InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the world Ends ❯ Complete Strangers ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When the World Ends
Dear Diary… or something like that.
My parents want to send me to a Therapist!! A freakin' therapist! Can you believe that? They want to make sure that I'm still alright after the `incident.' Well who the hell would be? I may not be 100% better, but that doesn't mean that I have to go see a loony doctor because of it. There is no way that I'm going. I'll just forget that this whole mess ever happened. I may not want to, but the easiest thing for me to do is to go on with my life. I shouldn't be caught up in the past right? I should just move forward and never look back...
Chapter Two: Complete Strangers
Kagome stepped out of the cool air of the local diner and into the warm summer night air. It had almost been three weeks since the incident. Kagome was proud of herself for getting this far and not having a complete breakdown. She thought that it showed complete control of herself.
Kagome had smiled to herself, something that she hadn't done it in awhile. It was just something about this town—this night. She could feel it in the air. She somehow just knew that it was going to be a good rest of the summer.
Kagome had just gotten off of her shift at the nearby diner and decided to take a walk through the town park, a place where she used to visit often. Kagome walked in peaceful silence as she made her way to the park. The streets weren't too crowded because it was pretty late. She liked the emptiness of the town, it made it her feel like she had more control, but she didn't know exactly why.
Kagome closed her eyes and started to hum to herself. A tune she didn't know the name of, just one that she had heard her parents sing to her when she was young.
“My, you have a beautiful voice.” A deep throaty voice said from behind her. Kagome spun around to find a tall bulky man standing not even two feet away from her. The man was dressed fully from head to toe. He had a long dark brown trench coat that just barley touched the tips of his shoes. He had a big floppy hat that was covering most of his face and head. His hands were tucked tight in the coat's pockets. The man was looked at the ground, near Kagome's feet, as if he was purposely hiding his identity.
“Um, Can I help you?” Kagome answered after she thoroughly studied all there was about this strange man. Kagome didn't really want to be talking to this man. She was half tempted to just run away, but she didn't want to be rude. Especially after such a nice complement coming from a total stranger.
“Nope, I just happened to walk by and I noticed that you have an extremely lovely voice.” Kagome blushed. She didn't think she should be talking to this man though, she had a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that told her: get out! Get out while you still can, you silly girl! Don't trust him! He only wants to use you!
Kagome just brushed it off though.
“Well thank you.”
“My pleasure.”
This is a very nice man… you don't see too many people in today's world that would stop just to tell someone that they have a pretty voice. This set off the warning bells in Kagome's head immediately.
“I-I'm sorry, but I have to b-be going now. It's late.” Kagome stuttered. Fear had only crept up on her until now. Now it was dropping like bombs in wars. She knew that she couldn't trust this man. She had vowed never to trust another human being for as long as she lived.
“I understand,” and with that said, he flashed her a smile that sent shivers up Kagome's spine—not the bad kind of shivers either. It was the kind of smile that made Kagome want to smile back, the kind that mad her feel like he had known her for years and they were meeting for the first time in years. Somehow the smile had made her feel more at ease with this seemingly complete stranger.
The feeling didn't last forever though, as soon as his face turned back to the firm and unfriendly expression Kagome felt as though he was a completely different person. She wanted to be as far away as possible from him.
“Maybe we will run into each other again sometime,”
I hope not.
“Yeah, maybe.” She said bluntly. “Don't mind me or anything, but why are you wearing that trench coat? It's friggin hot out tonight, and with that thing on, it must be like ten times hotter.” Kagome didn't mean to be rude. But the question just kinda blurted itself out.
“Oh, this thing? It's going to rain tonight.”
What? The forecast was supposed to be clear all week. That doesn't make any sense.
As Kagome was caught up in her thoughts, she didn't notice that the stranger had left. Kagome looked up from the ground and noticed that the odd guy was gone.
Good riddance. Right? No. what am I thinking? I definitely think it's a good thing that I'll never see him again. Right?
Kagome started to make her way to the park when she felt a slight chill in the air. She shivered. Did it just get colder out? Kagome felt the humidity in the air just disappear, and soon later she felt drizzles coming down from the sky. She smiled to herself. I guess that guy was right.
Kagome decided not to go to the city park that night. She didn't want to catch a cold and be bedridden for a week. All through the lonely walk home, Kagome just couldn't seem to get a certain someone out of her head.
What is it about him that makes him so interesting? And why can't I shake off the feeling that he isn't like normal people, and not in a good way? Is that what I like about him? Because I get bad vibes from him? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I'm practicallyafraid of him.
Kagome purposefully stepped in the puddles of water that had formed. The rain was pouring from the sky heavily and she was soaked to the bone. She kinda wished she had a trench coat of her own…
When Kagome reached her house, all the lights were off. Not because everyone was asleep, but because her mother was out with her new boyfriend, and it was impossible for her brother to be here. He lived with her father. Kagome felt a twinge of sadness go through her heart like a volt of electricity. The pain of losing her father and her brother was still fresh, even though it happened over 10 years ago… she had wanted so badly to go with them but her mother had custody of her.
No use getting upset about it now. There's nothing I can do. `You could call him' the familiar voice inside her head told her. If I did that he would only hang up on me. He wants nothing to do with me. If he did, I'd be living with him instead of mom.
Kagome felt fresh tear well up in her eyes. She didn't want to think about this again. At least not tonight. She was too just too tired.
Kagome undressed herself, got in the shower and went to bed. She fell asleep before her head even touched her pillow. Kagome woke in the middle of the night with her face buried in a soaking-wet pillow. She had been crying in her sleep. She remembered exactly what her dream was about too. The day her dad left with her almost newly born sibling, Sota.
“NO! Daddy! Don't go! At least take me with you!”
Kagome shook her head. She didn't want to remember this. She had already lived through this once. Thinking about it a million times wouldn't change anything.
Kagome tossed her wet pillow on the ground and looked at her clock. 4:32.
“Hmm,” Kagome mumbled. “I don't want to get up yet.”
Kagome tried to go back to sleep but she couldn't. All that went through her mind were images of the past. Horrid ugly pictures that played like a horror movie. Kagome couldn't stand it anymore she had to talk to someone.
She picked up the phone that was sitting near her nightstand and started to call Kikyo's number.
After ringing once she realized that she completely forgot about what happened earlier. Kagome lost all control after that. She bawled like a baby. She needed someone right then. Her mother, her father, anyone. Well, anyone but her best friend Kikyo.
Kagome cried harder because she realized that she had completely ignored her friend's condition up until now. She felt horrible for backstabbing her friend. She felt like she should be in the institute—not Kikyo.
Kagome cried until she had no energy left. She wanted someone to hold her so desperately. She lay in the dark feeling the most loneliness she had ever experienced in her lifetime. She was shivering uncontrollably, she was so cold.
Just then the doorbell rang.
Mother must've forgotten her keys again. Kagome thought irritably. Dragging herself out of bed, Kagome got up and slowly made her ways down the long narrow steps of the hallway and into the entrance of the house.
The doorbell was still ringing and it was giving Kagome a headache.
“Alright! I'm coming.” Kagome had meant to sound harsh to her mother, but her voice came out in a raspy whisper. She didn't want to let her mother see that she had been crying, but what else could she do. Her mother wouldn't shut the hell up!
Kagome opened the door, and she didn't find her mother standing in the doorway… it was the man from before. The one in the trench coat, looking the exact same as before.