InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Will It Be Me ❯ Kagome's Heritage Part III ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: No, I don't.
Sesshoumaru is relieved that Kagome decided to retreat because it would be a shame to damage that wonderful ship of hers. He knew as well as Kagome that the final battle will happen tonight and only one Captain would win.
“I must get another ship to fight with against her. She will most likely not have another ship for the last battle because I have captured the notorious Captain Blackbeard. Victory is mine.”
Sesshoumaru has decided to turn over Blackbeard and his crew to headquarters. He knew that their punishment would be at the hands of the executioner at the gallows when dawn broke. However, if he took the time to turn them over then he would miss Kagome and she will escape. Nevertheless, he knew where her little Pirates Cove was and she was most likely to return to there to find another ship, if she can.
“So, I will give Blackbeard and crew over and then go over to her little cove. Men! Set course for Aruba!”
“I can't believe that happened!” Kagome scolded at herself. Her little pirate cove was secluded on a chain of islands. The passageway was narrow for much too bigger ships such as the ones that the Royal British Navy owned. Kagome found her cove one day during a monstrous storm.
The Miko was tossing from side to side from the huge waves. The sky was as black as coal and the moon was hidden behind the sinister clouds. Lightening stroked the water below and then silence. Every sailor and pirate knew that when nature was calm then the worst was yet to come. The eye of the storm stroked suddenly and pitched some of Kagome's crew overboard and they were never seen again. Any sailor would be grateful for surviving such a storm but few are ever seen again.
Kagome's ship was blown off course and winded up near a chain of islands that she has never seen before. The storm started to break and the moon began to shine. A passageway was shown and Kagome orders the men to stir them inside. Out of the storm at long last, the inside was dry but warm. They docked the ship and walked around since the weather has not cleared. There were writings on the wall telling a tale from long ago. It wrote of a pirate who was hung for being a private and how he knew that one-day a fellow pirate would find his treasure. At the end he left the initials, “JR” and says good luck in finding his treasure. Pirates are notorious for leaving their treasure where only fellow pirates would look Kagome and her crew searched for weeks, looking for JR's treasure inside the cove but no one ever found it. However there is a clue stating that if you found some type of jewels then the jewels form into a map that will lead to the ultimate treasure. Kagome eventually gave up and after a while so did her crew.
End of Flashback
Since that day, Kagome has been extremely careful after her raids so that on ship couldn't come and take her by surprise. Even if they did find it, they would need a ship to get in and the ship would have to be small like hers. Inside her hiding place, Kagome felt safe and secure and she trusted her men with her own life. They have been nothing but loyal to her since the beginning and they would die for her and she would die for them. Simple as that.
“Men,” Kagome spoke in a calm voice, “What happened today was tragic for us. Blackbeard was captured and since he was, no ship is going to want to be our ally.”
“Aye,” the men agreed what Kagome has to say about no potential ally.
“But that only means that we should train harder for the final showdown!”
“I want our names to go down in history the most ruthless and merciless ship that ever touch the seven seas!”
“AYE! AYE! AYE!” the men yelled at the tops of their lungs. They raised their hands to the ceiling, stomped their feet, and pounded their weapons their chests. They were loyal men indeed.
They spent the rest of the day stocking up on supplies and filling their weapons with plenty of gunpowder. The cannons and deck were scrubbed clean and the sails were repaired. It took them about a one week to make it to their cove and about three days to make all the necessary repairs.
Nothing would stop Sesshoumaru from capturing Captain Kagome; he has been chasing her for too long. He found out about her little private cove when the inhabitants of the island noticed a ship that constantly came. None of the islanders wanted to go near the cove, fearing death. Sesshoumaru came across the island while searching for Kagome one day. Every time he chased her ship, it would always leave him to that very island.
The island that trees that went on for mile and dangerous waves that hid the sharp rocks beneath its devious waters. The food on the island is plentiful and undisturbed by outside life. There is a special route for getting on the island for ships and once on the island there was a certain way for getting off. You can't go back the same way because of the currents that pushed towards the island and not away. It took Sesshoumaru and his men seven days of searching for a way off but he still couldn't find Kagome's hiding spot. That is when he met with the islanders and they told him of an underwater cove that pirates used long ago but can only be reached by a narrow ship.
Sesshoumaru waited on the island until he saw her ship across the horizon and he knew that he had discovered her little hideaway. The underwater cove, the secrets, what the islanders said was all true. His reminiscing ended when he noticed the island slowly coming into view and signaled the ship behind him. The young Captain is indeed foolish but not stupid, he decided upon traveling with two boats for double attack power on the Miko and its captain. He knew that it was a devious trap but she definitely didn't know anything about his trap.
“Captain,” called a voice.
“Yes, first mate Smith.”
“Well, none of the crew knows about your past and we or I was wondering if you could tell me and I won't tell another soul.”
Taisho thought a minute pondering on whether or not he trusted Smith enough with his past.
“Well, about 15 years ago when I was eight, I lived off a small island near England called Marlli. It was a quiet village where everyone lived peacefully and worked happily with the natives and hid a well guarded secret. Well, about shortly after my eighth birthday, the royal navy attacked over village searching for pirates. Our next-door neighbors were killed due to accusations from fellow villagers trying to save their own lives. Nevertheless, at the end, the sailors ended up in killing everyone anyway. My next-door neighbors had a daughter who was my best friend and I thought she was killed also but she was captured by the navy and taken away. This girl even though a few years younger than me was a vision of beauty, she had beautiful skin that glowed in the sun and legs that went on for miles. Everyone on our village was either killed or captured by the navy; I survived by hiding under the corpses of my parents. The village and island went up in flames and no one came to our rescue, all too afraid to defile the Royal Navy. Commodore Richard James led the attack and died with his ship by pirates but his son, Naraku James, is the captain of the ship behind us and is about the same age as me.”
“Well, I never, I have heard about that attack never met anybody who survived. Legends say that the prisoners either were sold as slaves in the Americas or for the women, sex slaves for the sailors of the ship and the Navy. Some say that it was the Commodore's greed and stupidity that lead his boat to be taken about a decade later. What was the girl's name?”
Well, thought Taisho, I cannot tell him everything, he already knows too much. He cannot know anything else. “I don't remember,” he said aloud, lying through his teeth.
“We should reach her within two hours and then she will be all ours,” with that statement Smith dismissed himself and went below the ship and signaled something out the window to the ship behind him.
Relying solely upon her heartless mind and swordsmanship, Kagome never fell in love or feared anyone. She never cried because she never grew attacked to anything or anyone for the sole reason of eventually losing them in the future. Kagome saw herself as a strong individual without the means of needing a man to protect her. Revenge was she only companion and that is what keeps her going in life and reminding her why she hated the world.
She left the safety of her cove about an hour ago upon finishing the inspections needed for the oncoming battle. She turned around and saw a small speck over the horizon. No ships ever came this way because of the dangerous reefs and tides. No ships unless someone discovered her Pirates Cove. Oh shit, Cap. Sesshoumaru Taisho found it. But how? No one lived on the island because she sent her crew members to check it out. Not unless they lied to keep a secret. Damn it!
“Look lively, my mates! We have company approaching! Remember no prisoners and take what you want without hesitation! We live to steal; we strike fear into people around the world. Victory!”
“Victory! Victory! Victory!” chanted the shipmates after their captain's words. Although they may feared her, the also respected her with a passion and carry inside them the same determination as she does.
They turned the ship around and headed for the Tensaiga, nothing could stop Kagome from destroying the Tensaiga. Nothing.