InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Chapter 7 - House ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Hello! Here’s a nice, long chapter for you guys. Hope you like it and have a good week everyone!
7 – House
The mood between Inuyasha and Kagome was much better the next few weeks. Everyone could see them smiling at each other, holding hands while walking, saying nice things about the other. Everyone thought that it was only a matter of time, but Inuyasha and Kagome would become mates.Kagome was still building courage to confess her love for him. She was happier than she could remember and was just afraid to lose everything, so she was still holding it in. was beaming. He felt like he could really be happy with Kagome, that she would say yes to him. He didn't want to rush things, so he decided to wait until her hut was finished before he could talk to her about their future. hut was taking longer to be finished because of the additions Inuyasha wanted to build and also because of the "extras" he wanted, to make Kagome's life as close to what she was used to in the past. Kagome insisted she didn't need those things, but he insisted even more. He wanted to do everything he could to make her happy. "Inuyasha. Really? A bathroom?" She asked.You're used to having one and we figured out a way to do it, so just shut it, woman."bathroom even had a bath and Kagome was really happy to have a place to bathe inside. The hot springs were amazing, but it was hard getting undressed out in the cold winters. It seemed like Inuyasha had thought it all through and she couldn't feel happier to know he was determined to make her happy. He was always surprising her and exceeding her expectations, making her feel more than appreciated. She decided that it was a great opportunity to talk to him. They were walking inside the almost finished house when she took his hand.we talk? Outside?"looked at her and nodded. "The Well?"smiled and they walked hand in hand.Getting to the Well and sitting on its edge, Kagome turned to him and looked very anxious, fidgeting with her hands.… do you remember when I asked you to come here so we could talk? You know, before…"coughed. "Yes, I remember."I didn't get to tell you what I wanted. And you didn't answer my question, either."suddenly got very nervous. How could he lie to her? He didn't think it was the best time to tell her how he feels, but he didn't have a choice. It was time to let it out. If only he could find the right words without shoving his foot in his mouth… "Kagome… I… really like you. A lot. And I don't want to be without you. I want you… to be with me." It was the best he could do at the time and Kagome understood. She saw it in his eyes, the words he couldn't say. She didn't need to hear them now. She could wait. She just needed to know, and he showed it to her with his eyes.… I-I want to be with you too. I… love you."face lit up and he gave her a wide smile. "Really? You do?"smiled. "I do."He took her face in his hands and kissed her. All his thoughts escaped his head and all he could think about were her lips. Her scent. Her skin. All he wanted was to be close to her. Closer. was light-headed. It took her a few seconds to realize what was happening. This kiss, his kiss, was nothing like the other they shared, before he was taken away from her. That one was soft, polite, gentle. This one was passionate yet calm. He took his time tasting her lips and she thought she would have fallen if they were standing, since she could feel how weak her knees were. He started licking her lips, slowly teasing her, trying to part them without invading. She eagerly accepted his invitation and let his tongue in, tasting her, while he caressed her own. Inuyasha couldn't believe how good it felt to taste her. He couldn't believe something would be as good as her scent. He always thought about their other kiss and felt butterflies in his stomach whenever the memory came to his mind. But now, he felt like he could die from pleasure and happiness. This would be his favorite memory now. And then she reached his neck, softly caressing the hair on its nape. He moaned into her mouth, tilting her face to deepen the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her closer to him. She sighed and moved her hands to his arms, feeling his strong biceps. finally parted for air and he leaned his forehead on hers, both trying to catch their breaths. He smiled at her and she smiled back. She reached for one of his ears and was surprised to see he didn't move away. He leaned on her hand and moaned softly.this time, I thought you didn't like when I touched your ears. And now I find out you do? If I knew it sooner…"like it. Only when you do it", he said, still leaning towards her, his eyes closed.Kagome was about to take the other ear when they heard someone."Uh… what is going on here?"and Inuyasha stood up, startled. Inuyasha cursed himself for not hearing the kit approach, but he knew he was too entranced by Kagome's hand to notice anything surrounding them. "What the fuck are you doing here, Shippo?"flinched at the hanyou's tone. "I… Sango asked me to check on you. It's almost time for dinner and she hasn't seen you all day. I-I was worried too."smiled at the kitsune, but Inuyasha was not amused.grabbed the young yokai by his tail and shook him. "Why didn't you yell?! You know I would have heard you!"…"Inuyasha continued to shake the child, who was now crying in fear.… osuwari."Kagome!" Shippo fell to the ground, but stopped crying, rubbing his tail and whining. "Shippo was only looking out for us. Besides, it was Sango who sent him. He didn't mean to sneak up on us."Inuyasha was starting to lift himself off the ground and mumbled something about sneaky pups. He got up and started walking.and Shippo looked at each other, shrugging. are you two coming or not?!"quickly got up and followed the hanyou."Hey! Where were you? We were worried." Sango said when the trio walked into the hut. She was stirring miso soup while Miroku was bouncing his son on his lap.Inuyasha and Kagome blushed. Shippo stayed quiet. He didn't want to risk getting thumped. Inuyasha threatened him when they were on their way to the village, without Kagome hearing, of course. If Shippo said anything about what he saw, Inuyasha would make sure he got a scar on his head."We… were discussing stuff about the house and didn't realize how late it was", Kagome said, trying to hide her blush.Miroku grinned evilly, but surprisingly, decided to stay quiet, for now."Oh, okay. You two must be hungry. There you go", Sango said, handing them each a bowl. They both bowed in thanks and began eating."So, what were you two talking about?" Miroku asked, trying not to you mean?" Kagome asked."You were talking about the house, weren't you? So, what were you talking about? It was an awful long conversation.""Right, we were. Uh… I showed Kagome the bathroom and talked to her about building a porch."gasped. "A porch? Are you sure?"blushed. He actually hadn't told her about that, but she couldn't say anything about it. "And I said no. No porch. That is way too much. Only the headman has a porch, no one else in the village does. It's ridiculous, why should I have one?""Because you deserve it."stopped eating and looked at Inuyasha. He hadn't realized he had said that out loud and when he noticed that the clacks of chopsticks had ceased, he looked up. He saw Kagome looking at him with moist in her eyes. He blushed and decided it was best to ignore it.Sango decided to speak first. "Well, so… have you heard anything from the woodworker?"what?" Inuyasha asked.woodworker from that village you always go to. The one who is building Kagome's furniture, you know?" Sango said, teasing.snorted. "He has a few things done and he's still working. I told him the house is not finished yet and so we're keeping them there for now."good."one spoke until dinner was finished. They were all still stunned by Inuyasha's words and, after Sango's question, no one could come up with something to break the silence. When they were finally finished, Kagome excused herself and told them she was going to Kaede's to sleep, saying she was tired. Inuyasha followed her.Shippo, care to tell us what you saw when you found those two in the forest?" Miroku asked.uh… nothing. They were just talking", Shippo said, trying to avoid Miroku's gaze.really? Are you sure about that?""Y-Yes", he mumbled, nervously. "So you really didn't see them doing anything… out of the ordinary?"STOP! INUYASHA WOULD KILL ME! I CAN'T SAY IT!"looks like we finally broke him", Miroku said, turning to Sango, who nodded. "Well Shippo, what could I possibly do to make you spill it? Maybe I could get you all the persimmons you could eat. I could help you with your training…"that's enough. Leave Shippo alone. Come on, it's time to go to bed and you have a diaper to change."sighed in relief and left the hut, headed to Kaede's. Miroku sighed in frustration and turned to his wife. "Yes, dear."
Inuyasha was working on the hut when he smelled a familiar scent. Oh hell no. He left the hut running, not caring to answer Miroku's questions. "Inuyasha, what's happening? Is something wrong?"Inuyasha ran as fast as he could. He knew Kagome was out in the forest, looking for berries, and he caught her scent quickly, knowing he probably wouldn't get to her in time.
Kagome was humming to herself, gathering berries and admiring her surroundings. She was happy and thinking about Inuyasha. He had woken her up that morning, after Kaede and Shippo left, brushing the hair out of her face. She opened her eyes and looked at his, smiling at him. He smiled back and pulled her to his lap.morning.""Good morning", he answered. came running into the hut and Inuyasha growled. "Again, runt?"Shippo said, running out, before Inuyasha could say anything else.…" Kagome said, smiling.ate the breakfast Kaede had left for them and went to the house. Getting there, Kagome told him she would go look for berries and that she would come back to have lunch with him. He nodded and she left.she was thinking about how good it felt to wake up and see him. It will only get better, she thought with a smile.She was so caught up in her thoughts that she only noticed the yokai when he was standing in front of her. She woke up from her rêverie and gasped."Kouga-kun. What are you doing here?"have you had enough time to think? Are you done with mutt-face?"… I told you already. I don't want you. I'm staying here, with Inuyasha."when are you going to realize you're mine? I told you from the start. You were never his." He took a step forward and grabbed her arms. She tried getting out of his grasp, but he held her more tightly. "Kouga, let me go."Kagome. I can't wait any longer." Kouga took her in his arms and kissed her. It was a rough kiss and it took Kagome by surprise. It took her a moment to process what was happening and she quickly pushed him off of her.THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!"Inuyasha was by her side so fast she didn't even see him punching Kouga. He took her and pushed her behind him, taking Tessaiga out of the sheath, aiming at Kouga. KAZE NO-""Inuyasha, DON'T!"turned to her with a glare. He looked surprised and angry at the same time and his eyes seemed to be turning red. "How dare you, Kagome? You stay out of this! I'll deal with you later!" he said, yelling.he turned to continue his attack on Kouga, the wolf was gone. They heard his voice yelling from a distance. "Bye Kagome! See you! I'll come back to take you later!"put Tessaiga back in its sheath and looked down. Kagome tried looking at his eyes, but his bangs were covering them. She was worried about his reaction and wanted him to say something, anything.I didn't-"quiet, Kagome." His voice was strangely calm and Kagome whimpered.Inuyasha started walking and Kagome didn't know what to do. She didn't know if she should follow him or not. She realized he wasn't going anywhere. He was just walking in circles around her. She felt like she was his prey and she shivered. He was baring his fangs and she saw that the calm he showed with his previous words were gone. She wasn't scared, but she didn't want him angry at her, she wanted to explain things to him.please let me explain. I didn't kiss him, he-"said, be quiet!cringed but did as she was told. He glared at her, his eyes slightly red. He was sniffing her and she felt exposed. She wasn't entirely uncomfortable in the situation. Oddly, it was exciting her a little.have his stench all over you. HOW COULD YOU LET HIM TOUCH YOU, KAGOME?"wasn't sure if she should talk, so she just remained quiet, looking at him with pleading eyes."You should have called me. You know how he is! You should have called me as soon as he got here! Unless, of course, you wanted him close to you." He said the last part in a hurt voice and she noticed it.please listen to me. I was distracted, I didn't feel him coming. He surprised me and grabbed me, forced me. I didn't want to talk to him, see him, touch him! I don't like him that way!"Inuyasha could tell she was telling the truth. Still, he couldn't stop feeling angry, knowing some other man had touched her, kissed her. It was something only he was allowed to do and it made him feel sick to remember the scene he encountered. The thing that bothered him the most was the way she smelled of him."Go take a bath. You reek of him."Kagome looked at him with a wounded look and nodded, heading to the hot spring. He followed her soon after, just to be around her in case the wolf or someone else came by. He stood with his back to the place she was bathing, his arms crossed on his chest. He was a lot calmer now and decided to take it easy on Kagome when she got back. Kagome was done in a few minutes and approached Inuyasha. She was still wary of his reaction and didn't want to say something wrong, so she just came up to him and waited for him to turn around. When he did, he was a lot more relaxed now and she sighed.I'm sorry if I scared you. I just couldn't stand seeing you… like that, with him.""I didn't want to be like that with him. I'm sorry I didn't react sooner, I was just shocked."shook his head, trying to forget the image in his head. He pulled her for a hug and soothed her hair. "Let's just drop it, ok? Come on, it's time for lunch."She nodded and they walked to the village.A few days had passed and Kagome's house was finally done. Inuyasha relented and didn't build a porch, but he told her he might do it someday. They made several trips to the other village, to get the furniture, and Inuyasha asked Kagome for directions, to see where she wanted each piece. He had also asked the seamstress, for curtains, and other stuff like pots and bowls, without her knowledge, and didn't let her inside until everything was in place. She was getting anxious and smiled broadly when he finally went out of the house. He took Kagome's hand and pulled her inside. Kagome gasped. There was a fire in the middle of the main room, cabinets on one wall with a small counter beneath it, a table with four chairs, a futon on another side and curtains hanging on the window. Her hand covered her mouth and she turned to Inuyasha."Inuyasha… this is… it's so much more than I expected!"grinned and puffed his chest, proud to have pleased her. "Keh!"He took her by the hand to the small hall and showed her the three empty bedrooms. He put a pallet and futon in one of them, for Shippo, he told her. She smiled and nodded.he took her to the bathroom and showed her how the bath worked. He had come up with a smart solution, having put a whole on the floor, that was circled by a thick stone tube with a small entry for wood working like a furnace, to heat the bath that stood on top of the stone circle. Kagome was shocked at his expertise. She didn't know he could be able to do such thing. She knew he was a lot smarter than people thought, but that was something out of the ordinary.… that's amazing. How did you come up with this?"I've seen similar things around. I just copied it."didn't know if he was belittling himself, but decided to drop it. He took her to the final room, beside the bathroom and on the opposite side of the other bedrooms. It was the largest room in the house and Kagome's mouth dropped and she saw it, standing, frozen, beneath the threshold. It had a large window on her right side, covered by a curtain, a big, fluffly bed in the center of the wall facing the door, that Inuyasha taught the woodworker how to build, based on Kagome's old bed, a chest that laid on the foot of the bed and a wardrobe on her left. On the wall that faced the bed, beside the door, was a small dressing table with a chair and a mirror hanging in front of it.Inuyasha smiled when he saw her reaction, his ego almost bursting. "Do you like it?"I… Do I like it? Inuyasha!" She threw herself at him and he caught her, stumbling. He chuckled. take that as a yes?"pulled out of his arms and stared at him. "I love it. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is even better than my old room!" She said, laughing.He smiled and blushed. He knew it was probably bigger and better than her old room, but it wasn't hard doing it. He had everything he needed to make it like this in his time, and he knew she would be happy to have a room like that.She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He looked at her with his eyes wide open and then returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist and closing his eyes. He was kissing her neck when they heard a soft knock on the front door. "Hey, is someone here?" Miroku asked, opening the door.let go of Kagome and sighed. "I swear I'll punch that stupid monk…"smiled and took his hand, dragging him to the main room.the house is amazing, more than I could ever wish for. I know you helped Inuyasha more than you should have. Thank you, I really appreciate it", Kagome said, smiling.smiled back. "You are very welcome, Kagome. So I take it that you did like it. I have to say, everyone was very impressed with Inuyasha's skills, myself included. It was also very interesting to see how many things he learned and recreated from your time."blushed and lifted his chin, folding his arms across his chest. "Keh!"smiled and touched his arm. "Yes, he's done a remarkable job. I couldn't be happier and prouder."blush got even darker. "I'm hungry. Let's see what the old hag has for us."
It had been a week since the house was finished and Kagome was enjoying having her own house. Inuyasha slept on her roof every night and she decided not to insist on the matter of their sleeping arrangements. She knew Inuyasha wouldn't sleep inside, afraid of what the villagers would think of her and him, and she knew it was a wise choice, even if she didn't like it.One morning, she woke up and made breakfast, and went outside to call him. He hopped down and followed her inside, to eat. He left shortly after, telling her he would go ahead and catch a few fish for lunch, since she had said she felt like having it. She nodded and started doing the dishes.After a few minutes, she remembered to tell Inuyasha they needed more wood. The shed was now empty, since he was too busy building the house up until last week, and hadn't gotten to the task yet. She went to the river and stopped in her tracks when she looked up at the sky. Kikyo's soul catchers.She decided to go see it for herself, trusting Inuyasha enough to know he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. He's just talking to her, nothing else. She kept telling herself that, while clutching her fingers. Still, I have to see it for myself.Kagome spotted the river through the trees and then gasped out loud. Inuyasha was standing in front of Kikyo, who was caressing his face with her hands, while he held her forearms. No….She was getting anxious and thing was in place. and didnry piece. He had also asked for curtains for the seamstress and other st