InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Push Comes to Shove ❯ The First Day of Forever ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

They were lying around the campfire, his companions, completely ignorant to the world around them as the midnight hours crept by. In his chosen tree InuYasha sat, alone with his thoughts. His friends never gave him a lot of credit when it came to thinking, but the fact that they were never awake when the majority of it took place didn't mean he didn't do it.
Recently all of his thoughts revolved around the women in his life.
He'd come a long way. He knew whom he loved. He knew why. What he couldn't figure out for the life of him was why the logical answer in his brain never came about. He knew what he had to do, but every time he saw her his resolve crumbled just enough to leave him too paralyzed to act, to carry out the natural conclusion he saw his situation winding down to. He looked down to where Kagome was snuggled into her sleeping bag with the kit cuddled up to her, and his heart pounded.
A solitary shinidamachu flew straight through the camp, calling for him.
His eyes lit up, perhaps for once he could finally set things right.
He leapt to the ground, a muttered, “Finally,” escaping his lips as he left to quickly follow the ghostly serpent.
Miroku's head popped off his bedroll and looked to Sango, who was also wide awake and watching the space where their hanyou friend had just vanished.
“What do you think he meant by that?”
“I don't know, but I plan on finding out.” Came the voice of an irritated miko from across the fire.
Miroku and Sango's eyes widened slightly, neither had noticed their friend was awake. They watched silently as the pajama clad miko slipped her loafers on and trudged after InuYasha.
“You know, if we don't go, she could end up killing him if he says the wrong thing to Kikyou-sama.” Sango nodded her agreement, told Kirara to stay and watch Shippou, and the two stood quickly and quietly, following where the miko and hanyou led.
Shippou woke and looked around in time to see Sango follow Miroku through the foliage and turned to the two-tailed demon cat who came over to cuddle up with him while the adults were away. The young kit noticed that no matter how concerned for their friends the taijiya wasn't about to let the hentai monk walk behind her and smirked.
“Adults are weird.” Kirara mewed.
Sango and Miroku followed Kagome until they lost sight of her behind a large tree. They were contemplating turning around when Miroku spotted an unearthly glow coming from somewhere up ahead of them. Creeping as silently as possible around the side to the edge of the tiny clearing, where Kikyou and InuYasha were in the middle of a staring match, Sango pointed and Miroku followed her gaze to see Kagome peeking out from behind a tree on the other side of the clearing. Both sets of peeping toms had perfect views, watching the profiles of the two in the clearing. Neither the undead miko nor the hanyou was speaking, it appeared as though they hadn't missed anything.
InuYasha stood before Kikyou like a stone statue for all the warmth he exuded.
“Why did you call for me?” His voice was not the normal gruff baritone his friends were accustomed to, it was warm, soft, and laced with concern. But none of those emotions reached his eyes, and hidden by the long sleeves of his haori his hands were fisted tightly, his claws biting into his palms, constantly reminding him of why he came and what he wanted to say.
“Naraku is dead. I tire of this existence. I hope you have said your goodbyes, it is time.”
The forest was instantly quiet as a grave. The wind died, as did the night life that had but a moment before been teeming with activity.
Sango gripped Miroku tightly, praying InuYasha was not still blind enough to do something so foolish.
Kagome felt the rogue tears slip down her cheeks and could do nothing to stem the flow. She gripped the bark of the tree she hid behind and prayed that InuYasha had finally learned the value of his own life.
InuYasha shook his head and huffed a sad laugh, “I have no need of goodbyes.”
Kagome felt her heart break and shatter as she clung to the tree tightly to remain upright, her legs threatening to give and her mind screaming in agony too painful to be voiced.
Sango turned and buried her head in Miroku's chest at the thought of not only losing her hanyou friend but of her other dear friend standing all alone hearing that InuYasha didn't even care enough about her to say goodbye.
Kikyou smiled and took a step toward the hanyou when his harsh voice cut through the night like a jagged blade.
“Because I'm not going anywhere.”
Sango's head shot up, almost clipping Miroku in the chin as she riveted her gaze intently on the scene before her, the sympathetic pain that had seized her heart vanishing without a trace.
Kagome had to throw a hand over her mouth to help silence the joyful sob that strained to spill forth from her mouth. The floodgates of her eyes had been thrown open, but this time in joy. He's going to live!
“I thought we were going to spend eternity together InuYasha.”
“So did I.”
“You were willing to come to hell with me before.”
“That was a long time ago, Kikyou.”
“What has changed, InuYasha?” He looked down, his bangs hiding his eyes from her.
“Has my copy finally turned you against me?” InuYasha's heart clenched painfully. No matter how hard he tried to love the thing in front of him she constantly threw the truth in his face: She was not the Kikyou he once loved. It was little wonder his loving respect for her had soured into little more than remorse and obligation.
“You don't know how much it hurts me to hear how far you've fallen, Kikyou.” Her malicious gaze was replaced by shock as he continued. “Ya know I've been ripping myself to shreds over the truth in my heart, over what I knew I had to do. But you're almost making this easy.” He took a breath and those watching thought it was to calm himself.
“SHE'S NOT A FUCKING COPY!” His head shot up and he glared at the wide-eyed undead miko as he let the floodgates of his heart pour through his mouth, thinking he was alone with her.
“Did you ever truly love me, Kikyou? I used to think so. But Kagome has put up with my shit day in and day out for years now, which is something you could never fucking claim, and has remained more caring and faithful than you ever were. You put conditions on loving me, you were content forcing me to change to be what you wanted; I wasn't good enough, was I? To you I was a hanyou that could be made acceptable. To her…no, fuck that. To them, I am me. Kagome, Sango, Miroku, the cat and the runt, even your fucking sister can accept who and what I am!” Again he dropped his face, unable to look into her cold, unfeeling eyes.
When he lifted his head again the tears that he refused to let fall glistened so brightly in the moonlight that even those on the sidelines could see them.
“Kagome actually looks at me with pride shining in her eyes sometimes. Do you know how fucking long it took me to recognize it because I'd never been looked at that way before?! When I kill something strong Sango doesn't gawk at me wondering how, she looks at me like I was crazy for doubting myself, because she never did. Miroku…is a fucking lech and I'm afraid if I stand too close he'll grab my ass by mistake…but he treats me a way I've never been treated. When I was younger I would watch from the forest as village men threw their arms over each other and told stories and shared things women would kill them for saying. And now I have that, no matter how fucking uncomfortable it can be I won't give it up.”
Kikyou took a step towards him, unable to remain distant in light of his pain. No matter how deeply she could hate him, her love for him was never truly gone.
He shook his head to keep her back.
“At one time, Kikyou, you were my whole world. And back then I would have followed you to hell just to keep hold of that world. Now my world is made up of your sister, a strong cat demon ally, a brat who is practically my fucking son, a hentai houshi for a best friend, a taijiya who is as strong as a mountain and a sister to me, not to mention the pain in the ass miko who is more than I could ever deserve.”
He took a step toward her, eyes pleading with hers to understand.
“I have found more than I ever thought a hanyou could have. I have hurt those that care about me more times than I can count defending you, and still nothing I do is good enough. I kept my promise to you, Naraku is dead. When you choose to abandon that body I pray you find the peace we all fought so hard for. I'm sorry Kikyou. But this is where I draw the line. This is goodbye.”
The clay miko's eyes regarded him sadly, “I thought you had no need of goodbyes.”
InuYasha looked at her sadly, he wanted so badly to embrace her and take away her pain. His whole body was screaming at him to go to her, just until the pain had passed, but his mind knew it was never that simple. Nothing was that simple where Kikyou was concerned.
“Are you so in love with her you would forsake me?” Guilt squeezed his heart painfully and InuYasha took another step towards her before the words sunk in. When they did he stopped. He shook his head sadly while his molten gold gaze burned into the dead woman.
“I was the one who was forsaken, Kikyou. When I thought you had betrayed me I went after the jewel, not you. When you thought you were betrayed you came after me. Kaede told me that had you simply shot a purifying arrow you would have lived. You thought it was worth the sacrifice to kill yourself so you could seal me and leave me in my own personal hell. Unable to live, unable to die and be reborn, as you were. Completely alone. You knew my deepest fear and at the cost of your own life you visited that nightmare upon me.”
“You didn't answer my question.” The miko said smugly. If he was determined to hurt her she could at least return the favor.
Sango clutched Miroku's robes even tighter as she prayed he said the right thing.
An odd light entered InuYasha's eyes as he stared at his former love. “Yes. I do.”
Kagome smiled through her tears as she heard the most glorious words of her life. No matter what happened from that point onward she knew they would overcome all of it. There was nothing that could defeat her when she felt this way.
“I see. Does she know?”
“Why not?”
“Because I'm no good for her. She loves me as I am, she has no idea what humans and demons would say, what they would try to do to her for being with me. I promised I would always protect her, even if it means protecting her from me. I'll bask in her love as long as I can, but when she tires of waiting and moves on and finds another I'll let her go, if it means she'll be happy.”
“What a truly noble fool you are, InuYasha. I am actually beginning to believe the two of you were made for each other, neither one of you seems to burdened with an overabundance of common sense.”
“Kikyou…I had hoped we could part as friends, or at least not like this.”
Neither noticed as Kagome met the gazes of Sango and Miroku and they nodded simultaneously. Slowly, carefully the three friends crept from the area, Kikyou's last words reaching them softly as they made haste back to camp.
“You are right. This gets us nowhere. And as much as I am loathe to admit it I do not wish to descend into hell alone either. We shall meet again InuYasha, under better circumstances I hope. Fare you well.”
And without another word the undead miko's shinidamachu bore her up and away from the hanyou.
InuYasha huffed a sigh and gazed at the moon a few moments before deciding he had left everyone unprotected for far too long.
Shortly after the sun crested the horizon the humans woke. They stretched and began their morning rituals, making breakfast, and getting ready for the day.
Kagome looked up from the fire she and Sango were building to notice InuYasha was not in his normal perch above their camp. She worried her lip and she wondered where he was, but before her mind could get carried away with her InuYasha leapt into camp holding a few rabbits, already prepared for cooking, and a fish.
He tossed the fish to Kirara and handed the rabbits to Sango before addressing the group.
“Stay here, I'll be back.”
“Wait, InuYasha!” Kagome's voice stopped him before he could vanish again. “Is something wrong?”
“I stink like fish and I've got blood everywhere. I'm going to wash it off, nosey fucking bitch.”
Kagome was itching to sit him for his mouth when an idea hit her. And so with a crafty gleam in her eyes and a placating voice told InuYasha to have fun.
Once InuYasha was out of sight Kagome scrounged around in her backpack to find her soap, shampoo, conditioner, hairbrush and three towels. And when the others weren't looking she slipped a clean school uniform for herself between the towels.
She went to follow where InuYasha disappeared but was halted my Miroku's sly voice, “Why Kagome-sama, I could swear I heard InuYasha say he was going to bathe. Are you going to join him perhaps?”
Kagome whirled on the monk, face slightly pink. “I thought after last night the least I could do was offer to let him use my soaps and towels.” She said confidently.
“It sounds like a wonderful gesture, Kagome-chan. I hope he appreciates it.” Sango walloped Miroku before he could say anything else.
When Kagome heard the rushing water of the river she slowed, trusting the water to cover any noise she couldn't quite avoid making.
There was a bit of a natural clearing on the near side of the river so Kagome crouched down in the brush and peeked out. InuYasha had tossed his clothes down in the clearing and was currently standing hip deep in the cool rushing water.
He was standing facing the current, and from where she was crouched Kagome couldn't see much. Part of his profile, his bare arm and shoulder, where his silver mane met the stream and drifted lazily, nothing else.
“InuYasha?” She watched with a smile in her eyes as InuYasha dropped into the water until it lapped against his shoulders.
“What do you want, wench?”
“I just brought a towel for you, so you could dry off before dressing. And, um, Shippou made a mess of my bag so there's no reason to rush, I need some time to clean it all up.”
He turned his back on her as she walked into the clearing and spread the towel out. Making sure his back was still turned Kagome gathered his clothes up and took them with her when she backed up and out of sight.
She silently dropped all of the other stuff she had been carrying, including his clothes, at the edge of the clearing where she stood hiding behind a tree. InuYasha looked around to make sure she was gone and Kagome prayed the wind didn't change, she had purposely hidden downwind of the hanyou.
Finally he was apparently satisfied that she left and went back to bathing, which Kagome had absolutely no problem watching now that she knew how he felt, and after today she figured he wouldn't mind either. Might call me a conniving bitch…but I can always `sit' him later. While he was distracted Kagome stripped out of her clothes and wrapped a towel around herself for modesty.
When InuYasha deemed himself clean he strode confidently from the stream to the clearing, giving Kagome more of an eyeful than she expected. Kami-sama I hope the water wasn't cold, it's intimidating enough as is. Kagome blushed at her thoughts and watched InuYasha shake himself off and lay down on the towel she provided without even bothering to look for his clothes.
InuYasha was on his stomach with his hair pulled out of the way, letting the sun dance across the well-defined muscles of his shoulders and back. Kagome fought the urge to giggle, she had a Miroku moment and desperately wanted to walk out there and grab the inu hanyou's butt.
After a few minutes InuYasha rolled over onto his back, his arms over his head as he stretched mightily. Satisfied, he let his arms drop. One landed on his chest, the other above his head. Within moments he appeared to be lightly dozing. Kagome waited a while, making sure he would stay asleep before she gathered the courage to move.
Careful to stay downwind and keep her shadow from falling across his vision Kagome carefully crept from her hiding space over to the man she loved.
Meanwhile, said hanyou was just beginning a rather naughty dream about the miko who was currently less than three feet from his person.
Kagome stood over him, her legs to either side of his hips, wondering if she should really be doing this. Giving herself a mental shake she lowered herself over him until she straddled his waist, trying not to touch him, lest she wake him early. She couldn't help thinking about what she was doing, and her thighs brushing against him wasn't helping. Her overactive mind was giving her fantasies of what was to come and as she tried to reposition herself on top of him so everything would be perfect she couldn't help getting excited.
InuYasha, on the other hand, was so focused on his dream that he incorporated her real life actions into his surreal fantasy.
She slid down his body, trying to position herself, until she bumped into something. Startled and curious as a kitten Kagome craned her head around and over her towel clad butt to notice her lovely hanyou was sporting a rather impressive erection in his sleep.
She couldn't stop the blush if she tried.
Finally satisfied Kagome lowered her weight on InuYasha and tucked her head under his chin on his shoulder as the practically ever-alert hanyou began to stir.
InuYasha felt a weight that was too real for his fantasy and reluctantly began to tear himself away from his dream.
The first scent that hit his nose was Kagome's. Too strong to just be coming from this fucking towel.
Second he noticed that her scent was laced with arousal. His cheeks began to ignite as he imagined her somewhere in the bushes watching him dream about her.
Then he remembered the weight he felt that had dragged him from his fantasy and when he tried to put the three together his brain threatened to overload.
“Ka—Kagome?” He asked uncertainly as he opened his eyes.
“Hai?” Her voice was a silken purr, broken only slightly by the tremble of uncertainty in her voice.
He quickly pulled his arms from above his head and grabbed her forearms, forcing her to sit up.
Then he prayed she didn't realize her terry cloth covered rear was firmly pressing against an erection that refused to obey its owner's vehement commands.
“What the fuck Kagome?!”
She looked like a frightened deer when the scowl had descended upon his face, but the way his hands were shaking on her arms gave her the strength to press on.
“I—I want this, InuYasha. I want you.” She forced his arms to give as she lay down on him again and spoke softly. “I love you, and I know you care for me.” She may have heard everything last night but A) she didn't want to put him on the defensive and have him deny everything for his pride, and B) she didn't want to him to know she witnessed his meeting with Kikyou right now if she could help it.
As he opened his mouth to protest she panicked and kissed him. His eyes opened wide in shock before he closed his eyes and returned the kiss. He felt her lips part and opened his own slightly, following her lead. When he felt her tongue shyly touch his lips on its way into his mouth he didn't know whether to yell and freak out or growl and take command of the kiss himself. An aching pulse from his member told him number two was the better idea.
Snaking one hand behind her head to the base of her neck he pulled her closer, their mouths angling so he could pillage her mouth with his tongue. The scent of her arousal wrapped around him and threatened to drown him in desire. When she pushed her hips into him his eyes shot open, his brain kick-started.
“No.” He mumbled against her lips. He tried to pull his face from hers, only to find she followed him. Using the hand he had buried in her hair at the nape of her neck he pulled as gently as possible, pulling her back enough to give himself room to breathe, and think.
“InuYasha.” Kagome whimpered. She had heard what he said to Kikyou, but for the first time she wondered if he had said all of it to get Kikyou to let go. What if he had been lying to her about everything? Tears filled her eyes and she started shaking.
“Kagome,” InuYasha began quietly, “Do you know how much danger you'd be in if we go through with this?” Recalling everything he said to the undead miko she sniffed and stopped shaking, a determined light entering her eyes.
“InuYasha. Look, I know there will be demons and humans who won't like it, but it's not their business.” Her eyes were resolute and pleading with him to understand.
All InuYasha could hear were the voices of his childhood and all of the things he and his mother were called. All he could see was Izayoi-hime's tears as she tried to be strong for him, and the fire that claimed her life.
“InuYasha. Besides yourself, how many people do you think would stand up to me when I'm pissed?”
The unexpected question took the hanyou by surprise and he cocked his head to the side like a puppy as he thought. Kagome bit the inside of her cheek to keep from grinning at the cute picture he made. She looked down, her fingers drawing shapes on his chest.
Kagome let InuYasha list off most of the demons they had ever faced, starting with Naraku and ending with Sesshoumaru before she spoke softly.
“And how many of those are still alive?”
“My brother.”
“InuYasha, you're stronger than your father. And I'm not your mother. I was not raised to be a proper lady. I will fight, kick, scream, and purify anyone who tries to kill me. I won't let the narrow-minded, pigheaded jerks of this world make my choices for me.”
Kagome looked up from his perfect chest and met the molten gold gaze of the hanyou who had stolen her heart. Her voice was soft but rock solid, there was no uncertainty in her mind and her voice reflected her resolve
“There are only two people who have the right to make this decision. You and me. And I love you.”
InuYasha felt her hand on his chest begin trembling slightly and her voice wavered as she continued, “So unless you can look me in the eye and tell me I'm just your shard detector just…just…fuck the rest of the world and love me.” His eyebrows rose as she cursed and blushed and he realized he enjoyed it perhaps a bit more than he should have, his persistent erection throbbing to remind him it wasn't going anywhere.
She expected him to argue. She expected him to be loud and rude and toss her off. She was ready to cry in relief when his next question hit her.
“Are you sure?” She nodded but he felt the need to elaborate. “It's forever. I'm going to mark you as mine. It'll tie your life to mine, you'll age the way I do. If I die you'll age like a human again, but if I die you go through the well and never return `cause my enemies will all come after you.”
Kagome nodded, she wasn't stupid, she had asked Sango about demon relationships and knew all about the mark and it's meaning. And as much as she didn't want to admit it she couldn't let their relationship start with secrets.
“I saw you last night…with Kikyou.”
InuYasha huffed a laugh, again not the reaction she was expecting.
“I didn't say all that for you, Kagome.”
“I know, that makes what you said all the more special, because you weren't saying it to try to impress me.”
“Keh. Do I gotta try?” He asked with his trademark smirk.
She laughed and swatted playfully at his chest. InuYasha growled at her, equally as playful, and rolled them over so he was lightly laying on her. InuYasha gazed deep into her eyes, determined to make sure she wouldn't regret this, and smiled at what he saw. Slowly he inclined his head, his lips resting just under the outside edge of her collarbone and bit down just enough to let his fangs break the skin. As he ran his tongue along the wound he called upon his youkai blood and felt the teeth marks shift into a youkai mating mark he was suddenly grateful that Myouga was so knowledgeable.
He moved his head to kiss her and felt warmth flood his body at the way she welcomed him, her body practically melting against his.
Kagome reached up and gently closed her fingers around one of the downy soft ears on top of her hanyou's head. InuYasha broke the kiss to moan into her neck, pushing his head into her hand. He pushed his hips down into her to show her exactly what she was doing to him and was rewarded with a feminine gasp.
Being so close to her he found her scent intoxicating. He was nuzzling into the crook of her neck before he realized he had moved.
His lips trailed from the crook of her neck across her collarbone to her opposite shoulder and down to the edge of the towel still wrapped around her otherwise naked body. He nosed around the edge of the towel until he found the end and grasped it with his teeth. Tugging playfully, like a puppy with a toy, InuYasha yanked the towel away from her until she lay as exposed as he on the soft towels underneath them.
As much as he wanted to be as smooth and confident as Miroku was dealing with women, the knowledge that she was allowing him to see and touch her in ways he had only dreamed threatened to make him rush. He kissed and licked his way back across her collarbone before giving in to the desire that consumed him.
Wondering about her response InuYasha flicked his tongue across her nipple, delighted when she moaned breathily and arched her back, pushing herself into him. Once he knew she would appreciate the attention he backed away from the tempting peak and began at the base of her breasts; kissing, licking and nipping at the soft flesh. He even went so far as to prod them gently with his nose, watching intently as they swayed and reacted to all of his touches.
His ears flicked as he picked up the barely audible sounds of Kagome's soft moaning. It sounded like she enjoyed his ministrations, it also sounded like he was almost putting her to sleep with the unhurried pace at which he was memorizing her body.
Softly growling in mock irritation InuYasha nipped at her, delighting as the moans from the young woman under him became less relaxed, more needy. He once again brought his attention to her nipples, using his fangs, tongue and lips to tease her. As she writhed under him she brushed against his aching erection, convincing him that his slow exploration of her chest could come at a better time.
With his mouth occupied with her breasts InuYasha let his hands roam over her body, taking in the delicious curves of her body. His hand wandered, claws trailing delicately over her smooth skin, coming to rest between her legs.
She gasped and squirmed, half from the sensation, half from anticipation. Her scent, heavy with arousal, lay draped about him like a blanket. Sliding his finger along her sex InuYasha felt wetness and became curious, he had little idea of what went on within the female body.
Without a word he slid down her body, sniffing as he went. Upon reaching the source of the enticing scent InuYasha found himself almost lightheaded. Flicking a look towards Kagome's face and seeing that she was not about to stop him InuYasha got closer, fully intent on studying the female before him.
The moans increased in volume as he slid his finger gently into her. Carefully gauging her reaction he moved the digit around, noticing when he brushed against a spot inside that she liked.
Wondering if that delicious aroma came from deep within her InuYasha slowly removed his finger, noting when Kagome whimpered at the loss of contact, and brought it to his nose. Another thought hit him and he brought the finger down to his lips and carefully licked it, not knowing what to expect.
His first thought was relief, it was nothing like curry. Then he realized he could think of nothing to describe it.
Leaning down he heard the girl's sharp intake of breath and smirked, she was looking forward to his continued attention. Using his finger to hold her open InuYasha leisurely ran his tongue along her, a low growl erupting from him at the throaty moans Kagome made.
Alternating between lapping at her and slipping his tongue into her InuYasha felt the slight tremors that began radiating throughout her, he could hear the near frantic noises she made and it spurred him on. When her fingers latched onto his ear he almost groaned himself.
His lips quirked into a fangy smirk as he wondered just how much noise she would make if he used his hands as well.
He let his tongue glide up until he found the little button that made her tremble violently. Focusing his tongue on the new discovery he slipped first one, then two fingers inside her.
Kagome gasped, the dual sensations being too much, and choked the scream that threatened to break free as her lover sent her spiraling headfirst into her first blissful explosion of the day.
Pulling his face up to be able to watch her face, InuYasha kept his finger deep inside her, moving and twisting them just to watch her face contort and hear the most delicious sounds escape her beautiful mouth.
Another set of tremors quickly overtook her body, her frantic noises driving the hanyou crazy. It was the sound of her begging that finally got him to stop. Licking his fingers clean had the girl mewling again and reaching for him. He smirked, nothing in his life inflated his ego as the young miko sprawled across the towels like a sex crazed vixen reaching for him, begging and moaning his name.
He leaned forward so her searching fingers could make contact with his heated skin. She pulled him close, trying to devour him with a kiss.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer. His arousal pulsed painfully with want as his chest came in contact with hers, her body sliding against his.
When Kagome pushed her hips up and into his InuYasha moaned into the kiss, he got the point. His bitch wanted him, badly.
Placing his hands flat, on either side of her, he lifted himself up so he could watch her face as he began very slowly sliding inside her. Kagome's eyes drifted close, focusing on the sensations lancing through her.
He leaned down and nuzzled her cheek. “Look at me, koi.”
When her eyes opened there were tears of happiness swimming across them. InuYasha kissed her tenderly as he continued trying to fit himself into her hot, wet sheath.
He hit resistance and mentally shrugged it off as he pushed past it, burying himself inside his lover.
There was a sharp intake of air as Kagome gasped, her eyes squeezing shut. InuYasha was trying his best not to panic, that was not a happy noise that his Kagome had just made, and now he could smell blood.
Ok, what the fuck did I just do?
“Kagome?” His voice was deep, husky, primal.
Kagome whimpered and opened her eyes to look at him, a few stray tears escaping from her eyes.
“It's ok.” At the hanyou's dubious look she went on, “I expected that, just be still.”
For a moment he was pissed, she had not told him. She had not told him, why? She knew there would be pain and didn't want me to worry. Realizing she had to get used to the feelings from a part of her body she had never used InuYasha lowered himself, resting most of his weight on his elbows as he cradled the girl under him in his arms. He returned to nuzzling her cheeks and neck as he desperately tried to ignore the feelings from where they were joined, the tiny tremors slowly eating away at his control.
Kagome opened her eyes as InuYasha concentrated on not moving and smiled, pushing her hips into his.
InuYasha hissed. The strain on his body was starting to make him tremble with tension.
“I'm ok, you can move now.” Kagome said softly.
InuYasha focused on her face and very carefully pulled himself most of the way out, watching her face to make sure she wasn't rushing her body for his sake.
When she moved against him InuYasha rolled his hips, pushing deep within her.
Purr-like moans erupted from the sexy miko as InuYasha's controlled rhythm slowly drove her insane. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began rocking against him, trying to take him deeper and harder. Kagome pulled him to her, wanting to feel him move against her.
An answering rumbling growl erupted from the hanyou's chest, the vibrations singing along Kagome's nerves. Her nails along his back and shoulders urged him on, her whimpers begging him for more.
“InuYasha, please.”
Worry cracking through the lust-filled haze of animal instincts and human passion made him brace his hands on either side of her shoulders and push himself up as he moved within her. Golden eyes flicked down the length of her body to where he could see himself disappearing within the slick heat that enveloped him so perfectly and couldn't stop himself as he began pounding into her more forcefully.
Golden eyes flicked towards the face of the miko. She was writhing, her face contorted with excruciating pleasure. His silver mane fell around his shoulders, his claws digging into the ground below him. He didn't know if he could hurt her if he stopped holding himself, but he was afraid they would find out.
Her whimpers escalated, her inarticulate sounds joined by pleas for him to move faster, harder.
A truly feral growl punctuated the moment his fragile control snapped.
He slammed into her with reckless abandon, losing himself in the feel of her inner muscles rippling around him as he pushed her over the edge. His own orgasm ripped through his body and left him breathless.
Kagome saw his arms quiver and put her arms around his shoulders and pulled, encouraging him to rest his weight on her.
As he nuzzled into her hair, delighting in the way her scent soothed him, grateful he would forevermore be allowed to bury his nose anywhere on her he wished, he mumbled, “You ok?”
“You couldn't hurt me, InuYasha.” She smiled and reached up to caress an ear.
He shivered at her touch, burrowing deeper into her hair. “Ain't I heavy?”
Kagome giggled. “I have never felt more comfortable and safe.”
InuYasha looked up, molten gold meeting stormy blue. His lips sought hers, full of passion and love.
“Mine.” His eyes glittered possessively.
“InuYasha? Shouldn't we get back? The other will worry.”
“Fuck `em. I ain't done with you yet.” He grinned at her, his fangs glinting in the midmorning sun.
“InuYasha,” Kagome began, her eyes filled with laughter, “We have forever to do that.
Forever. He liked the sound of that.