InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When You Can Live Forever ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Six

Kagome's POV

I attempted to slow my breathing yet again so Inuyasha wouldn't know I was still awake. I cared for him deeply but I just couldn't bring myself to let go of my caution because he was the chosen one. I looked to my right; the alarm clock read 6 57 AM. We would be getting up soon and I had to start his training. I would train him in the various martial arts I knew and also in sword fighting, archery, and in street fighting to enhance his skills.

He was good but he had to be capable of rubbing my ass around in the dirt easily before he was ready to take down Naraku. It would take time.

My thoughts were cut off then by the alarm and it's shrill insensate beeping enough to drive anyone mad. I slammed my hand down on the off button successfully silencing it forever.

"Kagome what's wrong?" I heard Inuyasha mumble from next to me.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I lied. Or at least tried to, Inuyasha could always tell when I was lying. Sometimes I wondered why I even attempted to lie to him anymore.

"Don't lie to me Kagome…" He stated sternly. I sighed. I couldn't tell him the truth.

"I'm going to take a shower…" I stated quickly hopping up and heading to the shower. Inuyasha just stared at me as I left.

I stood there letting the flow of water from the showerhead cascade over my body soothing my worn muscles. I was a wreck. The rest of last night had for the most part been spent in silence, neither of us knowing what to say to the other. I tilted my head up facing into the flow of water, letting it rush over my face to calm the headache that was rapidly enveloping my brain. I just don't know what to do anymore. I know what I have to do but I'm also caught up in what I'm not sure I can do.

I turned off the shower my eyes still closed. I backed up against the wall I knew was behind me and slid down it to sit on the cool tile. I opened my eyes to stare at my reflection in the metal of the water temperature knobs. My eyes were red as I suspected. I was frustrated with myself, my thoughts, and Inuyasha's constant advances towards me. I wanted so badly to let myself go into the temptations that he often presented to me. However, at the same time I was uncertain of what would happen if I did so. What would the gods think? Or worse what would become of me if they didn't approve of whatever Inuyasha and I had.

Nothing made sense to me anymore except the fact that I had to train Inuyasha. He had to be prepared to battle Naraku. He had to defeat him at any cost. And I was the one to prepare him for this. In my mind it was worse than right before taking the SAT's for college, just knowing that ours and every living and non-living beings' future hung in the balance if I failed.

I combed my fingers through my long ebony tresses. I rubbed my eyes with my hands trying to get the shower water that remained away from them to help sooth away the irritation a little sooner before standing and stepping out of the shower and onto the fluffy blood red rug that was on the floor.

Leaning into the shower; I rung out my hair before grabbing a towel that was the same color as the rug off of the rack on my right. I dried my hair with it before moving to dry the rest of myself. Training was to begin as soon as I was finished in the shower. I grabbed my clothes and ring off of the toilet lid before moving over to the sink, which had a mirror hanging above it. I picked up the dark purple brush I had bought for myself and started to brush out the knots that were in my hair.

Picking up my ring I slid it gently onto my finger before picking up my black bra from the sink and pulling it over my shoulders and clipping the back shut before adjusting the cups so that my D-cup sized breasts wouldn't fall out of them during the training.

Next I pulled on my shirt. The shirt was an Evan's Blue shirt. They weren't overly popular but they were an awesome band plus I had about five of these stored in the storage room I had bought to keep all of the clothes and such I would need over the years. The shirt was a U-cut style shirt so that it couldn't be used against me in a fight not that the shirt designers knew this when they made it but it helped my purpose None-the-less. I pulled on my black panties before I tugged on my grey sweat pants.

Snagging my ankle socks off of the counter I exited the bathroom in search of my red and black converses. It was beyond me but ever since I was young I remembered training in them. "Where are those damn converses… I mumbled to myself as I attacked the closet with a vengeance to find my precious shoes. Finally, out of exasperation, I fell back in irritation. 'I could've sworn I put them in the damn closet…' I thought.

"You mean these?" I heard from behind me. Turning around I saw a barely covered Inuyasha holding my shoes off of two clawed fingertips. I jaw dropped as I completely ignored his question-and my shoes-to stare at his very tones chest. 'He really needs to stop doing this to me' I thought as I gawked at him before noticing my shoes and snapping myself out of my own little personal lala land.

"Yes those." I said before standing and trying to grab them from his hand only to be thwarted by him yanking them up from my reach.

"What would you do for them?" he asked with a smirk. I glared at him before a devious little plan came into mind.

I pouted at him before saying "Oh Inu… I'd do anything for you to give me those shoes. I'd even sell my soul to the devil…" I trailed off as I reached down and grabbed his groin massaging the sensitive area with the palm of my hand. He moaned out lowering his hand that held my prize. I smirked. "Inu, you like that?" I murmured. He moaned out a little sexy moan that I would've giggled at if I weren't on a mission. And then when he least expected it. I quickly grabbed his arm, flipping him onto his back and straddling him before quickly snagging my shoes from him and leaning down. "Beat that dog boy" I said with a giggle.

Getting off of him I held out my arm that wasn't holding my shoes with helping him back up to a standing position. "You might wanna take a nice cold shower too." I added as I left the room.

"Damn it Kagome, did you really have to do that?" I heard him grumble behind me obviously irritated I would even consider pulling anything like that on him.

I just smirked. "Come on go get ready training starts in fifteen minutes." I told him as I continued down the hall towards the living room. I plopped down on the couch and started pulling on my socks when I heard him turn on the shower and step into it.

Souta walked into the living room from the kitchen area as I was finishing tying up my converses. "Sis, you need to do what your heart tells you to do." He stated cryptically as he headed off to his bedroom. I looked after him wondering where in the hell that came from. I shrugged and left the apartment and headed towards the park.

The park was the most convenient place to train. Off to the far edge of the park was a stretch of woods that extended for about two miles that would make the perfect coverage so the average human wouldn't know what we were doing no matter what happened out there. There were also a few clearings within it that would make a perfect mini arena for us. I made my way over the most hidden clearing knowing Inuyasha could find me through scent alone and that he'd be there any minute.

I started stretching as I waited. Not that I needed to, it was just habit. I guess that sayings' true-old habits die hard. I finished stretching and heaved a sigh before focusing my senses. I could hear Inuyasha approaching from not too far off.

He entered the clearing with a smirk. "Miss me?" He asked cockily.

I blinked before rushing at him with my inhuman speed and flipping him flat onto his back for the second time that day successfully knocking the wind out of him. "Get serious it's time to train." I told him as I once again helped him to his feet.

He smiled. "As you wish" and the training began.

Several hours had passed and I had taught Inuyasha almost all I knew in hand-to-hand combat and we had moved on to sword fighting. We were currently clashing our swords against one another with no intent on letting the other win.

We both jumped back at the same time before once again lunging at the other in a seemingly futile attempt to disarm the other. I was panting I hadn't had such a work out in a long time. I spun my sword in a flourish nicking Inuyasha's shoulder before doing a back flip away from him. He anticipated this however and before I could get my proper footing he was pushing me back and back and further back until I was pinned against a tree my sword and his sword were like scissors against my neck. Any wrong move and I'd lose my head… literally.

"Heh, looks like I win this one" Inuyasha breathed out, his breath ragged from hours of fighting. I nodded in agreement. He had beaten me fair and square.

I loosened my sword and he did the same before we let our swords fall to our sides. He rested his forehead against mine sighing. He looked into my eyes. It was then that Souta's words came back to me. 'What my heart tells me?'

I had an overwhelming urge to kiss Inuyasha like I would die if I didn't. So I did.

I closed my eyes into the kiss Inuyasha just barely a beat behind me. His hands slip behind my back and pull me closer to his strong chest. I moan moving my hands to his neck and entwining my fingers within his luscious hair. I move my tongue tenderly over his lips begging for entrance. He wastes no time allowing me entrance and seeking entrance of his own. I grant it. We continue like this until the need for air and the vastly decreasing light around us. We grudgingly break free of one another's hold panting trying to refill our lungs with much needed air.

"God, Kagome I love you." Inuyasha breathes out in ecstasy as he hugs me closer as if fearing this is all just a dream or some crazy illusion.

"Inuyasha, I… I care about you too." I whisper softly.

He sighed dejectedly. "It's time to head back we need to go get ready for the concert." He states as he slowly backs away from me. Sliding his hand down my arm reaching for my own he grabs it and pulls me behind him back to the apartment, a small smile on his face 'Finally.'

I paced back and fourth in the dressing room I was so nervous. The concert would start soon and I'd have to preform. The band was going to go on first and do a song or two then introduce me. I gulped.

I can't do this. I thought as I flopped onto the sofa in the small room panicking. I was going to make a run for it when I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I looked up at the door before slowly getting up and answering it.

It was Miroku. "Oh hey what brings you here?" I ask nervously fidgeting.

"We're gonna be going on shortly I thought I should let you know. Also I was a bit concerned for you. It is going to be your first time on stage I take it." He said in that all knowing way of his.

I sighed. "Um… yea" I answered scratching the back of my head. He smiled.

"You'll be fine don't worry. We all know you have it in you to be great." He gave me a hug as reassurance. I smiled but that was short lived when I felt his hand groping my ass. My eyebrow twitched in irritation and I pulled out of the hug slapping him so hard he fell to the ground passed out.

'Goddamn hentai…'