InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When You Can Live Forever ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Five

Sesshomaru turned to leave and took a few steps toward the front door before saying one more thing. “Oh there is yet one more thing. Inuyasha you are...”

Kagome's P.O.V.

Sesshomaru paused took a breath and gave a single glance in my direction before he continued. “You are… many things.” Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Souta, Koga, Kohaku, and I all feel over anime-style. I jumped up then and yelled “just get to the point already damn it!”

He sighed. “Inuyasha to put it simply you are the chosen one…” he stopped as I gasped and felt a shaky feeling in my legs. I wasn't expecting that though I had the feeling deep in my gut I just hadn't known for sure. He continued “Kagome, you are to train him to the best of your abilities to become strong enough to take on Naraku.” Inuyasha stepped up at that comment.

“What makes you think I'm not strong enough now?” he spat offended that this cretin thought him to be weak. Sesshomaru laughed at his commentary. “Kagome… fight him.” My eyes bulged as I looked between him and Inuyasha… He had to be kidding me. Did he really expect me to fight someone I truly cared about? He, if no one else, knew what I was capable of in a fight and trust me when I say you really don't want to be on the receiving end of it. He raised a well-manicured eyebrow at me indicating he was serious I sighed and turned towards Inuyasha taking a fighting stance. His jaw dropped.

Not even a second later I could hear him making the connection with my mind. `Are you seriously going to just listen to him? I don't want to fight you. You know that right?' `Yeah I know you don't but I have to…' He broke the connection sighed then also took a fighting stance.

He lounged towards me his hand in a fist; I dodged and gave him a hard punch to his back. He turned shocked then came at me again I dodged again this time jumping and bringing my hands cupped together down on his upper back forcing him to the ground. Backing up and I could hear him growl as he picked himself up off of the ground, preparing himself to once again fruitlessly try to land a punch on me and trust me when I say he wasn't going easy on me, I was just better. I had so much more experience than he did. I had been alive with a beating heart heading on over fifty years now. I had fought against countless other Vampires and defended myself against countless human and vampire males trying to take advantage of me which as you can all guess failed.

He was up again now and ready but this time I lounged at him giving him an uppercut to his stomach, I hated having to do this. Sure it didn't hurt him all that much physically but it definitely hurt his ego. However, that pity lasted no longer than it took to come into my mind as he landed a blow to the side of my ribs breaking two, though they wouldn't stay broken more than a few moments. I stumbled away mouth a gap. I looked to Sesshomaru his brow was raised curiously.

I looked back to Inuyasha he looked at me; worried he had hurt me and was taking a step towards me when I put my hand up to still him. “I… No man… No Vampire… No one… has ever been able to land a single punch on me…” I stumbled around for the right words to use.

Souta chuckled knowing full well about all the fights I had been in and won.

While Inuyasha's response was as to be expected he was probably thinking I had never been able to fight when truth was while I was alive I had a black belt in multiple different forms of martial arts, Juu Jetsu, and Karate.

I sighed then examined him. His long silvery-grey hair reached almost to his bum. His golden molten lava eyes which currently stared at me incredulously. His tanned skin looked soft and so touchable where as his hands looked like they were rough and callused as his fingers were no longer in a fist, his arms were muscular but not too much which I liked immensely, same went for his legs. His torso was long and he had a six-pack that didn't bulge but had a nice little outline. How I'd love to run my fingernails down it just to see his reaction.

I snapped back to reality then. I straightened my posture turning toward Sesshomaru making eye contact.

“Sesshomaru I will train him he will not need as much training as I am sure you anticipated. I will make sure he is ready for whenever we are able to finally fight our adversary.” I bowed indicating that if that was all he was waiting for he could leave we all had to go and rest if nothing else.

He looked me over seeming to be contemplating something and if I hadn't already known I couldn't read his mind I would've tried to read him. He nodded to me raising his hand, turned, and then brought his hand down opening a portal for him and Jaken, who I had long since forgotten was there, to ascend through.

“What the hell…” was heard from various people in the room. I sighed dropping my head to look at my shoe clad feet I had been wearing red and black Fallens'. As I stared down at my shoes I quickly cleared my head. “Ok look… When I was still alive I was a black belt in three, count them three different forms of martial arts I was the winner of every tournament I was in. Now none of you would know that except for Souta.” Who nodded as I continued. “Now I think we should all figure out our rooming arrangements then rest up. Some of us” I stared at the other band members. “Have a concert we must be bright eyed and bushy-tailed for. Whereas others” I stared down Souta, who I really needed to catch up with, and Kohaku. “Don't have anything of importance to do tomorrow.” They all nodded and started talking about who would sleep in which room.

After about twenty minutes we had figured it out. We had six rooms to work with meaning before the two extra guests we had just enough rooms for every band member or groupie, which I had been. So now Kouga and Shippo still had one room each to themselves. Sango and Miroku decided to share a room meaning Sango had the bed and if Miroku came within five feet of the bed he was going to get castrated, poor Miroku… Kohaku had Sango's old room. Inuyasha and I were also to share a room while Souta resided in mine.

Oh boy was tonight going to be interesting?

We all walked off to our designated rooms to either go back to sleep or just lounge.

I was in Inuyasha's room now just lying on his bed I hadn't banned him from the bed, he wasn't Miroku, I could trust him, right? Oh well. He was next to me; I had my hands behind my head as I stared up at the ceiling. The lights were off as Inuyasha and I said nothing. I had one ear-bud in my left ear. I had a lot on my mind and just listening to this music soothed me.

The current song was F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. by The Fall of Troy. I loved that long I loved the chorus to it. `I don't wanna see the day; my words cannot make it safe. (Come running home! Come running home!) Her heart in my hands, it's too bad, no regrets... I don't wanna see the day; her tears are falling on my grave. (Come running home! Come running home!) This is my one chance to take back, no regrets...' I sighed as the chorus played.

“You okay?” Inuyasha whispered to me. I closed my eyes and nodded my reply. I was… for a lack of better words fine just very extremely anxious. A few seconds passed before I felt his movements on the bed, and his arms slither under my back and over my waist to hug me closer to his body. I blushed; unsure how to handle the sudden closeness.

“Kagome… You are surely a strong woman but please don't try to mask how you feel it hurts when you don't let me know what's going on and I don't want to pry into your feelings…” he finished with a kiss to my cheek. Further enhancing my blush, I must have looked like a tomato about now.

“I'm just… anxious… about everything. You're the chosen one. I should've known when I met you but I didn't. And now you are the one who is supposed to kill Naraku… I mean sure I'm happy. The sooner he's gone the sooner I can get on with my life or whatever you want to call what we live… Oh, just forget it and try to rest we have a very long day tomorrow.” I turned over facing the window looking out of it and glancing at the silvery-gold ring that was on my left ring finger.

Several moments passed between the two of us neither one of us moved for quite sometime until I felt Inuyasha move towards me that was right before I was unexpectedly turned and pulled to the middle of the bed where he started straddling me. “Inuyasha what are yo—“ I wasn't able get the words out before his lips found mine shutting me up instantly. I was in shock for only a few seconds before I closed my eyes and started to kiss him back.

His lips were as soft as the first snowflakes that fall from the sky and land onto the soon to wither grass.

His hands moved down my sides only to stop at my waist and his thumbs slowly rubbed circles at the very top of where my hips started. I gasped. It just simply felt extraordinary. If I could I wouldn't ever leave this bed with him on top of me, not that I could if I had wanted to either.

My arms snaked around his neck as he continued to ferociously kiss me. His soft pink tongue glided across my lower lip pleading for the access he so desperately wanted to obtain. I moaned slightly parting my lips only slightly teasing him. He sent his tongue at my lip once again making me relent this time giving another slightly longer and louder moan. He gave a groan of approval to me.

I felt a warmth rise into the pit of my stomach, and my underwear started to get wet from anticipation. I arched my back to relieve myself only slightly from this spectacular feeling that was coursing through my whole body.

“Feels good doesn't it?... to just relieve yourself this way... rather than through… any other way?” Inuyasha rasped out before moving his lips to my neck only to leave open mouth kisses all over my neck and down to my cleavage, making me gasp out his name. I could feel the smirk growing on his face.

Finally after all of this my brain was able to get a coherent thought to my head that we should stop. These walls were paper-thin and I could sense our friends stirring not quite fully asleep.

“Inuyasha…” I finally got out from my uncooperative lips. “hmmm” he mumbled from my cleavage still leaving his luscious open mouth kisses there, making my body betray me.

“Inuyasha we need to stop… they aren't asleep and these walls… they're too thin.” I finally got out. The moment it all left my mouth Inuyasha's head shot up from my breasts. He looked so upset but we just couldn't continue. A very loud very long moan erupted from down the hall.

I couldn't stop I laughed and so did Inuyasha.

Well… looks like Miroku got some.

Reading and reviewing is love!