InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where for art thou Romeo? ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cute hanyou with cute little doggy ears in reality.
But in my dreams...
Dawn0fthenite: Who owns you Inuyasha
Inuyasha: *Tied to a chair* You do
Dawn0fthenite: that's right, good boy
*winks* ;p
Meanwhile in my friends dreams…
Narria: Who owns you Sesshomaru
Sesshomaru: * isn't tied to a chair* This Sesshomaru, is owned by only one person and who is Narria
Narria: I thought so * glomps sesshy *
Last Chapter
Inuyasha looked down at his lap and thought.
`Oh Shit'
Chapter 4- Casting
`Alright looks like he's late' Kagome thought.
Inuyasha flipped the light switch off of the boys locker room.
“Alright now that that's taken care of, now on to see Kagome” Inuyasha said to himself.
Kagome looked at the clock on her cell phone it was 5 minutes since the last time she checked.
`Where is he?' she wondered with disappointment.
“Hey Kagome”, a voice she recognized said.
`Finally' she thought. As she turned around she was shocked to see a very wet Inuyasha.
`Is it raining' she wondered to herself. Inuyasha realized she was starring at him kind of funny.
`please don't say anything' he hoped.
“Why are you all wet”, Kagome said as she grabbed his silver gorgeous silver locks.
`Oh my god' Kagome thought with shock on her face.
`Ewww! That's cold water. He really must not be over Kikyo yet', she thought with disappointment.
“umm well I jot a stain on my pants”
Kagome started laughing.
“and I jumped in the shower and it was freezing”
Kagome couldn't stop laughing at the look on his face. He looked so distraught when he realize what he said.
“umm my pant leg. I dropped my vanilla ice cream on my pant leg”
Kagome laughed again as his face was almost as red as her tube top.
“Alright sure Inuyasha”
Kagome walked with Inuyasha down to the drama office, and man oh man was it packed. They had to wait a few minutes before they could even get up and see the sheet.
When they finally got to the cast sheet Inuyasha noticed she started to cry.
`Shit, after that great performance and she still didn't get the part'
“What's wrong Kagome”, Inuyasha asked with worry.
“I'm just so happy”, she said calmly.
“I got the part”, she said excitedly
“I'm Juliet, and my Romeo is” she said as she scrolled her finger down the names and smiled.
The she used her pointer finger and scanned the room.
“Romeo, oh Romeo where art thou” Inuyasha looked disappointed as he realized he didn't get the part.
`I will kill the person who got Romeo'
Then she stopped and point her finger at Romeo.
“Really” he asked unsure. As he looked at the list.
“All be damned”
Casting for Romeo and Juliet
Juliet: Kagome Higurashi
Romeo: Inuyasha Takahashi
Benvolio: Miroku Houshi
Mercutio: Shippo Woij
Tybalt : Koga Suzuki
Paris: Naraku Jaki
Friar Laurence: Hojo kuiji
Nurse: Sango Taijiya
Lady Capulet: Kikyo Miki
Capulet: Omigimo Jaki
Lady Montague: Rin Noto
Montague: Sesshomaru Takahashi
`Sesshomaru is going to be mad when he sees he still has a part'
“How the hell is it that that bastard Naraku is on the cast list”, Inuyasha was fuming
“Because he is going back to this school with is brother Omigimo” Mrs. Kaede interrupted.
“WHAT” Inuyasha yelled. He was so angry now that he was scaring Kagome.
“Yes”, he snapped at her.
“Lets go there's nothing we can do about it now”, he reassured him.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked through the front doors of the school in silence. As they reached the parking lot Kagome saw Inuyasha's Harley only had one helmet.
“Inuyasha” Kagome said angrily. Inuyasha knew why she was mad.
“I know, I know you take the helmet I forgot the other one at home” Inuyasha said. As he straddled the seat of the bike, and gave Kagome the helmet.
“Come on, Get on” Inuyasha said. As he patted the seat for her to sit on.
Kagome took her hair down and Inuyasha watched as the scarlet tips of her hair fell to her shoulders. He inhaled her sent and his insides twitched. She then put the helmet on and got on the bike.
“Hold on” he said. As Kagome wrapped her hands around his waist he was soaking wet but she didn't care she liked holding him.
“mmhm”, Kagome replied. As he sped off causing her to tighten her grip.
Inuyasha was wallowing in her sent and this drove his insides mad. It didn't help that when ever he went faster she would hold on tighter causing her soft mounds to press up against his back. That made his hardness twitch with desire. When they finally reached his house Inuyasha was so glad he didn't know if he could bear it anymore.
“Kagome I am going to go change, so I don't have to stay in these wet clothes. You can watch some TV if you want” ,he said. As he put his helmet down on the counter top.
“Oh and I will get you another shirt”, Inuyasha snickered. As he started to walk away she asked.
“Why would I need another shirt?”. Then she looked down at her shirt and realized why it was all wet from the ride. She became embarrassed.
Inuyasha walked into the other room, Kagome turned on the TV and heard Inuyasha in the other room open a drawer. Then he came back in and tossed her a shirt.
The shirt said `I am a Hot and..' and on the back it said `Sexy Bad Ass'. Kagome just rolled her eyes as she stripped her wet shirt off and put the one Inuyasha gave her.
After a while Kagome heard him walk toward the door when he opened it and walked into the room she was in. When she turned around she saw the most surprising site. Inuyasha was wearing ass tight black, leather pants and a not to tight not to lose black muscle top that said `Bad Ass' the shirt exposed all his large bicep's. Damn Kagome was worried she was drooling, but she had to admit she looked so fucking sexy. Inuyasha could smell what this was doing to her and had to hold in the laughter when he actually thought she saw she was sort of drooling.
“Kagome”, Inuyasha said. Kagome was thrown out of her stare.
“Yes” she asked.
“Do you like what you see?”, he asked. Kagome became bout 5 shades of red with that comment.
“umm” was all she could say she was speechless. Her smell now was driving him off the wall.
“Do you know why my hair is silver, and I have fangs?”, he asked.
“Well don't you dye it and aren't those plastic” she responded as Inuyasha laughed.
`Do they really look plastic'
“Well no. Kagome do you know what a hanyou is?”
“Yes half demon. But what's that got to do with this”
“Well” Inuyasha said. As he pulled his bandana down of his head and exposed the two white fuzzy triangles.
“Oh my god”, Kagome said as she looked at him in disbelief and shock.
`Oh boy', Inuyasha thought.
Dawn0fthenite: Well I am sorry for the cliffy everyone but I thought it would be a good way to end it.
Kagome: I wonder how my reaction will be
Inuyasha: You will probably freak out like you always do
Kagome: Do not
Inuyasha: Do too, doesn't she Dawn
Dawn0fthenite: umm * she looks at Kagome's face as it is starring at her *
Kagome: Well * looks at Dawn *
Inuyasha: Come on Dawn
Dawn0fthenite: *looks at Inuyasha and then at Kagome * I cant handle being under pressure * Runs into the other room
Kagome: *chase after her*
Inuyasha: * chases her as well catch's up to Dawn* Its okay sweetie, you don't have to answer if you don't want to * kisses Dawn on the cheek *
Kagome: the hell she doesn't
Inuyasha: shut up bitch
Kagome: Inuyasha
Inuyasha: `Oh shit'
Kagome: Inuyasha osuw..
Inuyasha: What the hell?? * looks at Kagome with Dawns hand over her mouth *
Dawn0fthenite: I will protect you this time Inu * class bell rings * umm never mind, I have exams * runs out door to class*
Kagome: *devilish grin on face *
Inuyasha: Oh shit
Kagome: osuwari, osuwari, osuwari, osuwari, osuwari * Inuyasha slams into the ground really fast and hard
Adult Fan fiction
ME- I made this one longer the rest it was going to be really long but I decided this was a good place to cut it off ..aka another cliffy
Media Miner
Arina- Ya I did.. lol poor Inuyasha and the next chapters half way done
Anime Spiral
inuyash_punk84- I like it to and I will update soon
Miko of Courage- looks like you were