InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where for art thou Romeo? ❯ Trouble ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cute hanyou with cute little doggy ears in reality.
But in my dreams...
Dawn0fthenite: Who owns you Inuyasha?
Inuyasha: *Tied to a chair* you do
Dawn0fthenite: that's right, good boy
*winks* ;p
Meanwhile in my friends dreams…
Narria: Who owns you Sesshomaru?
Sesshomaru: * isn't tied to a chair* This Sesshomaru is owned by only one person and who is Narria
Narria: I thought so * glomps sesshy *
Chapter 10: Trouble
Mrs. Higurashi had been playing video games with her son Souta. When suddenly she heard large bangs come from the direction door.
“Kaa-san what was that noise?” he son asked.
“Souta dear please stay here and I will go see what that bang was.”
“Kaa-san be careful”, her son said sincerely.
Mrs. H smiled at her son and walked toward the door. Then, she heard another bang. She wondered when her daughter would be home as she walked nervously to the door. Mrs. H grabbed the door handle she heard the bang for the last. She grabbed the door knob and quickly turned the knob. The door swung open so fast Mrs. H had to jump out of the way so she was not to be hit by the flying door.
Mrs. H looked down at what caused all that noise and what made the door almost hit her. She frowned in shame at what lied on the floor. The two teens Kagome her daughter and her best friend just recently boyfriend on lay on top of her. Then she heard a small laugh come from behind her. Mrs. H quickly turned around to see it was Souta.
Inuyasha quickly got off of Kagome. She quickly stood as to not anger Mrs. H anymore then she was, and then she spoke.
“I'd like to believe it was just practicing parts for the play that just accord there on my door, but I know it wasn't.”
Mrs. H heard Souta giggle again. When Mrs. H spoke it caused Inuyasha to be come as red as his bandana. When he looked over at Kagome he realized she was a red if not even redder.
“Souta please go into the other room”
“But Kaa-san”, Souta said sadly.
“Souta”, Mrs. H said sternly.
Souta walked away and when Kagome knew her brother was out of view she spoke.
“Mom can Inuyasha sleep over so we can practice our parts for the play?”, Kagome asked innocently.
Kagome's mom didn't speak for a few minutes before actually answering her. `Wow, Kagome you think I will let Inuyasha sleep over after what just happened at my door you defiantly have gotten a lot of guts, but seeing how its for practicing play parts I guess I can let her', she thought. She was truly nervous about daughters intentions but she knew to trust her.
Kagome looked over at her boyfriend and realized he had nothing but complete and udder shock in his beautiful amber eyes. `I hope Inuyasha isn't to mad at me for doing this without asking him first.' Kagome said to herself.
“Umm, yes but Inuyasha sleeps on the couch in your room”, she finally spoke uneasy
Kagome was so excited and kissed her mom on the cheek. Then she thanked her mom and grabbed her still in shock boyfriend's hand and pulled him up stairs to her room gleefully. When they got to her room she went to the closet and pulled out the bedding for the couch bed. When she got back Inuyasha had pulled the bed out. Kagome was shocked that Inuyasha still hadn't said anything about her not asking him to sleep over. Kagome finally decided to be the one to break the silence.
“Inuyasha are you mad at me?”, she asked sadly.
“Umm no” he said.
It's not that he was mad it was just that he was disappointed that she hadn't asked before. But his thoughts were interrupted when Kagome came over and kissed him full on the lips knocking him off balance.
“Umm…Ka…go…me……not…that …I…don't…like…this…but…were….supp osed...…practicing”, he said between her hard kisses. Kagome pulled away, causing Inuyasha to whimper.
“Aw Inu-chan we are, were practicing the balcony scene”, she smirked.
She then continued kissing him. Kagome licked his lips seductively and then grazed her tongue across his pearly white fangs. Moan into his mouth from the sharpness that grazed her tongue. She then took her tongue and tasted every part of his mouth. She then pulled back and looked into his beautiful amber eyes and spoke.
“So Hammer am I going to be able to see that sexy body of yours or am I gonna have to pay for a private show?” she asked while licking her lips.
Kagome attempted to pull off Inuyasha's shirt but was stopped by his voice.
“Kagome”, he asked questioningly.
Kagome was drawn out of the trance she was in and stopped trying to take his shirt off. She got off of him and sat next to him and kissed him on the cheek.
Inuyasha senses where going crazy at the smell of her desire and lust. His brain wasn't responding and he was would glad he could even speak her name.
`What the hell is wrong with me I would have had sex with Inuyasha just now, I am ready for it at least I think I am but is Inuyasha ready to have it with me. God what is wrong with me all I' am thinking about is seeing him in a g-string again, god I love his body so much', Kagome's thoughts where interrupted when Inuyasha finally spoke again.
“I have to call Sesshoumaru and tell him I'm staying here ill be right back”, he said. Inuyasha could smell that Kagome was mad but it also only fueled her arousal. He had to get out off there before he did something really stupid.
“Okay you know where my phone is”, she said half angry.
As Inuyasha was walking out of the room Kagome stared at his ass until it was out of sight. She then went to her nightstand and grabbed a book by her favorite author and lied back on the bed. She began reading it and thought to herself. `Got to love Danielle Steel and her juicy romance novels they make me so freaking Horny.' Kagome moved her hand underneath her skirt and thong and began to play with her clit rubbing it back and forth and in circle's while think of what she wanted to do with Inuyasha.
Inuyasha had just got on the phone when he smelt Kagome's arousal triple.
“Yes, Sesshoumaru I'm spending the night at Kagome's”, he said into the phone.
“Yes practicing I'm not a hentia like Miroku”
“I'm sorry but there the one's chasing after me. God like I like having a hoard of…”
Inuyasha didn't finish speaking because just then he heard a voice that sounded like Kagome scream his name. Inuyasha used all his demon power he had to get him up the stairs as fast as he could to get to her. When he got there he was in complete shock. There on Kagome's bed was his girlfriend lying there all out of breath and panting like a dog. Inuyasha new instinctively what she was doing by the smell that filled her whole entire room.
Inuyasha's demon side snapped and broke lose. Inuyasha then jumped on top of Kagome startling her. Inuyasha was straddling Kagome's lap and kissing her hard causing her lips to start to swell up. Kagome gasped in shock and opened her mouth slightly and Inuyasha's tongue took full control over her mouth while his hands roomed her whole body. While Kagome was fighting a losing battle for dominance she gave in and almost forgot to breathe.
Kagome starred into Inuyasha's red eyes with teal pupils and wondered where all the white and beautiful gold orbs went. She realized what happened when she heard him growl mine.
`Oh I am in so much trouble she thought when she heard Inuyasha moan something she thought was mine.'
“Inuyasha?” she said scared.
Inuyasha could tell she was scared but he couldn't do anything about about it because he was fighting a losing battle with his mind.
`Good she should be scared she's my little bitch and I will do whatever and whenever I want with her she's mine', his demon side thought.
`No you don't want her scared she will hate you, and wont want you anymore.', he human side thought almost crying.
Inuyasha knew this was a losing battle and almost gave up fighting with himself when he felt to small little hand begin to rub his ears gently causing his Demon side to begin to calm down. As soon as Inuyasha's demon and human sides balanced out he got off of Kagome and went and sat on the pulled out bed. Inuyasha was sitting with his facing in his lap and his knee's pulled up to his chest.
“Inuyasha?”, Kagome said with concern as she saw what Inuyasha was doing. Kagome got off the bed and began to walk over to him and as soon as she got closer he started to shake like crazy and mumble something that sounded like `I am so sorry'.
“Inuyasha calm down and stop shaking your scaring me”, she said with concern. Kagome tried to pull his face out of his lap but it came to no avail because Inuyasha used all his hanyou strength he had to keep from seeing her face.
`I've got to get him to calm down' she thought to herself.
Kagome began to rub the two little fuzzy triangles on top of his head again, in which, caused Inuyasha to stop shaking uncontrollably. He began to slowly lift his head up to look into her eyes. They were full of so much concern and compassion for him. He could not sense an ounce of terror in her. Inuyasha began to speak.
“Kagome I am so…” he said but was interrupted when he felt Kagome's soft lips giving him a chaste kiss.
“Maybe we should practice our parts for the play, my Romeo”, she said.
“Mmhmm good idea”, he said hoping she meant the lines.
Inuyasha was right. Kagome got off the bed and walked over to her bed and bent over to grab her play book. Then she went over to the pull out couch and snuggled up next to Inuyasha, while Inuyasha wrapped his arm around Kagome and began to read there lines.
“He jests at scars that never felt a wound.
But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she:
Be not her maid, since she is envious;
Her vestal livery is but sick and green
And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.
It is my lady, O, it is my love!
O, that she knew she were!
She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that?
Her eye discourses; I will answer it.
I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks:
Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
Having some business, do entreat her eyes
To twinkle in their spheres till they return.
What if her eyes were there, they in her head?
The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,
As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so bright
That birds would sing and think it were not night.
See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
O, that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might touch that cheek!”, Inuyasha read.
Inuyasha reached out and touched his girlfriends' cheek and kisses it gently causing Kagome to smile.
They practiced for what seems like hours when Inuyasha finally spoke up and said;
“Kagome do you want to go to the beach with me tomorrow?”
Kagome giggled and said “you mean today” Inuyasha looked at the clock to see what she meant and laughed also it read 12:04.
“I would absolutely love to Romeo”, she said.
They began to practice again when it was Kagome's part she didn't say anything Inuyasha nudged the girl in his arms but all he got was a small moan from her and her nuzzling her face into his shoulder. She looked like a angel that had fallen from heaven `so beautiful' he thought as he kissed her on the head and turned the lights off and went to bed. But not before he took her into his arms wrapping them around her in a caring protection hold.
Inuyasha was just about to fall asleep when she heard her moan in her sleep `Hammer', he couldn't help but laugh a little.
A/N: Sorry I haven't written in like so long I just got a job and I have been busy with that and school and I have been busy with that. Also check out my new story “Away from that bad place”.