InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where for art thou Romeo? ❯ Shashou ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cute hanyou with cute little doggy ears in reality.
But in my dreams...

Dawn0fthenite: Who owns you Inuyasha
Inuyasha: *Tied to a chair* you do
Dawn0fthenite: that's right, good boy
*winks*; p

Meanwhile in my friends dreams…
Narria: Who owns you Sesshoumaru
Sesshoumaru: * isn't tied to a chair* This Sesshoumaru, is owned by only one person and that is Narria
Narria: I thought so * glomps sesshy *
In the last chapter:
“Happy Birthday Inuyasha.” Kagome said as she gave him another kiss on the cheek.
Chapter 8- Shashou
Kagome shuddered with anticipation and closed her eyes, licking her lips. Almost immediately she felt warm breathy pressure upon her lips, and as she parted them slightly, his tongue delved into her mouth. Her desire was throbbing; she tongued his metal barbell, playing with it slightly. It drove Inuyasha crazy and they where barely able to handle the intense sensations as they kissed slowly and passionately. At her next opportunity she mouthed his lower lip, lightly sucking and nibbling before trailing the underside of his tongue with her own tongue's tip.
The only sounds in the room were heavy breathing and light whimpering, almost purring moans from the both of them as they kissed as if their lives depended upon it. Kagome's chest heaved with gasps during the short intervals when their mouths were fully parted. She tugged at her wrists, wishing to drag her fingernails along his sides, but he smirked at her as he pulled away for a moment to laugh, knowing she preferred the restraint and being at his mercy.
His crotch was pressed right against hers, the warm bulge pressing against her thigh telling her all she needed to know if he was enjoying this as much as she was. As she tugged beneath his grip once again, just for the hell of it, she shifted her hips a bit, hoping to send a spike of pleasure to her core from the sensation. There fun was interrupted when Sango and Miroku walked into the room and saw the two on her bed.
“Oh boy…” Kagome said.
“Kagome Higurashi, you and Inuyasha stop having fun on my bed and find somewhere else to have fun. Wow. Get out of my room, now!” Sango said angrily.
“Keh! It's not as bad as what you were going to do with lech boy here. I can smell both of your arousals a mile away.” Inuyasha barked back.
“I don't want your damn dog nose in our business, Inuyasha!” Sango said so loud that Inuyasha ears started to ache.
“All right Sango. We're leaving.” they said.
As they walked out the door Sango yelled to them, “I don't want to see you in Kohaku's room!”
“Sango, calm down. It's not like they did anything anyway.” Miroku said calmly.
“What?! It's not like they did anything! What are you talking about? They were making out on my bed. Only I can make out on my bed! Only me.” Sango said harshly.
~~~~~~~LEMON START~~~~~~~
“Fine.” Miroku said as he leaned over and planted a kiss on her delicate, satin lips. At first she wanted to pull away but her body wouldn't obey, so instead she leaned even further into his arms and permitted him to woo her with his lips. Her mood changed from anger to lust-filled passion. From her lips he traveled down to her neck and allowed his tongue to guide him down his journey. Sango closed her eyes and received him for who he was. She was tired of being a virgin and craved his affection. He paused and asked her, “Will you allow a letch like me to love you?”
“Yes, Miroku. I will under one condition.” she said.
“What's that?” he asked shocked.
“Allow me to love you back, and make love to me.” she said while blushing. Miroku was shocked. He kissed her again pulling her closer to him she released a shocked gasp as he deepened the kiss. He moved his hands up and down her body causing her to shudder. He then moved them over to her bed. He removed her dress slowly, admiring her beauty as he unwrapped his gift. Each article of clothing he shed added another inch to his ruler. She was now fully in the nude. He kissed her breasts, lavishing each with his affections. He suckled them like they were sweet as candy wanting to savor each taste. He then traveled even further down past her navel and kissed her lips below. She jumped with anticipation.
`She is enjoying herself.” Miroku thought.
Sango was burning with desire. She was very wet and aroused; all because of him. Sango wanted him and presented herself to his passion filled gaze. She felt his hot breath on her inner thigh and became even more aroused.
`Oh my god. He's not going to do that…” she thought.
Just as the thought entered her mind she felt his warm tongue enter her, slowly tasting her juices and teasing her. She was sweet indeed, and as Miroku licked, suckled and teased his prize, he felt an overwhelming amount of moisture fill his mouth and trickle down his chin. He lifted his gaze slowly, while wiping his mouth of her sweet juices to see her face. He thought to himself, `How happy she looks. Maybe even overjoyed.'
“Are you ready?” he asked. She nodded not able to bring words to her mouth.
He stood, sliding sensually up her body as he began to undress himself. Sango stared in awe and was embarrassed as his instrument was revealed. She thought him more than she could possibly fit in her. She had never seen a man before, and the man she loved was standing in front of her, completely bare.
Miroku eased himself down on her, not yet allowing himself to be pleased with her warmth. He kissed her softly on her forehead and exhaled. He used his knee to guide her legs apart. Her thighs parted easily, allowing his body to settle in-between them. He grabbed his shaft and stoked it slowly, his thumb gently rubbing the tip…up and down and up and down… before slowly filling her up with his manhood. He paused, not letting all of himself to enter her. She moaned in both pain and pleasure as the pressure from his manhood increased.
“Are you okay?” he asked her. She nodded and gradually he stroked her cavern, in and out, in and out, and still not completely filling her. Once he felt she was able to handle the length of his shaft, he went further, deeper into her. He reached so deep that she screamed in excitement. He member was pulsating with pleasure. 'Not many females can handle the full length of my ruler, but she can. Sango must be my soul mate…' he thought. Miroku was in heaven and desperately wanted to release into her, but he held himself back. `Not yet,' he told himself, `not until she comes first.' He alternated his speed, slowing down and speeding up, Miroku caused tremors of pleasure to course through Sango's body as she exploded.
No longer able to control herself, she praised his abilities in one pleasure filled word, “Miroku!”
Miroku loved the fact that Sango was so overcome in pleasure that he couldn't hold himself. After he was done, he slowly pulled out of her and lay down. He drew her into a tight embrace and whispered into her ear, “Watashi-wa anata-o aishtemasu, Sango.” as he was overcome by sleep.
~~~~~~~END LEMON~~~~~~~
Kagome and Inuyasha were holding hands and walking to his bike when he stopped and jerked Kagome back. "Hey Kagome, do you want to go to Shashou with me tonight?"
Kagome stared blankly at Inuyasha and asked, "Where's that?”
“It's an 18 years or older, club.” he said.
"But I'm not 18…" Kagome responded sighing in disappointment.
"Don't worry. I know the owner. Me and him go way back"
“All right, but I have to go and get changed.” she said. “Wait. It hasn't been a week since you broke up with Kikyo.” She sighed and a small frown appeared on her lips.
“Keh! Screw her! Kikyo is a bakka-shan.” he said harshly.
“I know, but…. All right I guess we can. I just need to change.” Kagome said again.
“Okay, I'll drive you.” he said.
“No you wont! I will not have my daughter riding on that thing when there are other ways of transportation than your bike! She will come with me. Besides she hasn't gotten any sleep since yesterday morning.” Mrs. Higurashi piped in.
“Alright. I will just have to follow you.” he huffed.
“No, you need sleep as well unless you plan on sleeping at my house, and that isn't going to happen young man.”
Inuyasha had to try very hard not to growl or rip her throat out. No one calls him, “young man”.
“Fine, I'll pick you up at 8:30 tonight.” he said turning to Kagome. He stood at her side and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Inuyasha got on his bike and drove off completely forgetting all his presents at Sango's.
When he was out of sight Kagome turned and glared at her mom. “Was that really necessary?” she asked with her hands on her hips as her eyebrow twitched in anger. Her mom just gave her a look and got in the car. The trip home was silent, and as soon as Kagome got home she ran into the house and went up to her room. She managed to finally pick her outfit for the club after about an hour of digging through her closet. She turned and began to pick up the clothes she'd tossed into a large pile on her floor during her search. Just as she finished she realized that she was too tired to think. Kagome lay down on her soft bed and took a nap. She didn't wake until 7 o'clock and decided to take a shower. She got dressed in her chosen outfit, and when she got downstairs Inuyasha was already there playing video games with her brother, Souta.
Inuyasha turned around from his game with Souta as the smell of Sakura blossoms filled his sensitive nose. He knew instantly who it was. “You look really hott tonight Kagome.” Inuyasha said as his eyes traveled her womanly figure. Kagome wore a black flashy halter top with `Hustler Girl' written on it. Her pants were black leather that was just tight enough to set off her curves. As Inuyasha surveyed her Kagome began to drool as she eyed his body. Inuyasha wore his `Dog House' shirt, and black bondage pants with handcuffs.
“You look good yourself. Even though it's not leather, you still look hot my cute little Inu-chan.” she said with a pout. Inuyasha stared at her with hurt as realization hit her. “Oh shit, Inuyasha! I'm sorry, I forgot.” she said compassionately.
“It's alright. I've got to get over it. She died a long time ago, but it still just hurts. You know?” he said.
“Alright, let's get going okay?” she said as she got on the bike sitting in the front part.
“Umm, Kagome what do you think your doing?” he asked nervously.
“Driving! What else? Silly, get on.” she said teasingly. She patted the back of the seat signaling him to hop on. All he did was just stand there refusing to move.
“Uhh, no. If your mom catches me letting you drive I'm dead! I'll be in the doghouse, literally. Besides, that's the bitch seat and I'm no bitch!” he said sarcastically.
“Wait one minute! You may have a point about my mom, but are you calling me a bitch?” she asked.
Kagome got of the bike and walked towards Inuyasha. He grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him as he brought his finger up to her nose and tweaked it. “Yup I am! You're a bitch, my-” Inuyasha said as Kagome smacked him across the face. Inuyasha was shocked and pissed off at her reaction. “Oi, Kagome what the hell?! I told you before wench, `bitch' is a term of endearment, not something mean.” He told her as he glared. Kagome blushed heavily and felt of ashamed at her action.
“I am so sorry Inuyasha! I'm used to it being a mean name…” Kagome leaned up to the spot were she slapped him and kissed him on the cheek. Then she put her new helmet on as he put on his. “Looking sharp!” Kagome told Inuyasha. When they got on the bike, they were sitting the right way; Kagome in the back, holding on to her boyfriend's waist for dear life. `Mom's right. This thing is going to be the death of me I swear…' Kagome thought worriedly as they sped off. Inuyasha could tell something was spooking her, and he slowed down so he was at a moderate speed.
`I should really have some fun with her but I am going to be the considerate boyfriend…' he thought.
“I should really have some fun with you, but I am going to be the considerate girlfriend.” Kagome said with a smirk.
“Hey! Can you read my mind? What fun would you have with me on a bike?” he stated.
“You won't get to find out.” she replied.
“Because I want to have fun with you later, and I don't want to embarrass you at the club.”
`What the hell does Kagome have up her sleeves?' he thought.
`Poor Inuyasha! He is so clueless right now…' When they got to the club there was a familiar face standing at the door. “What's Sesshoumaru doing here?” she asked him as she got off the bike.
“My idiotic half brother is the bouncer at this club. You know how I told you I can get you in, so don't worry. I kind of haven't told you were I work. This is it! Shashou.” Inuyasha said with a smirk
“What do you do?” She asked cautiously when she saw the look on his face.
“You'll find out soon enough…” he said winking at his girlfriend. Kagome gave him a puzzled look, and took off her new helmet. She accepted Inuyasha's outstretched hand as they walked towards Sesshoumaru's waiting form.
Beta's Corner:
Narria: Well that was interesting…
Sesshoumaru: …humans…Why must I be the bouncer…
Narria: Dawn's first lemon! Wheeeeeee!
Sesshoumaru: This Sesshoumaru does not think this fun…
Narria: Well it's not my fault you're a working stiff! Let's go party!
Sesshoumaru: Party? What is this party you speak of?
Narria: Well, let me show you! *grabs Sesshy and runs into Shashou*
Jaken: Well I guess I have to step up to the plate…*is hit by Sesshy's boot*…Ugh…
Narria: *shouts from Shashou's entrance* BYE PEOPLE!!!!!! Don't forget to rate and review!!!!