InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Bite Marks ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When We First Met

Chapter 7

Bite Marks

Kagome was walking to the field she was supposed to meet Inuyasha at. She woke up early because she'd gone to bed pretty early. She already made her decision. What surprised her was how long it took her to make it.

It didn't take very long at all. Kagome felt a presence nearby. It wasn't anyone she knew. She stopped and concentrated on where it was coming from. Maybe it was just a passerby. She felt eyes on her though.

She turned around finding the presence stronger there. It was the wolf youkai from a while ago. Kagome stepped back. He stepped forward. "What do you want?" Kagome asked.

"I've told you before, you're my woman." The wolf said.

"I don't even know who you are." Kagome said. She screamed when he suddenly appeared in front of her.

He inhaled her scent. "Ah I've missed this scent." He said. He was leaning towards her neck. "I see the hanyou's mark is fading."

Kagome stepped back again only to be crushed in the youkai's embrace. She struggled to get free. "Let me go! I don't even know you." She yelled.

"I'm Kouga, prince of the Western Wolf Pack." He said.

"Oi, get the fuck away from her, you bastard!"

They both turned to see Inuyasha standing in front of them. He looked angry. His eyes were bleeding red.

Inuyasha inhaled Kagome's scent. It was enough to keep himself in control. The red coloring faded from his eyes as he regained control. He growled at the so-called wolf prince.

"She's my mate." Kouga said.

"She is not." Inuyasha yelled.

Kouga let Kagome go. "Wait here while I take care of inu-kurro over there." He said.

Before Kagome could say anything Kouga was in front of Inuyasha. He threw a punch, which Inuyasha dodged easily. He did a back flip and flexed his claws. "We'll see who takes care of who." Inuyasha said.

Kouga ran towards Inuyasha again swinging at him. It was difficult for Inuyasha to block and dodge the swings because he was so fast. He saw an opportunity to strike and with one swift movement he kicked Kouga in the chest.

Kouga stumbled back a bit. He regained his composure and growled. He ran towards Inuyasha and punched him. Inuyasha went flying and knocked over a tree. The tree fell down towards Kagome.

She closed her eyes and screamed knowing she'd never be able to avoid the tree. After a while she realized the tree never hit her. She opened her eyes and found herself in Inuyasha's arms.

Somehow he'd managed to get up from where he fell, knock Kouga unconscious, and save Kagome from the tree. Now he was running through the forest with incredible speed. He'd never gone that before.

Again Kagome found herself at the Goshinboku. They were on the branch they usually sat on. Inuyasha had her in his lap. "Are you hurt?" He asked running his hands through her hair in an effort to calm her down.

Only then did Kagome realize how badly she was shaking. She thought for sure that the tree would crush her. She took in a couple of deep breaths. She grabbed onto Inuyasha and hugged him. "Arigato." She said.

Inuyasha almost stumbled from the tree in surprise. He hugged her back once he was stable. He moved so that his back was to the tree. That way he wouldn't fall so easily. "Are you hurt?" He asked again.

"No, I'm fine." Kagome smiled. "Are you hurt?"

"Keh, that wimpy wolf can't hurt me." Inuyasha said arrogantly.

Kagome laughed and rested her head on his chest. Inuyasha rubbed her back in soothing motions. He was trying to build up the courage to ask if he could mark her again. He was so nervous about it. He didn't know what he'd do if she rejected him.

"Kagome..." He started.

"Nani?" Kagome asked not moving her head.

"Can I...can I mark you again?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome looked up at him. He looked scared. She moved her hair to one side of her neck. "Hai." She smiled.

Inuyasha was so happy he didn't even realize he kissed her until it was over. They were both shocked by his actions. Kagome blushed and turned her head away to hide it. Inuyasha smiled at her and leaned in towards her neck.

He licked her neck where the old mark was fading. He felt her shiver and smirked at her reactions. He held her back to keep her in place while he sucked on her neck. Kagome gripped his shoulders.

Inuyasha bit down and heard her gasp. He licked the blood off her neck and savoring the way it tasted. When he pulled away from her Kagome hid her face in Inuyasha's chest. He chuckled lightly at her childish reaction.

"What's so funny?" Kagome asked.

"Nothing." Inuyasha said.

"Are you sure your not hurt?" Kagome asked.

"I told you that wimpy wolf can't hurt me. Besides, even if I was hurt, I'd heal within a couple of hours." Inuyasha said arrogantly.

"If your so sure." Kagome said. She purposely squeezed his back.

"That hurts! What the hell are you doing?" Inuyasha asked.

"I knew you were hurt." Kagome said. "I need to wrap your wound."

"We've already been through this." Inuyasha sighed. "It'll heal soon."

"Until then you should have it wrapped." Kagome said. "Let's go."

"I'll be fine." Inuyasha said.

Kagome squeezed the injured area. He hissed in pain again. "I'll keep doing this until you let me wrap it." Kagome said.

"Fine. If it will make you happy." Inuyasha said.

"It will." Kagome smiled.

He grabbed her waist and jumped from the tree without any warning. Kagome grabbed his haori and bit her lip to keep from screaming. Once on the ground Inuyasha ran through the forest. He stopped in the field and put her down. "What's wrong?" Kagome asked.

"I smell something." Inuyasha said. "It's your friends."

"Sango and Miroku." Kagome said.

A minute later they came into view riding on Kirara. She landed and let Sango and Miroku off. She turned into her neko form and jumped into Kagome's arms. "Hey Kirara." Kagome said rubbing the neko's ears.

Kirara mewed and snuggled closer to Kagome. "Hello Kagome-chan." Sango said.

"Hey Sango, Miroku." Kagome said.

"Kagome-sama, Inuyasha." Miroku said.

"Oh, Kirara, would you mind giving me a ride home real fast?" Kagome asked. Kirara jumped out of her arms and turned into her fire neko form. "Make sure Inuyasha doesn't leave."

Miroku and Sango looked confused. Kagome was gone before they could ask any questions. "What happened?" Miroku asked.

"What do you mean?" Inuyasha asked.

"I mean, did she let you mark her again?" Miroku asked. Him and Sango sat in the grass.

Inuyasha did the same knowing Kagome would get mad if he just left. "Not that it's any of your business, but yes." Inuyasha said.

"Ah. You should ask her if she wants to go to the festival with you next week." Miroku said.

"I don't go to human gatherings." Inuyasha said.

"It would make Kagome-sama happy." Miroku said.

"Then why didn't she say anything about it?" Inuyasha asked.

"Kagome-chan is really shy." Sango said. "She's new to the whole youkai courting thing."

"She's a miko, she should know." Inuyasha said.

"Only tajiyas and mikos are supposed to know about youkai. Her Otou-san died when she was young." Sango said. It was tradition in the villages to learn about youkai from fathers. Only the men were supposed to know. Sango knew because she was one of the best tajiyas in the village.

She wasn't even supposed to be an exterminator because she's female. Her Otou-san didn't believe in that stuff and let her join in on the family traditions. She was really good at it too. She was better than most of the men in the village.

"I didn't know about the traditions." Inuyasha said.

"You should ask her. It would be quite a surprise since she thinks you don't even know about it." Miroku said.

"I'll think about it." Inuyasha said ending the conversation.

Kagome came about a minute later. She jumped off of Kirara and put the bandages down. She looked at Inuyasha. "What?" Inuyasha said.

"I need to wrap your wound." Kagome said.

"I told you I'd be fine." Inuyasha said. "Besides I'm not undressing in front of them."

"Can you guys turn around?" Kagome asked.

"Umm sure." Sango said turning around. Miroku did the same.

"So what happened?" Miroku asked.

Inuyasha shrugged off his haori and turned around. He shivered when Kagome rubbed the herbs on his back. Once Kagome was done she wrapped the bandages around his chest. He had a long scar from the tree he had hit. The herbs would numb the pain.

"All done." Kagome said.

Inuyasha put his haori back on and turned around. "You can turn around now." He told them

Sango and Miroku turned around and looked at them curiously. "What?" Kagome and Inuyasha said at the same time.

"So, are you going to tell us what happened?" Miroku asked.

"I went to meet Inuyasha in the field when the wolf youkai came around. He s said his name is Kouga, that he's the prince of the Western Wolf Pack." Kagome said. "He kept saying I was his woman and then Inuyasha showed up."

"I kicked his ass and here we are." Inuyasha said.

"That's the short version." Kagome said.

"Hmm, Kouga..." Sango said. "I think I've heard of him."

"He just became the prince of the pack not too long ago. They're pack leader died and appointed him prince before he died." Miroku said.

"Really?" Kagome asked. "What was he doing here then?"

"He must've been hunting around this area." Sango said.

"He must've smelled your scent and went to investigate." Miroku said.

"What's wrong with my scent?" Kagome asked.

Miroku and Sango looked at Inuyasha. He noticed eyes on him. "What?" Inuyasha said.

"What is it with her scent?" Miroku asked. "We don't have your senses so we don't know."

"I'm not going to describe her scent to you." Inuyasha said.

"It's all right you don't have to." Kagome asked. She didn't know if she really wanted to know anyway. "I better get going. Kaede is going to teach me how to mix some more herbs."

"We'll see you tomorrow then." Sango said.

"Bye Kagome-sama." Miroku said.

"Bye Sango, Miroku, Kirara, Inuyasha." Kagome said. She walked towards her village.

Inuyasha stood up. "I'm leaving then." He said.

"Remember to think about the festival." Miroku said. Him and Sango got on Kirara and were off to their village.

Walking into the forest Inuyasha wondered if she would say yes to him if he asked her.

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

Thanks to my puppy slave for editing, readers for reading, and reviewers for reviewing. Love ya puppy.