank
stare. He occasionally broke out of it though, but it was only
briefly, like when he had to eat or something like that.”
Koga turned to Kagome, checking if she was still following the
explanation. She nodded, and Miroku continued where Koga left
“There's actually numerous reasons for why Sesshomaru
shelters himself from the rest of the world, the way he does. When
his father remarried a human, Sesshomaru stopped eating and had to
be put on the tubes. Then Inuyasha was born, and as much as
Sesshomaru hated him, everyone could tell that he loved him twice
as much. Slowly, Sesshomaru started speaking a few words in
inu-youkai language, and he even occasionally smiled. By the time
he was supposed to start kindergarten, it was soon realized that
his trauma made him a little underdeveloped. So that explains why
he's only a senior but is two years older than us.”
Switching off once more, Koga continued the rest of the story.
“That's where Rin comes in. Rin's career started when she was
born. Her modeling and acting got in the way of her schooling,
holding her back two years as well. As you know, our parents are
all friends, she was the only kid his age that was around enough
start a change in him. She was really good with him, I saw home
videos of them playing, she treated him like there was nothing
wrong, and I guess her spunky but kind nature was all it took for
him to open up and start talking, start laughing, start learning.
His condition improved a lot.”
Kagome dazed off, her heart slightly aching for the crush that was
never gonna return her affection.
Kagome found Sesshomaru gazing up at a poster of Rin at one of the
train stations. He let his fingers wander over the glass cover,
stroking what would be her cheek.
`Kami, I miss you so much.' He started thinking as his phone
began to ring.
Fluffy, I'll see you in T-minus 17 hours. I can't wait to
see you guys! <3
A smile crept up to the inu-youkai's face. “Sesshomaru? What
are you doing here?” Kagome asked, bringing him out of his
sweet reverie. Still smiling, he stared back at Kagome, staying
quiet for a few more moments before responding.
“You are very pretty.” Kagome was taken aback found
herself beaming at the ground after 50 shades of red and pink had
washed over her face.
“You look different today.” Sesshomaru added as he
swiftly leaned in to kiss her cheek.
Kagome was completely in shock; she didn't know how to take a
compliment from one of the shikons, let alone a guy in general. She
was speechless, silently debating if the butterflies in her stomach
were caused by a romantic crush on the man standing in front of
her, or just because that man was a hot guy, who had just kissed
her cheek.
“It was great seeing you tonight. I'll see you around the
campus tomorrow.” Kagome watched as Sesshomaru turned to
leave, still unable to utter even just a `goodbye'. She reached up
and touched the spot he had kissed.
`Maybe I was wrong to categorize him with the rest of them.
Maybe he is different.'
The next day, Kagome strolled in class just to see the rest of her
classmates gathered around a single desk. On it was the most recent
issue of `Tetsusaiga'; Rin Noto graced the cover.
“Wow! Look at Rin! She's so pretty!” Kikyo squealed to
her cousin, Kagura Kaze, who had just made her debut on the
headlines during her vacation to Paris when she got a “nose
like Julia Roberts”.
“I wish I was as pretty as Rin!” Kagura swooned, the
other girls whining about how genetically lucky the older girl
Across campus, Koga and Miroku laid out, enjoying some sun in their
usual spot underneath the grand oak tree. That is… Until what
appeared to be a huge cloud descended upon them. Koga opened his
eyes to check how big the cloud was and why it was taking so long
for it to move out of the way but instead, found himself staring at
none other than Inuyasha. A grin grew upon his face and he nudged
Miroku, both of them staring at the cute little Mickey Mouse shirt
he was wearing.
“Alright, who jumped you and stole your shirt?” Koga
“Dude, that shirt is ugly as fuck.” Miroku couldn't
help himself from laughing.
“It's not that bad. I think it brings out my cute and
friendly side.” Inuyasha growled, thinking back to that damn
relationship manual.
“Define cute.” Sesshomaru sat down behind Miroku and
Koga, eager for his brother's answer.
“Oh come on guys, like you haven—“ Inuyasha was
interrupted as Sesshomaru's phone started ringing. Sesshomaru's
eyes widened as he looked at the caller ID. He immediately
“Hello?... You've arrived?... Okay I'll be right
there…” A smile graced his lips as he hung up the
phone. Without a word to any of the guys, he got up and ran
“Where are you going?” Inuyasha called out to his
“She's here!” That's all Sesshomaru had to say to make
the rest of them wordlessly follow.
Sesshomaru ran to the monument in front of the campus and gazed
upon the sight that greeted him. She was facing away from him as
the sunlight shined directly upon her, doubling as a spotlight. A
warm breeze flowed through and brushed through her curled, brown
locks. Before he could even call her name, she turned around and
flashed him a heart-melting smile. They both started closing in the
gap between them when the rest of the guys caught up.
Inuyasha made a move to run towards the girl but was stopped by
Koga, who motioned to give the two some time alone first.
“Sesshy!” The girl screamed as she launched herself
into his arms, Sesshomaru catching and twirling her around.
Sesshomaru laughed, “I missed you too… Rin.” He
smiled and set her down, keeping his arm around her waist until
each of the guys went up to hug her and say their `hellos'.
“Rin, wow you got more attractive since I last saw
you.” Miroku grinned.
Sesshomaru gleamed at the younger boy. “Hands off,
“Guys, come on, let's go for a drink! It's time to celebrate
your arrival.” Inuyasha pointedly looked towards Rin.
Koga looked at Inuyasha up and down, as if sizing him. “Oh we
can go for a drink alright… Once you change out of that damn
“Feh.” Inuyasha stormed off, leaving his laughing
friends behind.
Kagome walked out of the campus grounds with a box of donuts in her
`Man this is gonna taste so good. Forever fat and lonely. Yeah,
that's it. Forever. And ever. And—`
Her thoughts were interrupted with the loud squeal of a girl.
`What the—`
She glanced over at the direction of the sound and her eyes grew
wide at the sight of Sesshomaru latched onto a petite girl.
`That must be her… She really is pretty…Her hair is
so nice… Her clothes are so nice… She looks so
untouchable… So perfect… I could never hold a
candle to her…'
“I'm so happy to be back with my boys! Anything I need to
know about? How's life, for all of you? Any special
The boys all looked at each other and bursted into laughter.
“Miroku still has a different girl every week.”
Inuyasha answered, taking a shot of the Bombay Sapphire that Rin
had requested.
“So does Koga!” Miroku tried defending himself from his
lecherous title.
Koga raised an eyebrow, “I'm not anywhere as bad as
“Cheers to that!” Inuyasha raised his glass and they
all shared a laugh, joining him in his toast.
Miroku furrowed his brows then relaxed as a grin formed on his
lips. “Oh why don't you tell Rin about a certain miko at our
school, Inuyasha.”
“You like someone?!” Rin , squealed.
Koga caught on to Miroku's intentions, “Yeah, her name's
Kagome and boy, she's a feisty one. She reminds me of you,
“You idiots.” Inuyasha went to slap Koga on the back of
his head but he was blocked quickly by the wolf demon's speed.
“Everything they said was a lie! She can't hold a candle to
you.” Inuyasha huffed out.
“Don't get so defensive, lover boy.” Miroku looked over
to the corner where Sesshomaru was sitting and raised a questioning
eye. “Hey Sesh, why are you so quiet? Rin is
“I know… She's sitting right in front of me.”
Sesshomaru replied, not breaking eye contact with his drink.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes at his brother's lack of emotion.
“This guy is always like this; moody when he's
Rin giggled. “I know, he's always been like this.”
“I have not!” Sesshomaru growled, baring his fangs. The
group got silent, unsure of how to react after the sudden
“What's wrong with you, Sesshy?...” Rin moved over to
his side and looked into his eyes, searching for some sort of
Refusing to look back at her, Sesshomaru sighed. “Why did you
take those photos? You exposed too much of yourself.”
“Dude. It was only her face.” Koga used his fingers to
draw an imaginary square in front of his head, emphasizing the area
that the pictures had shown.
“Rin knows what she's doing. Aren't you being too stringent
here?” Miroku added.
“Sesh, this is my work. I'm happy you always have my best
interests at heart, that's why you're my favorite.” Rin gave
Sesshomaru a toothy grin and wrapped her arms around his neck while
kissing his forehead as the others protested the statement of her
A few `Shikon-free' days passed and Kagome was on the edge of her
toes, waiting for the next threat or attack to come.
“Kagome! Over here!” Kagome quickly whirled around,
looking for the source of the voice.
“Kagome, wait up!” A young boy sprinted over next to
her side, trying hard to catch his breath by bending over as soon
as he reached her.
“Hojo?” Kagome inspected the boy, confused as to why he
was at Midoriko High.
“Yes, it's me! I'm so glad to see you here!” Hojo stood
up, grinning at the surprised Miko.
“I never expected-- why are you here?” `Oh
great… Here we go again… Another year of this boy
following me around.'
Hojo looked down at his shoes, “My dad got rich after selling
the ancestral land. He thought sending me here would be better for
our reputation than a regular high school. I was so apprehensive
when I found out I was coming here, but I feel better after seeing
you again.” He peeked up to find Kagome avoiding eye contact,
making him blush even more.
Kagome looked back at the boy, an idea popping up in her head.
“With you here these people—“ suddenly it dawned
on her. She couldn't involve Hojo, they would go after him to if
they found out he even associated with her. “On a second
thought… It might not be good to talk to me.”
“Why not? You're the only person I know here! C'mon Kagome,
don't push me away.” Hojo continued his blush as the
realization of the double meaning cam across both of them.
“We've always been good friends, don't ignore me!” he
whined, shaking Kagome's arm as he begged.
Kagome sighed, “All right, I won't ignore you.”
Inuyasha stood from the second floor as he watched Kagome and Hojo
interact, his eyes struggling to stay amber. `So you think you
can flirt with other guys now, huh? You'll be sorry for this,
“What's your locker number, Hojo?” Kagome opened her
locker and put away her books for the day.
Hojo pulled out and unfolded the sheet of paper from his back
pocket. “It says here number 171.” He stood in front of
the locker and pulled it open, an unfamiliar red note hanging from
the inside, he inspected it closer. “What's this red note
thing? They want to welcome me?”
Kagome's eyes snapped towards her friend's locker, seeing the red
warning note hanging, she quickly hurried beside him and shut the
locker door close. “Don't let anyone see that note. You need
to get out of here. This won't be good.”
Kagome darted across the field towards a lonely Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha you pighead! What did Hojo ever do to you?! He
hasn't ever seen you, how the hell could he have offended
you?!” She stood there, screaming into the hanyou's ears.
“Idiot! It's all your fault! You don't know ANYTHING!”
Inuyasha snapped back.
Kagome shot up, “What do you mean by that? Why is it my
fault? What right do you have to scold me like this?! Take back
that red slip! I'm not leaving here until you do!”
Inuyasha flexed his claws, his temper rising, “Bitch! Who do
you think you are, ordering me around?!”
“Listen again. Take. Back. That. Red. Slip. Pighead.”
Kagome enunciated each syllable carefully. Inuyasha had enough of
the girls' attitude and pushed Kagome out his way, her lack of
balance caused her to fall straight to the ground.
Inuyasha suddenly had a flash of worry and guilt as he saw how hard
she hit the ground. Once he realized she was still okay, he
continued on walking. “You bastard! How dare you push a girl
to the ground!” She screamed at his retreating figure.
He turned back around, “No one asked you to be with that
pansy ass bumpkin! You deserve it!”
Kagome launched herself off of the floor and lunged towards
Inuyasha. SLAP. “You pathetic excuse of a man! I will
never forgive you!”
Inuyasha was taken aback by the slap and glared at the girl.
“You're willing to offend me because of that Homo
“His name is Hojo, and newsflash Inuyasha, I never cared if
anything I did ever offended you.” Kagome huffed.
Inuyasha gave one last look at Kagome and turned around to leave,
planning the torture he would put her and the `Homo guy' through.
`You disobedient bitch, I'll teach you a lesson.'
The following afternoon, Kagome found Hojo being attacked by
Moryomaru and Goryomaru. They held the boy down and was in the
process of attaching a plunger from the janitor's closet to the
boy's face, when Kagome pepper sprayed the two and took off running
with her friend.
The entire day was spent running away from the guys that Inuyasha
ordered after them.
“It's so nice being back home and seeing you all so mature.
Tell me, do you guys have any girlfriends?” Rin continued
catching up with the boys in a café right next to the
“None of us do. We don't really have time for that. Girls are
too—what's the word? Oh, yeah, needy.” Miroku
“C'mon, one of y'all have to have someone, it's only then
that you can become a real man.” Rin looked at every one of
them and settled on Sesshomaru. “What about you,
“No. I don't date.” Sesshomaru kept his eyes fixed on
his coffee.
Koga laughed. “You're too much, Rin. You should know that
Sesshomaru doesn't date because—“ Sesshomaru looked up
and glared daggers into the wolf demon. “Forget I said
“Let me introduce you to a model.” Rin was persistent,
wanting to see if Sesshomaru would open up into the dating
“There's no need for that.”
“I knew you would say that!” Rin laughed, all of the
other boy's eyes were now fixed upon Sesshomaru. “You know, I
can't help but pull your leg because you always have that serious
look on your face. Don't worry, I won't allow you to be serious
about other girls because you are mine.” All eyes turned as a
figure approached the table.
“Rin? Is that you?” The guy spoke.
“Hakudoshi! How are you?” Rin stood up to hug the man
and turned around to introduce him, “I'm sorry, guys this is
Hakudoshi, his dad owns the company that I worked for when I first
started modeling. Hakudoshi, this is—“
“I know who they are, the famous Shikons. It's nice to meet
you all.” Hakudoshi bowed in respect to the younger men who
were all staring at him. He looked over at Sesshomaru and reached
out his hand. “You must be Rin's boyfriend,
Rin shook her head “No, no, Sesh is just a friend, we all
grew up together, he's like a brother to me.”
“Oh, well only the Shikons would ever be good enough for you.
If not Sesshomaru, then maybe Inuyasha?”
Without a word, Inuyasha took out a red warning note and flashed it
towards Hakudoshi.
“Uh, I'm sorry Rin, I just realized I need to go to class.
Goodbye, it was nice meeting all of you.” Before Rin could
respond, he was already out the door.
The Shikons and Rin were walking around the campus when they
spotted Kagome and Hojo running away from a crowd of guys chasing
after them.
Rin tilted her head and looked to Inuyasha, “What are they
Inuyasha didn't respond, instead he followed the two with his eyes
and smiled at the sight.
Kagome was in the middle of helping Hojo up when she spotted Rin
and the Shikons. `Shit. Why must Rin see me in this pathetic
state?' The crowd caught up to them and doused them with water
and molasses. After a few moments, they heard a bellowing voice and
all the chaos stopped.
Kagome looked up and saw Sesshomaru standing in front of her and
Hojo. `Sesshomaru… Why are you doing this?'
Inuyasha approached him, “Sesshomaru, do you know what you're
“Yes, I do, Inuyasha. You need to learn your limits.”
Sesshomaru offered a helping hand towards Kagome as she
straightened herself up.
“What do you mean?” Eyeing his brother's hand that was
still holding Kagome's. Suddenly, it clicked. “Have you
fallen for her?”
Kagome looked up at Sesshomaru, `Oh Kami no, please say no, for
both of our sakes please say no.'
No response.
“Well since you insist on helping her, then I guess you
wouldn't mind being tortured with her.”
“What are you talking about Inuyasha? You stupid twat. We are
from the same family. I am your older brother. If anyone has any
say around here, it would be me.”
“Last time I checked, I'm the one people follow. I hold the
power, and the influence.” Inuyasha scoffed then grabbed
Kagome's arm.
Sesshomaru matched his actions, before they knew it, they were
basically playing tug of war with the girl.
“Let go of her!” Inuyasha roared.
“Fuck that.”
“You guys are hurting me! Inuyasha, let go of me, you
asshole!” Inuyasha did just as she asked, the action flinging
Kagome back to the ground.
“Sesshomaru, just remember you chose this.” Inuyasha
stated as he turned around to leave. Miroku followed after him as
Koga stayed behind to make sure Sesshomaru was okay.
Rin crouched down beside Kagome “Come on, lets get you
cleaned up.”
“I swear they're good guys, they just don't know their limits
sometimes.” Rin explained as she wiped at Kagome's face.
“I've never seen Sesshomaru so worked up. I think he likes
Kagome blushed at the statement. “Oh no, I don't think so. I
can't hold a candle to you… He will never like me. He loves
“Really?” Rin pondered, “But I think he will
leave me one day… And I think I'll be sad.” She frowned
for a slight moment, then regained her cheerful attitude.
“Your hair is dirty. A girl must always look her best. After
all, you never know when you can meet the love of your
A couple hours later, Kagome found Sesshomaru up on the rooftop. He
was oblivious to her presence, and was seemingly lost in
“Thank you for what you did, Sesshomaru.” He looked
over to where she was standing, thoughts interrupted by her
presence. “I'm sorry I caused a fight between you and
Inuyasha. You guys are brothers, and to ruin a relationship like
that—I couldn't—I mean—“
“It has nothing to do with you. I was just feeling
vexed.” Sesshomaru looked back to the view of the campus.
`Why did you rescue me?' Kagome paced around, stealing peeks
over at the older boy. `Why risk your reputation and
relationship with your brother for me?'
Sesshomaru's voice snapped Kagome out of her thoughts, “Did
you want to say something?” Kagome looked over to him, then
looked back down at her feet. “If you're free, stay
here.” He requested, but seemed more like ordered as Kagome
felt compelled to do as he said.
They stayed there all night, basking in each other's silent
presence. Hours had passed and Kagome made her way next to the
“You hardly talk, you know.” Kagome started.
“I can be even quieter.” Sesshomaru retorted.
“Am I bothering you? We've been here for over 6 hours
“It's okay, you're not bothersome. You're not annoying or
talkative.” Sesshomaru stepped away for a moment and came
back, placing something on the wall. “You might want to walk
over someplace else.” He said as he started walking away.
“What did you—“ Kagome suddenly screamed as the
screech of fireworks were heard. She ran over to the laughing
youkai and hit his shoulder. “Are you insane? What did you do
that for?”
Sesshomaru smiled, “A friend once told me that the angels pay
respects to the almighty at dawn. If you light fireworks, you'll
attract their attention and what you wish for will come
They stood, watching the fireworks set off into the night sky.
Kagome turned to comment, when she realized Sesshomaru had his head
bowed down. `He's making a wish? What the hell, this guy is so
cute.' She smiled and bowed her head to do the same.
Inuyasha sat in the hot tub as he replayed the previous events over
and over in his head.
`Alright bitch, it's only gonna get harder from here.'
The next morning, Hojo approached Kagome, wary of the surroundings,
making sure no one was coming to get them.
“Hey Kagome, are you going to Hawaii?”
“Are you kidding me? It costs $15,000 for that trip, that can
last my family 3 months.” Kagome felt her forehead, feeling a
little under the weather.
Hojo got excited at her answer, “Well if you're not going,
wanna go on a 3-day cruise with me?”
“Your family owns a ship?” Kagome looked over to her
friend, feeling her forehead once again as she noticed her eyelids
start to get heavier.
“No, but my dad booked a cruise ship to run some errands for
some reason. Shall we go together? What do you think?” Hojo
was too busy lost in his day-dreaming, that he didn't realize the
girl next to him had passed out, and was currently out cold on the
Inuyasha took his place and sat next to Miroku and Koga under the
oak tree.
“You feel better?” Koga asked, only to get no
“I heard Kagome is sick.” Miroku started, hoping the
topic of the girl would get a reaction, and it did.
“What? That girl is sick?” Inuyasha furrowed his brows
and looked questioningly at Miroku.
Koga laughed, “Why are you so worked up, dog
Inuyasha flicked him off. “I'm not. I just find it weird that
someone like her can get sick.”
Kagome lay in bed, listening to her mom and grandfather argue over
something to do with the school and her sickness. A couple minutes
later, her mom entered her room and sat on the edge of her bed.
“Kagome dear, I've come to a decision. If going to the school
is too stressful, you don't have to attend.”
Kagome's eyes lit up at her moms suggestion, “Really? Mama
this is great! I—“
“Me and your grandfather both think that you should just
stick with Hojo anyways, you might be better off that
Kagome groaned and squirmed under her covers, “I'm going to
sleep mom, I don't wanna talk anymore. I'm sick.”
Suddenly a crash was heard outside in the living room, followed by
the shouts of Kagome's grandfather “Thief! Thief! Why are you
in my house, demon? What do you want?!” Kagome and her mom
made their way to see what was happening. “This shrine is
sacred ground, how dare you infiltrate it with your
disrespect!” Outside, they found her grandfather ushering out
a very annoyed Inuyasha.
“You! What are you doing here?!” Kagome shouted at the
unwelcome figure.
Kagome's grandfather sneered, “One look and you know he is a
bad egg. Looking like some wanna-be gangster.”
“Look at that God-awful bandana hairstyle and those deadpan
eyes.” Kagome's mother added.
“What's all the commotion—“ Souta stopped in his
tracks, completely awe-struck as he met eyes with Inuyasha.
“Mama, this is the boy that bullied me in school and got me
sick! Throw him out!” she smirked, knowing that her family
would now come to her defense.
“How dare you bully my grand-daughter, who do you think you
“Inuyasha Takahashi…” Souta answered for him.
“Don't answer for him dear, this man has a mouth and can use
it.” Kagome's mom replied, not hearing the name Souta told
her. “What's your name, young man?”
“Inuyasha Takahashi.” Inuyasha told her.
“Speak up, you talk like a mouse!” Kagome's grandfather
“My name, is Inuyasha Takahashi.”
“Takahashi!... Taka.. Takah—“ Kagome's
grandfather and mother both fell to their knees, realizing the
importance of that last name.
“Mama, Jii-chan! Get up! You guys are a disgrace! Why are you
on your knees?!”
“Takahashi… Your family is the one that owns that one
telecommunication company, two TV stations, three oil companies,
four semiconductor factories, one hundred and seventy six- six star
hotels, seventeen-thousand eight-hundred fifty six round the clock
supermarkets, and so much more? That family?” Kagome's
grandfather was amazed by the fact that the youngest Takahashi son
was currently standing in the middle of his house.
“Yes, that is my family. My parents are currently in
Australia right now though, so you may not be able to contact
“No, no, it's okay, naturally someone(s) so busy would be all
over the world, they wouldn't be in Japan, only commoners like me,
my daughter, and her children here would stay here in Japan.”
Kagome's grandfather nervously laughed, hoping the young man would
forget the insults he threw out minutes before.
The family all held a `meeting' in their kitchen, leaving Kagome
and Inuyasha by themselves. They both took a glance at each other,
hurriedly looking away once they made eye contact.