InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the world Ends ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When the World Ends
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and co.
Chapter Four
Kagome reread the letter that she had in front of her. What was there, certainly wasn't what she had expected, and in some way, it made her feel relieved. All that was on the letter was a cell phone number. She had originally thought that it was going to be something sick or stalker-like. She couldn't keep her eyes of the strange number. I should give it to the police. Maybe they could figure out who the man was.
Kagome didn't really want to deal with the problem now. It was still late at night and all she felt like doing was going to bed and sleep in for the rest of the day. And that's exactly what she did. On her way up she through the piece of paper into the garbage.
Kagome woke up the next afternoon around one. It was a perfect Sunday afternoon and she had no idea what to do with herself. She tried watching TV, reading, going on the computer, talking with friends, but nothing worked. She was bored as hell and for some reason she couldn't stop thinking about that stupid letter.
Deciding to get up from her spot on the couch, Kagome wandered throughout her house aimlessly looking for something to do. Wherever she went though, she always came back to the kitchen right in front of the trashcan where she had placed the number earlier.
She hesitantly took the note out of the trashcan and studied it. To her, it looked sorta familiar. She just couldn't imagine where she had seen it before. The number mystified her. Without realizing what she was doing, she had picked up the phone and began to dial the number on the paper.
She came to her sense when a young man answered.
“Hello? Takashi speaking.”
Takashi? I know that name from somewhere! Gosh, if only I could remember who it was exactly…
“Hello? Is anyone there?”
Should I answer? No, I should just hang up. I have no business calling the strange man. Besides, what would I say?
Dial tone. Looks like I didn't have to hang up after all…
Ripping up the letter, Kagome decided that she didn't want anything to do with that number. She didn't want to risk calling the man.
But you have to admit… he had a sexy voice! Uhgg! I can't believe I just thought that! I'm such a sicko!!
Not wanting to stay in the house any longer, Kagome gathered her sketchbook stuff and headed out the door for the park.
Kagome settled down near her favorite tree once again. But as soon as she did so, she knew she had made a terrible mistake. Dark painful memories came rushing back to her with brute strength. All the sudden she could stop thinking about Kikyo and what she had done to her. About the few moments we had together before she… it was all just too much to bear.
Knowing that she never could, Kagome wanted to visit Kikyo so badly. Not only that she wasn't permitted to see her, Kagome was also afraid that Kikyo would try to do something awful to her once again. But the image of Kikyo in that mental hospital made Kagome shudder. She had to find out what she did to have caused her best friend to become so sick.
Forcing herself to not thing about it anymore, Kagome fixed herself on the scene that lay before her. Soon she was entranced in her sketches, and she didn't think about anything anymore. She was too caught up in what she was doing to think about such tragic things
After letting her soul wander, Kagome went for a walk. She had no place particular in mind. She just needed to walk. Caught up in the thoughts of mainly Kikyo and her mysterious stalker, Kagome had noticed that she wasn't paying attention to the time or where she was going. The sky was dark and no stars shone through the cloudy skies. Kagome glanced at her watch and discovered that it was well past midnight. She had missed her curfew but then again it didn't matter because her mother was out of town with her boyfriend.
Probably getting married as I speak…
This was most likely going to be stepfather number five. Kagome's mother had remarried often and didn't seem to like staying with just one man for long periods of time. Except her father of course.
Or she already could've gotten married and now she's on her honeymoon and she's planning to tell me when she gets back. Just like last time…
Now tied up in thoughts about her mother's previous marriages, she didn't realize where Kagome had walked to.
It was a huge building. Big entrance doors, four stories high, and every single window was bared and locked up. Kagome stared at the building in awe. When she read the sign she realized just where she had come.
“Institution for the mentally sick and disabled.” Kagome said aloud. This was the place where Kikyo lived now. What am I doing here? How did I get here? I don't remember walking all the way to the other side of town! Did I take a cab? I honestly don't remember how I got here. Damn! How am I supposed to get back home? I can't take a cab, I'm broke. And I really don't feel like walking. I'm just to tired to walk.
Curiosity bolted through Kagome's body like lightning. She knew that Kikyo was in one of the rooms on the bottom floor; her mother had told her when she suggested that Kagome go see Kikyo.
The building was still a quarter a mile up the road. At that moment she didn't want to walk uphill for that much. What she really wanted to do was go home and escape into a good book and got to bed. But her curiosity had gotten the best of her and she started her small journey up the hill toward the scary looking building.
It didn't take Kagome very long to actually get up the road; it just really hurt her poor tired legs to go up a slightly steep hill. The building looked much bigger and now Kagome was having second thoughts of going from room to room looking for her dear friend. Kagome looked around the building. She wondered if even all the rooms had windows. What if Kikyo had a bottom floor room but no window? It would be a complete and utter waste to go through many windows and not find her.
Suddenly Kagome was very afraid. What if she did find Kikyo? What would she do then?
“Hi Kikyo! Long time no see! So what are you up to? Are you enjoying your life in the psycho prison?” Kagome couldn't bear to think of Kikyo any longer. Thankfully she didn't have to. She saw a bright light glaring in her eyes and she instantly thought that she was caught. She ran with all the speed she could get out of the adrenalin rush. Good thing that Kagome was a great runner. She was the one of the best runners on her track team.
She placed each foot in front of one another and she could clearly hear the sounds of the swoosh swoosh of her feet gliding easily along the grass, and she could also hear the sounds of someone running extremely close behind her. She ran with all her might, but in the end, she was still tackled by a security guard.
“All right, I'll give you ten seconds to tell me why you're trying to escape,” Came a deep gruff voice that Kagome didn't recognize. Try to escape? Oh, he must think that I'm supposed to be a patient from the institution.
“I'm not trying to escape, I'm just a visitor,” she said with a mouthful of dirt that was shoved into her face when she went flying into the dirt.
“Ha! Like I'd believe that. It's way too late for visitors,” the man said in a matter-o-fact way.
“No really! I just wandered into this area. My friend lives here! I have proof of ID if you just get off me! Please! You're crushing me!” Kagome just managed to get out.
The man was hesitant but had gotten off of her. he stood up and even reached his arm out and helped Kagome up to her surprise. After Kagome dusted herself off, she rummaged through her purse until she found her ID.
“See? I'm Kagome Higurashi. I live downtown with my mother. I don't belong here.”
“I see, But why are you here so late?” this was the first time that Kagome really had gotten a good look at the man. She couldn't see him well, but she could see that he had long silver hair tied back into a low ponytail. She couldn't make out much else about him but a silhouette against the black night.
“Actually I have no idea why I'm here. I was walking around earlier and I just got caught up in my thoughts. I didn't realize where I was going until I actually got here. My friend's here…” Kagome didn't want to go into much detail about Kikyo. She had enough trouble figuring out things on her own. “I should probably go now, it's very late.”
“I'm very sorry for all the trouble I must've caused miss. I hope I can repay you sometime. Are you taking a cab? May I walk you down to the main road? It's awfully dark and you never know what kinds of creeps are lurking in the night.” like you? Kagome thought.
“I'm not taking a cab, I can walk. I'm perfectly capable. Besides, I'm broke.” Kagome instantly regretted telling him that last part. “Now would you be so kind to leave me alone?”
“I could never dream of doing such a thing. I can't let a pretty lady like you walking all the way home by yourself at this time of night. What if something happened to you? I could never forgive myself!” Kagome felt anger building within her. This guy was really getting on her nerves. He was acting like an overprotective father.
“Please. You don't even know me! Why do you care so much about a stranger walking home?” He didn't answer. Kagome smirked. That shut him up.
“Listen. I don't know why I care, but I'd feel guilty if I let you go out. You're so beautiful; you're bound to get pounced on.” Kagome felt her cheeks grow hot. What does he know about me? How can he even see me? And why does he care so much? He probably just wants some action. What a sick pervert!
“I don't know who you are and I frankly don't care. Just leave me alone! It's none of your business what I do when. Go back to your job. You don't want to get fired do you?” Kagome started to walk away but he caught her wrist.
“What now?! I said leave me alone!” Kagome yelled in his face.
“I meant what I said. I'm not letting you walk home alone.”
“It's not your problem! For all you know I could live a block away.”
“Do you?”
“No! But that's beside the point. And how do I know you're not just some sick pervert who's trying to get me back to your house and have your way with me?”
“I don't care! I don't even know who the heck you are! So why should I trust you anymore than anyone else on the streets?”
“Because what? Because you accidentally bumped into me and you think that it makes you better than everyone else? Because you acted all gentlemanly? Anyone could do that! Now I'll say it one last time! LEAVE ME ALONE!!” Kagome spun on her heels and started down the hill.
“Inuyasha Taisho,” the man shouted. Kagome spun around.
“WHAT?!” Kagome was really starting to loose her patience with this guy.
“My name. You said you didn't know my name. It's Inuyasha Taisho.
Taisho… that's the name of the guy with the cell phone number…
Suddenly Kagome felt herself getting very dizzy. Everything around her was going black. But before she had gone off completely, she felt strong arms encircle her.
A/N: I finally got that chapter done! I had major writer's block for awhile. Plus it didn't help that I didn't have anytime to write with the mountains of schoolwork I had. The next chapter should be up soon. And sorry for the cliffy. Hee, hee, hee.