InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where is the Light? ❯ Inner Thoughts ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I'm back from the dead! I know that...maaaaaybe some have actually wanted this update. Some may have abandoned me. But I couldn't leave this fic undone! It wouldn't be right! So I'm back with avengence!

(Beta: Finally!! >.> )

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or it's characters. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi. The Original characters, however, ARE mine.

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Kouga held back his husband's hair as his husband emptied his stomach contents one cold morning.

One cold morning at 5 am to be exact.

Kouga sighed softly when his husband finished and chose to lean against the wall of the bathroom in an attempt to regain his energy. The cerulean eyed male stood and went to get a warm, damp washcloth for his love. He returned to Inuyasha's side and handed him the cloth before smoothing down the black locks. "Feel better now?"

"Hell no. I feel like my body ran a marathon, and now I'm hungry." Inuyasha wiped his face with the warm cloth, not noticing the incredulous look on his husband's face.

"You're kidding, right?"

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M JOKING?!" Inuyasha sent a dark glare to the other male, angered at the questioning of his apparent hunger. Said glare forced his husband back a few inches in fear, which he had every right to feel.

"N-no, it doesn't. Gomen nasai..."

Inuyasha sighed, seeing his mate placing distance between them. "I didnt mean to yell like that, uda...damn hormones..."

Kouga timidly came back over to his husband, taking the washcloth and helping to wipe the glistening forehead before kissing the other's lips softly. "Let's get something into that stomach, ne?" He gave the amber eyed male a warm smile.

'I wonder how I got so lucky...' Inuyasha smiled back before nodding. He stood from his position on the floor and made his way out of the bathroom.

'I know it's hard for you, Inuyasha, but know that I'll be here by your side through it all, hormones or not.' Kouga smiled at his thoughts as they made their journey to the kitchen.

When they reached the kitchen, the pregnant male sat at the dining table, laying his head on his folded arms. "What's for breakfast?" Inuyasha gave a wide yawn, watching his husband move about the kitchen, gathering various cooking utensils and items. Inuyasha smirked softly, seeing his husband bend over as he peered into the refrigerator; outlining his backside with hungry eyes. 'Makes me wanna...just...grab it a little...'

"I thought it would be nice to have some french toast this morning." Kouga rummaged for a few more seconds before stopping midway, noticing that there wasn't a response from his husband. He stood upright and looked to his husband, who had a slightly glazed over look. 'He's been giving me ecchi looks lately...' The cerulean eyed male cleared his throat softly, seeing his husband blink several times before catching his gaze.

"Oh...uh...what did you say?" Inuyasha smiled softly in embarassment as his husband shook his head lightly in amusement.

"I said, I thought some french toast would be nice this morning." Kouga eyed him warily, feeling as if there was a jungle cat hiding in the midst. '...He's gonna pounce on me one day...I just know it.'

"O-oh, yeah...that sounds fine." Inuyasha gave his husband a shy smile, knowing full well his husband caught him staring at his ass, again. 'What's wrong with me? Why am I so damn...horny?' He knew there was a flush on his cheeks when his husband went to go back to finding the necessary ingredients. '...You can't really blame me though. Gods he's hot...' The amber eyed male was once again lost in his thoughts of ravishing his husband after pouncing on him.

'He's quiet again...' Kouga got what he needed and went over to the counter to prepare breakfast. Cerulean eyes glanced at this husband before smiling softly, noticing the ecchi smile smothering his uda's face. 'I don't think I would really mind being pounced on by him. He's breathtaking...' Kouga focused his attention on the task at hand, knowing the other is eating for two...hopefully. 'Kurama never mentioned if there were multiple births...I'm not sure we could handle twins...or octuplets...'

~Elsewhere at a later time. Around 9am~

Sora moaned deeply as she her body writhed from Sesshoumaru's touch. "Oh gods yes...there...a little bit harder...YES! Right there...." She gripped onto the armchair and curled her toes.

On the couch sat Shishio, and of course, Aoji, who has his arms possessively wrapped around the other's lithe frame. Shishio rolled his eyes at another deep moan and looked at his sister and brother-in-law, the popcorn mid way from meeting his supple mouth.

"Sesshoumaru-kun, if you keep massaging Sora's feet like that, we'll miss the good part of this movie...and Sora, stop moaning like that! It's creepy and wrong..." Shishio cringed at the thoughts inching into his head before continuing to watch the movie. Aoji chuckled at how the moans of content were affecting his lover.

Sora gave a light laugh at her younger brother's request. "Gomen, ne. I didn't mean to be so loud...but it's not like I can really beat you in that sort of contest, ne?" Sora smirked as Shishio stopped mid chew to look at her in the corner of his eye, a flush running across his cheeks.

'Couldn't have put it better myself...' Sesshoumaru couldn't help but smirk as well, switching to the other foot. "I must agree, Shishio. You're quite vocal." As he continued to lovingly knead his wife's feet, he smiled in satisfaciton at the small squeak she made, followed by becoming a boneless heap in the armchair.

"I like when he is though." Aoji kissed his lover's temple softly while giving the young male a loving squeeze. 'Look how red he's turning.'

'Why are we talking about this?!' Shishio just curled up towards the other, trying to will himself invisible to the other occupants. "Beloved, you're supposed to be on my side." Shishio's words were muffled due to his position. Aoji only chuckled and gave a soft squeeze to the other.

'I'm hungry...' Sora sat up a little and looked at her husband. "I'm hungry..." She pouted at her adu, although it wasn't necessary, but she loved making him squirm under her 'you-can't-say-no-to-your-pregnant-wife-or-you'll-be-arrested-for-abuse-oh- and-I-love-you-AND-I'm-carrying-your-child' look.

Sesshoumaru smiled softly, a slight sense of unease in that smile as well. 'That look really isn't necessary...' He stood and met her lips with a soft kiss. "I'll see what I can come up with. Be good..."

As Sesshoumaru walked away, Sora couldn't help but notice his firm backside drifting away from her.

'Damn he's hot...'

~Back with Inuyasha and Kouga~

The couple sat at the kitchen table for about two hours now, chatting idly about what they would have to do in order to prepare Inuyasha for his new accomodations.

"You're not going to leave me...right?" Inuyasha looked at his husband with semi-watery eyes.

'Damn hormones...' Kouga gave a soft sigh before giving his fretting husband a reassuring smile. "Inuyasha, you ask me this everyday--"

"Not even if I get fat?"

"--And everyday I give you the same answer." Kouga disregarded that question. He knew it would lead to him sleeping on the cold balcony floor, since his husband would naturally think that the couch is too good for him. 'I like the posture of my body, thank you very much...' He helped the pregnant male stand up and wrapped his arms around the other. "I'm not leaving you. Ever."

"What if I get fat?" Inuyasha's voice was muffled by the other's neck, as his face was buried in its warmth.

"I love you, you know that?" A soft kiss was planted onto supple skin, blatantly ignoring the question. Inuyasha gave a small sigh of content.

"Yeah, I you too." Inuyasha returned the affection, his own arms holding tight.

'Will he drop the question now?' Kouga held his breath for a few quiet moments, hoping that his husband did.

"You know I'll get huge, don't you?" Inuyasha heard the other let out his breath in a loud sigh.

"No comment."

Inuyasha smirked softly. 'Brains and good looks. I seriously lucked out.' He pecked his uda's tanned cheek and led them to the bedroom, leaving the dishes on the table where they were for the time being. He crawled on the bed, followed closely by his lover. He loved when Kouga would spoon behind him. He loved it even more now than before, since the other male would snake a hand beneath his shirt to lightly rub the slight buldge of his stomach. A flood of warmth made him relax the muscles in his body.

'Only he could make me feel like this...protected and happy.' Inuyasha smiled at the word. 'Happy...keh. Who would have guessed I would use that word to describe my life, especially the way it is now...' Inuyasha turned his head slightly towards the other. "You know where this secret location is?"

Kouga gave a light nod, nuzzling the other. "Yeah. Didi has a getaway house fifty miles outside of the city. It's completely surrounded by a forest, and it's the only house there, since our family owns the land..."

'He's gonna ask that question...'

"...How are you gonna balance work and being with me, uda?" Inuyasha turned to lay on his back so he could properly look at Kouga, obvious concern in amber pools. Kouga sighed for the umpteenth time that day.

"I'll manage. Do you actually think that I'm only going to see you on weekends and school holidays? Hell no." Kouga smirked at his husband, further reassuring the other. It must have been contagious, as Inuyasha gave his own smirk.

"You had better, or your ass is sleeping on that balcony for a long time."

"Trust me, I know..." He leaned down and captured sweet lips in a loving kiss, feeling strong hands tangle themselves in his loose ponytail. He let his tongue swipe only the outside of the lips before pushing through when entrance was allowed. Loving passion flared between them now, but both knew that this display of affection wouldn't go far.

No yet...

The kiss broke off with a light smack of lips, both participants requiring to catch their breath. Kouga pulled the other closer and allowed their bodies to accomodate the other. "Inuaysha, I was thinking...I wanted Kurama, Hiei and their daughter to stay with you." He felt the other shift and saw a pair of curious amber eyes study him in wonder. "Well, think about it. Kurama knows what to expect from this pregnancy, and the thought of leaving you alone while I'm at work doesn't settle well with me. Plus, you'll have some company while I'm gone. And Hiei can get to me quickly if anything should be wrong."

Inuyasha mulled over these words in his mind. 'I wouldn't want to be alone if something did happen...' He smiled in approval and nodded. "You talked to them yet?"

"No, but I'm hoping they agree. I'll give them a call later on." Their bodies setlled into a more comfortable position once again, simply lying together in the quiet room. The ticking of the second hand of the alarm clock the only noise in the condo.

'This is how it should always be...' Kouga felt the other become relaxed, and knew he was already asleep. He figured he would wait a few moments more before tackling the dishes left in the dining and kitchen area. "Jiraha, uda..."
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I wanted to make this update as long as I possibly could, but I keep running outta ideas! @_@ Except the last part. I loved that idea of Inuyasha not dropping the whole 'I'm-gonna-be-fat-don't-leave-me' train of thought. ^^; hopefully i'll try updating at least each month. I feel like I'm letting down alot of readers who used to read my fics.

I shall do my best to update monthly. I've just been lazy, THEN sick. -_-;

(Beta: YAAAAY!!! STORY!! =3 *so happy* So, you see this? Yes, it is wondrous work by our beloved goddess of an authoress, so – go forth, and review!! >.> Do not anger the goddess!! Bad things happen!! O.O I’m serious!! >.> So go and review so she can see how many people LOOOVVVVEEEEE her work, and so she has more incentive to come up with more ideas and chappies soon!! ^.^So go! Now! Yes you, yes right now! And review!! ^.^ <3 )

Authoress: 'I have to find a quieter beta...' Please review. Thanks for reading. ^_^;