InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where for art thou Romeo? ❯ Why?? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cute hanyou with cute little doggy ears in reality.
But in my dreams...
Dawn0fthenite: Who owns you Inuyasha
Inuyasha: *Tied to a chair* You do
Dawn0fthenite: that's right, good boy
*winks* ;p
Meanwhile in my friends dreams…
Narria: Who owns you Sesshomaru
Sesshomaru: * isn't tied to a chair* This Sesshomaru, is owned by only one person and who is Narria
Narria: I thought so * glomps sesshy *
Chapter 3- Why??
In the last chapter-
Kagome saw Inuyasha and Miroku run of into the direction of the storage closet in a hurry. She followed them. Inuyasha threw open the door and inside was Kikyo with the high school drop out.
“Kikyo how could you”
Inuyasha said as he saw Kikyo making out with Naraku. Naraku was in his boxers, with his hand down Kikyo's shirt. Kikyo heard Inuyasha and turned around and thought to herself.
Kikyo said as Inuyasha just walked away with discust.
Kagome and Miroku followed him
“Inuyasha, wait”
Kikyo said but he ignored her.
“I said wait”
She said as she put her hand on his shoulder. All Inuyasha did was shrug her off and keep walking to his seat.
She yelled in a angry tone. Inuyasha couldn't take it anymore.
“Why the fuck should I. Here you are making out with Naraku and planning to do god knows what. While just about a half and hour ago you were calling my best friend a slut.”
His voice went from calm to rage. The whole auditorium could hear it.
Kikyo blinked in astonishment and hurt as Inuyasha said all those hurtful words. After all that Inuyasha calmly said
“Oh by the way Kikyo its over between us”
That's all Kikyo could take she ran through the aditiorum doors to get to Naraku and When she got there she was crying into Naraku's arms.
Inuyasha sat in his seat and Kagome sat next to him. She wanted to comfort him but she couldn't. She just didn't know how. I mean he did a such a good job comforting her when this happened to her last week. But all she could do was just sit there and be there for him. hat she didn't realize was that he was just happy with her just being there with her.
Kagome finally got up the courage to say something to him.
“Are you okay”, she asked.
“Sorta, I mean I was gonna break up with her soon I just didn't expect that to happen. It still hurts that she would do that to me though. Im so fucking stupid.
“Your not stupid, Inuyasha”
“I mean everyone warned me about her. Sango, Miroku, Koga, even you Kagome said she was trouble.”
As Inuyasha said that Kagome could see that his eyes where so filled with the hurt, and sadness. Inuyasha thought to himself.
`I am kind of glad that its over between us so maybe just maybe I will have a chance with her'
Kagome just gave him a big hug and held him in her arms for what seemed like hours to him. He just loved her smell. It was the smell of Cherry Blossoms it comforted him so much. It reminded him of his childhood when he lived with his mom. There was a huge cherry blossom tree. She loved just sitting there and being held he hasn't been held like that in a like forever. He just wanted to be in her arms forever. But forever ended to soon because the bell rang.
“umm Inuyasha”, Kagome said.
`shit, she has to go', Inuyasha thought.
“I have to get class, sorry”
Inuyasha got up out of Kagome's arms and Kagome got out of the chair and stood up.
As Kagome began to walk away Inuyasha felt a great sadness in his heart. Then he heard her voice.
“Umm Inuyasha do you want me to come over after school, then”
Inuyasha heart leaped he really wanted her to come over.
Kagome began to walk away again, then he heard her stop.
“If you need anything I will be here for you”
Inuyasha smiled
“Don't you have gym”
“Ya, but I just cant go to class right now”
Kagome knew this was seriously bugging him because Gym was like his second favorite class next to acting.
“Are you sure your alright, What are you going to do instead”
“I will probably just stay right here. I will come see you before you get you before class ends”
Kagome said she was happy that he actually was going to come see her.
“Well I have to go to gym now. Call me if you need anything”
“Alright I will, Wait Kagome. There posting the castings after school right”
“Ya, I forgot bout that”
“Alright so I will meet with you after, and we can walk down together, Bye”
With that Kagome left on her way to gym.
A/n: This is a lime
Inuyasha sat in the chair and began to drift into a slumber when suddenly the auditorium doors broke open. There was Kagome running up to him in a shirt and a tube top. Once she got to him she looked at him and smiled. Then she did the most unexpected thing ever she took her top off and exposing her breast.
Inuyasha was cut off by Kagome when she nipped at his lower lip begging for entrance. He allowed her to enter and was surprised when she explored his mouth with her tongue, causing a long pleasurable moan. His tongue finally joined hers in a battle for dominance. Then they separated from the heated kiss to breath and Kagome. She startled him and pushed him down to the chair and began straddling him. The battle for dominance with there tongues continued as the kiss depended. He began to start to rub her sides taking in all her curves and rested his hand on the soft mound of her left breast which brought Kagome to a give of a soft low moan. Inuyasha grinned with satisfaction as he felt her break away again this time to pull off his shirt. Then he felt a small warm hand on his chest and trail down to his paints and began to unzip them and take them off. Then hand was on his chest and started to rub down till it finally rested on his manhood. He moaned long and loudly at the sudden action. Placing his hands on her knees he began to rub her inner thigh then high and he realize there was no panties.
“Someone is a dangerous girl”
He said as he started kissing her bare neck. She moaned loudly at the feeling of his soft touch.
“mmm”, she moaned again
“Inuyasha, please take me. I cant take it anymore.”
All of a sudden Inuyasha heard a noise which threw him from his dream. American Idot was playing form his cell phone. It was Kagome she just text message him
*Hey I just got out of gym *
Inuyasha looked down at his lap and thought
`Oh Shit'
Dawn0fthenite: So how was that for my first Lime
Inuyasha: Good now only if it wasn't a dream
Kagome: Well if you would get the guts to tell me you like me maybe it would be different * winks *
Inuyasha: Who says I like you, I like Dawn
Dawn0fthenite: blushes* Really Inu
Inuyasha: Feh
Dawn0fthenite: So who wants to get to know who gets what role in the play?
Fans: We do
Inuyasha: Well Kagome and me get….
Kagome: Inuyasha, osuwari *Inuyasha falls to the ground * Baka
Inuyasha: What the hell wench
Kagome: osuwari *Inuyasha falls to the ground again *
Inuyasha: Dawn help
Dawn0fthenight: I am sorry, Inu sweetie. I cant I am to busy studying for finals, I will be with you tomorrow but that might be it till Wednesday when there over.
Kagome: Good, osuwari, osuwari, osuwari, * Inuyasha falls repeatedly to the ground
Inuyasha: Shit, Dawn save me
Dawn0fthenite: sorry, I cant
Skylily- I know I am horrible at spelling ;p
nancey- some one from adult fan fiction suggested it would be a good idea
InuYashasLoveLorn- I will try
kagome15- I will try
Chapter 4- Casting