InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where for art thou Romeo? ❯ Dancers ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cute hanyou with cute little doggy ears in reality, but in my dreams…
Dawn0fthenite: Who owns you Inuyasha?
Inuyasha: *tied to chair* you do!
Dawn0fthenite: that's right, good boy *winks* ;p
Meanwhile, in my friend's dreams…
Narria: Who owns you Sesshoumaru?
Sesshoumaru: *isn't tied to chair* This Sesshoumaru is owned by Narria…
Narria: I thought so… XD
Chapter 9- Dancers
Inuyasha and Kagome walked past the huge line of ladies to get into Shashou and headed straight up to Sesshoumaru. “Hey Fluffy, Toutousai said they're short on dancers so you have to work tonight.” Said Rin as she stopped, oblivious to current arrivals, in front of Sesshoumaru.
“Rin, my idiotic brother is right here…” Sesshoumaru said as he pointed in Inuyasha and Kagome's direction.
“Oh, alright. You still have to perform though because Koga isn't here; he called in sick.”
“Fine.” Sesshoumaru growled as he turned and stalked into the club.
“Hey Inuyasha! We need your help tonight. Koga called in sick.” Rin said as she smiled.
“Wait… Koga works here too? Why didn't you tell me?” Kagome asked as she gave Inuyasha a death glare.
“That's because he just started working here the day after you two broke up. We need all the help we can get because we just opened this place up.” Rin said as Inuyasha gave her a grateful glance.
“Kagome, don't worry `bout wolf crap. He's nothing to you anymore! You have me, and I am gonna give you a huge surprise tonight…” Inuyasha said as he winked at Kagome. He told her to go inside and wait until he came back to her. Kagome sat at a booth dedicated to the color blue staring into space until she decided she needed to get a drink. Standing up, she walked up to the bartender and asked for a drink. To Kagome's surprise her drama teacher Kaede turned around polishing one of the many glasses stored behind the counter.
“What can I do ya for, young lady?” Kaede asked, seemingly distracted by her task.
“One Iced tea please: extra sugar.”
“Kagome, is that you?” What are you doing here? Aren't you too young to be here?” Kaede asked eyeing Kagome suspiciously.
“I'm here with Inuyasha.”
“Oh, alright then. Here's your drink: one Iced tea, and enjoy the show!” Kaede said with a wink as she turned to another customer. Kagome found her seat, still wondering where the hell Inuyasha was as the lights slowly began to dim. Rin stood on the stage in a tight fitting black dress and carried a microphone.
“Welcome ladies! Tonight's performances will be Hammer and Spike!” Rin said smiling broadly as the whole room of women lit up in excitement. “First up; HAMMER!” Rin exited the stage and disappeared into the darkened room.
`Where the hell is Inuyasha?'
A steady rhythm began to flow out of the many speakers placed throughout the darkening club. The stage seemed to glow as a solitary, blue spotlight fell upon its center. As the black curtain parted the shadow of a well toned, dog-eared man was revealed to the mesmerized crowd. Stalking onto the stage in time with the strong beat of the music, the silver-haired hanyou emerged from the shadows and took his place under the blue light. Clothed in a simple, black, webbed shirt and tight black leather pants he received several gasps at his entry. Golden eyes, hidden beneath silver bangs quickly scanned the crowd of women. As they fell upon the form of a raven-haired girl who was gaping in shock a smirk crossed his features. `So Kagome's already enjoying this… I'll have to remember that…'
The beat of the music changed slightly and Inuyasha raised his head to the audience. As he began to sway to the music more gasps and several cheers of, “Hammer!” reached his sensitive ears and a grin similar to that of the Cheshire cat spread across his face. Kagome suppressed a moan when Inuyasha's molten gaze captured her own as he straddled a pole upon the stage, thrusting against it with every distinct beat of the ever-increasing rhythm. He inhaled deeply and was satisfied to smell the heady scent of arousal flowing from his girlfriend, pulsing in time with him as he moved to the beat.
Kagome's scent spiked as he strolled to the middle of the stage and slowly unzipped his tight pants. Hooking his thumbs in his belt loops, Inuyasha rocked causing another eruption of screams to echo throughout the busy club. To his enjoyment a particularly loud catcall found its way out of Kagome causing several nearby women to glance at her curiously. He smirked and moved his hands up his sides to catch the webbed shirt and slip it over his head in one fluid motion. The shirt fell in a small heap behind him, and as he turned and bent to retrieve it, the leather pants tightened over his well-muscled ass and his keen ears caught a delicate whimper of desire from Kagome.
Inuyasha tossed the shirt into the audience with a flick of his wrist and he let his amber gaze fall upon the heated vision that was his girlfriend. Kagome had to bite her tongue to prevent any further sounds from escaping her lips when his molten eyes bore into hers, filled with lust. Inuyasha's clawed hands slipped down his chest and abs, to fall upon his pants once more. With a quick pull the tore from his body, leaving his rippling muscles in clear view. The light gave his body a godlike appearance as they reflected of the light sheen of sweat upon his tanned skin.
A black g-string was now the only piece of clothing upon his body and Kagome swore mentally at her misfortune. `Damn G- String! It's in the fucking way!' Inuyasha began thrusting to the slowing beat and he grinned as the crowd of women voiced their enjoyment. He was starting to feel light-headed due to Kagome's overpowering scent and he mentally groaned as he realized he was in for a rough ride home on his bike, her scent being as potent as it was.
Nearing the end of the stage, Inuyasha made a small gesture and, in a flurry of movement the audience was out of their seats waving money at him from the edges of the stage. He began to collect, and seeing Kagome he skipped her with a smirk, making sure to wiggle his ass in her face as he collected from other women.
Kagome grinned upon realizing his intentions and as he walked past her a second time she pulled the g-string away from his body just enough to stuff her bills inside. Inuyasha stood shocked and Kagome grinned triumphantly as she sauntered away, not having missed the desire she'd sparked with the small action. She sat upon the plush bench of her booth to patiently wait for her boyfriends return.
After Inuyasha disappeared through the black curtain Rin climbed onto the stage and the lights brightened once again. “Did you enjoy tonight's first performance?” Loud cheers and screams erupted from the previously calming audience. “There will be a ten minute intermission. Please enjoy music and refreshments while you wait.” With a smile Rin stepped off the stage as conversations began at the many tables within the club, and the customers anxiously awaited the second performance.
Kagome sat at the table, a bored expression upon her face as she stirred her remaining Iced tea. She jumped causing her glass to tip and create a small puddle on the table when a strong hand fell upon her pale shoulder. A sideways glance revealed Inuyasha, who was quite obviously enjoying his own show, as he watched with fascination the unhindered view he had down Kagome's shirt from his current position. `He's turning into Miroku…' She shook her head and with a grin loudly said, “Hey there… Hammer.” Several squeals and gasps from a nearby table alerted her to the mistake she'd made and she groaned.
“We gotta go, Kagome!” Inuyasha said as he pulled her to her feet. Dodging through the crowd they managed to escape the excited girls as they jumped on Inuyasha's bike. They sped away, to the disappointment of a large group of girls, but were stopped almost immediately by flashing blue and red lights. Inuyasha began grumbling and cursing under his breath about crazy women and stupid cops as he stopped his bike on the side of the road.
The police officer stepped out of his cruiser carrying a clipboard under his arm.
“Hello officer.” Kagome said nervously as Inuyasha scowled.
“Name?” The man stated as he looked over Inuyasha disapprovingly.
“Takahashi, Inuyasha.”
“Do you know why I pulled you over tonight?”
“Not the slightest clue.”
“You and this young lady are not wearing helmets, Mr. Takahashi. Do you know what kind of charge that is?”
“Not really, but I'm sure I can afford it.”
“$220.00 for two people, and I'm sure someone like you can't afford it.” The officer said as he began to write out the ticket. Inuyasha suppressed a growl as he pulled the money out of his wallet and stuffed it into the clipboard's holder.
“Darn! I can't afford it…” Inuyasha remarked sarcastically. The cop scowled but gave a quick nod and crossed out the information on the ticket.
“Goodnight, Mr. Takahashi.” Once the officer was out of sight a loud “THUMP!” followed by a grunt of pain came from the couple on the bike.
“Ow! What the fuck was that for?! Inuyasha yelled as he rubbed his sore head.
“I always tell you to wear a helmet, and we forgot! What if we got into an accident? I don't think I could bear it if you got hurt…” Kagome sniffled and began to tear up.
“Come on Kagome! I'd never let anything happen; I love you!” Inuyasha promised as he kissed her cheek. “Time to take you home…” The pair put on their helmets and sped off into the night once again.
“Inuyasha parked his bike and walked Kagome to her front door. “I think tonight went well for a first date!” Kagome giggled.
“It was great, and I could smell you thought so too…” Inuyasha said, smirking as she blushed a pretty pink.
“C'mere you big dog…”
Inuyasha obliged and pressed her heavily against her front door, causing a loud slam to echo throughout her house. He slammed his lips against hers passionately as she lifted her legs and wrapped them tightly around his waist. Kagome moaned and Inuyasha took it as an opportunity to deepen the kiss. Kagome shrieked as the door suddenly vanished and they fell into her home in the same position. The pair reluctantly raised their eyes to meet with the cause of the door's sudden disappearance.
Mrs. Higurashi was not having a pleasant evening…
A/N Sorry guys! I haven't written in a while because I just had my huge birthday bash, and I wasn't allowed on the computer for long periods of time.
*~*Beta's note*~*
This chapter was Co.-Authored by Dawn and I. If you'd like to view Fluffy-sama's dance then review with a specific request and I'll have it posted. It was originally included, but the chapter flows better without it. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'm terribly sorry for it's lateness. Mothers are cruel beings… >_<
Gomen nesai once again!