InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where is the Light? ❯ Wordless ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
These two lemons will occur at the same time in different places. You will probably be able to tell each couple apart since each paragraph will switch back and forth between each couple. If this is confusing, let me know and I'll try to make things more clearer. For a heads up, Aoji is more muscular and BROAD SHOULDERED than Kouga and has MUCH shorter hair than him as well.

The reason I say this is because this is a WORDLESS DOUBLE LEMON!

*Irasshai: ‘welcome’

Also, no one guessed the question correctly, so...yeah...*sigh*


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Laid on his side facing his husband, smiling into the small kisses they exchanged. He nuzzled the other, small sounds escaping his lips when his uda slid his shirt off and peppered kisses onto his skin.

Creamy hands slid into short locks, gasping as the tingling kisses lingered on his skin as they traveled lower. The milky, lithe body moved toward the kisses eagerly.

A jeweled wedding band was hardly seen as hands tangled themselves into the lenghty strands, wanting the feeling that he was experienceing all over his body centered on one spot, slowly spreading everywhere, distributed in an even plethora of bliss. He gasped when the body next to him was hot to the touch, even before removing the cloth barrier. He looking into cerulean eyes, imagining how it would feel if he removed it...

The broad shouldered male moaned low when the younger male began to lick his excited skin. He straddled the waist and stroked the thick hair before gently gripping into it.

He pressed their lips together fiercely, cupping the bulge between weakened legs. He smiled at the helpless expression on his uda's face, amber eyes clouded with lust, knowing the reaction couldn't be helped.

Brows furrowed, his mouth agape with small squeaking sounds escaping the supple mouth. The younger male beneath him made his body react in such a sinful way. He rolled his hips into his beloved's, making the expression he had appear on the other's face. They've been having dry sex, using the term loosely, during his lover's recovery, but now it seemed that these feelings were heightened with the fact that they would go further.

Shaky hands pulled down the pesky pants, breathing heavily on tanned skin. He pushed back silken strands and kissed the neck, especially around the mark he left so long ago, in satisfaction as his own were slipped down as well.

The setting sun with its warm colors reflected on their skin. Cream and tan became indistinguishable.

He whimpered softly as he watched his uda reach out for the lubricant. He busied himself with nipping on the tanned skin as the other smeared some onto his fingers. Since becoming pregnant, his hormones were becoming sensitive to the other's ministrations.

He looked to his crimson-eyed beloved as he prepared him, providing comfort. He knew this brought back memories for the him, all of which were painful.

Reassuring kisses were given as he added another digit. He loved how the other moved towards the probing fingers. He smiled at how eager his uda was and nuzzled him. Thankful for his love, and the gift he carried for them both

Unoccupied fingers traced the tip of the slickened hard-on of his beloved, gathering sticky fluid before licking it.

The red eyed teen couldn't help but close his eyes at the semi-innocent action. He licked his dry lips, letting a light moan slip between the soft lips.

He pulled his uda towards him, needing the other's deep, intimate touch. He gasped when the fingers withdrew and took the small jar of lubricant, taking a decent amount to spread onto the hardened organ. The amber eyed male gave a small smile as the other couldn't resist moving into the hands.

A soft kiss was given as he laid back, letting the other settle between his legs. He looked up into supportive eyes, so gentle and caring. An encouraging smile and a kiss on the chin was his signal for his beloved to continue. He was always strong for him, in terms of both physical and emotional support.

He buried his face into the tanned neck, pushing past the ring of muscle, shuddering at the welcoming tightness. The shape of the channel of muscle fitted him perfectly. Their times of trying to create a child seemed to have no affect on the entrance.

The young male gripped onto his shoulders, biting his lip softly. He finally let go of the breath he held, exhaling a single word: Irasshai*. It was such a long time since their last coupling.

Soft moans began to fill the dim room. The soft vanilla and gardenia scented candles creating a gentle glow on the lovers. Their shadow on the wall was nothing but a moving blob. Two bodies as one...

A keen whimper melding into a long moan filled the ear of the strong male. Porcelain arms moved around his neck and shoulders, helping himself to guide his motions. Hips moved intricately, feeling his entire body become fully alive.

Heels dug into his uda's lower back, helping the other bury himself deeper inside of him. He gasped loudly, nails scratching the tanned back as his prostate was brushed against.

He arched his back, his head turned to the side in pleasure. He felt hot kisses burn his neck, thrusts becoming slightly faster. He closed his eyes, continuing to move with the other. He felt a nip on the juncture of his supple neck and shoulder, making his skin tingle all over. He turned to the other, nuzzling him weakly, encouraging the action again.

He bit down onto the mark, not hard enough to draw blood. A soft groan rumbled in his throat, feeling his control loosen and began to thrust faster, but minded his uda's condition, and didn't want to hurt the other. A moan followed as gentle teeth latched onto his own marking, gnawing sensually on it.

The feeling of the other doing such an action to his neck was unlike anything else. His body rocked roughly, not able to take the scenic route in their lovemaking; both males eager for their completion. Experiencing the real thing after so long of being denied of it, was as if they were consummating their love all over again...

His moan was muffled against the tan neck when his cock was stroked, feeling heat pool into his stomach, to his groin. Nails dug into the skin as he felt his climax wash over him. The prostate massage and strong, languid pumps to his erection proved enough to bring him over the edge. Amber eyes slipped behind eyelids, his breath caught in his throat.

His eyes rolled behind shut eyelids, the channel around his hard-on squeezing around it, forcing him to spill his hot seed into his beloved. He let go of the skin between his teeth, not wanting to mark the other before their time. He didn't want to face the wrath of his uncle after the incident before. He held onto the younger male, both of them riding their orgasms together.

The long, raven strands threaded through fingers idly as his uda lay atop his chest in the afterglow of their love session. A gentle kiss was placed onto his chest, smiling as a gentle hand was placed over his abdomen. He looked up, smiling at the father of their unborn child, his lips brushing against the other's lightly.

Kisses were rained onto the other's face, grateful for the gentleness, the love, the patience, and everything else his beloved gave to him. He smiled into the midnight blue hair in content. A soft squeeze was given in returned as covers veiled their bodies.

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Beta: BAD BETA!! BAD BETA!! O.O I almost forgot my beta comments!! >.< YES!! YOU PEOPLE ALMOST got away with no beta comments reminding you to review!! >.> almost!! SO in light of this I will keep them short! <.< ..... ISN’T TAS-CHAN THE MOST AMAZING AUTHORESS EVER?? After THIS double wordless lemon you can not deny!! ^.^ so make sure that you send her LOTS AND LOTS of reviews!! If you don’t who knows how long it will be until the next chappie!! O.O .... then where would this lowly beta work? *sniffle* you don’t want to see a poor defenseless beta go out of work do you? O.O I think NOT! >.> SO REVIEW!!! and lots, and quickly, and flood out beloved authoress of the heavens with wonderful reviews so that she may be inspired to write more!! <3 do it!! ..... please? ..... quickly? .... O.O

Authoress: eeto...hai. please review. and try to ignore my rambling beta. *bows*