InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the world Ends ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When the World Ends
Chapter Six
Spring of Junior Year
At the exact moment Kagome started down the stairs her doorbell rung. Kagome had just finished getting dressed for her date with Inuyasha that night. That night she was wearing a slick strapless crimson dress that went down to her ankles. Her hair was tied up into a tight bun with small wisps going down the side of her cheeks. Around her neck was a simple sterling silver necklace with a small diamond pendant.
As the doorbell rang for the second time, Kagome opened the door to find a sharply dressed Inuyasha standing in her doorway with a bouquet of red and white roses in one hand. Inuyasha was wearing a tux. He had his long hair tied into a low ponytail and had a golden stud in his ear.
“Well isn't someone looking nice tonight?” Kagome said teasingly. “This is the first time I've ever seen you in a tux Inuyasha. What's the occasion?”
“I told you on the phone that it's a surprise,” he said slyly. Kagome looked at him suspiciously.
“Okay then, but it better be good. Although seeing you in a tux is enough of a surprise itself.”
“Hey! It's not that unusual that I'd wear a tux.”
“Yeah right! In the entire nine months we've been dating, I have yet to see you in anything other than jeans and a tee shirt.”
“You forgot to mention my boxers,” Inuyasha grinned. Kagome gasped
“Perv!” but Kagome was smiling with him.
“So, shall we go?”
“Yeah, let's get out of here.” But just as they stepped outside, Kagome's phone rang.
“Just let the machine get it,” He instructed.
“No, I have to answer it. It could be mom. It won't take long Yasha, promise.” Inuyasha's face softened when she called him her pet name. He nodded and let her get the phone.
“Hello…Speaking…. Not tonight, I'm busy…. I told you why a week ago…. Can't you find someone else? … Sorry but I have to go … Hey! You said that you wouldn't use that against me! …. Too bad? What kind of friend are you Sango? …. But tonight's really important! If it were any other night I swear that I would watch her, you know that! …. Fine! I don't care anymore. Go ahead and use it … Bye.”
“What was that?” Inuyasha asked after Kagome got of the phone.
“One of my friends wanted me to watch her kid for the night and blackmailed me into doing so.”
“So… are we having a little kid follow us around for the evening?”
“Oh gosh no! She's using the blackmail. No big deal or anything though.”
“What was she holding against you?”
“That is absolutely none of your business.”
“Fine be that way, I'll find out from you soon enough.”
“You sound very confident of yourself, how are you gonna get it out of me?”
“I'll tease you tonight. Don't worry about it.” Kagome just smiled at him. She was pretty sure that she knew what he was planning for tonight.
Inuyasha escorted his date out to his sporty sliver car. He opened her door, got in his side, started the car and went off to where he was planning to take Kagome for that evening. Wherever they were going to that night seemed to be a long ways off. Inuyasha and Kagome kept quiet, both enjoying the refreshing night air and rock music baring on the radio.
Kagome moved to scratch her leg but grimaced when she accidentally bumped into one of her many bruises that she had acquired over the last few months. Why do you stay with him when he hurts you like this? Do you enjoy being hit? Being battered, bruised, and tortured?
“Shut up,” Kagome mumbled to herself.
“Kags? Did you need something?”
“No, nothing. Yasha.” Kagome's eyes softened when she looked at Inuyasha. He looked especially great tonight, so happy. It's because he needs me. He's going through tough times and he really needs me. Because he can't do it alone. He can't get better alone. Kagome answered herself. Kagome felt like she was on the brink of tears thinking about it. She really hoped that Inuyasha was going to get better soon. She really loved him, no matter what he did to her.
After almost an hour of driving, Inuyasha was starting to fidget a little bit. Kagome could guess that they were getting very close to their final destination.
“We here?” Kagome asked.
“Almost. I really think you'll like where we're going. I know I won't, but tonight's not about me, it's about you.”
“You aren't going to like tonight? Then why are we going in the first place? I don't want you to be miserable tonight.”
“It's not that I'm choosing to go. I have to, it's family obligations. We… We're going to my house.” Kagome was confused.
“But don't you live—”
“The house I grew up in. My parents house.” Inuyasha explained as he cut her off.
“Am I meeting your parents or something?”
“Not exactly. Just wait. You'll see when we get there.”
“Okay then.” Kagome and Inuyasha both grew quite once again and drifted into their own thoughts. It was only a five-minute drive from that point. They passed the town and went into the woods. When they came up to a long driveway, Kagome gasped in surprise.
“Y-you live there? Wow! Amazing, who knew you were rich!”
“I'm not rich, my parents are. They don't give me squat.”
“So what's happening? Is this a party or something? It looks like it.” Kagome looked at huge house surrounded by woods. Cars where coming and going from the loop driveway. Valet was up near the top of he driveway. Inuyasha stopped to talk to one of the workers.
“Hey, Miroku. How's it going? Pretty rough night I'm sure.”
“Yeah, you too. I wouldn't be dead caught crashing a party like that. I'd be bored out of my mind. I'd rather be doing valet anyhow. So compared to you, I'm lucky that I don't have to go in there. Oh! Who is this mighty fine young lady?” Miroku asked just noticing Kagome.
“Can't you take a guess? I've told you about her before.”
“Ah, this must be the infamous Kagome Higurashi. Am I right?” Kagome nodded.
“Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Higurashi. Have fun at the formal tonight. I hear it's supposed to be a blast.” Miroku couldn't help but bursting into laughter after saying that.
“Well we better get going, don't want the parents upset by our late arrival. I swear Miroku, if you get so much as one dent on this car, I'll rip you to shreds. Got it?” Miroku nodded and bent down to whisper something into Inuyasha's year.
“And if you lay so much as one finger on this woman, I'll rip you to shreds, got it?” Inuyasha stared at Miroku with fire in his eyes, but he eventually nodded. Inuyasha got out if his side and opened Kagome's door. He motioned for her to go ahead of him. Before they entered the beautiful mansion, Inuyasha squeezed Kagome's hand.
“You nervous?” she asked him.
“Feh, never. I thought you'd be.” Kagome just smiled at him, it was his way of saying “yes.”
“Oh, and to let you know, we have our own grand entrance. Hope you don't mind.” Inuyasha let a sly smile creep across his face.” Kagome's eyes narrowed a bit. But other than that she didn't say a thing. Inuyasha knew that she didn't like to be the center of attention.
“Well, lets go,” Kagome said.
“Alright babe. Let's go so we can get this night over as soon as possible.”
Inuyasha opened the door and let Kagome go before him. She stared in wonder as she walked into the magnificent structure. The ceiling was so unbelievable high. With masterpieces hanging on the walls and expensive furniture with sculptures and vases all around. Tapestries hung with the paintings and diamond chandeliers were hung on the ceiling. They walked through hall after hall and the amazement never seemed to cease. The house seemed almost museum like. It was like an old rich house. There wasn't much technology in the house if any.
They finally came to a huge double-door entrance to what looked like a ballroom.
“This is it Kags, our grand opening. Say goodbye to your sanity for the rest of the night.”
“Oh, it can't be that bad. I bet you could have fun if you really tried to.”
“Yeah, the last time I tried to do that I was kicked out of the house for a month,” Inuyasha mumbled to himself.
“What was that? I didn't hear you.”
“Nothing, just talking to myself Kags.”
When Inuyasha moved to open the doors, both of them were greeted by a butler. He had long dark hair and the most stunning blue eyes. He seemed surprised at Inuyasha's arrival.
“I didn't think you'd show tonight,” the butler's eyes narrowed. “Your parents are pissed, you know that right?”
“Yeah, yeah. Like I give a crap. Just announce us and let us get on with our lives. Will ya?”
“Yes, but first, who is this lovely young lady? It's not like you to bring someone with you to these things.”
“My name's Kagome Higurashi.”
“Nice to meet you Kagome, I'm Kouga by the way. So what're you doing with a bum like him? Why don't you dance with me? I could give you a much better time than he ever could.” Inuyasha glared daggers at Kouga.
“Forget it asshole, she's with me. And there's no fucking way in hell you could give her a better time than me. Now just announce us or you're going to be in a helluva lot of trouble.” Kouga just responded by winking at Kagome.
“I swear fuckbag—”
“Alright, I'm going … Ladies and Gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for has arrived. Now presenting Inuyasha Taisho and his lovely accompanist Kagome Higurashi.” A crowd cheered. Kagome and Inuyasha entered through the doors. Kagome was amazed at such beauty a ballroom could hold. They walked down long stairs. A massive chandelier hung from the ceiling that had to be bigger than the size of an elephant. A painting was on the ceiling, a masterpiece of angels, clouds and numerous mystical creatures that went along with the light feeling of it. The entire room was three stories high. The room seemed to be glowing gold. It seemed so warm and happy.
The bottom was swarmed with rich people. You could just tell by what they were wearing, fancy dresses, expensive jewelry, and cashmere and silk clothing. They looked like they were better than everyone else. Kagome could tell that she didn't fit in with this kind of people.
As they were walking down the stairs, Inuyasha bent to whisper in Kagome's ear.
“Just smile and pretend that you want to be here.” Kagome nodded. How did he know that as soon as I started walking down these stairs that I wouldn't like it here? Then why did he bring me in the first place? Probably so he wouldn't have to be tortured with boredom alone. Bastard…
Everyone was staring at them and Kagome could feel her growing nervousness. When they finally reached the bottom, millions of people were staring at them—staring at Kagome with their questioning eyes. All was quiet as Inuyasha stepped off the stairs and practically dragged Kagome along with him. Inuyasha pushed through the crowd without caring what the others thought. Bunch of stuck-up bastards if you ask me. Inuyasha thought to himself. He came to a stop when he came up to two people who seemed to be of much more class than the rest of the people in the crowds, almost like a king and queen.
Inuyasha bowed down before them and motioned for Kagome to do so as well.
“Father, Mother. I have come as you had requested. What is it that you ask of me?” Inuyasha asked while still kneeling in front of his parents.
“Why, haven't you figured it out yet, son? It's your time.” The man who was Inuyasha's father asked. He had long silver hair just as Inuyasha had. But his eyes were not the same, he had icy blue eyes that were soft and kind.
My time? Time for what? Time to die? No… that can't be it. Oh! I know…
“Yes, I remember now father, I could never forget what today is. But did you really have to make a big deal out of it?”
“Of course sweetheart, we're your parents and we love you, and this is one of the most important days of your life. We had to invite everyone we knew.” Inuyasha's mother told him. She had long black hair that flowed down to her waist. She had deep brown eyes seemed to see through you. She wore barely and jewelry and wore a simple white dress, but you could tell by the way she carried herself that she was important.
Inuyasha smiled at his mother. “I guess it's too late now. So when is the ceremony?” ceremony? Kagome wondered.
“Later, Much later. So Inuyasha who is this beautiful looking lady you brought with you tonight?” His father inquired.
“Oh yes. This is Kagome Higurashi.”
“Nice to meet you, Kagome. I suppose you've been hearing that a lot tonight already.” Kagome nodded too shy to speak.
“Well you'd better being going. I suppose you don't want to hang around us all night. I bet you want to catch up with old times.” Inuyasha's mother insisted. “We'll see you later honey.” Inuyasha nodded and walked away taking Kagome along with him.
“So what was that about?” Kagome asked when they reached a nice quieter spot away from the dance floor. “And did they mention a ceremony? What kind of ceremony?”
“Why don't you sit down while I go get us some drinks. Okay?” Inuyasha said avoiding the subject. Kagome sat down reluctantly and watched what was before her. People were dancing everywhere. It wasn't like a normal dance club or anything, no flashing lights, no band or DJ, just the sound of classical music with sophisticated people. Kagome sighed, this was going to be one long night.
While waiting in line for drinks, Inuyasha bumped into someone he was hoping not to see that night.
“Have you decided yet?”
“You really jump to the subject, don't you? And yes I have decided.” Sesshomaru's golden eyes narrowed.
“And? What have you chosen?”
“Enough with that, you've been bugging me for years. You can find out when everybody else does.” Inuyasha ordered his drinks. “Now if you will excuse me, I have someone who I don't want to keep waiting.”
“Ah, yes, Kagome Higurashi. Quite a catch isn't she?” Sesshomaru stared at Inuyasha, hoping that he would take his bait.
“What are you getting at?”
“I'm just saying that's she's a very beautiful person and you wouldn't do anything to hurt her in anyway would you?”
“Not at all. She's very special to me. Why would you say such a thing?” how… how could he possibly…
“No reason. I should let you get back to your date. I'll see you again soon little brother.”
“I hope not. And you better stay away from Kagome.”
“That sounds like a threat.”
“It is.” Inuyasha glared at Sesshomaru, challenging him. He stared back but finally left.
Inuyasha placed the drinks on the table, sat down and started to take sips of his without even looking at Kagome.
“Yasha, is something wrong?” Inuyasha looked up and smiled at Kagome.
“Nope, nothing. I bet your wondering what all of this is.” Inuyasha said changing the subject. Kagome nodded. “You see, when I turn twenty-one, I have a coming-of-age ceremony sort of. It's kind of like a `you reached a certain age to decide what to do with the rest of your life' thing. And I have this choice to make. Whether I want to become the heir of my family's fortune or go out on my own with severe consequences.
“What kind of consequences? And don't you have a brother? What would happen if both of you wanted the spot of the heir, or neither of you wanted it?”
“Jeez, so many questions, one at a time babe. I have a brother. His name is Sesshomaru, and you'd better stay away from him, he's psycho. If we both wanted to have the spot, we'd have to fight physically. And if neither of us wanted the spot, the elder son or daughter would automatically become heir.”
“So what do you want? And what about consequences?”
“If I wanted to go out on my own I would be shunned from the family. I would have absolutely no financial help, which would be hard to keep going to college and start a life. Also… other things I wish not to talk about. And as for my decision, I will keep that a secret for as long as I possibly can.
“But haven't you been living on your own for three years?”
“That's also part of this thing. I go out on my own for a few years and see what the real life is like. You know to see if I like being on my own better.”
“So which do you like better?”
“I said I was keeping my decision a secret.”
“But I didn't ask that, did I? I asked which life you liked better.”
“Feh, same thing.”
“Excuse me for interrupting, but may I ask this fine lady to dance?” when Inuyasha looked up, he found Sesshomaru leaning over the table.
“Hell no! Didn't I already say she's with me? Get lost Sesshomaru!”
“I mean no harm. I can plainly see that she's yours. I just want to dance with such a beautiful lady.” Kagome blushed and Inuyasha scoffed.
“Besides Inuyasha, you wouldn't want anyone to find out about… well you know. You could be locked up for life. Let me dance with her or you can rot in prison. Besides people can see a mile away what you do with her.” Sesshomaru calmly whispered into Inuyasha's ear.
“So Kagome, would you terribly mind giving me the pleasure of dancing with you just once.” Kagome looked at Inuyasha. He looked a little pissed, but he nodded anyway. Sesshomaru held out his hand and Kagome hesitantly took it. Sesshomaru led Kagome to the dance floor.
“So Miss Higurashi, let me introduce myself. I'm Sesshomaru Taisho. If you didn't know, I'm Inuyasha's brother.” Kagome smiled. He was very polite and formal, but his face didn't seem to harbor any emotion whatsoever.
“Why did you want to dance with me? Sorry to be so rude, but I'm curious.” Kagome thought she saw a spark of emotion in his eyes for only a moment.
“That's okay. I really wanted to see the first girl Inuyasha ever brought home up close. You're not a very good dancer are you?” Kagome blushed.
“Is it really that obvious?” She stared at his deep golden eyes. He's so handsome…
“No, but I've been doing this kind of thing all my life, so I can tell beginners from experts.” He paused and they were left speechless while getting caught up in the music. She couldn't keep her eyes off him. What is he doing to me? Why can't I stop looking at him?
Sesshomaru caught Kagome staring at him and decided to strike up another conversation.
“Miss Higurashi, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”
“Sure, be my guest.”
“Are you in love with my brother?” Kagome paused before answering.
“I'm not entirely sure. But I just might.” Sesshomaru nodded like he just heard exactly what he expected to hear.
“Did you know that Inuyasha has a bit of a problem? He tends to play a little too rough with his girlfriends. He doesn't ever hurt you in any way, does he?” Kagome's eyes widened and her mouth opened ever so slightly.
“No never. Why would you ever say such a thing?” he knows… he freakin knows…
Sesshomaru studied her reaction intently but then chuckled a bit. “Kidding. Only kidding Miss Higurashi.” There's no way he could be kidding about something like that.
“Has Inuyasha told you what tonight's all about? I'm sure he has. So what do you think about it? What do you hope Inuyasha will choose?”
“I'm not sure. I just hope he's truly happy with what he chooses, and I don't want him to regret his decision later.” Her eyes seem distant and fearful. I'm sure of it now… I just hope it doesn't get as bad as last time. Sesshomaru thought to himself.
“So what did you choose, Sesshomaru? You've already had your ceremony right?”
“I wanted to inherit my family's fortune. I hope my idiot brother will not choose the same.”
“From what I've heard, he like's his freedom better, but I could be wrong.”
“His freedom huh? He won't have any even if he decides to leave the family…”
“What does that mean?”
“That is none of your concern. I have all the Information I need, so go back to your disgusting boyfriend.” Kagome was surprise by his sudden change in mood. It's as if he's been acting all this time. He stopped right in the middle of the song and left Kagome standing in the middle of the dance floor. Stunned, she stood there for a moment or two and left, going back to Inuyasha's table. As soon as she got back there Inuyasha started to bombard her with questions.
“What did he do to you?”
“Did he threaten you?”
“What did he want with you?”
“Nothing. Said he just wanted to meet me.”
“Bull! He wanted something even if you didn't realize it.”
“Well… he did do something kinda weird at the end… but forget it.”
“No! WHAT did he do?”
“Nothing important, just said something about getting all the info he wanted and then just left. I think it was about your upcoming decision about your life plans.”
“That sonuva…”
“Stay away from him. He'd kill you just to piss me off.”
“I need to go to the restroom. Where is it?”
“Don't, if you go off by yourself, he'd kill you for sure.”
“You're overreacting. Now can you show me where the restroom is?”
“You're not going alone, I'm coming with you.”
“Fine, but you're not coming into the stall with me.”
“Why not?” Inuyasha whined.
“It's just not right.”
“I know babe, I was just messing.” Inuyasha looked at his watch. “Oh, shit. I gotta get going. I have to get ready for the ceremony soon. The bathrooms right over there. When you get out just wait at the table until it begins. It should start in about ten minutes.”
“What about all this crap you were giving me about being alone?”
“Oh, my bastard brother's in the ceremony also, so you won't have to worry about him until later. I have to go NOW.” Inuyasha left before Kagome could react. She got up from her seat at the table and headed for the restrooms.
She came back about five minutes later, ordered herself a drink and sat down at the table just as Inuyasha told her to. Her eyes gazed upon the scene before her, but she wasn't really watching. She was thinking about past events.
Last summer…
Was it really that long? Yeah I guess it has. We've been dating for nine months now. I just can't believe I've stayed by his side all this time. Even after… why did I stay with him? Was it because I thought I loved him? Do I still love him? Did I ever? Did I let myself believe his apologies? That it would never happen again and he was sorry. Was it because I was afraid of his threats? Of him? I think it was… yeah I'm sure it was because of….
(Six months ago)
“Bitch! What did I tell you?” Kagome was huddled up in a ball in Inuyasha's living room corner. Inuyasha was leaning over her and continuously kicking her in the stomach. Kagome spurted out a little blood in the mouth after a fierce kick. “BITCH! What the fuck did I tell you?” Inuyasha pulled Kagome up by her shirt and with his other arm punched her to the ground once more. “ANSWER ME!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. He paused for a moment to see if Kagome would answer.
“…” Kagome mumbled something incoherent.
“What was that?” He growled menacingly.
Kagome was silent. He picked her up again and slapped her, over and over. Until her face was bright red. She still refused to open her mouth. He threw her against the wall and she slumped down. Kagome clenched her eyes. She was afraid of what was to come. But thankfully nothing ever did come again that night.
Inuyasha grabbed his keys to the car and got out of there. “You'd better know when I get back, woman. Or you'll regret it later.”
As soon as he left, Kagome got out of there as fast as she could.
I don't remember why I didn't call the cops. All I could think about was getting out of there. That wasn't the first time he did something like that, but it was one of his harshest. It was the first time I realized what was going on. But later that night, he changed everything.
Kagome was sitting on her couch cuddling with her cat, Buyo, while crying her eyes out. She was completely in the dark, afraid that Inuyasha would come to find her. Her assumptions were correct. Inuyasha did come to her house.
He rang the doorbell several times before realizing that Kagome wouldn't answer her door. Looking for an entrance to her house, he walked around her yard until he found an open window—the window of Kagome's bedroom.
Kagome, not realizing that Inuyasha had found a way in, stayed huddled underneath her covers on the couch. After she heard a crash, she started to panic. She was in too much pain from earlier to move so she stayed put, hoping Inuyasha wouldn't find her.
Her hopes came crashing down when the living room lights were turned on.
“Kagome…” She heard Inuyasha whisper. But his whisper was not an angry one, more of a plea. She could hear his footsteps coming closer to her. Reluctant steps, almost like he was afraid of her.
He came closer and eventually stopped by the couch. After a few moments he pulled the covers off of Kagome and watched her cower in fear of him.
“Oh Kagome…” His voice cracked and he sounded on the verge of tears. Kagome stopped shaking and finally looked up at Inuyasha. He had silent tears trickling down his face, his eyes said a thousand words of apology alone. He fell to his knees and started weeping next to Kagome silently.
“Oh Kagome…” he repeated. “I'm so sorry… so so sorry. How can you ever trust me again? Let alone forgive me? How could I ever do such a terrible thing to you?” Kagome wanted to be angry with him, but she just couldn't. Seeing Inuyasha like this… she just couldn't. She felt she should be the one comforting him, not the other way around.
Inuyasha reached his hand out and touched her arm. “Please… don't hate me.” those were the words that did it for her. Him saying those words made her realize that he loved her. She could see that he was sorry, and she wanted to believe him so very badly. So she did.
That night we talked, mostly about what happened. It was the only time we did that. He said that he had anger issues and he was getting help. He wanted me to know that he deeply cared for me and asked me to stay by his side. He told me that he'd try his best not to become what he had that night. But once in awhile it got out. He told me that it really wasn't “him” who was hurting me like that. It was just the angry side of Inuyasha. So I foolishly agreed to stay with him. I though I loved him just because he indirectly told me that he loved me.
I was such and idiot. I should've left him. I should have never believed his lies. He shouldn't have asked me to stay with him. So why can't I leave now? Why can't I leave him? Why?
Burning tears started to blur her vision. Se got up from the table and hurriedly walked away. She couldn't stand to be in the building another second. Kagome was so confused as to why she couldn't just walk away from him. She needed to getaway from him for good.
She should've called the cops when she found out he wasn't getting any help. When she found out he enjoyed doing this crap to her.
Before she knew it she was kneeling on the grass outside somewhere in the back of the house. She shut down. She couldn't think straight as tears came out and she gasped for air. She didn't know how long she was out there for.
She froze when she felt someone's hand on her back.
A/N: don't think this is the big mistake Inuyasha made…