InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Chapter 2 - Her ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Here's the result of a Saturday night at home. I'm not proud of it, but I hope that from now on things will get a little more interesting. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 2 – Her

"Stupid wench. Stupid jewel. StupidÉ HEY!"
Sakura's giggles were muffled by Inuyasha's shouts. "Stop petting my ears!!! Miroku, tell your daughters I am NOT a dog!"
"Uncle Doggy!", Sayuri squealed.
"Girls, stop harassing Uncle Inuyasha", Miroku said.
"Hey Sango, is dinner ready yet?", Shippo asked, barging in the hut.
"In a minute, Shippo", Sango said, while stirring the stew with one hand and holding her baby son with the other.

Inuyasha sighed. Partially in relief, to have his ears freed from abuse, and partially in longing. The past three years had been lonely for him and he didn't try hiding that fact from anyone. He was always sulking, sighing, mumbling, seemingly irritated with everyone, especially with Miroku's and Sango's daughters. In truth, he was happy for his friends. They deserved to be happy and they had two beautiful girls and a boy. Inuyasha was secretly very fond of them and they distracted him from his pain, but he wouldn't admit it. He was also happy for Shippo, who spent most of his time training with his fellow kitsune, although he, also, still suffered from Kagome's departure. But Inuyasha couldn't get past everything else. His mind was always on her.
Some days though, Inuyasha was just truly pissed.

"What happened to him?", Sango asked, turning to see her friend leave the hut.
"Kagome happened to him, that's what", Shippo answered, serving himself a bowl of stew.
Miroku sighed while juggling his two girls. "I feel bad for him. It's been so long, but he's still not over her."
"Can you blame him? Poor guy, he probably misses her more than we think", Sango said, putting her son down for a nap. "I just wish we could help him somehow."
Miroku dropped his daughters on their mom's lap and kissed Sango's forehead, before putting some stew in a bowl. "The only way we could help him would be by conjuring a Kagome, which, unfortunately, we can't."


Inuyasha ran to the most bittersweet place he knew. The place where he met the girl who would become the most important person to him. The same place that she was taken away from him. Looking down at the Bone Eater's Well, he closed his eyes and did something he hadn't done in a long time. He prayed.

PleaseÉ if there's someone listening, someone who can helpÉ please, bring her back. Please, IÉ need her. I need to see her again, at least one more time. I need to know that she's okay, that she's happy. PleaseÉ

Inuyasha opened his eyes and was heart-broken to see nothing had changed. Stupid Well, stupid God, stupid wench.

He bent his knees and hopped towards the Goshinboku.

The next day started bright and warm. Inuyasha was sleeping on one of Goshinboku's branches and woke up groggily, cursing the birds that were cheerfully chirping. He hopped down and went for a run, something he usually did to alleviate his frustration while also surveying his forest.
A few hours and a rabbit later, Inuyasha was up in the Sacred Tree again, staring at the clear sky.

"Inuyasha! Come down! Sango needs your help!", Shippo shouted.
"Oi, runt! Keep it down!"

Inuyasha landed beside the fox yokai and went right past him, mumbling something about "thumping". Shippo followed him.

"You know, you're not the only one that misses her."
Inuyasha's eyes widened and he looked down at the kit. "The hell you're talking about, runt?"
"Kagome. We all miss her. I'm sure you miss her the most, but it would be nice if you stopped moping all day and being mean to everyone. Kagome would've sat you if she saw you like that."
"Keh! Shut up! I'm not moping! I'm fine! Kagome is just some wench whoÉ whoÉ meddled into my life a while ago, but she's gone! I don't care about her and I DON'T care about what you or everybody else thinks of me! Go take care of your own business and leave me the hell alone!", Inuyasha yelled and stormed off.
Shippo sighed and walked slowly, behind the hanyou. "AdultsÉ"

"What does your wife want, monk?", Inuyasha asked Miroku, while slumping to the ground.
"Ah, Inuyasha. Such a beautiful day, isn't it? There's something special about this day, I can feel it. Can't you?", Miroku said, while tying a rope to a tree.
"What the hell has gotten into you, lecher? Did you turn into a woman or something? What the fuck are you talking about?"
"So you don't feel it? Well, it's probably nothing, but it is a beautiful day", the monk said, while tying the other end of the rope on another tree.
"Hey Inuyasha, thanks for coming. We need your help with the girls, we have a lot of laundry to do today", Sango said, while putting her daughters on Inuyasha's lap, her son resting in a sling on her back.
"That’s why you called me? To look after the girls? What do you think I am???"
"I'm sorry Inuyasha, but we really need your help!", Sango pleaded.
"You have the runt, why do you need me?"
Shippo arrived at exactly that moment. His eyes widened and he started fidgeting with his hands in panic. "I-I'm a child! I can't take care of another child! Besides, t-they pull my tail. It hurts."
Sango was already handing washed clothes to Miroku, who was hanging them on the clothesline. "He's right, Inuyasha. They are two girls and they are bigger than Shippo already. He can't handle them."
"Hey! I can handle them! I just don't want to!"
"See! I don't have to be here, he can handle them!" Inuyasha pointed a finger to Shippo, although it was already too late. The girls were tugging on his ears and chanting "doggy".
"You make a good toy", Shippo observed.
"Would you do something about the twins?", Inuyasha said, irritated.
"Girls, leave his ears alone", Miroku said.
"I'm sorry, Inuyasha", Sango said.

Inuyasha's ears suddenly twitched,  picking up a sound. Then he smelled something. A scent he hadn't smelled in a long time. It washed over him. It can't be.

Getting up, he tossed the girls on Shippo. "Alright girls, go slay the fox."
"No way, I didn't sign up for this!", Shippo cried, pinned down by the twins.
"Oh Shippo", Sakura said.
"We slayed you!", Sayuri said.

Inuyasha raced as fast as he could. This scent! There's no mistake.
Finally getting to the Well and looking inside it, sweating, he held out his hand. A hand grabbed his, making his body shudder slightly. It is her.

Kagome pulled out of the Well, with tears in her eyes. "Inuyasha, I'm so sorry. Were you waiting here for me?"
"KagomeÉ you idiot. What have you been doing all this time?"

He pulls her into his arms, hugging her, while she rests her hands on his chest. She's here.

Taking in her scent, Inuyasha wonders if he's dreaming. They are soon interrupted by their friends.

"You made it back!"
"It's been much too long, Kagome!"
Pulling back from Inuyasha, Kagome smiles. "Miroku, Sango, Shippo! It's good to see you!"

I'm back.

Kagome was dragged to the village and was experiencing the most overwhelming day of her life. There were too many questions being asked, too many hugs being given and one hanyou who she couldn't wait to get a hold of.
Inuyasha was being patient and letting everyone ask their questions and take their bit of Kagome. For now. He knew, deep down, that she was missed by all, and he couldn't be selfish to a point of wanting her just for himself. At least for now. He stood at Kaede's hut's door with his arms crossed in front of his chest, staring intently at the girl from the future, listening to her explain what she had been doing for the last three years and how she missed them all. He didn't like seeing so many people around her. He didn't like not having her attention. But he was waiting. For now.
He was actually a little glad to have some time to think before talking to
Kagome. What could he possibly say to her? What did she expect him to say? What did she expect him to do? He knew where his heart stood and he knew she was a good-hearted person, who cared for him. He just didn't know how much she did.
At that moment, Inuyasha was surprised to realize something. He was much more mature than he thought he was. He realized he would be okay if Kagome didn’t want to be with him. He was glad to be near her, to protect her. His heart would break if that was the case, sure, but seeing her there brought so much happiness and easiness to him that he couldn't ask for more, not after everything he went through. As long as she was happy, he was going to support her.

Who am I kidding? Of course she doesn't want me. Look at her. Look at me! A half-breed. A man with dog ears. Stupid dog ears. A hanyou with no house, no money, nothing to offer. All I have to offer to her is my strength. I will protect her, always. That's all I could want, too. It's enough, it has to be enough. But if she wanted moreÉ no, I can't think about that. I can't allow myself to think like that.

Kagome would often throw a glance at Inuyasha. What's up with him? Why is he looking at me like that? What happened to him while I was gone? Oh God, he's probably thinking I came back to make him worry over me again, always having to protect me. I hope he's at least a little bit happy to see me.

Inuyasha caught Kagome's gaze and she smiled at him, sadly. Oh great, thinking of a way to tell me she doesn't want me like I want her, probably.

Inuyasha was so caught up in his inner turmoil that he didn't sense the monk approaching him. "Inuyasha, are you alright?"
"Keh! Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know, you just seemÉ distant. I know you didn't talk to Kagome yet. Do you know what you're going to say to her?", Miroku asked.
"What do you mean? I've got nothing to say to her!"
Miroku sighed. "InuyashaÉ there's no point in trying to hide your feelings anymore. We are all adults here. Everyone knows how you feel about Kagome. Everyone knows how she feels about you. Now is just a matter of putting everything out in the open. You just have to tell her how you feel."
Inuyasha's anger diminished and he stared at the floor. "How could you or anyone else know? Kagome is a good person, she treats everyone nicely. Doesn't mean she, sheÉ likes me or something. Besides, you don't know me, monk! Go take care of your kids!", he said, getting irritated again.
Miroku smiled and patted his friend's back, before walking away. "Just talk to her."

Stupid monk. Stupid wench, stupid hut!

"And so my graduation was today and – "
"Enough!", Inuyasha yelled.

Kagome gasped as Inuyasha took her in his arms and leapt out of Kaede's hut. Shippo started to scream, telling Inuyasha to bring Kagome back and that she was not his. Sango frowned and Miroku laughed.

"Calm down, child. It is time for them to talk", Kaede said, patting Shippo's head. "We can talk to her again, later. She will stay here."

Inuyasha ignored Kagome's protests and carried her until they got to the Sacred Tree. He decided to not take her up the tree, since she would be more comfortable for a conversation on the ground, instead of balancing on a branch.

"Kagome, I think we should talk", Inuyasha, said, staring down.
"O-okay. I think we should too."
"KagomeÉ I missed you."

Without giving her a chance to answer, Inuyasha stepped closer to her and hugged her fiercely, burying his nose in her hair.

"InuyashaÉ I missed you too."
He suddenly picked up a different scent and slowly pulled away from her, staring at her face. "YouÉ you smell of another man", he said, sniffing her face. "Were youÉ were you kissing someone?!"

Kagome turned bright red. Oops.