InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Will It Be Me ❯ Kagome's Heritage Part IV ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters.
I'm still going strong on this frame tale. I don't know when it will end, probably when it is suppose to. Ha! I love motivation.
The Miko was taken by surprise when the Tensaiga and a new ship the Miasma; separate to put her in the middle. Kagome was not afraid; the full moon was shining on the calm waters, illuminating her stunning beauty and yet at the same times the fear that she was famous for. Short leg Johnny and her exchanged looks and with that Johnny pulled out two pistols from his trousers and fired a shot simultaneously at each ship and the fight begun. Kagome's men flew onto each ship without fright and began to fight until their last breath. Kagome defended her ship by fighting the intruders that paraded onto it. She continuously battles them with grace, her fair and black hair moved with each one of her thrusts. Even with the bloodshed, she shined like an angel in the depths of hell with the intent of destroying all the evil before her. Sesshoumaru couldn't help but stare as he waited his turn to fight with the ravishing beauty.
Kagome successfully killed all twenty men single handily as they tried to take her ship. Out of the corner of her eye, she spied the handsome Captain Sesshoumaru Taisho looking at her. He would be someone she would not mind to share her bed with, if he was not her enemy, she thought. Although she could not help but think that he reminded her of someone from long ago with his strange yellow eyes and long silver hair. The thought quickly faded as he swung onto her ship prepared to fight.
“Why are you so obsessed with me,” questioned Kagome.
“Your beauty and reputation, my dear,” responded Sesshoumaru.
“One of us is going to die tonight and it's not going to be me,” with that sentence, Kagome lounged out at the young captain. However, he quickly blocked her attack and the battle of the century began. The Beautiful yet heartless Kagome verses the Determine and handsome Sesshoumaru. They matched each other wit for wit and blow for blow. The scene was captivating as the two fought, looking into each other eyes when close together and elegant fighting styles when one of them was preparing to be on the offense or defense. All three ships were watching in awe as the two of them fought but they were completely oblivious to the stares and hollers as they clashed. Why is he so persistent, thought Kagome, I don't really want to fight him, I would absolutely love to awake to those fiery yellow eyes and sexy smile in the morning when the storms have just passed. But alas, he can never know that, for he is my enemy forever. With that last thought, the fight continued for what seemed like hours, they danced all over the ship until Captain Naraku interfered and shot Kagome in the shoulder.
The white hot pain was indescribable the way the bullet pierced through her shoulder but she refused to give in to the cheater, she would fight until her dying breath, even though she got shot in her fighting arm. Her shipmates were about to start fighting again until she yelled, “NO! This fight is between me and Captain Sesshoumaru; I will not yield to this cheater, not now nor in death.” Sesshoumaru was taken back with her words and was at the same time furious with Naraku for firing upon Kagome.
“Very well. En garde,” spoke Sesshoumaru raises his arm for an attack.
Kagome switched fighting arms because in the past she trained herself just in case something happened to her right arm. Kagome and Sesshoumaru's battle continued despite that Kagome was quickly losing blood. Pretty soon her body would give in to the dark which well overcome her with forever night.
Taisho could only look at his beauty with sadness, she refused to stop, and she would surely die within minutes if she did not relax. I must stop this, he thought. Taisho raised and advanced towards her, she painfully threw up her arm in defense. He took hold of her sword and threw into the night air. The blade reflected into the moonlight and landed blade down into the deck of the ship. Kagome stood strong and prepared for her death, “I am ready for you Hades,” she contemplated, “but I will never stop fighting, no one will ever have my soul willingly.” She looked at moon and sighed with defeat, she could not have picked a better night to die. The warm ocean breeze blew her hair everywhere and her eyes were no longer full of hate but understanding and that new beauty reflected her mood. If he did not kill her then the blood lost would.
“Well, what are you waiting for Captain,” she said weakly, “kill me, isn't that what you want?”
“No, my dear, I want you.” And he kissed her passionately, slow and tender.
At first, she did not respond but after a while she let go of everything and enjoyed her first real kiss. The kiss did not last long because Kagome felt weaker and weaker by the second due to the lost of blood and blacked out thinking that she had died.
Sesshoumaru held the limp Captain in his arms; she was not dead but simply asleep. Nevertheless he had never expected her to kiss him back but he was glad she did. There she laid, looking like a heavenly sent angel from God, her pitch black hair swayed softly in the wind and her body shapely seen by the pants and pirate shirt that she wore. She was now and forever his at last.
Taisho took his new prisoner to the bottom of the ship and to her cabin for healing and for the removing of the bullet while she was still asleep. The process was long and tiring and he had not slept in about a day or two but the bleeding had finally stopped and her fever had gone. She was finally out of danger and should be awaking in about a day or two. Even though the drug had already worn off, her body still needed to recover. He washed her and put clean clothes onto her body but at the same time, marveled upon her silky skin and shapely body figures. Nevertheless, he dared not to touch her when she was in this state because he wanted her to give into him willingly.
Naraku wanted Kagome, he has had dreams where she would scream his name in ecstasy and want him every night and wake up to her beautiful body every morning. “Taisho must pay for his selfish ways,” he whispered to no one, “and when he is away I will have my way with the captured beauty of the sea.”
Kagome heard water being splashed upon her body and knew instantly that she wasn't dead. Finally being able to open her eyes, she realized that she was still on her ship, in her own cabin no less, but who was washing her. It could not have been any of her shipmates; their hands were not this gentle. Eventually, she was able to move her head and she saw Captain Taisho washing her body of dirt and sweat, “he looks so cute like that,” that was until she noticed that she was without clothes. She wiggled her body and Taisho smiled at her angry brown eyes.
“I am sure that I can wash myself, Monsieur.”
“But Mademoiselle, you are in absolutely no condition to do such a thing. Please, allow me.”
Kagome knew that she had no strength but the fact that he was touching her can only be described as a heavenly dream but he must never know that.
“Where's my crew?” she asked in a whisper trying to block out his touch.
He stopped washing her body and replied, “No longer walking this earth.”
“What did you do to them?” she demanded in a death defying tone.
He thought back to same night on her ship and what had taken place after she fell. The remaining crew of the Miko was in an angry frenzy. They charged Sesshoumaru with the hopes of retrieving their captain's body. About fifteen men ran toward him with their weapons raised and the look that could kill a thousand men. Sesshoumaru thought quickly and pulled a smoke bomb from his pants.
The smoke resembled the morning fog; heavy, gray, and thick enough that a knife couldn't cut through it. Nothing was more dangerous than fog because of the dangers that it could hide. Sesshoumaru walked through the fog with ease as his crew finished of the surviving Miko crew. All that could be heard was screaming and the sound of steel searing through flesh. When the smoke finally cleared the once standing crew members were dead. Heads were missing from the bodies along with eyes, fingers, and throats. They never saw it coming and couldn't be stopped. Sesshoumaru's crew moved through the thick fog like ghosts; they made no sounds while moving about the deck. When one person was killed, the crew didn't know where and clumped themselves into a circle as a defense. The circle didn't help at all since Sesshoumaru's crew just took out one member at a time until there was none left.
The bodies were dumped carelessly overboard with no prayer of any type. Nothing mattered it was the way of the code. Each body made a small splash as the corpses connected with the sea. The bodies slowly disappeared beneath its murky waters never to seen or heard from, never to walk this earth again. What any other way to die but in battle.
As he finished the memory he knew that he should avoid her eyes because the look alone would probably kill him.
“They tried to kill my crew after you fell,” he started while trying to avoid her glowing eyes, “my men defended themselves.
There was a golden silence after he finished. Kagome refused to look at him and concentrated on her cabin. Even though the cabin was shabby it was still hers therefore perfect; the window near her bedside projected a view of how the sea can be enchanting yet dangerous when a storm is brewing. The gray and warning clouds, waves that show no mercy to its passengers, the thunder that displayed all her raging anger, and how the rain does the crying for her.
Her thoughts remained on her crew and how want they had been through together. Together they captured ships and laughed at humorous moments. She thought of a prayer for her crew and hoped that their after life is pleasant. Kagome knew that she couldn't get mad or upset that Sesshoumaru killed her crew because that would show weakness and she was anything but weak. She slowly closed her eyes and dreamt of her next move.
“I would love for her to smile and let everything go,” thought Sesshoumaru, “I would love to see her hair dance around as she twirls in complete happiness, to her smile because she is content and enjoying herself. Watching her sleep is so soothing, even with the oncoming storm, she can be the only beautiful figure that can guide a ship through the roughness. I will prove to you, Kagome that I can be everything that you ever wanted.” A knock at the door disrupted his thoughts of the sleeping beauty.
“Enter,” called the Captain.
“Cap, there is a storm approaching, she looks pretty harsh. I will need your assistance, sir,” explained Smith.
“Of course, make sure that no one enters this room without my permission,” warned Taisho.
“Yes, sir,” saluted the first mate.
The Captain then departed to the deck, to find everything in turmoil and chaos. Some of the crew had been washed overboard and his boat the Tensaiga was swallowing so much water that the bow was facedown the water and the shipmates including Naraku were desperately swimming to the Miko for salvation. Of course, he would help but he wanted Naraku to die for injuring Kagome.
“All hands on deck! Fetch them out of the water!” yelled Sesshoumaru.
After a few hours, the storm finally let up and the ship was still in one piece.
“Incredible, the Miko can last through the toughest storms like it was a light wind, I wonder what would happen in a hurricane,” exclaimed Taisho. He reached Kagome cabin to find Smith laying face down in his own blood. Who killed him and why?
Sesshoumaru opened the cabin door with caution and found the most horrifying sight.