InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Will It Be Me ❯ Kagome's Heritage Part V ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I sick of saying, “NO.” When will it be me who will own Inuyasha.
Naraku James was lying atop of Kagome was about to rape her while she was still drowsy from her sleeping state. She still had not yet regained her strength and was seemingly powerless to stop him.
“Well, Captain Sesshoumaru Taisho, you cannot have all the fun. Everyone wants a piece of this ocean mermaid, I just want it first,” sneered Naraku.
“NOBODY,” yelled Kagome while using every ounce of strength to toss Naraku off of her, “can have my body, NOBODY.” With that, she grabbed a nearby candle and jammed it into James' right eye.
“AHHHHHHHH! YOU WENCH, YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!” and he limped out of cabin, searching for medical attention.
“Asshole,” and with that final word Kagome fainted once again but this time from lost of strength.
Sesshoumaru was both furious and proud, he was appalled that Naraku tried to rape her but proud that Kagome gave the bastard exactly what he deserved. Another emotion that played through his mind is how long Kagome recover would actually take because of all these events. He always wondered what kind of past she must have had and he was one hundred percent sure that his sleeping beauty is the same girl that befriended him all those years ago. Although he couldn't remember her last name, he did remember her black hair with tints of red from the sun. Furthermore how would he tell her that she is who he loved and always that about and how could he tell her that he was the boy that plagued her all those years ago. He had so much to tell her but didn't know how.
The following next week, Naraku was abandoned on a marooned island [Code Number 18] in the middle of the Caribbean. He vowed nothing but revenge against Sesshoumaru when he swam for the island. Little did anyone know that Kagome awoke from her slumber and was eager to swim towards the island. The window in her cabin was big enough to climb through and so with little need of courage she plunged in the sea and swam with all her might to the island. Nevertheless, she did not know that recently Naraku landed upon the very same isle. Oh, the dramatic irony.
Sesshoumaru was on his way to the cabin when he heard the splash and feared the worst. He ran towards the window when he spotted Kagome swimming towards the island ignorant to the untold danger. Without hesitation, Sesshoumaru jumped through the window and into the ocean and stroked to his ocean mermaid.
About fifteen minutes later Kagome finally landed on the beach shore and thanked the sea for a safe voyage. Having Sesshoumaru taking care of her while she was unconscious was not all bad but she is not the person that likes feeling vulnerable. While staring out to sea and gathering her thoughts when something hard strikes that back of her head and she once again lost her conscious.
The sea has always been her home for as long as she could remember but whatever childhood memories she harbored were bits and pieces of shattered information. The memory that floated about her brain is a little boy that did nothing but tormented her and caused her problems since she never wanted to be one of the girls. This little boy closely resembled Captain Taisho but the royal navy destroyed the village where she lived and not many people survived. The streets were paved with bodies; the smoke made the sky black and ominous, and everything that reminded her of home vanished that night. The only other place safe she knew was the family who lived next door; the Taisho's. She ran outside and through their door where she saw the unthinkable; the mother and father were dead and her best friend was lying between them. The father laid on top of the mother with his eyes gorged out, his hands severed, and a gruesome hole in the middle of his back where blood oozed out. The mother's left breast was cut off and resting on the floor about three feet away, her skirt was in ruins all over the floor, and her face could not be seen because her hair was spread out over it. Finally among the dead was her closest friend, who laid resting in between, none of his body parts was missing and his clothes were still there. The overall image was horrifying, her best friend was killed by their protectors and that day she vowed to become the very person that they were searching for; a pirate. The home that she was loved and cherished was come up in smoke and nothing could be done except live and plan her revenge in the future.
Kagome was not captured but pretended to be a lost child without memory because the reason the Royal Navy was killing all the residents were the fear that they would be hanged for their crimes. Nevertheless, a child without memory would pose no threat and if she would somehow regain her memory, in the future no one would believe that the Royal Navy was ruthless as the pirates themselves. She came to know the Commodore as her “father” and gained his trust. She learned the ways of the sea and it became her new home. When she was sad or angry, the storms became fierce and unforgiving. However, when she was happy, the sky was gleaming with sunshine and crystal clear skies. Ten years later when Kagome was fifteen and satisfied that she knew enough about ships and how they run, she killed the Commodore in his sleep and few of the crew that were loyal to Commodore Richard James. His ship the Savage was now the Miko under the command of Captain Kagome Higruashi.
Sesshoumaru saw Kagome taken captive by Naraku and feared everything for her. There is no telling in what he would do to her. With this new danger, Sesshoumaru gathered all his strength and swam faster toward the island, praying that it would not be too late by the time he arrived.
“Awaken, my little mermaid,” said Naraku while smacking her face lightly a few times.
Kagome opened her eyes albeit slowly and observed her attacker. He looked like he just found his lost puppy after some years. The eye that Kagome had burned with the candle was closed tight and is purple, ha-ha, she thought, I bet he would think twice before trying to rape me. Kagome was currently tied to a tree with her shirt! Her whole chest is bare and Naraku was marveling the sight like a hungry man lost at sea and just found some fresh spring water. The trees on the isle are extremely tall and some fruit lay before her looks celestial. The bananas were ripe to a golden yellow, the pears looked soft and mouthwatering, and the water sparkled like the heavens blessed it. However, despite all the lip smacking food and tempting liquor, one question remains, what was he going to do with her?
“Did you know,” questioned Naraku, “about seven years ago a mere girl killed my father on the open seas and took control of his ship? And did you know that I know it was you, who killed my beloved father?”
Kagome sat there dumbfounded, I never knew that Commodore Richard James had a son, she thought, uh-uh, he is going to kill me!
“What are you going to do with me,” she asked Naraku.
“Well, at first I was going to kill you but now that I have you in my clutches and that Taisho is no where near here, I can keep you for my own pleasures.”
“Why? I was defending myself, your father tried to rape me, again!”
“Oh, well, maybe you should have obeyed him and let him take you.”
“You pig!”
“You know what,” said another voice, “I agree with the lady, you are a pig and so was you're father.”
Kagome and Naraku turned to view Sesshoumaru coming from behind a tree. His hair was damp and slicked behind his head; his clothes were wrinkled and hung close to his body like a second skin, and his green eyes burn with disgust and anger. Oh my God, she thought, he has come to rescue me and he looks good like that. Snapped out of it, she snared to herself, he just wants the gold reward for bringing me in.
“How did you know that she would be here,” scolded Naraku.
“I have my ways of knowing.”
“Well, what do you say about us sharing her. No one will ever know but us and her, of course.”
“Now, Naraku, why would I share this diamond in the rough with a sea scum like you?”
“Well, well, one girl and two gentlemen, how shall we settle this,” inquired Naraku.
“How about we duel, the winner keeps her and the loser dies. No weapons though, since I do not have one.
“Agreed,” Naraku drops his pistol [Code Number 9] and prepares a fighting stance.
So the duel, over who died and who leaves the island alive and with Kagome, began. Naraku and Taisho encircle each other with fists raised. Naraku threw the first punch but Sesshoumaru quickly dodged it and threw a low punch to his gut. He doubled over in pain but sneakily grabbed some sand in the process and threw it into Sesshoumaru's eyes. He was blinded by the sand and meanwhile, Naraku grabbed a nearby stick and swung hard to his gut. Sesshoumaru dropped to knees, searching for breath but falls forward, face first in the warm sand. Naraku took this chance to marvel his prize and greedily pawed her repeatedly.
“I don't want you,” screamed Kagome.
“Well, you can't want him, he is after all died,” he stated as a matter of fact.
“Well, I do and plus he is not dead,” with that last statement Taisho bashed Naraku's head in with a stick. Naraku swirled around in a crooked circle with his arms flaring out and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Finally, he fell flat onto the ground and sand gave way to where he fell.
“Thank you,” Kagome said.
“You're welcome,” he replied as he untied her hands.
They look deep into each other eyes, at least until she caught him staring at her chest which was bare thanks to that idiot Naraku.
“Here,” said Taisho and pulled off his shirt and passed it to her.
“Thanks again.”
“No problem, sweetheart."
“Don't call me `sweetheart,'” she demanded while fastening the buttons of the shirt.
“Yes, madam,” he answered with a wink of his eye.
“Whatever, so we need to build a fire and shelter and stock up with food until your crew arrives” and started to walk away in search for the things they need.
“Well, are you coming?” she asked when she noticed that he wasn't following her.
“No, I'm not,” he responded.
At that, Kagome turned around with her hands on her hips, “And why not?”
“Well, come here and I'll show you why,” he beckoned with his index finger.
A little skeptical about everything, Kagome walked toward Sesshoumaru, who was now leaning against a tree with an amused expression on his face. His eyes shined a bright amber in the setting sunset behind him and the pale colors showed the divine shape of his muscles. His body glimmered with a golden aura surrounding his shape, he looks like a god and he could Apollo, Ares, and Adonis a run for their title.
She stopped short in front of him with a scowl on her face, she looks so cute when she's angry, he thought, I wonder why she's so cruel? His shirt that she's wearing is nearly see through but he doubt that she cared, her golden tresses blew towards the setting sun across her flawless face, and her eyes were breath taking; the lightest brown that doesn't look black against her skin and the way that her hair spread across them, makes his mouth water.
After a while, Kagome became impatient because he's just standing there with his arms crossed and his eyes staring at her. She turned back around to once again look for some shelter for the night when Taisho grabbed her arm and turns her into his arms. Their lips met in a passionate kiss that would make lovers jealous.
Wow, she thought, his lips are soft yet tender. He could be someone I could actually fall for. But we have crossed paths before, I'm certain of this and not on the seas either. His calming presence is like that of the neighbor boy I knew all those years ago, but sadly I cannot remember his name. I never knew that having someone caring about you could feel so good.
“CAPTAIN TAISHO,” called a voice in the distance, “Where are you?!”
“Damn it!” hissed Sesshoumaru, “Looks like we have to continue another time perhaps.”
“No!” shaking off the kiss, “Never will this happen again!” I can't believe I let my defenses down, she scorned herself, he kissed me and I should feel disgusted but I'm not, that kiss felt like a piece of heaven.
“We're over here,” yelled Sesshoumaru but does not release his hold on Kagome. He enjoyed holding her and relished the time they have left before the crew finds them.
“Captain, are you both all right?” questioned the crewmember. His name is One-eyed Billie and he of course had one good eye with short brown hair, brown skin, and a rugged beard that touched his neck. “Because of the tide, we had trouble gettin' here.”
“It's all right,” he explains, “Naraku is dead; leave his body here for the island to consume.” The whole time he was saying this he was looking into Kagome's eyes and silently thanked Naraku for returning his mermaid back into his arms once again and then he saw black swallowing his vision. The world around him swirled in impossible shapes; first, he saw shadows, then shapes and finally nothing. The attack to his stomach he suffered early in his duel with Naraku to his stomach caused some internal damage and to fall unconscious.
“Sesshoumaru, Sesshoumaru!” cried Kagome; the first time she has done so in years. At first, he was fine but then he legs failed him and kneeled on the ground as if asking the God of the sea forgiveness. His stomach is gushing out huge amounts of blood and his chest was struggling for breath but worst of all his life seemed to be draining away.
“Please….please don't die,” she pleaded close to his ear, “I know it seems crazy but I don't to lose you like I lost my best friend on Marlli.”
She was not sure if he could hear her as the first mate and several men carry his limp body back to ship to the doctor. On the small rowboat heading back to ship Kagome prayed to the sea and the moon that they don't take him away. Her life and heart had always been at the sea and it would be only fitting that her Gods would be also. Gods of the ocean, she began, leave him be. He has been nothing but good to me.
Please, he's all I have now.