InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Borrowing ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 3


The next day Kagome woke up early. She made breakfast for her mom and brother. They came in when the food was done. "Kagome, you made breakfast." Her mom said.

"Hai." Kagome said. "I woke up early and thought I'd cook before I went to see Sango and Miroku."

"Arigato." Her mom said.

"Thanks nee-chan." Souta said.

They all ate their breakfast and went their separate ways. Souta went out to play and her mother went to see some friends. Kagome walked down the trail. She almost screamed when someone grabbed her.

What stopped her was the familiar warmth she felt. All she could see was red. Looking up she noticed it was Inuyasha. She held onto him when she noticed how high up they were.

"I'm not going to drop you." Inuyasha said as he continued to jump from tree to tree.

Kagome relaxed her hold on him as she watched the trees go by. `Where is he taking me?' She wondered. Her question was answered when he stopped at an old tree. "The Goshinboku?" She said.

"You know what the tree is called?" Inuyasha asked. He set her down on a branch against the tree and took a seat next to her.

"Hai, there are a lot of legends about it." Kagome said. "Ji-chan used to tell me about them all the time."

"I didn't think anyone knew what it was or that it was here." Inuyasha said. "Most humans are afraid of walking through the forest"

"Well I wouldn't have been able to see it either if I wasn't kidnapped." Kagome said.

"I didn't kidnap you." Inuyasha said.

"Well, then what would you call what you just did?" Kagome asked.

"I'm borrowing you." Inuyasha said. He said as if he did it all the time.

"Ok then, what's your reason for `borrowing' me?" Kagome asked.

"Just felt like it." Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders.

"So you scared me, took me to the middle of the forest, and kept me from what I was going to do because you just felt like it?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah." Inuyasha said. "What were you going to go do?"

"I was going to go see Sango and Miroku." Kagome looked down to see how far she was from the ground.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Inuyasha said.

Not listening to him she looked anyway. She hadn't realized they were so far up. They had to be on one of the highest branches of the tall tree. She lost her balance and fell over.

Inuyasha had jumped to catch her. He wrapped his arms around her waist. Kagome held onto his shirt so tight that her knuckles were white. They fell on the ground with Kagome on top of Inuyasha. He'd turned them around so he would take the brunt of the fall.

Kagome finally realized that they weren't falling anymore and looked up. She gasped. "Inuyasha are you all right?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha tried to sit up but Kagome pushed him back down. "I'm fine Kagome. I'll heal soon." Inuyasha said.

"Are you sure? You fell pretty hard." Kagome said. "It's all my fault."

"It's ok. I should've told you how high up we were." Inuyasha said.

"Do you need anything?" Kagome asked. She was still worried about him. Demon or not, he could still be injured.

"I don't need anything. I'll heal within an hour." Inuyasha said.

Kagome still felt bad. It was her fault that he'd been hurt. She sat down next to him and put his head in her lap. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

Inuyasha turned towards her and inhaled her scent. He couldn't even feel the pain anymore. He'd even hurt himself again if he could lay his head in her lap.

Kagome was really trying to resist the urge to rub his ears. They looked so cute. She couldn't stand it any longer she rubbed the base of his ear. She was surprised to hear him growl. She quickly took her hand off of his ear. "I'm sorry." She said.

Inuyasha grabbed her hand and put it back next to his ear. "I don't mind." He said.

"But you growled." Kagome said.

"I liked it." Inuyasha said. "It's a content growl."

"You mean like, a purr?" Kagome giggled.

"No, I'm not a cat." Inuyasha said. He growled again as Kagome started rubbing his ear again. After a while he fell asleep.


Inuyasha woke up a while later. His back didn't hurt anymore. He was happy to find that Kagome was still with him. He opened his eyes and looked up. "You're awake." Kagome said.

"Hai, how long was I asleep?" Inuyasha asked. He stretched while still on her lap.

"For about an hour." Kagome said. "Do you feel any better?"

"Hai." Inuyasha said. As much as he hated it he got up and cracked his back. "I told you I'd be fine in an hour."

"I'm sorry. I should've listened to you." Kagome apologized again.

"Yeah, you should've listened to me. Now you'll know next time." Inuyasha smirked. "So where were you supposed to go before I grabbed you?"

"I was going to see Sango and Miroku." Kagome said.

"Who are they?" Inuyasha asked. He laid back down and rested his head on her lap.

"They're my friends. Sango is a Tajiya, and Miroku is a Houshi." Kagome said.

"And you're a miko. So, do you three get together and kill youkai?" Inuyasha asked inhaling her scent once again.

"Only if they attack first. We're not the type of people that kill youkai without a good reason." Kagome said.

"So, why didn't you try to kill me?"

"I didn't know if you were going to attack or help me." Kagome said. She started rubbing his ears again.

"Well, I did bite you. Why didn't you do anything after that?" Inuyasha asked.

"I don't know. I was stunned I guess." Kagome said.

"It's getting late. You'll probably want to see your friends before it gets dark." Inuyasha said. Inuyasha stood up and picked her up bridal style. He jumped and went from tree to tree back to the village path.

He landed on the path and put her down. "Thanks. Sorry again for hurting you back." Kagome said.

"I'll see you again tomorrow." Inuyasha said.

"You're not going to `borrow' me again are you?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha just smirked before jumping on the nearest tree. She sighed and headed towards Sango and Miroku's village. There was still time before dinner.

"Kagome-chan." Sango waved.

"Hello Sango, Miroku." Kagome said. She walked towards them and sat down on the grass with them. They were in the meadow instead of the village.

"Where were you earlier?" Miroku asked. "We went to go see you and no one was there."

"Inuyasha came by." Kagome said.

"Did he?" Miroku asked.

"Hai, he took me to the Goshinboku." Kagome said.

"Really? What did you?" Sango asked.

"Well, we were sitting high up in the tree, I didn't know how far from the ground we were. I looked down and fell. Inuyasha caught me in mid air and he landed on his back so I wouldn't get hurt." Kagome said.

"Is he ok?" Sango asked.

"He is now. He just needed to rest for a while." Kagome said.

"Well youkai do heal at an incredible rate. Being hanyou must give him the same healing abilities." Miroku said.

"Where's Kirara?" Kagome asked. The neko was usually always with Sango.

"She's with Kohaku in the village." Sango said. "They're playing with some friends."

"I didn't think I'd ever see you without Kirara beside you." Kagome said.

"Now that you mention it I've never seen you without Kirara." Miroku said.

"I'm comfortable around Kirara and I guess it's the same with her." Sango said.

"It just means that Kirara cares about you a lot." Kagome said.

"I guess so." Sango said.

"There's going to be a festival soon." Miroku said.

"Really?" Kagome and Sango asked.

"The date isn't official yet but they're talking about it." Miroku said.

"It's getting late." Kagome said. "I better go."

"We'll come to your house tomorrow." Sango said.

"Hai. Ja ne." Kagome waved goodbye.

Sango and Miroku waved. "We should get going to. It's almost dinner time." Sango said.

"I guess." Miroku said. "Are you going to get Kohaku and Kirara?"

"Hai." Sango said.

"May I accompany you?" Miroku asked.

"As long as you watch your hands." Sango said. She saw his hand heading towards her backside.

Miroku held his hands up in an innocent gesture. "Of course." He said.

"Let's go then." Sango said.

"Hai." Miroku said. They walked toward the village and found Kohaku and Kirara. She was in her larger form. She saw Sango and changed into her smaller form. She ran towards Sango and jumped in her arms.

"Come on Kohaku, it's almost time for dinner." Sango said.

"Hai." Kohaku said. He waved goodbye to his friends and followed Sango and Miroku. Miroku walked them home and then headed towards his place.


Kagome had gotten home. Dinner was already finished when she walked into the kitchen. Her mom and brother were already sitting at the table. "You're late nee-chan." Souta said digging in his food.

"Souta, don't talk with you mouth full." Her mom said.

"Gomen." Kagome said.

"It's all right. Souta is just being impatient." Her mom said. "Kaede said she wanted to see you about some herbs."

"Hai, I'll go see her in the morning." Kagome said. She sat down and ate.

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~*

Hope you like it. Here are some translations. Just in case you don't know what they mean. Tajiya- Demon slayer, Houshi- Monk, Miko- Priestess, Youkai- demon, Hanyou- Half demon, half human, Goshinboku- God Tree, Hiraikotsu- Sango's boomerang weapon, Neko- Cat, Kawaii- Cute, Ano- basically it means umm. Let me know if I left anything out. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

Thanks to my puppy slave for editing. Love ya.