InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ where is kagome? ❯ what is that!? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


SNOOPY: ::GROWLS:: "do I have to say it?"


SNOOPY: but I don't want 2! It's not fair!

SNOOPY: I mean they can figure it out on their own I'm suuure their smart enough!

INUYASHA: do you want to get sued ?!

SNOOPY: >.< weeellll……..

INUYASHA: woman! …..if you do get sued I'm telling your MOM!!!!!!!!

SNOOPY: ::pouts:: FINE! I don't own inuyasha or any of his friends, …..or his

Girlfriend kagome…..::smiles::

INUYASHA: ::falls anime style:: WHAT did you say!!!

SNOOPY: ::sweat drop:: uh…… nothing! ::runs for her life!::

INUYASHA: I'M GOING TO GET YOU! TAKE IT BACK! ::runs after snoopy::

SNOOPY: :: STILL RUNNING:: ::pants:: o.k. ….While I try to save my life you can continue on to the story ok?! If I live and get reviews I'll add another chapter ok! Ok…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter two: What the heck is that and who are you!

Back at camp:


"why do you think it was me! I didn't do any thing to her…this time…." Inuyasha explained.

"what did you just say?" Miroku yelled.

" stop fucking yelling at me damn it I have sensitive ears!" Inuyasha yelled as he flattened his ears against his head.

" you stupid dogturd! What if my kagome never comes back cause of you!" shippo whined.

"What do you mean your kagome twerp?" Inuyasha questioned.

"You heard me" shippo answered.

"Go get her!" miroku ordered.

"feh." was inuyashas only response as he walked of toward the well without looking back .

Back with kagome:

"who are you what the hell do you want!" she said as she tried to stay calm.

"my my my Inuyasha does seem to be rubbing off on you little one." her capture responded.

" First you kiddnap me now you insulting me what's next on your list making me hurl by telling me I remind you of the bitching pile of bones and dirt the stupid hanyu calls a priestess or worse his love! If that's it then I ask you kill me and get it over with it would be more preferable than you" Kagome spat out the last words with a touch of venom.

"you know what I much rather like this side of you maybe I will spare you…….for know"

"whatever" kagome spat out `wonder were I'm going? What am I thinking all that matters is that it's in the opposite direction of that insensitive jerk! But sill……'

` wonder what that baka did now? She never talks like that when I spied on their weird little pack. Oh well I'll find out what is wrong soon as I get my plan going….step one get kagome to trust me….the things I do to get my way ::shakes his head:: ..oh well at least she doesn't smell as bad as most humans… wonder if Inuyasha knows I have her yet'

His thoughts were cut off as her heard Kagome's sweet toned voice…a little to sweet for comfort if he wasn't mistaken

"what did you say wench" he asked coming back to reality

"what!" she snapped "um…I mean… I said are we going to be jumping around all night? Or what?" she amended sweetly

"no did you really think I could carry you all night and not break my back?"

" No you didn't you son of a bit-"kagome cut her self off….'ok kagome think keep him talking till you can place his voice….hmm who could it be first I thought it was sesshie…bu- hold on where the fuck did sesshie come out of! Never mind point is it couldn't be him he would of killed me long time ago..'

"what were you about to call me girl?" sesshamoru said with a harsh tone.

"oh nothing"

"nothing huh…. Well"

Suddenly her capture stopped in a clearing were the young miko cold not sense a single thing. But what she did sense was an awful lot of power she looked around searching for its source.


Inuyasha hurried toward the well when he was sure his companions could not see how quickly he hurried off to find his kagome. 'I mean I I wouldn't want them to no I care

for the girl - did I just say that I care for kagome?!' Inuyasha was brought out of his thoughts as he became aware of a very familiar sent mixed with kagomes sent and a small amount of kagomes fear. Inuyasha instinctively bounded off toward the path kagome had been taken to protect what he had claimed as his.

Back with kagome:

` OMG! what the hell is that ?!' Kagome thought as she finally located the source of all that power. She had found herself face with a portal in the middle of tree surprisingly enough it blended in pretty well if she wasn't a miko she probably would have never found it or even suspected it was there.

" you no what little miko you never did ask me who I was" said her captures voice in an emotionless tone.

"would you have told me?" she shot back

"no…..might have shown you though" he teased

"ok then…….who are you" she asked surprised at he self realizing her voice had gotten playful.

The arms around her waist loosened and a soft voice whispered into her ear "than turn around and find out my little miko"

Slowly Kagome began to turn around to face her capture.

"you w-what-why-how?" she stuttered trying to voice her thoughts out to her almost painfully beautiful capture.


Hmmm …… does this chapter seem like a cliff hanger?….. Naaah couldn't be I would never do that to you would I? or would I?he-he I'll update soon if I get any reviews… puh-lease who am I kidding I'll probably update regardless! Ttyl !