InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where for art thou Romeo? ❯ Present Time ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cute hanyou with cute little doggy ears in reality.
But in my dreams...

Dawn0fthenite: Who owns you Inuyasha
Inuyasha: *Tied to a chair* you do
Dawn0fthenite: that's right, good boy
*winks*; p

Meanwhile in my friends dreams…
Narria: Who owns you Sesshoumaru
Sesshoumaru: * isn't tied to a chair* This Sesshoumaru, is owned by only one person and that is Narria
Narria: I thought so * glomps sesshy *

In last chapter:
“Alright, presents time.” Sango said. Everyone got off the couch and went into the kitchen where all the presents were. Inuyasha pulled up a chair and sat down. He placed Kagome on his lap.
“Open mine first.” Kagome said, as she stood and grabbed her present for him.
Chapter 7- Present time
Kagome handed her present to him; it was a large bag with Harley Davidson on it. He grabbed the card for it and began to open it because his mom taught him that way. Just as he was opening it Kagome took his card away and said, “Umm Inu baby, you might want to wait until you open the gift.” he obliged.
Inuyasha blushed and dug through the rippled tissue paper. He tossed it everywhere like a little kid until he found his present. He pulled the gift out of the bag and showed it to everyone. It was a pair of tight, leather pants; he checked the size and the pants where the right size, too. He placed the pants in the bag, and put the bag by his side.
“Thank you, Kags,” he said. Inu gave her a kiss on the cheek causing her to blush slightly. He then grabbed the card and began to open it.
When he did she sat on his lap and whispered in his ear, “Read the card first to yourself, and then if you want read it aloud.” Kagome said as she winked and snickered.
`Did she just snicker at me I know this is going to be bad because she never snickers. Never. ' Inuyasha thought. He was suddenly concerned and he warily began to read the card. `Happy eighteenth birthday! I hope you have eighteen wonderful wishes!' Inuyasha read. `There was nothing wrong' he thought until he read what she wrote. He realized what she was snickering at. This time he read the part that she'd written, and not Hallmark's.
`Hey Inuyasha, these pants are to replace the ones with the ice cream stain on them. You do know that ice cream doesn't come out... By the way, there is still one more present for you. ;}
`Oh my god, she knew! I guess it was kind of obvious… I love these pants they're so hot, and Kagome picked them out, so I know that she likes leather. Especially because of her reaction at my house when…' he thoughts where interrupted by someone speaking.
“Come on Inuyasha! Read the card, or is it private?” Miroku said as Inuyasha blushed.
“No!” he fired back. He began to read the card a look of dread crossed Kagome's face. `Oh god…' Kagome thought. Inuyasha could smell her embarrassment, and Sesshoumaru could also because he had a big grin on his face trying to hold in his laughter. “Happy eighteenth birthday! I hope you have eighteen wonderful wishes! Love you baby!” Inuyasha read. `I can't read the whole card; it would not only embarrass me but it would embarrass Kagome, and I can't do that to her.' he thought.
“Alright! Next present.” someone said in the crowd of people. Sango stood up from her seat and grabbed two boxes that where wrapped in wrapping paper and handed them to Kagome and Inuyasha.
“Okay guys these are for you both.” Sango said with a grin. Inuyasha and Kagome tore open their presents with lighting speed. Inuyasha pulled his out of the box; it was a custom-made, metallic black, bike helmet, with his name on it in flame writing and a dog. Kagome's helmet was a metallic purple, custom-made helmet with her name in flame writing and a phoenix as well, but needless to say both the helmets looked really hot. Inuyasha and Kagome couldn't wait to test them out on the road.
“Oh my god Sango these are so cool, and hot!” Kagome said with excitement as she hugged her best friend while Inuyasha just sat there.
“Yes, Sango there awesome.” he said nonchalantly. “Thanks so much. I needed a helmet mine was getting too small.” Inuyasha said.
“That's because you're so thick-headed!” someone said over in Sesshoumaru's direction. Inuyasha just growled at him and went on his way. He took the card out of the next bag and read it.
Happy Birthday Inuyasha! I think you and your doggy self will like this gift; all eighteen of them!” ;p
Your best friend Miroku
Inuyasha looked in the bag warily and pulled out the present. He looked at and quickly and threw it in the bag so no one else would see it; especially Kagome. Miroku fell back in his chair laughing at Inuyasha's reaction to the present.
`I can't believe Miroku actually-That's a lie… I can, and I'm going to kill him when I get my hands on that perverted monk! I can't believe it! What am I going to do with eighteen tubes of lube?! God, what a hentai.' Inuyasha scowled as he thought.
What Inuyasha failed to realize was, while he was thinking Kagome had gotten a hand into Inuyasha's bag and lifted one of the tubes out. Everyone saw the present and started cracking up while Kagome was blushing like crazy! (poor Inu) No one was laughing harder then Miroku though. That perverted monk, of course he would think it was funny! Miroku's laughter stopped when Inuyasha got out of his chair and went to slap him, but Sango beat him to it.
“Ow…” Miroku said in pain. “What was that for?” he asked.
“You know” was all Sango said as she raised an eyebrow and she gave him the “look”.
“Well then, I think I've had enough of Miroku's present.” Inuyasha said.
“You wont say that when you start to use it…” Miroku said softly so as not to attract an unwanted slap from a certain woman. Unfortunately for the monk, Inuyasha wasn't the only person that could hear him because Sango hit him over the head once again.
“Alright, dog turd. Open mine now.” Koga said as he got up and handed Inu a large present wrapped in a brown paper bag. Inuyasha just stared at his face. He thought he saw a smirk on Koga's face. Inuyasha shrugged the thought off and grabbed the card from the box and read it aloud.
Happy eighteenth birthday, Inuyasha. Chew on this.
He began to open the wrapping carefully. “What the hell dog shit! Why are you opening it so slow?” Koga said rudely as he watched Inu.
“I'm checking for a bomb!” Inuyasha barked back.
“There are no bombs.” Koga snipped back. “Stupid dog turd.” he muttered softly.
“I heard that!” Inuyasha said.
“Heard what?” he said innocently.
Inuyasha ignored the comment and brought his attention back to the present. Still opening the paper slowly he finally managed to peel it off. It had been a plain brown box with something in it. “I'll go get you scissors.” Sango said as she stood up.
“Nah! No need Sango. I got this all under control.” Inuyasha said as he cut away the tape with his claw. When he saw the contents of the box he nearly killed Koga. It was filled with dog toys and dog biscuits. Some were tires some were meat. Kagome looked at the contents in the box and couldn't help laughing. It was a awesome gag gift for a inu-youkai. Kagome reached into the box and pulled out a cute little white dog. Then she squeezed it and it and a high-pitched squeak erupted from her mouth. Her squeak caused Inuyasha's ears to stick to his head under his bandana. Inuyasha was not only enraged but in pain now. “Hey wolf crap! Do you find this funny?” he took the dog out of Kagome's hand and held it up. Everyone in the room started cracking up.
“Not a bomb!” he cracked as he clutched his sides in amusement.
“I'm going to kill you”, Inuyasha said as he picked Kagome out of his lap and went to go kill Koga.
“Inuyasha, no!”, Kagome yelled as Inuyasha stopped in his tracks. He just stood still cracking his nails wanting to kill Koga.
“Alright, Inuyasha time for your last present.” a deep voice said. Inuyasha whipped around and couldn't believe who spoke; it was Sesshoumaru. He went and sat back down in his chair and placed Kagome on his lap. Sesshoumaru approached him with a long slender package wrapped in an old wooden case. Inuyasha opened it and looked inside. There was a sheath with a sword and Inuyasha stared in awe. Inuyasha unsheathed the sword and when he saw it had an old rusty blade he became disappointed.
“Keh”, Inuyasha said. “What the hell would I want an old, rusty sword for Sesshoumaru?” he said. His comment pissed Sesshoumaru of to no means, and he immediately punched Inuyasha in the face causing him and Kagome to fall off of the chair with a loud thump.
“Don't you ever fucking call fathers fang a rusty sword, little brother. That was his strongest sword and you should take great respect that you were the one to get it and not me, you worthless hanyou!” Sesshoumaru said enraged.
As Kagome and Inuyasha struggled to get up she saw there was an old looking card on the ground and handed it to Inuyasha. His name was written on it in cursive. Inuyasha opened the card carefully and read it to himself.
`Dear Inuyasha,
So today you're a hundred and fifty-one years old. You are really a man now even though your older brother says you aren't. If I am not handing this to you personally it means that I am dead, and I am sorry that I couldn't be there for you. Your Kaa-san, Izayoi-hime was a remarkable woman, and I know that she left you because she was only human. She didn't want to become life mates as much as she loved you and me because she would lose her friends and family and everyone else that she cared about. She cared about you even more though. You were the one she truly cared about. This is my most prized fang; it's called Tetsaiga. Find something you truly care about and love, and you will invoke its true powers. I love you son and so does your lovely Kaa-san.
Your Tou-san, Inu no Taisho'
Inuyasha had to try really hard to bite back the tears that where in his eyes. Kagome was almost in tears too because he'd let her read the letter.
`So he wasn't kidding when he said how old he was. He really is really 151. That's a little older then me.' she thought. `A little? A LOT!' she snapped back at her self.
“Wow Sesshoumaru you gave me Tou-san's prize fang. Sorry for all that rusty sword shit. Now say your sorry.” he said compassionately.
“Sorry? For what?” Sesshoumaru snapped back.
“Keh for punching me and knocking Kagome to the floor!” Inuyasha said to his brother rudely.
“Fine, I will apologize to your wench. Oh! Sorry Kagome.” he said sarcastically.
“Fluffy…” Rin said with a hint of warning in her voice.
“Alright! Fine! I am sorry for punching you in the face because you called Father's sword a rusty old sword, the one that I wanted but he gave it to you instead. He gave me a worthless sword and left powerful one to you, a worthless hanyou, instead of this Sesshoumaru; a full demon. There you go, are you happy now? Happy Birthday, Inuyasha. I am leaving. See you at home.” Sesshoumaru said as he stormed out of the room. “Rin are you coming?” Sesshoumaru yelled from the other room.
“I'm sorry, Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru is just mad because some old lady hit him over the head with her purse today at the store. He c-” Rin was interrupted.
“Rin”, Sesshoumaru said again.
Rin huffed and said. “Bye! Got to go. Happy Birthday!” Rin said as she ran outside the room. Kagome could tell Inuyasha was mad, so she decided now was the best time to give him his other gift.
“Inuyasha?” she said.
“Come with me…”
Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's hand and pulled him up the stairs to Sango's room. As they were going up the stairs he was wondering what the hell was going on. Then the thought, `She is dragging him up the stairs to Sango's room on my birthday…' crossed through his mind as he blushed. They reached Sango's room and Kagome pulled him inside the room.
“Sit here. I'll be right back.” she said as she pushed him onto the bed. Then she skipped over to the bathroom. Inuyasha was thinking perverted thoughts and wondered, `Why would she push me onto the bed and go in the bathroom? Maybe she's freshening up… Gah! I am turning into that perverted monk…' Inuyasha thought. Kagome came back in the room with a box that was wrapped.
`Oh this must be the other present', he thought. “All right, Inuyasha. Ready for your last birthday present from me?” she said as she handed him the box and kissed him on the cheek.
“Okay. I'm ready and I pick you!” he said. Inuyasha put the present down and stood up and kissed Kagome's lips. He cupped her cheek with one of his hands as he deepened the kiss, touching his tongue to hers. Their tongues wrestled with each other, exploring and tasting. Kagome slid her hand up and removed his bandana. Then she moved her hand to one of his ears, rubbing it softly in small circles, making him let out a small moan through their kissing. Becoming bolder, he moved his hand wrapping it with the other around her waist, bringing her whole body to the bed as he moved up, placing himself on top of her. He kissed her a little more before leaving contact with her lips and starting to kiss her cheek, moving down to her jaw line, then her neck. She let out a small gasp, as she increased the pace that she was rubbing his ear at.
“Kagome, thank you for everything today.” he said as he slid off of her and sat on the bed pulling her into his lap and grabbed the present. He opened it and pulled it out; it was a muscle shirt with writing on it. It said `Dog House' with an arrow pointing downward, which caused Inuyasha to become extremely embarrassed. Kagome couldn't help but let a girlish giggle escape her.
“Happy Birthday Inuyasha.” Kagome said as she gave him another kiss on the cheek.
Dawn0fthenite: Well that was the longest chapter ever written. Well I know I said that I might not be able to write but I over came my writers block with a little inspiration from my mom's own surprise party.
Inuyasha: Awesome I love the outfit it so hot even Kagome thinks so just look
Kagome: * drools *
Inuyasha: see
Dawn0fthenite: well its getting late so I got to go enjoy my slumber and the rest of my vacation good-night and Happy fourth July
Inuyasha: What's that??
Kagome: Its when American became free form Britain otherwise know as Independence Day
Narria: Well you certainly got a rude part in this chapter, Sesshy.
Sesshoumaru: That old hag in the store… Dawn allowed her to hit this Sesshoumaru…
Narria: Don't worry… I'll make it up to you!
Sesshoumaru: You'd better… this Sesshoumaru should not have to endure such treatment from the authoress…
Narria: Hey Dawn! Be nice to my Fluffy-sama when I'm away! Don't forget I know where you live!
Sesshoumaru: ….
Narria: Thanks for reading Dawn's story! Even if she does bash Sesshy…