InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where is the Light? ❯ Slight Miscalculations ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Slight Miscalculation

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, yet the original characters are mine.

Another monthly installment! More and more ideas are popping into my head (thank goodness for that!). So please enjoy this chapter.


A month and a week of pregnancy

Inuyasha and Kurama were in the kitchen making some snacks and occasionally entertaining Chiaki, Kurama's daughter with Hiei. Kouga and the fire demon were stuck with the manual labor of moving some suitcases to an SUV in the apartment parking lot. The time for Inuyasha and Kouga to switch homes for the remainder of the pregnancy was tomorrow, and they wanted to be sure that all the essentials in their home were ready to go.

Kurama smiled at his daughter, whose amber-green eyes were a constant illumination of happiness. She clutched onto her rose-scented plushie in the shape of a fox, giggling merrily from her baby seat which was placed on the counter next to the sink. Kurama then turned his attention to Inuyasha, feeling guilty about his miscalculations. Inuyasha turned towards the redhead with a soft smile. "You alright, Kurama?"

"Ah, well...perhaps..." Kurama finished the last sandwich before sighing softly. "There is something that I must tell you and Kouga. It's quite important." Kurama took the sandwiches to the table, looking up to see Kouga and Hiei step into the room. "Ah, you're just in time."

Kouga raised an eyebrow at the comment. "In time for what?"

Hiei simply went over to his daughter and smiled when the girl gurgled to feel the presence of her father. Hiei unbuckled the straps and lifter her out of the baby seat and held her, making sure to support her head.

"I've said before that you will become blind at the fourth month of your pregnancy, but I miscalculated. Since I am...of a different breed, the plant doesn't affect me as it would you. Since you're human, you will lose your eyesight much quicker."

Kouga looked to Inuyasha before he gave the redhead a skeptical look. "How quick are we talking?"

Kurama sighed softly before looking to Inuyasha, knowing the other was waiting for his statement. "You should lose your eyesight next month..."

Inuyasha went wide-eyed at the revelation. " mean I'll be blind for two months?" He watched Kurama give a solemn nod of his head. "'s not really a big deal...but, will the child be alright?"

Kurama gave the amber eyed male a soft smile. "Of course. There's no need to worry about that."

Hiei smiled at Chiaki, who's eyes were tranfixed on her father's finger. Her little finger grabbed the finger in curiosity. A flash interrupted the tender moment, making Hiei glare at where the flash came from. Kouga smirked at the fire demon. "Think of it as blackmail. Besides, how could I resist? You're so good with her."

"Hn. Of course." Hiei managed a smirk of his own before returning his attention back to his curious daughter.

Kouga put away the camera and glanced at his husband, and noticed that he was still processing the information Kurama gave them. He knew Inuyasha was worried, with every right to be. Of course he would be there for him, no matter what. He took a few stides over to his husband before encircling his arms around the other, dropping a kiss onto his temple. He wordlessly reassured him, which was much appreciated from the other male as Inuyasha encircled his own arms around Kouga. "I think moving to the new place for the time being is the best idea. You'll get a chance to become aware of your surroundings and walk around freely. Also, there aren't any stairs there, so that relieves the danger of falling down the stairs."

Inuyasha smiled at how thoughtful his husband was. He gave the lithe waist a squeeze before reaching over to grab a sandwich from the table.

Hiei glared once again at the sound of a melody coming from the kitchen counter. "Atrocious things..."

Kouga rolled his eyes before retrieving his cellphone. He recognized the number and answered. Inuyasha was listening to the conversation, idly chewing. He heard lots of "EH?!"'s and "Hontou ni?"'s and he thinks he heard a "Chuma" thrown into the mix too. Inuyasha was still learning their language, Kage no Ookami, but it was a slow process. Kouga finally hung up the phone and turned to the other's. "That was Sora."

"I figured as much..." Inuyasha smirked lightly at his husband, who rolled his eyes at him.

"AAAAaaaanyway, she said she wanted to come with you to the house, but...I thought it would be a bad idea."

"Why the hell do you think that?!" Inuyasha glared at the other, his hormones actually kicking in. Kouga made sure to choose his words cautiously.

"W-Well, if Sora comes, then Sesshoumaru won't be too far behind. It would look suspicious to have so many people living at the house after such a long time of it being empty. I think having just the four of us is enough. We don't want anyone poking their nose into where it doesn't belong..." 'I hope he doesn't bite my head off...'

"Oh. Alright then." The amber eyed male went back to eating his sandwich nonchalantly, as if his outburst had never occured.

'I still remember when the fox was emotional. To think I have to endure this again...' Hiei gazed at his daughter after looking on at their conversation. 'But...the end result is worth it.'


The next day came, and everyone helped out to move the couple into the spacious home. The floors were wood, and were kept warm by a special floor heating system. They were even greeted by...a dog?!

"Inuyasha, meet Tsuki. He is our albino husky from back home. He's been trained as a seeing eye dog, as well as other things. He makes a very good watchdog as well." Sora patted the dogs head lovingly as it sat obediently next to her while Sora sat on the couch. She was going into her seventh month of pregnancy and due to give birth in another three weeks.

Inuyasha went over to the dog to give it a gentle ear rub, much to Tsuki's delight. "He's beautiful. It must have been hard on him to go through quarantine..."

Sora sighed and munched on some fruit salad. "Yeah. The regulations in Japan are so strict. But I know Tsuki could handle it." Sesshoumaru stole a piece of watermelon, receiving a playful glare from his wife.

"With Hiei and Kurama here also, there should be nothing to worry about." Kouga stated. He looked at his watch and shifted his eyes to his husband. "What time did they say they would arrive?"

Inuyasha stood upright and thought for a moment. "Around six tonight; they had to take care of something." Kouga gave him a suspcious look. "Don't ask me what it is."

'I wonder what they're planning...' Kouga wondered quietly to himself.

Later that evening while everyone sat in the living room, Shishio heard the key turn on the front door lock. All other eyes turned to the new occupants, yet there was someone they didn't recognize with them.

"Who's she?" Sora looked at the blue haired female, who looked no older than 16. She had a docile appearance. What was really surprising to Sora was that Tsuki wasn't growling at the girl, so she automatically assumed the girl meant no harm. Besides, if she was with Kurama and Hiei, then she must be alright.

Kurama smiled to the group in the large living room. "I would like you to meet Yukina, Hiei's younger sister."


AN: I wasnt even planning to bring her into the fic, but I figured since I have a plan in mind for the ending of this fic, I would need to bring in someone with medical capabilities. *smirks* Oh, I have plans for the future...

((Beta: ~insert dramatic music~ DON DON DOOONN! What's going to happen next? What scheme does our authoress have up her sleeve? What move will she make next? I DON'T KNOW! But if you want to know review! Review and fuel the artistic mind of the authoress, which will make the next chappie's entrance swift! ~nodnod~ So, hop-to!))

AN: *betas your beta rant*

Please review!