InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the world Ends ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When the World Ends
Chapter Three:
The rain was pouring into her house, getting the carpet wet. Kagome just stood in front of the man too dumb-struck to do anything about him. For what felt like a long time, they both stood there, the deranged man looking at his feet the whole while.
Finally Kagome came to her sense and asked the man what he was doing here.
The man looked stunned, as if he just realized what he had been doing.
“I-I'm sorry, I did not realize that I had come to your house.” He said in a low gruff voice. Kagome's eyes widened. Since when did he know where her house was? Was he a stalker? Once again fear ran through her. She was confused as was he. But he didn't leave, and Kagome was growing impatient with why he had not fully explained himself.
“What are you doing here? I don't know you! can you just leave and never come back?” Kagome knew her words sounded harsh, but she didn't want a potential stalker anywhere near her.
The man nodded. “I understand. You don't know me or the fact that I know you well, Kagome.” Since when did he know my name?
“Y-y-you get o-out of h-here now!!” Kagome said with fear clearly etched in her voice.
“I will go now, but I want you to have one thing.” He handed her an ordinary looking envelope. Kagome didn't reach for it. He raised his head almost to the point where she could see his eyes, but not quite.
“I know you want nothing to do with me, and that's okay. It would appear to you that I may be fallowing you, but I just know you, I know who you are. Please take this and read it. I'm sure you will not regret it,” he said while letting the letter fall onto the wet carpet of her house. He left Kagome standing, staring at the letter with the door wide open.
Should I take it? I'd better not. For all I k now, he could be telling me his sick desires or something even worse. And what's with all this `knowing who I am' shit? I've never seen him before in my entire life!
Exhausted from her encounter, Kagome went back to bed, but she was too tired to go up the steps so she slept on the couch downstairs, forgetting to close the door and pick up the letter in the process.
Kagome awoke in the morning with an achy back and lower neck.
Ugh, I should've never slept on the couch. I could've just slept in mother's bedroom…oh well. I guess there's nothing I can do about it now…
Kagome got up and decided to fix herself some breakfast. As she walked into the kitchen she noticed two things: one, there was a letter on the refrigerator saying that her mother had gone to get a cup of coffee and breakfast with her boyfriend and that the letter from her mysterious stalker had made its way onto the kitchen table.
I should tell the cops about this. But what would they do about it? Probably nothing. I should just throw the letter away and hope the bastard never returns.
After breakfast Kagome looked at the clock for the first time that morning. Oh no!! I'm late for work! The boss is gonna kill me…
After getting a quick shower, getting dressed and applying her make-up Kagome then realized that she didn't have work that day. Jeez, I can be so stupid sometimes!
Just realizing that she didn't have to go to work, she decided to do what she didn't have a chance to do yesterday after work. She was going to the park to spend the day people-watching. It may not have been entirely what she wanted to do, but it was better than nothing. Personally, she would've been truly happy to spend the day by her lonesome just sketching her surroundings.
Kagome sighed. Kikyo and she used to do this all the time before Kikyo got “sick.”
Kagome got dressed into some more casual cloths and took her notebook with her. Just incase she decided to draw.
The sun was shining, the birds were singing, everything looked especially happy to her. Kagome felt a pang of sadness rush through her. How could the world feel so happy when she felt so crummy? Then Kagome scolded herself. She shouldn't want others to feel as crummy as she felt; she just wasn't that kind of person.
It was true. Kagome had been feeling really shitty ever since she cried herself to sleep the night before. She couldn't get her mind off of Kikyo and her father. And that stalker. She felt so isolated.
Kagome walked through the green park. There was a playground for the little ones to play in on the southern side of the park. The rest of it was just a whole bunch of trees surrounding a big field of grass. The park was at the edge of a miniature lake. There were a few docks, but no one was on them for the time being. She found her favorite oak tree and settled down underneath the shade. She sat there for a long time envying the people who seemed like they had the perfect life. Well at least for the moment.
Kagome didn't know how long she had been there, but she knew she had fallen asleep when a little girl of no more than 4 years of age was tugging at her sleeve.
“MOMMY!!” the tiny girl shouted at the top of the lungs. Kagome instantly woke with a jolt. “I think this person is dead mommy!” the girl said to her mother as she walked over. Kagome groggily opened her eyes to see that the mother was looking displeased with her daughter for waking up a complete stranger.
“Oh! Emura! Don't wake the person, it's very rude.” Kagome looked at who she assumed to be the mother. Kagome was shocked to find that the woman was very young. Not more than a few years older than Kagome, maybe twenty or twenty-one.
She must've had the child when she was around my age. Such a pity that people do things whent they know they shouldn't. Kagome mentally slapped herself. `Now don't be jumping to such conclusions Kagome. You don't know the whole story.'
“I'm sorry for my daughter's rudeness.” The young woman said. “I'm Sango Himura.”
“It's okay Miss Himura. Besides I think she's adorable. I don't mind being awoken by such a cute little thing. Sango smiled.
Suddenly her phone rang. Sango answered and took a few steps away and let Kagome spend a little time getting to know Emura. When she came back from the phone call she looked distressed.
“Is everything alright?” Sango shook her head.
“My babysitter just called and canceled. Now I have to take Emura to work with me. Come on Emura, let's go. I'm gonna be late if we don't get going soon.”
“Aw, but do we have to? I want to stay and play with her!”
“Hey, if you don't mind why don't you let me watch her? I'm sure it'll be no trouble at all.”
Sango laughed. “Then you don't know what you're getting into.”
“That's alright, I think I can handle it.”
“Really? Oh that would be wonderful… I'm sorry I don't know you name,”
“Oh! It's Kagome. Here I'll give you my address and phone number.”
“And I'll give you mine. If she causes you any trouble, let me know. Is it alright if I leave her with you until ten? I know it's kinda late but—”
“Nonsense! I'll be glad to take care of such a cute little girl.” Kagome said smiling at the little angel. “Is there anything else that you'd like me to know about? Bedtime? Dinner, what does she like to eat? You know that kind of thing.”
“Oh yes, you can put her to bed by eight, and she'll eat just about anything you give her. That's basically it. There's really nothing else to worry about. If she causes you any trouble, just call me.”
“So, Emura, what would you like to do?” Kagome asked the girl as they walked into Kagome's house.
“I'm hungry!” Kagome looked at her watch. It was only four-thirty. Kagome didn't really want to make dinner yet, so she just made a quick healthy snack of celery and peanut butter for the two of them.
“Okay, you're not hungry anymore right? Now what do you want to do?”
“Let's watch a movie!”
“Okay.” Kagome said leading Emura into the living room down the hall from the kitchen.
“What movie do you want to watch?” Emura looked at all the titles that were on the DVD rack.
After browsing for a few moments she finally picked one.
“Dis one,” she said smiling. One of her front teeth was missing, making her look all the more cute.
“Okay, we'll watch it.” Kagome popped the movie in. Kagome didn't really want to watch `Shrek' so she got out a book and read while Emura sat on a beanbag chair and watched the movie.
When the movie was over, Kagome noticed that Emura fell asleep. She must've had a long day. Kagome thought to herself. Not wanting to wake the girl up, Kagome went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. She wasn't that great of a cook, so she decided to just order a large cheese pizza.
After the pizza arrived Emura was still asleep and Kagome was debating whether or not she should wake her up. She was so cute sleeping like that after all. But she didn't want her to go hungry, so she decided to wake her from her slumber.
“Emura honey, time to wake up,” Kagome said sweetly. Emura opened her eyes groggily as she stared up at Kagome. A wide grin spread itself onto Kagome's face. She's just absolutely adorable! Kagome could feel herself falling in love with little girl already. Kagome led her into the dinning room and they sat down together to eat in peaceful silence.
After dinner, Emura said that she wanted to play a game. She asked if Kagome had any dolls. Kagome rummaged through her old stuff in the basement until she found some of her old dolls from when she was little.
The rest of the night went well. They played with her old dolls, played a game of hide and seek, and they watched another movie, during which Emura fell asleep. By the time that Sango had come back from her night out it was already two o'clock. Kagome had fallen asleep around one or so while watching late night television.
The doorbell had rung a few times before Kagome could comprehend what was going on. She woke up groggily thinking that her alarm clock was going off and she shoved her hand near the coffee table blindly searching for her clock. It wasn't until that Sango had actually gotten inside somehow that Kagome had realized what was really going on.
“Sleeping on the job?”
“Uhh… I would've stayed up but your child just tired me out is all.”
Sango smiled. “I know what you mean. I go through it everyday.”
Kagome wasn't sure if she was supposed to smile or not. Sango moved over to the couch and picked up the sleeping Emura from the couch. Kagome got up from her sleeping spot also.
“I'll just be a sec. I'm going to put Emura into the car and then I'll come back and give you your pay.”
Sango came back from the car after a few moments and handed Kagome a hefty was of cash. Kagome's eyes grew large.
“Oh, no! I can't accept this. It's way too much. Please, take some back.”
“No, it's my thanks. You deserve it.”
“If you don't want it then take some of it as a bribe,”
“A bribe for what?”
“To watch her another night, maybe sometime next weekend?”
Kagome smiled. “Sure. She was an angel anyhow.” Sango smiled back.
“Okay then I'd better be going then. It's getting late. Do you mind if I call sometime later?”
“No, not at all,”
Sango left and Kagome went to the kitchen to get a drink. On the fridge there was a note left by her mother.
Guess what? Neil surprised me with tickets to Hawaii! I was going to tell you in person but you were sleeping on the couch and I didn't want to wake you. You looked so cute! Who's the little darling on the other couch? Anyway, the tickets were for early this morning and I had to pack right away and leave. I'll be back next week sometime. I left money in you-know-where. Behave yourself and absolutely no boys inside the house!
Kagome didn't really want to think about her mother's trip at that moment. All she felt like doing was going to bed and that's exactly what she was going to do… if she had not seen the letter that was still on her kitchen table from this morning. Should I open it? Hey… wouldn't it be some evidence that I had a stalker? I could take this to the cops!
But… should I? I know I should, but what if there's something that's really disturbing on it or even worse?
Kagome decided to force herself to open it even thought she was against it. What she read shocked her.