InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where for art thou Romeo? ❯ Reaction ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cute hanyou with cute little doggy ears in reality.
But in my dreams...
Dawn0fthenite: Who owns you Inuyasha?
Inuyasha: *Tied to a chair* you do
Dawn0fthenite: that's right, good boy
*winks* ;p
Meanwhile in my friends dreams…
Narria: Who owns you Sesshomaru?
Sesshomaru: * isn't tied to a chair* This Sesshomaru is owned by only one person and who is Narria
Narria: I thought so * glomps sesshy *
In the last Chapter:
He pulled his bandana off and exposed his two white fuzzy triangles.
“Oh my god”, Kagome starred in disbelief and shock
`Oh Boy Inuyasha thought.
Chapter 5- Reaction
“Oh my god there so adorable”, Kagome said as she ran up to Inuyasha to rub his ears. With her large chest straight in front of him drove him crazy.
“mmmm”, Inuyasha moaned.
He gave off a low pleasuring growl that almost sounded like a cats purr. Strangely enough she felt comfort in the small noise. Inuyasha took her hands off from his ears regretfully. Then moved them to her side and put his hands around the small of her back and put his lips up to hers and kissed her. She was shocked at this yet she still kissed him back and opened her mouth when he nibbled on her bottom lip for excess. He explored every part of her mouth. Her smell drove him crazy with desire and her heat wasn't helping him any. His demon side was screaming take her. Then it all ended and they where out of breath. They both thought the other was amazing, too. Then Kagome said,
“Inuyasha we cant you just broke up with Kikyo
“Feh, fuck that slut”
`I swear if Kikyo ruins my relationship with Kagome im going to”, Inuyasha thought in a trance.
“I know but we...” Inuyasha stopped her from saying another word.
`He waited to long for her and I don't want to wait anymore. Damn it to hell', he thought.
This time it was Inuyasha who broke it off.
“Hmm”, she said
“I really like you a lot”, Kagome was speechless she knew she liked him but she would never guess that he liked her back.
“If you want to wait we can wait”, he said with a lot of regret.
“Yes…Kag...” Kagome put her lips over Inuyasha's and pulled back quickly.
“I like you a lot, too” Inuyasha was speechless
“But we can't do this right now as much as I want to just not right now” Kagome had more feelings for him then she let on she just didn't realize it yet she loved Inuyasha Takahasi.
Kagome changed the topic by asking Inuyasha a question.
“So you're a hanyou”
“Does that make Sesshomaru one, too”
“No he is a full demon, another reason why he looks human and I don't”
“So you're a dog right”
“Yes in more ways then one”, He winked as he knocked her to the couch she screamed in shock as he licked her neck with his tongue.
“Ya a real dog boy”, Kagome giggled.
“Ya Bitch”, Inuyasha said as Kagome slapped him. She was shocked Inuyasha never ever called her such a term.
“What was that for? Kagome bitch is a term of endearment not a rude comment”
Kagome blushed
`He really did like her didn't he. Well he will just have to wait a week'
“Kagome how do you feel about dating someone that is 150 years old”, Inuyasha said that last part really fast.
`Is he asking me out? And what's with the 150 year old thing' she thought.
“Inuyasha are you asking me out”, she asked.
`Did she completely by pass the fact that I said I am a 150 years old, guess she did', he thought.
“Ya actually I did and If your not sure and don't want to wait just remember it would be on your terms”
`Hmm, my terms I think I should do something to shake him up a bit', she thought.
“My terms”, she said as she pushed him on the couch and straddled his lap. He was so surprised and out of breath. Then she took what little breath he had left and explored his mouth with her tongue. Then, Inuyasha tried to fight for dominance with his.
`This is just like my dream just with shirts on' he snickered and broke off the kiss as she whimpered.
“Is that a yes”, he asked.
“Of, course”
She kissed him again. He felt like he was in heaven floating on the clouds. No one had ever made him feel this way since he was a little kid. He was in such aw by her smell and touch and talent with her tongue. She broke the kiss off and looked at the said something that completely caught him off guard.
“Happy Birthday Inuyasha”
`I completely forgot about my birthday. Im 18 by law but really 151 years old. Thank god that Kagome turned 16 two weeks ago.
“Thank god your 16” Inuyasha said, as she laughed.
“Ya your right”, Kagome said as she felt a vibration in her pants pocket.
“Hello”, she answered it.
“Hey mom”, she said sarcastically.
“Don't hey mom me do you have any idea what time it is?”
Kagome looked over at the clock and saw it was 11:45
“Ya, young lady you get home right now”
“Can I spend the night at Sango's I am here now?”
“Sure let me talk to Sango first”
“Alright hold on”
`Shit', she thought.
“She's in the bathroom”
“Fine I will wait”
Kagome muted her cell
“Inuyasha call Sango quick”, Inuyasha listened and was already ahead of her and dialed the number, and handed the phone to Kagome.
“Hello”, Sango said
“Sango do me a huge favor and talk to my mom through the cell phone
“What?? Alright but I need an explanation”
“Tell her im sleeping over at your house”
Kagome took her cell off mute and put the two next to each other
A/N: I don't know if this actually works but it sounded like a good idea.
“Hey mom here she is”
“Hey Mrs. H”
“Hey Sango”
“Is my daughter at you house”
“Yes she is”
“Alright well I will see you tomorrow then, bye”
Ms. H hung up the phone
“Kagome where are you?” Sango asked.
“Umm Inuyasha's place”
“Oh, well then why don't you come to my house with Inuyasha Then?”
“Alright, well see you soon”
“Bye Kags, see you soon”
“Bye Sango”
Kagome and Sango hung up
“So where are we going now?” Inuyasha asked.
“We are going to Sango's”
“Alright let's go”, he said as he got up and walked toward the door.
“Inuyasha', Kagome said angrily.
“Alright”, he said as he grabbed both helmets
“Come here you”, he said with a smirk on his face walking towards her. He picked her up and she gave off a little epp. He then put her on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, and walked outside to the bike with Kagome kicking and punching him tell him to.
“Put me down”, Kagome said.
“Alright, princess”, he put her down on her feet and straddled the bike and she got on as well. They both put there helmets on and sped of to Sango's.
Kagome: Ha hah Inuyasha is a jii jii
Inuyasha: am not
Kagome: are, too
Dawn0fthenite:* walks in room and hands Inuyasha a present*
Inuyasha: Here Kagome *gives her the box* Dawn got you a present from the shrine near by
Dawn0fthenite: *smirks *
Kagome: aww Dawn you shouldn't have
Dawn0fthenite: It's no big deal
Kagome *opens box inside is a necklace, runs over to Dawn and gives her a hug*
Dawn0fthenite: put it on
Kagome: *puts on necklace*
Dawn0fthenite: ready Inu
Inuyasha: * smirks*
Dawn0fthenite and Inuyasha: ~fuku~ girl * Kagome crashes to the ground *
Inuyasha: now you know how I feel. This is the best birthday present* kisses Dawn in the cheek *
Dawn0fthenite: *blushes *
Japanese translations:
Fuku- lay down
Jii jii- old man
Next Chapter- Sango's