InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Inuyasha ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 2


The next morning Kagome woke up. Her neck hurt. She touched where the pain was coming from. She'd forgotten that she had gotten marked. She got up and decided to start making breakfast.

"Morning Souta." Kagome said.

"Morning Kagome." Souta said. "So what happened yesterday?"

"I got lost in the forest." Kagome said.

"Did you get hurt because your neck is purple." Souta said.

Kagome covered the mark with her hand. "I guess. Where's Okaa-san?" She asked changing the subject.

"She went to help Kaede. She already made breakfast, it's on the table." Souta said.

"I was going to make it." Kagome said. She sat down and started to eat.

"Well I'm going to go play with Hiroshi." Souta said.

"Bye Souta." Kagome said.

"Bye nee-chan." Souta said and ran outside.

Kagome sat at the table eating. She was alone now. After she ate she decided to go down to the hot spring and take a bath. Sango and Miroku wouldn't be back until after sundown. She put her dishes away and headed towards the spring.

She sighed as she sunk into the hot spring. The water relaxed her tense muscles. She couldn't get the mark out of her head. She didn't even know the guy's name. What was she going to do about it? Sango and Miroku said he'd come back.

After a while she got out. She changed into her clothes and headed towards Kaede's. She was the village miko. Kagome's neck hurt and she wanted to see if Kaede had something for it.

"Hello Kaede-sama." Kagome said.

"Hello Kagome." Kaede said. She was an elderly miko with a patch over her eye. She'd lost it at a young age.

"Is Okaa-san still here?" Kagome asked.

"No, she left just a while ago with one of the villager wives." Kaede said. "I thought you were going on an exorcism with Miroku and Sango."

"I was but something came up." Kagome said.

"Would it have to do with the bite mark on your neck?" Kaede asked.

Kagome blushed. Was she the only one that didn't know what it meant? "Hai. I was wondering if you had anything to help the pain."

"Hai, but I'll need some herbs." Kaede said.

"Which ones? I can get them for you." Kagome said.

"Arigato. Do you mind getting some other herbs too?" Kaede asked.

"Not at all." Kagome said. Kaede wrote what she needed on paper. "Bye Kaede."

"Be careful." Kaede said.

Kagome smiled and waved goodbye to her. She started walking to the forest to collect the herbs. She knew what they all were. Kaede had been teaching her about healing among other things.

`Good I know where most of these are.' Kagome thought. She grabbed a basket from her house on the way. She spotted a patch of herbs that were on the list. She sat down and began cutting them with a knife.

She'd just put another herb in the basket when she shivered. She felt a presence behind her. She looked around and saw nothing. She shook her head and went back to cutting herbs.

She was just about to cut another herb when someone jumped in front of her. "Yo."

Kagome screamed and cut her finger. She hadn't even noticed someone was around. She looked at the blood dripping off of her finger. "Itai." She said. She looked at who the person was.

It was the hanyou that had marked her. She started backing away as he moved closer. He kneeled down in front of her and grabbed her hand. He licked the blood off and tore a piece of his inner haori off and wrapped it around her finger.

Kagome shivered when she felt him lick her finger. It felt warm and comforting. "Um arigato." Kagome said. "Who are you?"

"Inuyasha." He said. Kagome had no idea what to say. The guy had just bit her the day before. He'd also bandaged her finger. "Did it hurt?" He asked touching her neck.

"A little." Kagome said. Getting over her shyness she asked, "Why did you mark me?"

"Don't you know about youkai courting?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome blushed. "No." She said softly.

Inuyasha blinked. "You don't know?" He asked. She shook her head. "We'll just take this slowly then."

"Take what slowly? The first time I saw you, you bit me without explaining anything." Kagome said.

"Keh you don't have a choice. I already marked you." Inuyasha said.

"I'll just wait until it goes away." Kagome said.

"And I'll be there to remark you." Inuyasha said. Why wouldn't she give him a chance? Was it because he's a hanyou? He thought she was different. His ear's fell flat on his head. "Is it because I'm a hanyou?"

Kagome looked at him. He looked so sad. "That's not why. I don't care about that stuff, it's just that I just learned a little bit about this stuff yesterday and I'm not used to it." Kagome said.

Inuyasha looked up. She didn't care he was a hanyou. He was thinking of a way to explain this to her. "Well we get to know each other and by the time the week ends you decide if I can mark you again or not." Inuyasha explained.

Kagome thought about it. Something was telling her to get to know him. She couldn't explain it. "I guess I could take the time to get to know you." Kagome said.

"Like I would've given you a choice." Inuyasha said. "What are you doing?"

"Well I was collecting herbs until you came and scared me, making me cut my finger." Kagome said.

"Gomen." Inuyasha said. "I thought you'd be able to sense me."

"I wasn't really paying attention." Kagome said.

"You shouldn't let your guard down." Inuyasha said.

"I know." Kagome said.

Inuyasha stayed with her until she finished gathering herbs. "I guess I'll see you later." Kagome said.

"Bye." Inuyasha said. He looked at her one last time before leaping into the forest.

Kagome watched him leave. She picked up the basket and headed back to Kaede's hut. She couldn't believe she agreed to get to know him. The pain in her neck was going away. `Maybe I won't need the herbs after all.' Kagome thought.

She got to Kaede's hut. "Sorry it took so long but I ran into someone." Kagome said. She set the herbs down in front of her.

"Arigato. Whom did you run into?" Kaede asked.

"Inuyasha." Kagome said. Kaede looked at her curiously. "The one who marked me."

"Ah. What did he have to say?" Kaede asked.

"Well he told me that we'd take it one step at a time." Kagome said.

"Does he seem nice?" Kaede asked.

"He asked if the mark hurt and he wrapped my finger. He jumped and landed in front of me. He scared me and I cut my finger. He seems kind of rude." Kagome frowned.

"Do you know of any reason why he'd act the way he does?" Kaede asked.

"Well he's a hanyou. He seemed kind of sad when he asked me about it." Kagome said.

"That's probably why." Kaede said. She started cutting up the leaves.

"Oh I won't be needing the herbs after all Kaede-sama." Kagome said. "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"I'm just going to make some anyway. Always good to have it ready." Kaede said.

"I guess Inuyasha would close himself off." Kagome said. Hanyous were rejected by youkai because of his human blood whereas humans rejected him because of his youkai blood.

"If anyone were to get him to open up it would be you." Kaede said. "You should try and get to know him."

"I guess I could give him a chance." Kagome said.


Sango and Miroku had gotten back from their exorcism. They'd told their families that they were back and went to see Kagome. "Hey Kagome-chan." Sango said.

"Hey Sango, Miroku." Kagome smiled. She'd gotten home a little earlier then when they'd arrived. "How was the exorcism?"

"It seems as though a villager was lying." Miroku said.

"Hai, he'll never lie again I can tell you that." Sango said.

"Sango, he was a little boy. You didn't have to chase him with your weapon." Miroku said.

"You chased a little boy around with Hiraikotsu?" Kagome asked.

"Hai." Sango said. "I guess I should have went a little easier on him but I was mad."

"So what happened today with you Kagome-sama?" Miroku asked.

"Well I met the one who marked me." Kagome said.

"Oh really?" Sango asked.

"How did that go?" Miroku asked.

Kagome told them what had happened. Sango had told her that the purple mark was gone and all that was left was two bite marks from the fangs. "So I guess I'll give him a chance." Kagome said.

"Well you should. I mean he's a hanyou. It must've taken him a lot of courage to mark you." Miroku said.

"I never looked at it that way." Kagome said.

"Well we should get going." Sango said. "I still need to go eat."

"Me too." Miroku said.

"We'll see you tomorrow Kagome." Sango said. Her and Miroku waved as they started walking on the village path.

Kagome was tired considering she'd done a lot of thinking. She quickly ate her meal and went into her room. She changed into her sleeping kimono and laid down. She wondered what would happen tomorrow.


Hope you like it. The chapters probably won't come out as often as my other fics because this one is a little more difficult to think of ideas for. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

Thanks to my puppy slave for editing. Love ya.