InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When strength met speed ❯ hiya uncle, fuck you dad. family reunions are the best, huh? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When strength met speed
Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I don’t own any inuyasha or sonic characters. I only own Coco. IF you want to use Coco in a story send me an email please.

Authors note: HIO all! This is your favorite half vixen kyubiihanyou! I’m gonna be stuck in my room with my room mate because we forgot to study for our tests and do our homework……SO I’m trying to pump out as much chapters as I possibly can before I must give it up for around 2-4 weeks. So I won’t be writing authors notes anymore to save time till I get this back in line. WITHOUT FURTHER ADU!!!! Chapter 5 and the intro to Coco! BTW! IF YOU DRAW COCO FOR ME I WILL BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL. We can talk about a reward if I pick your pictures.


Everyone started at the young girl. Wondering how she was able to defeat demon inuyasha like he was nothing. The group was brought out of their thoughts when the girl spoke. “Guys? You there? I asked if my outfit got ruined fighting the puppy.” “Not a puppy…..” inuyasha muttered. Kagome bent down to him. “Yea, he is still out. Subconscious reaction I guess.” Everyone laughed except the girl, who looked rather irritated. “You know, I did that to him. If you want to end up like him then continue ignoring me!” everyone instantly looked at her clothes. “Well, your clothes look fine besides dust here and there.” Miroku replied. No one studied her clothes since she found them. They wanted to make sure she wouldn’t kill them like she almost did to inuyasha first before wondering where she got her shirt or something.

The group started with the girl herself. She was a brown hedgehog with purple streaks in her quills. Part of her quills were hanging over one of her purple eyes, almost completely covering one of the eyes. She wore a silver jewel on a black choker. The jewel shimmered familiarly to the group. She were a sleeveless purple hoodie with the kanjis (symbols) for “chaos” and “demon” engraved in blood red on the back. Some faded jeans ripped off just below the knees. She had black gloves instead of the white gloves all the sonic people wore that the group has seen so far. She wore some shoes that looked eerily liked Sonics shoes, but different somehow. They were purple with black flames on the sides. She looked like a mini female sonic combined with shadow. “Okay, yall are all giving me looks. Either the guys really like me and the girls are gay…..the hell?” “Will you bear my child?” WHAM! Miroku falls over onto the ground while a red faced sango apologizes to the girl and drags Miroku to a tree. The girl starts up again. “Or….yall have some questions for me. Who the hell is that to ask a 14 year old that anyways?” “Miroku is a letch, don’t listen to him unless we’re in battle, then he actually has some good things to say.” Everyone looked around to see shippo there in his ‘I am right’ pose with his hands over his chest, eyes closed, and head tilted down. “Yea, well girl…” “Coco. My name is Coco.” “Ok, Coco. How did you get here? What type of jewel is that around your neck? I’ve never seen a jewel like that. Do I know you? You look familiar to me.” Kagome asked. “And can you fight?” Coco burst out laughing at that comment and turned towards inuyasha. When she completed her 180, she was half an inch from inuyasha. She gasped from shock and inuyasha grabbed her around the wrist. “Don’t laugh at me wench.” “Do you not remember her beating your ass while you were a berserk demon , inuyasha?” sango asked. Coco smirked and blurred from sight. Inuyasha blinked and got into a fighting stance. Then everyone heard a voice. “Pity. You just woke up and already I need to put you down again. Maybe I’ll defeat you like you did uncle. Maybe not EXACTLY like that, but close enough.” “What the hell does that mean?” and as the words were leaving his lips, a noise came from behind. BANG! BANG! Coco’s giant tree came down upon his head. (if you’re a beetles fan, you should know the song I got this from lol) then he fell down and disappeared instantly. Kagome cried out his name and knelt down to the spot he used to be, sobbing about how something happened to her and they must find him. “Oh suck it up! You know how fast I am. I just put him back in his room.” Coco told her. Kagome nodded and wiped her tears. “Now, I believe that you had some questions for me?” the group nodded. Excluding inuyasha, please state your question as I come to you.” She pointed to sonic first.

“Who was your uncle? You mentioned him as you toyed with inuyasha.” Coco was surprised but he hid it to make herself look impassive as she was taught. “I’ll answer that last as you will have a lot more questions.” Sonic looked satisfied and nodded. She pointed to kagome next. “What type of jewel is that? I haven’t seen anything like it.” Coco fingered her jewel and the choker while she told kagome her answer. “it is the silver chaos emerald. Well, a part of it anyway. It broke into several pieces and this is just one of them. It was strung through a choker and given to me by my father before he found how powerful I am.” She told the group sadly. She pointed to shippo next as he was jumping up and down with his hand up saying “me me! Pick me!” so she called on him laughing his name for a second before regaining her composure. “Where are you from?” “I’m from mobius just like uncle and his friends. I’m fourteen years old and I am currently running from my father. For he is trying to kill me because I’m more powerful than he is.” “WHEN are you from!” everyone looked over to see shadow sitting on a…..well nothing really, Just floating there 5 feet away from the group with his air shoes. Coco looked at shadow and asked. “What do you mean when?” “you know what I mean! That can’t be the silver emerald because I have it right here!” shadow brought the silver emerald from his cloak and held it up for the world to see. “So anyone with a brain can figure that since it’s a emerald by the aura it gives off, and I have the silver emerald right here, it must be from a different time, or one of the fake emeralds tails thought up on ARK. So which is it?” Coco hung her head in defeat.

“It’s true. I’m from the future. 15 years to be exact. I came to this time to escape my father, who now has gone mad and is trying to kill me because my power rivals his own. Although I have escaped from him in the future, I didn’t fully escape him, for he is in this time as well. I came to this time to protect my mother from harm and to kill my father if he doesn’t change his ways.”

Everyone looked at Coco, interested in her story. Sonic decided to ask something of the girl. “So, Coco. Who is your uncle again?” everyone continued to stare at Coco.

Authors note: don’t forget guys that I need someone to draw coco for me. I will put important ANs like this I middle to make sure you read them. Please draw coco someone and send her to me. I can’t draw worth crap and I’m SURE someone out there can.

“Why, you are uncle sonic!” she then ran over and embraced sonic. Sonic looked like a animal caught in headlights. His eyes were wide, he froze, his face went a little pale, and his arms went into autopilot as he hugged her back. She looked at his expression then she kicked him in the shin with her super strength. Sonic came back to life at that instance and hopped around holding his injured leg. “I’m sorry coco, what did you want?” coco sighed. “you were never really good at remembering things…anyways, I just asked if you wanted to have a race with me!” everyone was looking at them and wondering who would win. Both seemed to blur out of sight when they ran. Well, they would most likely bet on coco. Sonic just turns into a blur. Shadow on the other hand looked mad. “Have you forgotten I am here!” everyone turns towards him. “yes” everyone says at the same time. He gets even more pissed. Coco turns back to sonic. “Come on uncle! I want to try out your gift! I haven’t had a reason to go all out since you gave them to me. “only if you tell me who your father was.” Coco sighs. How about I act like him. See if you can guess.” Coco then walked away a few feet and stood near a scowling shadow. She then scowled and started coping every move he made. He turned towards her and she copied him. Both of them raised a fist at each other and yelled to stop copying the other. Then they both smirked and said. “I can do something you can’t! Chaos Control!” then they both warped in silver and green flashes of light to the exact same spot a couple feet in farther from sonic glaring at each other. Everyone in the group jaw dropped. Tails and amy said “Oh. My. God. There is NO WAY!” shadow glared at her and tried to figure her out. “All, right girl. I’ll race you. If you win I’ll admit that you’re my daughter. After all, only someone from my family could even hope to beating me.” Shadow then went and drew a line in the dirt. Coco on the other hand was pissed. “I asked to race my uncle! Not some hedgehog posing as the ultimate life form!” shadow snarled at her. “Listen girl! If I am your father then you WILL listen to me and you WILL respect me. I act like the ultimate life form because I am the ultimate life form. Now get on the line and get ready to race girl.” Coco looked to sonic for help. Sonic looked at her, then shadow. “Coco, he is your father from what you have said. If he is your father then I think you should listen to him.” Coco sighed in defeat. “Fine. uncle, lets race! And dad….my name is Coco, not girl.” Shadow smirked. “As your father I can call you what I want. Now girl, lets race.” Shadow said to piss her off. It worked. Coco was pissed as she stepped up to the line. Shadow was feeling angry and proud. And sonic was jut confused.

Authors note: classic cut off isn’t it? Well next chapter I will introduce cocos mother and the big race will begin. i have decided to keep shadow around and join the group. Ya know, since he is her father and all. Or maybe I’ll have him take coco away and appear every once in a while. But probly not lol. Review on those polls! Lemon on chapter 8-11. trust me I will get that. Don’t forget to draw coco.