InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the world Ends ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When the World Ends
Chapter Seven
I keep getting involved in these twisted plots. First Kikyo and now this. Why does all this crap have to happen to me? Why can't everybody just leave me alone?
Kagome's thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped on her back. She turned her head out of curiosity. She half expected Inuyasha to be there and slap her for leaving the ceremony. She was surprised when she found the chauffeur, Miroku, kneeling next to Kagome.
“Are you alright miss?” hey, isn't that… yeah it's Inuyasha's date, Kagome Higurashi.
“Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed some fresh air to clear my thoughts.” Your smeared makeup tells me different.
“I don't mean to be nosy, but is something troubling you?” Kagome stood up and smiled.
“No I'm fine.” Kagome stopped when she felt an unwelcome hand on her bottom. She felt him squeeze a little and she instantly smacked him with her purse. “Perv! Why I…”
Miroku looked stunned. “Why, I have no idea how that got there. I'm terribly sorry.”
“My ass you didn't mean too…” She mumbled. Kagome got up and started walking away.
“Wait! I'm sorry, I really am! My hand has a mind of its own!”
Kagome turned sharply and glared daggers at Miroku. “What?” she almost shouted at him.
“It's just that I… I don't believe you.”
Huh? Kagome stared at Miroku in confusion.
“I don't believe you. I don't believe that you're fine. If you don't mind me saying so, I think you seem depressed and lonely.”
“What do you know? And why would you care anyway? It's not like you know me or anything.” Why do I have the sudden urge? Why do I want him to hold me and let me spill out all my problems to him?
“You're right. I don't know a single thing about you. But is that gonna stop me from caring?” Miroku took at few steps closer to her. Kagome stared at him, too stunned to speak. “Hey, I know it's late, but do you wanna go grab a cup of coffee? Or maybe a bite to eat?”
Kagome looked up at the building she ran away from, and discovered that she ran into the side lawn near the parking. She stared at the building wondering if Inuyasha announced his decision. She wondered if he noticed she wasn't there.
I can never go back, never to him again. I don't care about him anymore, no matter how much I love him. I can never let myself care for him again. If I do, I might just let him continue his games…
Then Kagome looked at Miroku. Should I go with him? What could happen? Besides, with me ditching Inuyasha I have no ride home.
Kagome smiled halfheartedly “Yeah, I'd like to go. But aren't you the chauffeur?”
“I am, but my shift's over for the night. I was actually on my way home. But since I bumped into you, I'd like to grab dinner with you.”
“Okay then. Lets get something to eat.” Miroku smiled. She smiled back.
Miroku and Kagome sat in a diner about ten miles away from the party. They sat in silence as they waited for their food to arrive. Miroku sat there bored out of his mind while he watched Kagome's eyes dart nervously around the room. He decided to break the tension.
“So Kagome, how long have you been going out with Inuyasha?” Kagome looked up from the spot she was staring at surprised.
“Oh, um, about nine months, give or take a few days.” Miroku nodded in acknowledgement. “You and Inuyasha are friends right? How long have you two known each other?”
“Since as long as I can remember. Our parents have tight connections with one another. We've been good buds all our lives.”
“You're lucky to have a friend like Inuyasha,” Miroku scoffed.
“Like hell I am.” Kagome's Eyebrow rose. “a friend like Inuyasha is trouble most of the time. I don't see how someone like you could have dated him for such a long time.”
“A person like me? You don't even know me.”
“My mistake. I don't see how anybody could date Inuyasha for nine months.”
“Then you must be blind. Inuyasha is a wonderful person. I couldn't be happier.”
“Is that so? Seeing you out earlier crying tells me different. I don't think you're happy at all.”
“That is absolutely none of your business! How would you know anyway? For your information I am completely in love with him!”
“Really? Then why were you out there in the first place? Why did you come with me instead of seeing one of the biggest nights of Inuyasha's life?” Kagome's mouth opened. She was stunned speechless.
“I can't answer that… but I know that I love him.”
“Love him, or feel sorry for him?”
“What do you mean?”
“I can't say anymore than I already have. Just know that Inuyasha can hurt you a lot worse than what he probably is doing now.”
“What do you mean by that?! He is not hurting me in any way. Why would you ever say such a horrible thing?” why am I defending Inuyasha like this? Aren't I the one who wants nothing to do with him? And why does it seem that everyone knows about his problem…
“I'm terribly sorry but I have to go now.”
“Wait! You haven't eaten yet. Please sit down. I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble. We can drop the conversation.” Kagome turned and stared at Miroku. His eyes seemed sincere and regretful. And it didn't help that at that moment her stomach growled rather loudly.
“Fine. I am starving. But let's keep of the subject of Inuyasha.” Kagome sat back down.
“I agree. And I really am sorry for upsetting you.”
“It's okay.” Kagome and Miroku talked about various things the rest of the evening through and after diner. Including likes, dislikes, hobbies, career plans, etc.
Kagome looked at her watch after finishing a conversation about which movies were better than others.
“Oh, jeez it's late. I'd better be going. Thanks for diner Miroku. I had fun. I know we're going in different directions so I'll grab a cab. See you later.”
Kagome walked out into the empty parking lot followed by Miroku.
“Hey, do you think we could do this again sometime?”
“Oh, Miroku. I really would like to, but I just don't think that I can. I mean Inuyasha wouldn't like it at all, and—”
“So forget about Inuyasha.” Miroku interrupted. “Dump him and go out with me. We had fun didn't we?”
Kagome sighed. “I-I really can't. It's just that…”
“It's just that what? You're afraid to leave him aren't you Kagome?”
“I have no reason to break up with Inuyasha. I love him and I'm happy to be with him.”
“Oh, I get it. So that's why you were sobbing. They must've been tears of joy,” He said sarcastically.
“Would you quit about that? It's none of your business and you already said you wouldn't bring up the subject.”
“Okay, Jeez. At least let me give you a ride home?”
“Are you sure you want to drive so far and so late at night?”
“I'm positive. Especially if this is the last time that I'll get to see you.”
Kagome shook her head. “What do you mean? We will see each other again. Maybe not on a date, but why don't you come and hang out with Inuyasha and I sometime? I'm sure he'd let you.”
Miroku sighed. “It's just not the same. I really don't want to be `just friends' Kagome.”
“But… it's all we can be. We barely even know each other.” Kagome whispered.
“You'd call that barely even knowing each other? Talking for hours? I guess it wasn't even a real date to you was it?” Miroku looked down. Kagome could tell that he was hurt and betrayed.
“Miroku… I'm really sorry. But I just can't do this, not now, not after…” Kagome trailed off. He looked up now the curiosity burning in his deep brown eyes.
“After what Kagome? You can tell me. You can trust me.” She gazed into his warm eyes.
“I just… I don't know… I can't…. Not now…” Kagome mumbled. Miroku lifted his hand and cupped her chin. He drew his face closer to hers until they were mere inches apart.
“I want to get to know you better Kagome. I want you to be able to trust me.” He paused for a few seconds letting her sink in what he said before moving in closer to kiss her gently on her warm soft lips.
He lifted his head up and looked into her confused and dazed eyes. Kagome instantly looked away blushing furiously.
He kissed me?! Now what do I do? Does he really like me? Can I like him back? Do I? Should I really be doing this especially when I haven't broken things off with Yasha yet? Kagome's mind raced a mile a minute. Kagome turned her gaze at Miroku once again. She couldn't read his expression. They stood there looking into each other's eyes until he leaned in and kissed Kagome once again. This one lasting longer. He was surprised when he felt her finally kissing back.
When Kagome pulled away, she felt Miroku's hand reaching for hers. He squeezed her hand and leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Don't be afraid.” She didn't know whether that meant to not be afraid of Inuyasha or starting a new relationship with him. She decided for both.
“I have to go home now.” Miroku nodded.
“I'll give you a ride.” Kagome blushed thinking of the events that took place not moments ago. She smiled too. Why am I so happy? Why do I hear my heart beating so loudly? I never felt this way when I first met Inuyasha. Can it be true that I'm falling for someone else? His best friend…
On the way to her house, Kagome actually fell asleep in the passenger seat of Miroku's Stingray. Miroku looked at Kagome Admiringly.
I don't know how she puts up with that asshole…
Why do I keep looking at her like this? I only asked her out to warn her about him. Why did I kiss her and tell her that I wanted to do this again? Is it possible that I may be falling for my best friend's girlfriend?
After about a half an hour of driving Miroku pulled into Kagome's driveway. He sat there for a few minutes debating whether or not he should wake her or watch her sleep. He finally woke up the disoriented Kagome.
Once Kagome realized where she was she started to apologize.
“I really a sorry for falling asleep. It was just that I was so tired…”
“No need to apologize Kagome. I'm actually flattered that you trust me enough to fall asleep in my car.” Kagome's face turned bright red. Miroku got out of the car and made his way over to Kagome's door and opened it for her to get out.
“Now that I know where you live, do you think we could do this again? I could pick you up on Friday around seven?” Miroku hoped but cringed waiting for the negative answer.
“Yeah. I'd like to go out on a real date with you Miroku. Next week at seven sounds great.” Miroku smiled ear-to-ear.
“Thanks for giving me this chance Kagome. I know that you won't regret it.” Miroku walked Kagome to her front door. They paused before she entered her home.
Once again their eyes locked. This time Kagome leaned up to Miroku and kissed him.
“Kagome…” Miroku whispered more to himself than Kagome. She looked down obviously embarrassed by what she did.
“Kagome, look at me.” She did as she was told. He stared into her blue-gray eyes for a moment or two before squeezing her butt. Kagome's eyes widened then she glared at Miroku. She clenched her jaw as she struggled not to slap him. She failed. He ended up with a bright red handprint shaped mark on his left cheek.
“Lecherous asshole…” Kagome went inside muttering.
“So I guess we'll see each other Friday then?” the door was slammed in his face. “I'll take that as a yes.”
“Mom? You home?” Kagome called for her mother. “Huh, she must be sleeping.” Kagome made her way up the stairs and checked her mother's bedroom. There was nobody inside. She checked the rest of the house, the basement, the kitchen, bathrooms, guestrooms, her room, living room, and outside in the yard, but she was nowhere to be found.
“Huh, I guess Neil and mom haven't got back from their honeymoon yet. They were supposed to be back earlier this evening. I guess their plane got delayed, canceled, or knowing mom, they probably decided to stay for a few extra days.” Kagome talked to herself.
“Well I'm pooped I should got to bed. But I think I'll take a shower first.” Kagome went up to the bathroom and took a long hot shower. For some reason after taking her shower Kagome didn't feel like going to bed quite yet so she decided to read until she fell asleep.
She settled down in her living room underneath a cozy blanket and opened a good book. After an hour or so she got tired and decided to go to bed. When she reached to turn the lamp of she heard a deep horrifying voice.
“How was he?” Kagome was too shocked and confused that someone in her house to answer him.
“Who is that?!” Kagome shouted out of fear. Kagome looked around some and found the speaker to her stereo turned on. Whoever was talking to her was talking through that.
“How could you not know who this is? I'm disappointed in you Kagome. You're such and idiot for not recognizing your own boyfriend.
For a spilt second Kagome was relieved to know that it was someone familiar, but her relief didn't last long. With Inuyasha coming to her house like this meant severe consequences. She frantically looked around for a camera or something that could help Inuyasha see her every move.
“Where are you?” Kagome called out.
“Don't you worry about that my dear. You just answer the damn question!”
“What? What question?”
“How was he wench?”
“How was who?” Kagome still didn't understand what he meant. But then she realized. Oh… shit.
“Miroku, you shit-faced whore! You left my big night to go run off with him?!”
“Inuyasha, Listen! I left because I realized that I just couldn't bear to be with you anymore. I'm calling this whole thing off. Now leave before I call the cops!” Kagome was breathing hard. There! I finally said it! I finally said it…
“Like hell you are bitch! I have your parents with me, and if you don't do and me as I say, I'll slit their throats.”
“What? Inuyasha where are you? Let them go! Get away from me! Get out of my life!”
“I'm serious, I'll send this house up in flames with your parents still inside if you don't listen to me!”
Kagome had no choice. What else could she do? She didn't know whether he was lying or not, she couldn't trust him.
“Fine, I give up! What do you want with me?”
“Why did you cheat on me? I saw you with Miroku on the front porch. You were kissing him.”
“I told you before, I was going to break things off with you, but I met with Miroku before I had a chance to talk to you. So why don't you just leave me alone? Go find someone who likes being beat up! Your lucky I won't call tell the cops about what you've been doing to me!”
“But Kagome, didn't we discuss this? I'm having trouble right now, I'm getting help. I am getting better. You know this!” Inuyasha put on his “innocent guy” act.
“BULL! Bull shit Inuyasha! You like doing this crap to me. I was such a coward before for not standing up to you, but you've gone too far. I'm threw with this shit, I'm through with you.”
“You don't have any proof. You can't go to the cops. You can't go to anyone. No one will believe you.”
“I have all the proof I need. I knew something like this might happen so I have one of your temper tantrums on tape,” Kagome bluffed. She hoped this would be enough to back down some.
“Please just let my parents go. Leave me alone and I'll never tell a soul about you. Just leave.” Kagome pleaded. There was a pause, as if Inuyasha was considering his options.
“Kagome, I'm sorry. I just can't let you go. I love you too much to lose you.” There was something that troubled her about the way Inuyasha said that. It was just way too fake. “You know that I can't trust you anymore. You've proven that tonight. And since I don't know where the tape is, I have no option but to do this Kagome.”
After Inuyasha stopped the speaker, she looked around to see if Inuyasha would show himself. She turned around when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She saw him coming down the stairs with something behind his back. He had a wicked smile on his face. Kagome backed up from him, she had a feeling that this was going to be something bigger that his usual beating.
“Now Kagome, I need that tape you have. I just can't leave knowing that you have the power to ruin my life.” She felt anger bubble up inside her.
Your life? What about what you did to me? All this time making my life a living hell! You've already ruined my life, You don't deserve anything better than death!” Kagome felt all of her rage from her past when Inuyasha beat her. All the times when she wanted to talk back to him or hit him, all those times holding it in were coming out now.
“I'm never giving you that tape, Inuyasha! You can go to hell, see if I care!” Inuyasha's expression turned grim.
“I didn't want to have to do this Kagome.” He pulled out a gun from behind his back. Kagome's eyes widened. All of the sudden Kagome saw flashes of her past, the time when Kikyo tried to kill her. It's happening again. The people I care about turn against me. Am I really that hated in this world?
“Give me the Goddamned tape Kagome. You know that I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you don't give me what I want.”
Kagome knew that she couldn't tell him the truth now. There was just no way that he'd believe it. Why the hell not? What's the worst that could happen?
“Inuyasha, I have no tape to give you. I just said that I did because I wanted you to go away. It was a bluff.”
“Like I'd believe that. Fine, then you give me no choice. I have to get rid of the evidence. And since I don't know where that is… well, you'll just have to watch.” Inuyasha moved over to the closet and opened it. Inside the closet doors were Kagome's mother and her husband, Neil. They looked unconscious, but they were tied in ropes and had ropes gagged in their mouths.
“Inuyasha what did you do?!” Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs. “Let them go! They have nothing to do with this! LET THEM GO!!!” Kagome screamed frantically. She lunged at Inuyasha, to angry to care about the consequences.
“Back off bitch.” He aimed the gun at her and fired. She felt the shot pierce through her shoulder. It hit nothing vital, but it was enough to stop her in her tracks. She kneeled over clutching her shoulder in pain.
“Please… just…. Go.” She managed to speak through her clenched teeth. She looked up to see Inuyasha coming over to her. Grabbing a book of the shelf, he hit her over the head with it, hard.
Kagome lay sprawled over the ground with her eyes screwed shut. After a few minutes of nothing else happening Kagome looked up from her spot near the couch to see Inuyasha pouring a liquid all over her and the house. She took one whiff of it and immediately knew what it was. Gasoline…
“What are you doing?” she whispered weakly. Please don't tell me he's doing what I think he's doing.
“I'm getting rid of the evidence. All the evidence and that includes you.”
Her shoulder and head throbbed. What could she do now? She certainly wasn't just going to wait for death. She had to do something. But what can I do? He's so much stronger than I am.
After he was done with drenching the house with the four-smelling liquid he came over to Kagome to give her his final words.
He picked her up gently and held her. Kagome struggled wanting to get out of his grasp. He held on tightly.
“Kagome, Believe me when I say this, but I love you, I really do.” Kagome had the sudden urge to cry and have him comfort her. No! Never to this monster again, never will I let myself feel the longing for his comfort.
“Then why are you doing this to me? If you really loved me, then you'd let me and my family go.”
“But I know that you don't love me, and that's why I have to do this.” He looked down, his expression suddenly filled with regret and sorrow.
“Inuyasha I did love you ya know. I fell in love with the side of you that wasn't angry and me all the time. That's why I stayed with you. Because I wanted to be with that Inuyasha more. But over time I just couldn't handle it anymore, and you drove me to hate you.” He looked at her with such emotion it was almost unbearable to look back at him.
“I don't want you to be awake for the rest of this.” He put up a damp cloth up to her face, covering her mouth and nose. She felt herself grow weary and wanted to close her eyes. Just as she did so she heard Inuyasha whisper something.
“I did love you Kagome, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get over the fact that you weren't her.
Not seconds later she felt darkness take over her. For the second time in her life, she didn't know if she would live to see another day.