InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Forest Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 1

Forest Meeting

This fic takes place around the Sengoku Jidai period. All demonic and miko auras are the same. Characters may be different. I don't know how they'll turn out.


Kagome was taking a walk in the forest. It was such a nice day. The sun was out and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. She was on her way to her way to see her best friend Sango. They were supposed to help Miroku on an exorcism.

The village they were supposed to go to was swarming with youkai. It wasn't safe for Miroku to go alone so Kagome and Sango volunteered to go with him. Sango was a Tajiya, Kagome was a miko, and Miroku was a Houshi.

On the way there Kagome felt a presence behind her, but every time she looked back no one was there. She shook the feeling thinking it was just some animal passing by. She could now distantly see the village houses from where she was standing.

She was just about to make her way down there when she felt a breeze. She shivered and heard a noise coming from the bushes. Before she could look someone had grabbed her and knocked her out. The figure picked her up and took off into the woods.


Inuyasha had been walking around the forest when he smelt the most enticing scent. Curious as to what it was, he followed it. Before he knew it, he was at the edge of the forest.

The scent seemed to be coming from a girl walking down the path. She was no ordinary girl, this girl was a miko. Inuyasha watched her for a while. He'd never seen such a beautiful woman before.

In his eyes she was a goddess. She had raven black hair that stopped at the middle of her back and the most beautiful brown eyes. The sun only enhanced her beauty, brightening up her facial features.

Her scent was driving him crazy. Without thinking he ran up and grabbed her. He ran back to the Goshinboku with the girl in his arms.


"Where could she be?" Sango asked. She was starting to get worried.

"She should be here by now." Miroku said.

"Maybe she forgot we were supposed to go today." Sango asked standing up.

"Shall we go check on her then?" Miroku asked.

Sango nodded and they were on their way. "Don't touch me Houshi-sama. Come on Kirara." She said sensing his hand's movements.

"Why I would never." Miroku said innocently. He was wearing purple monk robes. He had black hair that was pulled into a little ponytail at the base of his neck. He had brown eyes and two earrings in each ear. His right hand was wrapped in a cloth and in his left hand was his staff.

Sango glared at him but kept walking. She was wearing a black skintight body suit with pink armor. She had long black hair tied up in a high ponytail and pink eye shadow. Around her waist was a red sash with her katana tucked in and on her back was an enormous boomerang, Hiraikotsu.

Next to her was Kirara. Kirara is a small neko youkai that can transform. Now she was small and her fur was a golden yellow color. She had black ears and feet. She had two tails and each had two stripes. Her eyes were an orange color and she had a black diamond shape mark on her forehead. When transformed she had huge fangs and was bigger.

As they made their way to her village, Kagome was just waking up. Her neck hurt a little but felt better when she rubbed it. She sat up and looked around. "What happened?" She said aloud.

She was in the middle of forest near a large tree. She didn't know how she got there. Then she remembered someone had knocked her out. Looking around she didn't find anyone.

She stood up and looked around. "This is just great." Kagome said sarcastically. She was in the forest and had no idea where she was. How was she supposed to find her way out? "This is hopeless." She muttered.


"What?" Sango asked.

"You mean she left a couple of hours ago?" Miroku asked.

"Hai, she said she wanted to get an early start." Kagome's younger brother, Souta said.

"Where could she be? The only way to the village is the pathway we went on and if she was on it we would've run into her." Sango said.

"Maybe she went into the forest." Souta suggested.

"Why would Kagome-chan go there?" Sango asked.

"Who knows? Maybe some animal got hurt and she wanted to save it. You know how nee-chan is." Souta said.

"We'll go look for her then." Miroku said.

Sango was way ahead of the monk. Kirara was already transformed and Sango was on her back. "Hurry up Houshi-sama." Sango said impatiently. Miroku hurried up and hopped on. Once he was on, Kirara took to the air.


Kagome had been wandering around the forest for a long time. It was already getting dark, which meant she had been there for a couple of hours. She was starting to get cold and hungry.

She wrapped her arms around herself to keep herself from shivering. Giving up, she sat down at the base of a tree. It was so dark Kagome couldn't see anything. The trees were blocking the sun, if it was still out.

A rustle of bushes could be heard. She quickly stood up. "Who's there?" She said. `Great you're in the middle of the woods and you ask who's there.' Kagome thought.

A figure came out of the bushes. More like a person. It was a guy with red clothing. He had the most beautiful amber eyes and long silver hair. He had claws and on top of his head he had dog-ears. `Kawaii.' Kagome thought.

Inuyasha had been watching her for at least a half an hour. She had woken up a lot sooner than he expected. He'd spent a long time trying to find her. It took him a while to find her because her scent was everywhere.

He walked up to Kagome and stopped in front of her. "Ano...I don't know where I am. Do you think you could help me?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha looked at her. She was even more beautiful close up. He sniffed her scent and sighed. He would never get tired of smelling her scent. He stepped closer toward her and reached out his hand.

Kagome backed up until she was against the tree. What was he doing? He caressed her cheek. She calmed down a little. He moved the hair away from her neck. "I should get going. My friends are probably worried about me." Kagome said quietly.

Inuyasha heard her but didn't care. He leaned down toward her and licked her neck. Kagome froze. For some reason it felt good. Then she remembered that she had no idea who he was. She was going to push him off when he bit down on her neck. Her mouth opened but no sound came out.

He licked the blood off her shoulder and nuzzled her neck in apology for any pain he might have caused. He picked her up and ran. Kagome held onto him afraid of falling off. She had no idea what just happened.

Before she could think of anything she was at the edge of the forest on the trail to her village. She wanted to ask the guy some questions but he was gone. She sank to the ground trying to make sense of anything that had just happened.


Kagome looked up where the voice was coming from. There was Kirara with Sango and Miroku on her back. She smiled weakly as they landed. "Where were you?" Sango asked.

"I don't know." Kagome said.

"Let's get her home and ask questions later." Miroku said. Sango nodded and they got back on Kirara and headed towards her village.

Inuyasha had watched the whole thing. He knew she didn't understand what he did. He had to do it. The demon in him was screaming at him to do it. "Kagome." Inuyasha said before running back to the Goshinboku.


Kagome was sitting on the floor. Sango and Miroku had brought her to her room. "So what happened?" Sango asked.

"Well I was heading over to meet you guys when I was knocked out. I woke up later in the forest. I wandered around trying to find my way out and a guy with ears on his head came out." Kagome said.

"What happened after that?" Sango asked.

"Well he didn't say anything when I asked him to help me, he just came up to me and touched my cheek." Kagome said. She brought a hand to her neck. "He sniffed me, and then licked my neck before biting me."

"He bit you?" Miroku said.

"Hai, then he picked me up and brought me to the village path." Kagome said. Miroku and Sango exchanged a look. "What?"

"Well from what you said the guy was a hanyou." Miroku said.

"Well, I kind of figured that." Kagome said.

Miroku tried to think of a way to explain what the hanyou had done. Kagome knew nothing of youkai mating traditions. "What he did was put a claim on you." Miroku said.

"Claim me?" Kagome said.

"Youkai bite their intended mate on the neck. It's a sign of possession." Sango said.

"I don't even know him." Kagome panicked.

"Don't worry it's only temporary." Sango said.

"Hai, it will only last for about a week." Miroku said.

"Why would he claim me? I've never met him before." Kagome said.

"Well, youkai find their mate by scent. He must've smelled you and picked you." Miroku said.

"He'll be back soon to replace the mark." Sango said. "Since he's a hanyou he'll probably give you the choice of picking him as a mate or not."

"You should ask him though." Miroku said.

"He'll come back to see me?" Kagome asked.

"Hai, probably to get to know you or something." Sango said.

"We'll leave. Sango and I will go on to the exorcism. You probably have lots of things to think about." Miroku said.

"I'll come by when we get back." Sango said.

"Bye." Kagome said.

"Bye." Sango and Miroku said. They walked out and headed towards the village to get their things.

"Are you worried about Kagome-sama?" Miroku asked.

"A little." Sango said.

"Don't worry, she can take care of herself." Miroku said.

"I hope so." Sango said. "I've never really heard about the marking."

"Well youkai like to mate within their own species." Miroku said. "But from what we've already heard he's a hanyou."

"Well let's hurry up and get our things so we can be on our way." Sango said. "Kirara."

Kirara nodded and changed into her fire cat form. They hopped on her back and headed back towards their village.


Kagome was laying on her futon. She was claimed. She just couldn't get used to the idea. He was really handsome and his ears were cute. She felt safe and relaxed around him. `What am I thinking? I don't even know him!' Kagome thought. She turned over and went to sleep.

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~*

Here's my new fic. I hope you like it. It's a little different from what I usually write. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

Thanks to my puppy slave for editing. Love ya.