InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where is the Light? ❯ Gushing Choices ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Gushing Choices

This chapter is dedicated to my beta to:

1. Cheer her up
2. Wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ^_^

Disclaimer: Don't own the characters of Inuyasha, except my original characters. Those are MINE!!!

>*<~>*~>*<~>*~>*<~>*~>*<~ >*~>*<~>*~>*<~>*~>*<~>*~>*<~>*~>* <~>*~

Inuyasha went into the kitchen of Shishio's apartment. He decided to visit the teen the next day, and was amused at the state the other was in. He watched Shishio butter the toasted slice of bread, seemed that way.

"Hey, otouto-chan? alright?" Inuyasha leaned back against the counter with a soft smirk, crossing his arms. Shishio looked up at him with a lazy smile and sighed softly.

"More than alright. Why?"

"Because you're buttering your hand..."

Shishio blinked softly and looked down at his heavily buttered hand with a soft blush across his cheeks. "O-Oh...right..."

Inuyasha handed him a damp paper towel. "Anything on your mind you want to talk about?" He took the butter knife and finished buttering the toast for the teen. He watched Shishio smile shyly, making his amber eyes widen. "Oh two finally..."

Shishio nodded emphatically with a grin. "Yeah...we did. And it was amazing..." The crimson eyes male tossed the paper towel into the trash and pushed back a strand of hair with a soft smile. "It's been a while since...we made love. I almost forgot how much he makes me feel...complete. He managed to wash away all the hurt from before. It was only us..."

Inuyasha gave a warm smile at his otouto's happiness. "Wow...that's hear." He gave an amused, light laugh at how much the other spilled to him.

Shishio nervously laughed at his small confession. "Sorry, I didn't mean to give you so much information."

"Nah, it's alright. If you can't gush to me, then who can you gush to?"


Inuyasha paused to think about the answer. "That's a good point." The amber eyed male offered the plate of newly buttered toast.

"So, how are things with you and Kouga-Ani?" Shishio took a slice and took a bite with a smile, watching Inu-yasha smile softly.

"Wonderful. I think this pregnancy thing has its perks." Inuyasha smirked while taking a bite of the other piece of toast.

"Oh? What do you mean by that?"

"Well, it seems like being pregnant kinda...makes you more sensitive during lovemaking, I guess..." Shishio watched his older brother shrug, while giving him an incredulous look.

"You...can have sex...while you're pregnant?" Inuyasha rolled his eyes at the question.

"They need to teach you more in that sex-ed class. Yes, you can have sex while you're pregnant. You just...can't be as rough as you might want to...unfortunately. But taking it slow is...breathtaking."

Shishio smirked at the older male. "Now look who's gushing." Inuyasha gave him a playful shove.

"If I can't gush to you, then who can I--"

"Anee-chan." Shishio smirked, answering the unfinished question.

~Later that day~

Kouga stepped into their home, taking off his shoes and setting down his briefcase by the door, smiling at the embrace he received from behind. "Tadaima..."

"Okaeri...uda." Inuyasha gave him a gentle squeeze before allowing the other to turn around in his embrace. Soft lips met his own in a chaste kiss. "How was your day?"

"Tiring. I'm just glad to be home--HEY! What are you doing?!" Inuyasha rummaged through Kouga's hair with a determined look before plucking out the object he was searching for.

"Wad of paper."

"Oh...thanks. I had to sub for one of the teachers who was out sick. Hate detention..."

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad." Inu-yasha followed his husband into their bedroom, enjoying the show of Kouga removing the articles of his work clothes. He smirked softly, leaning against the door frame with a distant look. Every toned muscle moved intricately, and together, in order to remove the bothersome cloth. He could still see the claw marks he left on his back from their passionate session last night. The way the other thrust sensually into him--

"Did you hear me, Inu-yasha?" Kouga watched the other shake himself out of his stupor.

" Sorry." He blushed as his husband chuckled at his oogling.

"I said, there were at least three students who puked at their desks because of the lunch they ate from the cafeteria. Then, a fight broke out, and I almost got pulled into it."

Inuyasha cringed at the details. "Remind me to never be a teacher."

"Will do. I don't want you to suffer my fate." Kouga walked over to his husband and kissed his forehead softly. "Have you given thought to what I suggested earlier?"

Inuyasha nodded, leaning his head on the other's shoulder. "It just seems drastic, especially with me trying to finish school on time. It was a bitch trying to catch up before...but..."


"I think it's a good idea, Ani." Shishio looked to an apprehensive Inu-yasha, understanding his anxiety. "Think about it. If anyone found out that you're pregnant AND male, all hell would break loose. They would hunt you down; both you and your child...I don't want that to happen. Also, you would get to walk around in the open in some secluded place without worrying about nosy paparazzi instead of being cooped up inside. You should really go. If you're worried about missing me, then you don't have to worry. I'll visit you so often, you'll think I'm living there." The teen smirked at the eye-roll he received for his last statement. "You know I'm right..."


'You don't know how right you are, Shishio.' Inu-yasha smiled to himself at the inner thought.

"But what, uda?" Kouga lifted up his chin with a gentle finger, peering into amber orbs.

"But, I've come to a decision. One that I think is best overall. I'll leave to somewhere private, to protect our child."

"And yourself..." Inuyasha smiled and nodded softly, placing the other's hand onto his own growing womb, leaning up to kiss the other.

"Besides, think of all the places we get to make love in. In a garden, living room, kitchen--"

"Oooo! We haven't done that there yet!" Both of them laughed at the semi-serious joke, going back to their affectionate kisses and nuzzling.

"I love you so much, Kouga..." Inuyasha smiled softly, his voice soft. The soft touches he felt on his face made him feel wanted and safe. "Even with wads of paper in your hair."

Kouga shook his head in amusement. "Thanks. I'm glad to hear you'll love me despite decora." His voice had a teasing tone, but overall it contained affection. "Oh, and I love you too, Inuyasha."

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AN: Okay, I typed this months ago, but with the move to Japan and a new job, I've been more than busy. That, and I haven't had the net for about a month, so I couldn't really do much else but wait till I got it back. So please enjoy this chapter, and hopefully I can come up with a new one pretty soon. *needs muse*

(Beta: Tas-chan is oh too generous!! ^.^

THANKS FOR THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT TAS-CHAN!! (although .. it wasn’t actually POSTED until ... oh ...3 months later? XD <3 <3)

Now – since I know that ALL OF YOU enjoyed this chappie as much as I did, review!!! =3 Come on!! You want to read more!! I know you do!! =P So REVIEW ALREADY!! So we can all read the juicy chappies that Tas-chan is renown for!! =3
Come oooooooonnn!! Keep a beta happy, entertained, and working! .;Y^Y;. ... please?
If nothing else, entertain the beta and review!!! Keep the beautiful, talented, amazing authoress happy too!!! because that causes more chappies, which consequently causes the beta to be happy as well! =3 See? It all works out! ^.^

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