InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the world Ends ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When the World Ends
Chapter Eight
(((Sesshomaru's POV)))
I sit in the back seat of a limo as I try calling my senseless brother over and over again. His phone is turned off. Figures. I don't even know why I'm here trying to track down that bastard. It's not my fault he left the ceremony unexpectedly like that. Father should be the one in this seat, not me.
I stare out the window. There's nothing to see, just darkness for miles as we rush along the highway. The streetlights that pass over us are starting to but me. I role up my window and try calling Inuyasha's cell once again. It's just his voicemail. I wonder what kind of trouble he's getting into now. Not that I care. I give up on trying calling Inuyasha so I decide to let my eyes rest just for a few moments.
The limo comes to a sudden stop and I jolt awake. I must have fallen asleep on the way over. We're at Inuyasha's dorm. Father was dead serious about finding him. After all, we never did get to hear what Inuyasha chose to do with his life. Does this Sesshomaru care what he wants? Hell no. So once again I prove that father should be in my place. Besides, no matter what outcome my halfwit brother decides I'll still get what I want.
I open the car door and look at the building in disgust. I don't understand how someone could live in such an awful place such as this. But then again it is Inuyasha we're talking about. I struggle to breathe as I enter the rundown building. What was his room number again? 127? Yes that was it. I go up to the second floor and wander for a few seconds before I find his dorm.
I shudder as I think of what he's probably doing in there now. My guess is that he's degrading one of his many “girlfriends” as we speak. Does he have no shame? Does he have no moral? What happened to saving yourself? What a horrible world we live in where people just do it with anyone these days. I knock on the door. I listen closely but I don't hear any rustling inside to answer the door, there isn't a sound.
Once again I knock on the door. I even go as far as calling out his name, but there is still not a sound. The entire building is quiet. Shit. I was hopping that he'd be here. Driving around town looking for him just doesn't seem like much fun to me. Heading back to the limo, I try to remember the name of his date that he brought to the ceremony. He's more likely to be there than not. Too bad I don't know where she lives. Time to get a phone book out. I sigh. How did I become my father's lackey?
Getting hold of a local phonebook, I flip through it looking for Higurashi. Thankfully there is only one Higurashi family living in this town. Jotting down the address mentally, I give the directions to my driver and get in the backseat of the limo once again.
From what I've gathered, it would take us at least fifteen minutes to get to Kagome Higurashi's house. Curious about the suburbia scenery, I roll down the window. The scenery doesn't amuse me, but something in the air does. I take a big whiff just to be sure that what I smell is exactly what I think it is. I'm sure I know what that scent is now. How could anyone not?
I tap on the driver access window and motion for him to speed up. I have a strong instinct that something horrible is about to happen. And it's about to happen at the Higurashi household. What the hell has Inuyasha gotten himself into this time?
My uneasiness grew the closer we got to our destination. The scent of smoke grew stronger every second we spent on the road. I urged my driver to speed up. If I could prevent getting our family out from a possible accident, then I would. It was common sense. I could walk by a burning house any day without caring, but I had family obligations, so I couldn't ignore this one.
When we pulled up to the Higurashi shrine, I saw Inuyasha come racing down the driveway. He was definitely trying to escape something. The limo got as close to the shrine as he could. It looked normal from the outside so far, but the inside was radiating light from the burning fire.
“Shit,” I muttered. I knew this is what was happening, I just hoped that I was wrong. Time for this Sesshormaru to save the day. I concentrated on listing to the noises around me. There weren't any sirens so I assumed that the fire company hadn't been alerted about the shrine on fire yet. But before I could call them, there were still a few priorities that I had to take care of.
One thing I could deduct was that since Inuyasha was speeding from the Higurashi shrine, he either became a pyromaniac and decided to light the house because he thought it would look pretty, or he wanted his girlfriend dead and went crazy by deciding to burn her to death. Either way, he is still gonna have a lot of shit to deal with the next couple of months or so. This means I'll have to be his babysitter again. Yippee.
I quickly ran up the steps of the shrine. The burning house just screamed lawsuit. No doubt Inuyasha left behind evidence of his actions, the idiot that he is. If I could just get that girl out of the house before her demise, then maybe we won't get sued.
I reached the front door of the house. Pausing for a few seconds to take everything in, I barged through the door and tried to spot Inuyasha's wench. Unknowingly, I paused in awe. Flames engulfed everything. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!! How am I supposed to find her in this mess? Did I really have to save her just because it was my duty? I could just easily leave her there to die and say that I had been too late. Yeah we, I mean my father, might get sued. But so what? At least I'd still be alive. Not that I can same the same for this worthless girl.
If you want to become heir you better make sure that girl comes back alive. I heard my father's earlier words echo in my mind. I don't know what the big deal with her is. She's meaningless, just a toy Inuyasha played with. If she was dumb enough to get involved with Inuyasha than she deserves to die.
I know that telling myself all of this won't get me out of saving her. After all, I'll do anything, anything to become heir and make sure Inuyasha suffers. Pulling my shirt above my nose so that I don't have to breathe in smoke, I make my way through the house looking for the thing I need. My eyes dart frantically from place to place, room to room, and I quicken my pace as I still have not yet found Kagome. The heat and smoke is getting to me. I can't breathe right and I'm feeling dizzy. I'm coughing like a maniac and my eyes blur slightly, but I have to keep focus.
After about what feels like hours of tortured wandering, but is only a few minutes, I finally spot an unconscious form lying in the middle of what used to be a living room. I practically crawl over to her to avoid the burning embers. Amazingly she is untouched by the licking flames. Her breathing is shallow, but still there thankfully.
From the looks of it, the living room was where the fire had originally begun. Everything was ablaze and had turned to a dark charcoal color, the same as the girl's skin had now become. My next thoughts were to get out of there as soon as possible. I couldn't remember the way I came in and I did NOT want to wander around looking for the exit. So I did the most sensible thing possible, if anything could be called sensible at a time like this. I threw myself through the Window in the living room. The landing came as a shock. It felt like I fell ten stories, not one. Plus I had cushioning to land on, all she had to be was alive right? It didn't matter what condition she was in.
I heard the sirens of the fire engine just down the street. I had to get out of there—fast. I pull myself up immediately feeling the bruises that were already starting to form. I rush to the cab that was still waiting for me at the end of the driveway and I practically dive inside. The cab sped away and I let out a sigh of relief. Tonight's job was almost done.
I checked on the girl to make sure she was still breathing and everything. I get out some things to make sure that everything goes according to plan. First I inject her with something to make sure that she stays asleep for at least two days. I also tie her hands and feet together. Next I wrap up some of the cuts she got when I jumped out of the window. Don't want her to bleed to death or get an infection now do we?
When I'm done I sit back and relax and let myself drift into an uneasy dreamless sleep.
~many minutes later~
I jolt awake as the limo came to a sudden stop. I rubbed my sleep-deprived eyes and get out of the car, leaving the wench's sleeping form in the back seat. It took me a few seconds to realize where we were. I was standing in the driveway of my family's summer home. I haven't been here for years. Not since I was a little kid. The home was very private and no one outside immediate family knew about it very big and secluded. It was the perfect spot for keeping a kidnapped girl.
I looked at my watch. 5:43 am. I had been sleeping for roughly four hours. It would be enough for now. I'll take a catnap later, maybe. I looked up to find my father's lackey, Jakken, running down the driveway to meet me. He was a tiny person, and very ugly both inside and out. In fact, you could almost call him a toad. I mentally laughed at the thought.
“Master Sesshomaru!! Master Sesshomaru!! Do you have the girl?” he yelled exasperated as he came closer. I stood there and waited for him to get near. I sure as hell wasn't going to yell.
“Yes I've got her. Now what do you want me to do with her? I need to get out of here as soon as possible.”
“Very good Master. Do you have her parents as well?”
I shook my head. “It wasn't my duty to get them also. But I do believe that I heard sirens, so I assume that they took care of them.” Jakken looked like he was about to piss his pants.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no!!! If you don't have the parents then it was useless!! Absolutely useless!”
“What do you mean you idiot? We don't need the parents just the girl. We can send a letter to them, saying we have their child and tell them what to do if they ever want her back, and that includes not pressing charges.” Jakken sighed relief. But then shot Sesshomaru a questioning look.
“Including….as in there's more to it than making sure we don't get our butts sued?”
“Of course. Did you not think that this family had to kidnap this…this wench just to get out of a little trouble? We are not that poor, we are doing this because…”
“It's none of your business Jakken, now take care of this woman and let father know I'm taking a vacation. Make sure to have him call me when this whole ordeal blows over.” Jakken nodded but hesitated.
“Master…there is something else you might want know.”
I glared daggers at Jakken. “What could it possible be?” I was growing impatient. I really need that catnap.
“Well at your father's request, he wishes you to stay here and make sure that girl doesn't get into any trouble.” Jakken winced. I almost exploded right then and there.
“Fuck!!” I muttered underneath my breath. “Are you sure? Doesn't he trust you enough to play babysitter? He knows that I'm needed elsewhere much more.” Jakken nodded. Shit. I sigh. Well what father says goes, nor argument, no question, no nothing. I have no choice.
I look over to the unconscious form that was still in the limo and growl underneath my breath. Then I glare at Jakken once more. “Who else is staying here besides you?”
“The servants from the main house. Master will have them all here bye this afternoon. And….”I didn't listen to what else Jakken had to say, and I didn't really give a fuck. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple. This was not good. I needed to hit something—hard. And I did just that to the closest thing to me. Unfortunately for Jakken, that was him. He screamed as he went flying a few feet in the air.
“Get up and take care of the girl.” I ordered. “I'm going down by the lake. Take the care up to the garage and turn on the electricity to the fence. We don't want our kidnapee to escape now do we?” I started to walk down the driveway without bothering to hear his reply.
~Kagome's Point of View~
I woke up to a world of dark. I felt like I was floating in nothingness. It was eerie but at the same time peaceful. My memory failed me and I couldn't remember a thing. But I was okay with that. It felt like there wasn't a care in the world. For hours it seemed like I was floating, there.
And just out of the blue, I heard voices. I couldn't hear what they were saying exactly. But I had no doubt that they were there. They sounded so familiar and warm, well one of them did. I was sure that I was hearing two maybe three. There was a soothing voice, it felt though as it was speaking to me in another language. The others gave me a horrible nagging feeling that wouldn't go away. I wanted to talk to them. I tried but my lips would move to form words.
Panic fled through me as I tried to move my limbs and realized that I couldn't. Trying everything I could possible do to make them move—which wasn't much, I totally flipped out. I was screaming. or at least I thought I was, but I couldn't hear myself. This just added more worry to my panic and confusion.
I kept screaming and screaming, and nothing ever came out, but my throat became hoarse so I must have been. I screamed myself asleep, or so I had though. My mind was extremely fuzzy through the whole experience. So I drifted into another realm, not really caring what was going to happen next.
~Miroku's Point of View~
I heard my alarm go off at 5:45 and I smacked it. I got up and stretched and smiled. It was just like any normal day. I was especially cheery. Last night really got my hopes up in the clouds. I sighed, thinking about last night, my date with Kagome. And I chuckled. I had sort of a secret crush on her ever since she and Inuyasha started dating a few months ago.
I whistled as I got ready for work. Today I start my new job working for the Taisho family. Mr. Taisho himself hired me a week ago, but never really explained what it was that I had to do. But I got to live in his summer home for a few months. Id probably just be house sitting. What a perfect job for me. I chuckle at the thought of this.
I got ready quickly and was out of the door by 6:15. It was about a three hour drive and I had to be there by ten. The entire drive up I was wondering how I was going to go out with Kagome on Friday if I was stuck house sitting. Maybe it was only for a couple of days. I really hoped that Mr. Taisho didn't expect me to stay there for any longer than a month. Besides how was I supposed to go to school and all? Jeez, I really didn't think this through at the time. Oh well, too late now I suppose.
I approached the gates at around nine-thirty and it took me another couple of minutes to get up the driveway. From the outside the mansion seemed completely disserted as it was supposed to be. Mr. Taisho called my cell on the way over here and explained that there was something big going on in the house this week and he wanted me to help. I didn't know exactly what yet, but he told me that I'd figure it out when I got there.
Apparently Sesshomaru was here along with Jakken already, but I didn't see any cars anywhere and there wasn't a garage for them to hide in. I stopped the car and got out to take a look at my surroundings. Wow it was beautiful. The cabin was at the very top of a large hill and below was a gorgeous shimmering lake. Trees surrounded the cabin for miles and there wasn't another soul around for at least a good fifteen miles.
I walked out a little farther towards the lake since I had some time to kill. I walked for a few minutes until I couldn't see the house anymore when I came to a large fence, maybe 20 feet high. It looked like it was electric. I stood there gaping at it. Now why would someone need that here out in the middle of nowhere? What did they want to keep out? Or in?
Thinking that I heard voices, I turned toward house and headed back. I assumed that Sesshomaru and Jakken were looking for me since I was not by my car. But I looked around and did not see either of them outside. I did, however, hear voices coming from inside the house. Angry, but not yelling.
I knocked on the door, and rang the bell twice. But no one answered. So I just let myself in. I stood in awe at how normal everything looked. This was the famous Taisho family, I would've expected them to have nothing less than perfect. But it just looked like a normal cabin—only a thousand times bigger. You could really sense the homey feeling here.
Following the sound of the voices, I walked through the halls until I came to the source of them and stopped outside the door.
“What?!?” I heard a low voice ask menacingly. It sounded just like Inuyasha's brother.
“But Master, I told you already. It is not my fault that I didn't know you weren't listening.” A high-pitched annoying voice responded.
“Why? Who the hell let him come here?”
“Your father of course.” I heard a growl. Who were they talking about? Me? I hope not.
“Tell him that I refuse. I'm not letting my brother's fucked up friend stay here. What is he supposed to do anyway?” I winced. Yep, they're most definitely talking about me.
“Now, Master Sesshomaru, you know that you can't refuse your father. And he did not mention why he let Miroku stay here. He just insisted that he did.” I hear a loud `wham' and the conversation stops. I don't know what do to next. Should I knock or go back outside and ring the doorbell pretending I didn't hear any of this? I sigh for what seems like the millionth time. I'll just get this over with and knock the door. As I reach to do so, I hear: “Hasn't she supposed to be woken up by now?” from the annoying one.
“Yes, But I gave her too much. It shouldn't be a problem, She'll just be sleeping for a couple of extra days and maybe have a little memory trouble when she wakes up. It actually worked out better for us that way.” Who were they talking about? I got a sick feeling in my stomach that it was someone I cared for.
Not being able to take it anymore, I knocked on the door and opened it without giving them the chance to open it first. I stood in the doorway to see a large plain white room that looked peculiarly like hospital room. Both of the people who were talking were standing there looking at me quite shocked. Behind them I saw a bed in the middle of the room with someone lying in it. I couldn't make out who it was though. The little ugly guy was in my way.
I saw that the men in the room were looking at me with questioning looks. Of course, I couldn't just barge right in without explaining myself.
“Hi. Um I'm sorry. I'm Miroku and Mr. Taisho asked me to come here for work. I rang the doorbell but nobody answered, so I just let myself in. I hope that's alright.” Sesshomaru looked really pissed. His face hadn't changed one bit, but you could almost feel the heat from the anger in his eyes.
“Jakken, Please escort this man to where father has asked him to be.”
“Yes, sir.” The little ugly guy walked past me and signaled for me to follow. “Right this way.” His moving gave me a clear view as to who it was lying in the bed. My eyes grew wide and my chin felt like it dropped to the floor.
“What the fuck do you think you're doing?!?!” I shouted to Sesshomaru, he didn't flinch.
“That is absolutely none of your business. Now leave.”
“No! Tell me why she's here!”
“That would not be wise. Do you wish to be fired?” If only looks could kill…
I ignored him and practically ran over to Kagome. “Oh Kagome,” I knelt down beside her. She looked awful. Her skin was pale, her eyes sunken, she didn't even look like she was alive. If her chest wasn't rising and falling, I'd be sure she was dead just from looking at her. I traced my fingers along her cold clammy arm. “Kagome,” I whispered again as if calling her name would bring her to consciousness again.
“Obviously you care for the girl. If you wish to stay here I suggest you leave this room at once.” I felt the familiar bubble of anger rising in my chest. I stood up and shouted at Sesshomaru.
“What happened to her? She was fine last night! What did you do?” I said the last part in a low menacing growl.
“Like I said before, it is something you don't need to be concerned of. You were sent here to do a job and I strongly advise that you do it.” I looked at him with such hate right then. But I realized that I wasn't going to get an answer out of him. I'd have to wait until Mr. Taisho showed up—if he ever did. So I walked through the door and let Jakken, who was standing in the hall, lead me through the halls to my room.
He said that I was here as a look out, to make sure that no one came closer to the house than ten miles. I wasn't supposed to ask questions. Just do it. Not that I needed to. I already knew what they were hiding.
I usually took on various jobs for the Taisho family. The pay is really good, and it's never boring. But this was one job that I wasn't sure I could keep, not with Kagome in there and not being able to know what is going on.