InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Chapter 3 - Trouble ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 3 – Caught

Kagome flinched. ÒInuyasha, calm downÉÓ

Kagome was truly scared. She had never seen the hanyou so angry. She wasn’t scared on her behalf, she knew he would never hurt her. She also knew that he would hurt Hojo, if he found him. And knowing that Hojo wouldn’t, especially now, leave her alone, she was scared the two might eventually meet, that is, if the well was now working as it used to.

ÒIT WAS THAT HOBO GUY, WASN’T IT? I’m gonna kill him! Why did you do that, Kagome, why?!Ó
ÒInuyashaÉ wait. Why are you so angry? I didn’t go bat-shit crazy on you when I caught you making out with Kikyo, now did I?!Ó Inuyasha cringed at the memory – and the accusation. ÒYou have no right, whatsoever, to be angry at me!Ó
ÒDon’t try to change the subject, Kagome! That’s different and you know it!Ó
ÒWhy? Why is it different?! Because you two love each other? Because you have a past together? Tell me, why could you kiss Kikyo and I can’t kiss Hojo?Ó
Inuyasha’s eyes turned red for a second. Now it was Kagome’s turn to wince. ÒKagome. Don’t you ever kiss that guy again, you understand? You can’t!Ó
ÒExcuse me? You think you can tell me what to do? You don’t own me! I can do whatever I want, Inuyasha. And just so you know, I don’t want to kiss Hojo. I didn’t kiss him, willingly. He kissed me. Not that it is any of your business. And why do you care?"

Inuyasha took a deep breath. He was relieved to know Kagome didn’t want to kiss Hojo and that she wasn’t the one that started the kiss. Still, he was beyond pissed to know that another man had touched Kagome. His Kagome. She was right. He had no right to be upset over it. He hadn’t told her how he feels. He had hurt her numerous times, over Kikyo. But he couldn’t help feeling jealous, wanting her to be his. Only his.

ÒI’m angry at you becauseÉ becauseÉ I don’t like you kissing other people.Ó

With that, he took off to his forest, leaving a confused Kagome blinking.


Kagome stayed at the spot Inuyasha left her for a few minutes, going over their conversation and trying to figure out what had just happened. One minute they were saying they missed each other, and the next, they were yelling.
She couldn’t help but feel sad and lonely, thinking about the times Inuyasha had left her to go to Kikyo and the times she caught them together. It had hurt her so much and yet, she could never feel angry at him because of it. He had suffered enough throughout his life, and being taken away from Kikyo the way he had beenÉ she couldn’t feel bad for him. He deserved to be happy and she wanted him to be happy – even if it was at the expense of her own happiness.
She knew how much he loved Kikyo and she knew how much he suffered to see her wandering the Earth as an undead. And then to see her die the second timeÉ
She hoped Inuyasha would come back soon. She needed to talk to him, tell him she was sorry, that she had no right to judge him, that she wanted him to be happy and that she was sorry he didn’t get his happy ending with Kikyo. She knew her words had hurt him and she wanted to make it right. He got so angry when he found out about HojoÉ well, it doesn’t necessarily mean he has feelings for me. He’s a jealous guy, so he’s probably just looking out for me and just, maybe, afraid that I would be with Hojo and forget himÉ though that could never happen. I can't say that I don't feel flattered, though. It's nice to have someone who cares enough to be jealousÉ


Inuyasha leapt from tree to tree, moved by an energy he hadn’t felt in a long time. It was a mix of anger, frustration and longing. That stupid wench. How can she not realize what I feel about her? KikyoÉ she didn’t even come close to Kagome. I’ve never felt anything like what I feel for Kagome. Not even for Kikyo. It has always been Kagome. No one else.

ÒDamn wench. Going around kissing that Homo guy.Ó

Inuyasha stopped at a clearing and looked at the sky. What do I do? I can’t tell her how I feel. She doesn’t feel the same. How could she?
With a sigh, he took off again, getting farther away from his problems.

ÒKagome, what happened? Why are you upset?Ó

Kagome walked inside Sango and Miroku’s hut with a defeated look, looking down at her feet and then smiling faintly at her friends. The sunset was well underway and she had given up on waiting for Inuyasha.

ÒIt was that baka, wasn’t it?! Inubaka, I’m going to throw my spinning top on his head and then – Ò
ÒShippoÉ it’s fine. Inuyasha didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just tired, it’s all", Kagome said, ruffling the little yokai's head.
ÒAre you sure? Because I’ve gotten much stronger since you left, I can beat him with my tricks in no time!Ó, the kitsune said, puffing his chest.
Kagome chuckled. ÒYes, I’m sure, Shippo. Don’t worry, whenever I need someone to beat Inuyasha, I’ll call you.Ó
Shippo grinned and resumed his dinner.
ÒCome, Kagome. You look like you need to eat somethingÓ, Sango said, handing her a bowl and then sitting on the floor, next to her daughters.
ÒKagome, where’s Inuyasha?Ó, Miroku asked, entering the hut with his son in his arms.
ÒHeÉ went for a run, I guess.Ó
Miroku, Sango and Shippo exchanged glances, knowing what Òwent for a runÓ meant. Inuyasha was upset.
ÒDid you two fight?Ó Miroku asked.
ÒHuhÉ kinda. It’s nothing seriousÓ, Kagome waved off, giving him a reassuring smile.

Kagome took Kaede’s offer to sleep over at her hut, until she figured out where to stay. She hoped the Well would work again, but she didn’t want to risk it, just yet. She decided to think about it later, after her mind was clearer.
She laid on the futon, unable to go to sleep, when she heard a light thump on the roof. Knowing well what that meant, she got up and headed outside.

ÒInuyasha? Would you come down, please?Ó

The hanyou glared at her and, with a ÒkehÓ, hopped down beside her.

ÒCan we talk?Ó she asked.
ÒFine by me.Ó

Without saying anything, they walked in the Well’s direction, both knowing it was the right place to have their ÒtalksÓ. It seemed right. It was like their home, their private little spot.

ÒDo you think the Well will work ‘normally’ now? Or maybe it was just a one-time thing?Ó she asked.
ÒKeh. How would I know? Why, thinking about going back already?Ó he asked with a hurt tone.
ÒNo, noÉ I was just wondering. I mean, I don’t really have a place to live here, so, if it doesn’t work, I’ll have to think about it.Ó
Inuyasha blushed and turned his head to the side. ÒI could build you a hut.Ó
Kagome’s eyes widened slightly and she couldn’t help the smile that formed on her lips. ÒYou would do that?Ó
ÒKeh. It’s not like it’s hard work or anything. I helped Miroku build his and Sango’s hut. It’s not a big deal.Ó
ÒI see... how about you? You never wanted to build one for you?Ó
ÒWhy would I do that? It’d be a waste to build one just for me, when I prefer sleeping outside.Ó

They were silent for a few minutes before Kagome opened up.

ÒInuyashaÉ I’m sorryÉ about earlier.Ó
Inuyasha looked at her with a confused look. ÒWhat are you talking about, wench?Ó
ÒI’m sorry I talked about Kikyo. I had no right. It wasn’t my business to talk about and I’m sorry if I hurt you.Ó
Inuyasha looked down, his ears drooping. ÒYou’ve nothing to be sorry about. It’s all in the past, it doesn’t matter anymore.Ó
ÒStillÉ I shouldn’t have brought it up. I’m really sorry.Ó

Another few minutes of silence passed.

&Ogra ve;I’m sorry too.Ó
Kagome looked at him in awe. It wasn’t an easy thing for Inuyasha to do, to apologize. ÒWhat for?Ó
ÒForÉ getting so angry. It’s not like I didn’t have a reason to be soÓ, he said with a glare. ÒBut I shouldn’t haveÉ yelled at you.Ó
Kagome placed a hand over his. ÒThank you.Ó She smiled.
Inuyasha blushed. ÒKeh. So, where would that hut of yours be?Ó
Kagome smiled widely. ÒI don’t know. We’d have to ask for the headman’s permission, wouldn’t we?Ó
ÒWell, actually, sometime ago, he said I could build one for me anywhere I’d like, soÉ I don’t think he’ll mind you choosing a place for yours.Ó
Kagome smiled inwardly as she thought that Inuyasha was giving "his" place for her. Maybe he’s thinking it might be his, as well?

ÒWell, I would choose somewhere near the Well and GoshinbokuÉ what do you think?Ó
ÒI think that’s a good ideaÓ, he answered, blushing slightly.

The next day, Inuyasha and Kagome went to the headman’s house, to talk to him about Kagome’s hut.

ÒKagome, it is good to have you back.Ó
ÒThank youÓ, she said, smiling. ÒI’m happy to be back.Ó
ÒWe came here to ask your permission. We want to build a hut for Kagome and we would like it to be in my forest, near the Goshinboku.Ó
ÒI’m happy to hear that! It would be an honor to have you as a permanent resident. I don’t see a problem in you building a hut there.Ó
ÒGoodÓ, Inuyasha said, nodding, before he turned to leave.
ÒThank you. And sorry for hisÉ behaviorÓ, Kagome said smiling weakly.
The headman chuckled. ÒIt is no problem. I’m used to Inuyasha’s antics. I don’t mind, really. He’s done enough for our village and we are glad to have him watch out for us.Ó
Kagome smiled and bowed her thanks, leaving the hut.

ÒAlright, I think that’s enough wood for now. Have you thought about how you want it to be, Kagome?Ó Miroku asked as he stood on the spot Kagome chose, after deciding the wood Inuyasha was cutting would be sufficient for the time being.
ÒHmÉ I don’t think it needs to be big, it’s just me, after all. Maybe a main room and another one, for my bedroom?Ó
ÒAlright, as you wish.Ó
ÒWhat?Ó Miroku asked.
Ò’No’ what, Inuyasha?Ó Kagome asked.
ÒBuild a bigger hut.Ó
ÒWhat? Why?Ó, Kagome asked, surprised.
ÒBecauseÉ you’re used to a bigger house. And you might have a family somedayÓ, the hanyou said, blushing.
ÒHuhÉ okayÉÓ, Kagome said.
ÒHe might be right, Kagome. Doesn’t hurt having a bigger hut anyway. And he is right. You will probably get married and have kids someday, soon. There are a lot of eligible single men here in the villageÓ, Miroku said, grinning.
Inuyasha growled, while Kagome blushed fiercely. ÒWhat’s the matter, Inuyasha? Do you know anyone who would be fit for Kagome?Ó the monk asked.
Inuyasha shot him a glare and went running towards the forest. ÒReally, Miroku? Did you have to do that?Ó Kagome asked.
ÒWhat did I do?Ó, Miroku asked innocently.
ÒYou know what you did, houshi-sama. Don’t be a jerkÓ, Sango said while approaching the two from behind.
ÒSayuri, Sakura, how about we find Shippo? I bet he’s dying to show us his new tricksÓ, Kagome said, grabbing the girls’ hands, dragging them away from their mother and away from that embarrassing conversation.
Sango sat down on the grass, to nurse her son, Seiichi, while her husband stood in front of her, looking at the wood and doing mental calculations, when he noticed what Sango was doing and looked at her, winking. ÒReally, Miroku? It’s our third child. You see thisÓ she said, gesturing her chest Òeveryday. It is time you get used to it.Ó
ÒAh, dear SangoÉ Don’t you understand? Your charms will never cease to amaze meÓ, he said, smiling.
ÒCut if off, monk. Now, you need to apologize to Inuyasha. That wasn’t nice of you. You know how he feels about Kagome. He just needs time to realize she cares about him too. Maybe now, that she’s back and he’s helping build her a hut, he’ll finally do it. Just give him time and cut the teasing.Ó
Miroku sighed. ÒAlright, if you say so. How can I deny you anything?Ó
ÒOf course.Ó

Inuyasha was once again running from his troubles. It was always too much for him, to confront his feelings for Kagome, especially when other people got involved. He felt pressured to do something, something he wasn't sure he wanted to do. In the first time in a really long time, he was afraid.

Okay, what do I have to lose if I tell her how I feel and she rejects me? Well, everything reallyÉ she would probably be disgusted and wouldn't want to be my friend anymoreÉ damn it. What do I doÉ But what if I don't tell her? Miroku's right, she'll find someone and IÉ I couldn't just stand there and watch it. No, I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. Kagome's mine and I have to make sure she knows that, now, before it's too late.

Kagome was walking around the village after playing with Shippo and the twins, taking her time to think about what she should do regarding Inuyasha. She couldn't reach a conclusion and she was getting tired. She just wished someone would come up to her and tell her exactly what to do. Fortunately, she had a pleasant distraction. She was excited to have a hut and whenever she thought about Inuyasha's reaction about the size of the house, she smiled. A familyÉ a family with him.
Kagome stopped walking when she felt a strong youki approaching. She was surprised to see she had gone a little far from the village and, feeling the yokai's impeding arrival, she got scared. Why didn't I bring my bow and arrow? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"Kagome! Long time no see! How's my woman?"