InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the world Ends ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When the World Ends
Chapter Five

Kagome awoke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee in her nostrils. Thinking that her mother was back from Hawaii, she opened her eyes and realized that she wasn't in her home. She looked around the room. It was neatly kept. There was nothing on the tan walls. The room was basically blank except for the flowered bedspread. There was a bureau on the other side of the room underneath a window with curtains the same color as the white-flowered bedspread. It appeared to be a guest room. There was a nightstand right next to the bed with a clock on top of it. It read 10:34am.
Where am I? Whose room is this? What happened…? Oh, I remember. I found out that the guy, the Inuyasha guy, was a Taisho. He was the man that answered the phone. Kagome mentally kicked herself. I should've known that the guard was him. His voice sounded just like the voice on the phone. Why didn't I realize it before?
Before Kagome could answer her thoughts, there was a knock on her door. Kagome was hesitant to answer. It was most likely the Inuyasha person knocking. She didn't know what to do. If she answered, what would he do to her? She was in the home of her stalker! Kagome kept quiet. She had half a mind to duck under the bed and hide.
“Hello? Miss Higurashi?” No luck. He seemed to be a pushy person. “Are you awake?” Kagome bolted for the window only to find that she was nine stories high. There was no fire exit and if she jumped she'd be splattered, if not, then severely hurt.
Inuyasha Taisho knocked harder. “I know you're in there! And I know you can hear me. I just want to know if you're okay.” Bull! Kagome didn't say a word. Hopefully the crazy person would just go away.
Kagome never could've even imagined her situation in a thousand years. She was in the home of her stalker! But what could she do? It looked like she was in an apartment or condo and he was blocking her only exit.
“Please come out, miss Higurashi. I've mad coffee and we can sit down and discuss things. If you don't want to then I can just let you go. I only brought you to my place because you fainted and I had no idea where you lived.” He seemed sincere.
Kagome finally spoke. “How do I know you'll let me go?” Kagome asked timidly. There was a pause.
“Listen, I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm not trying to harm you in any way. I just want to talk. Last night I couldn't do anything else. I couldn't leave you on the ground so helpless. Is it alright if I come in?” Kagome didn't answer him. He hadn't said anything about last Saturday night. She thought that he was playing dumb and as soon as he entered the room he would get his way with her.
Inuyasha didn't wait for answer. He just barged in. that's when Kagome realized the door wasn't locked. Well duh! I didn't lock it and he couldn't have for obvious reasons. He could've just come through in the first place. So why did he ask?
This was the first time that Kagome had gotten a good look at the mysterious Inuyasha Taisho. He definitely had long silver hair. He was tall and fairly muscular. His face was nicely shaped. She couldn't take her eyes off his stunning golden eyes. She stared at him with her mouth gaping open.
He's hot!! Damn! No he's not! He's probably a killer or a rapist!
Inuyasha smirked. “Like what you see?” Great! He's egoistic and a perv too!
“Don't be stupid! I know who you are! All of last night was just an act. Let me go before I call the cops!” Inuyasha put on a shocked face.
“What do you mean `just an act?' I am truly a gentleman at heart. I was honestly worried about your safety. And why do you say you know who I am? You know absolutely nothing about me!”
“You're a damn stalker! You're a creep, a sicko! I know that much and that's enough!” he started to chuckle lightly but then it grew into a deep laugh and he couldn't stop. Tears were even coming out of his eyes and he was holding his sides. Kagome scowled.
“What's so funny?! I know what you are, you should be disgusted. How can you live with yourself?” this only made him laugh harder if that was even possible. Once he recovered, he totally ignored the previous conversation.
“Would you like some coffee? Why don't you come into the kitchen and we'll talk.” Anger bubbled inside Kagome. What a friggin asshole! Does he really believe that he can just ignore this? Does he think that I'll just forget this thing and well talk? What an unbelievably obnoxious dick!
“I mean it. We'll talk about this and get some things straightened out. I'm really not as bad as you think I am.” He smiled.
It was either the sincere look in his eyes or the fact that his smile seemed genuine, but Kagome got out of bed. That's when she noticed what she was wearing for the first time that morning. It was just a large t-shirt and a baggy pair of sweat pants. They didn't bother her but the idea of him changing her out of her cloths into this bothered her greatly.
He seemed to notice her staring at the clothes and he felt compelled to explain himself. “You were dirty and I didn't want to get the sheets dirty as well. And don't worry I also bathed you and I made sure that every inch of you was thoroughly washed with soap.” He laughed. Kagome didn't think his joke was funny.
“Very funny,” she said sarcastically.
“Who says I'm kidding?” this guy was really getting on her nerves. “Come. Let's get some coffee and I'll explain this whole mess.” Kagome hesitantly took a few steps forward and followed the strange man into his kitchen.
His apartment was pretty big. It was a four room apartment. Kagome wondered who else was living here with Inuyasha they walked down a long hallway. The complex had wood flooring. It seemed to be pretty old and fancy. There were many paintings on the wall. It reminded her of a mini museum almost.
Inuyasha said that he'd explain what was going on. She wondered if that meant he wasn't a stalker or anything remotely like that.
They reached the kitchen and Kagome was amazed at how modern it was compared to the rest of the house. She had to admit, it was the nicest not to mention biggest kitchen she had ever seen.
“Do you like to cook or something?” Kagome mindlessly blurted out.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Why don't you have a seat over there and I'll bring the coffee and breakfast over in a minute.” He pointed over to a small round table near two large door-sized windows. Kagome smelled the air and was overwhelmed by the wonderful smell of food. Her stomach growled letting her know that she was starving.
Kagome was amazed at how casual Inuyasha was being. They didn't even know each other, but he acted as if they were good friends.
After a few seconds, Inuyasha came to the table and poured some strong smelling coffee into each of their cups. Kagome took a sip and sighed. He could make some great coffee. For her it was a relief to get some caffeine into her system.
Inuyasha also presented a wonderful breakfast. It had everything. Fruit, pancakes, eggs, juice, bacon, it even had a side of biscuits and gravy. Not only it had all the food groups but everything you'd ever dreamed of eating for breakfast. Kagome was sure she couldn't eat all of it. She didn't think she could eat an eighth of it.
“Dig in. it's okay if you can't eat all of it. I'll give whatever's leftover to the guys.”
“The guys?” Kagome couldn't help it. She was kind of curious about Inuyasha now that she didn't think of him as a dangerous stalker. But she also kicked herself. She wasn't a hundred percent on her assumptions. She didn't want to take any chances with this person.
“Just some friends who stop by for food every now and then.”
“I see.” Kagome and Inuyasha were quiet for awhile, both concentrating on eating their delicious breakfast.
“So you want me to explain?” Inuyasha spoke. Kagome nodded. She wasn't sure how to bring the subject up.
“You said I was stalking you right?” He paused to chuckle. “Now I know what it may look like, but I am definitely not doing that. Nor am I a creep or a pervert. I was actually hired by your mother.”
Kagome's curiosity peaked. “My mother? What does she have to do with this?”
“You see, I work in psychiatry. Your mother was worried that something was wrong with you after… Anyway, she hired me to keep a close watch on you for awhile.”
“So you were hired to stalk me? I don't understand.”
“No, it's nothing like that. Your mother actually told me, to be blunt, that you were on suicide watch and she wanted to make sure you wouldn't do anything to hurt yourself while she was gone.”
Why would she put me on suicide watch? I've been fine and she knows it! There's nothing wrong with me, I'm a perfectly happy person. Stop lying to yourself. You're unhappy with things. But I'm not going to kill myself! That's just awful. I could never dream of doing something like that. I could never take my own life!
“I'm fine. I don't know why she hired you, but she's obviously wasting her money. But what I don't get is why did you come up to my house? And what was with the letter and `knowing who I am' shit?” Kagome didn't mean to swear. It was very unlike her to do such a thing.
“I actually have no idea what it is. It was something your mother wanted me to do. She gave me specific instructions on what to do and at what time. She told me what to say and what to give you in that letter. Although I must say I was curious as to why she made me give you my number. At first I thought she told you about me and you could seek my help, but after last night I can see that she didn't.”
“Do me a favor and quit. You're wasting your time. There's nothing wrong with me. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'd like to leave now. Thank you for the breakfast.” Kagome got up from her spot on the table and left to collect her things. Inuyasha cleaned up breakfast and put the leftovers in his fridge.
“Let me give you a ride home. You look terrible.”
“Thanks a lot. And no thanks I can find my way home on my own.”
“Do you even know where you are?”
“No, but I'll manage. Once again, thank you and hopefully I'll never have to see you again.” Inuyasha frowned.
“Let me give you a ride home. It would take you hours to get home by walking. Besides you look exhausted. You might even faint again. It's the least I can do to make up for all the trouble I've caused you.”
Kagome sighed. “Alright. I am pretty tired. But I better not see you again. Deal?”
This time Inuyasha sighed. “Deal.”
In the car ride home, Kagome wondered what Inuyasha was doing at the hospital working as a guard. And she asked him just that.
“It's a part-time job.” Inuyasha explained. “Just for awhile until things pick up. It was a shock to see you there yesterday.”
“I see. Um, pull over here.” Inuyasha stopped the car and got out to open Kagome's door.
“May I walk you to the door?”
“Uh, sure.” Kagome was hesitant.
As they walked up the shrine steps Inuyasha spoke, “You know the first night we met I meant what I said. You really have a beautiful voice. You're a beautiful person Kagome Higurashi.” Kagome blushed. “You're right about me having to quit. It's the law. I'm not allowed to get involved with my clients.”
Inuyasha cupped Kagome's cheek, leaned in and kissed her. He was surprised when she kissed him back.