InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Will It Be Me ❯ You Are Mine ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Italics = inner thoughts
Bold = beast
[…] = actions
[A/N:...] = short author's note
Disclaimer: I grow tired of them making me feel back. [sobs] I still do not own Inuyasha.
Review please.
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“Where did Sesshoumaru go and why hasn't Kagome returned? The sun has already risen.” Shippo innocently asks as looks around the cave for the demon.
Everyone besides Kikyo looks thoughtful at one another fearing to say what is on their minds until Miroku breaks the silence.
“You don't think….” And the group scrambles out the cave looking for their missing friend.
*~~**~~*~~**~~* **~~*~~** Meanwhile with Kagome ~~*~~**~~*~~**~~*~~**~~*
She walks through the forest as the first snow begins to fall. He has once again disgraced me by choosing that clay pot over me, a woman that is alive that truly loved him for what he is.
The snow continues to fall and the sun begins to the rise, contrasting to the beauty of the morning sky. With this snowfall comes the death of the leaves and many animals die of starvation. However, usually with the dawn comes the promise of the new day and not the ending of a life.
Kagome continues to walk as the snow drops faster and faster, soon covering the ground in a blanket of pure snow. The cold weather does not affect Kagome at all as she remains lost in her own thought that is until she notices a presence.
“I know that you are there, please come out,” Kagome softly whispers to someone.
A figure appears from the trees, walking ever so slowly towards the saddened female. Kagome hears every footstep that they make and her heart pounds with each growing step towards her person.
Breathe, Kagome, just breathe.
“Kagome,” calls the soft voice of the stranger.
Kagome does not turn around for she is afraid what he might say. She is mated but she does not know who her mate is and she knows that she cannot have anyone besides him.
I can't bear to look into those amber eyes and tell him the truth. My heart can't take it if he rejects me. Please be mine.
Kagome silently prays to Kami as his final footsteps approaches her from behind. Strong arms lift her into his but her head remains cocked to the side as she lays bridal style in his arms. Instead she absently toys with a stray lock of white hair as it rests across her body.
“I would never reject you, Kagome,” and he kisses her forehead.
So perfect but it still doesn't answer my burning question.
“Am I your mate?” she questions quietly hoping for the truth.
The mysterious person sets Kagome back onto the soft grass and directs her attention to the reflection of the river that he has taken her to. Miraculously, the river hasn't frozen over yet.
The picture that they make is perfect; they fit perfectly as one. Black meets white as the winter wind blows their tresses into the wind and in the process entangling the hair perfectly as the air blows.
“Yes, mine forever, love, come away with me. Let us disappear from all the problems for now and think of only us and my love for you. I want to protect you, Kagome, unlike I have done in the past; I have pained you constantly but I swear from this day on I will protect.”
Kagome turns her head to face amber eyes that are filled with love and desire. And it's all for me. Kagome snuggles into his chest tighter and never wants to let go.
The person then steps backwards, just a little, and tilts Kagome's chin with his finger so that she is no longer looking down or up at him but straight into his eyes.
“You look down to no one, Lady of the West.”