InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where is the Light? ❯ Soothing Darkness Falls ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Sorry for the long update! I kept becoming busy with various translations! @.@ and I also wanted to make this chapter as long as possible, since there shall be an important event happening here, and I didn't want to rush into it. I think someone requested that Inuyasha and Kouga should have twins. Hmmm...I'm not so sure about that. But...*evil EVIL smirk*


Kurama stepped inside and put down his belongings, along with placing his daughter safely onto the floor in her carrier. Hiei wasn't too far behind him, placing the suitcases into another room. Yukina felt everyone stare at her and felt a bit nervous. 'Maybe we should have talked about this first before surprising them...' Her thoughts were interrupted when Kouga spoke up.

"Um...this wasn't really in the plan...there isn't enough room for her. And quite frankly, I don't know her." Kouga gave the girl a skeptical look, seeing how serene she looked. Part of his instincts has always been to never underestimate anyone. Yukina played with the end of her light blue kimono shyly. Kurama placed a gentle hand on her shoulder before looking to Kouga.

"I didn't mean to surprise you this way, but this was quite a last minute idea, and a crucial one. Have you considered the fact that Inuyasha will be needing medical care during his pregnancy?" He watched as Kouga looked to his husband solemnly before shaking his head no. "Yukina is adept at healing and medicine. She took quite good care of me during my pregnancy, and I'm sure she will do the same for Inuyasha. Frankly...this is a delicate situation. No one can know of his pregnancy. We can trust Yukina."

Inuyasha looked to the girl before placing a hand on his growing abdomen, feeling a bit uneasy. He was used to changes that were sudden, but his hormones believed otherwise. The anxiety was beginning to eat at him. Yukina took this opportunity to speak, particularly to Inuyasha. "I know this is sudden, Inuyasha-san, but I would hate for something to happen to you or your child, especially since you went this far to become pregnant." Her voice was soothing to the amber eyed male, which helped calm him down a bit, but of course the worry still slightly present. He managed a small smile and nodded softly.

"Thank you for coming, Yukina..." He felt someone nuzzle the side of his temple and realized that his husband was at his side instantly. The group heard cooing noises and looked toward Hiei who was busy entertaining his daughter. She was as much as a fascination to him as he was to her. Hiei smiled at his precious little girl, but noticed eyes on him, as well as a flash, and looked toward the others with a defensive scowl.

"Say. Nothing. And stop taking pictures." Hiei gave a particularly scathing glare at Kouga, who seemed unfazed. Kouga merely shrugged and put his camera back into his pocket.

The group decided to have a small lunch together in the house, although Sora fell asleep midway through the conversation. Sesshoumaru just shook his head and continued to support his wife's form while chatting idly with Kouga. The soon to be fathers had much to talk about. Shishio and Aoji were busy in the kitchen, conveniently ending up there at the same time although both males got up at different times. It was obvious what they were doing in there, and it did not include cleaning dishes. Mifune continued to fuss over her son, occasionally fluffing his pillow before getting the sign that he didn't want to be pampered at the moment. Hiei fed his daughter, who had a firm grip on his finger as she fed. Said male was feigning ignorance at Kouga's constant picture snapping. One could only wonder why the male was taking so many pictures. He thought he would investigate that later.

Yukina chatted with Inuyasha, mainly talking about the best time to have his check-ups. "I think once every two weeks for the time being would be best. Then we can increase it to every week." She gave the other a gentle smile that he came to trust in a short period of time.

"What exactly will you do?" He settled more into Kouga's side as a strong hand rubbed the abdomen softly.

"I'll just check the vitals of you child with my energy. It isn't harmful. They're more like ultrasound waves than anything. I could even tell you the gender if you want." Yukina took a bite out of the cookie Shishio had made earlier.

"I see...if it's okay...." Inuyasha gave a small smile, albeit still slightly nervous. 'I guess I'll have to see what happens on the first check up...'

Yukina sensed his nervousness and knew it was justified. "You can ask me all the questions you'd like, and I'll answer them as best as I can."

As the evening passed, Yukina bid everyone a farewell as she returned to Genkai's Temple. She even received a hug, although a small one, from her brother, which of course Kouga snapped a picture of. Hiei vowed to put an end to the madness. Sora was helped to bed by her husband, and Kurama took their sleepy daughter to his shared bedroom with Hiei to ready her for bed. Shishio and Aoji gave the rest of the group a farewell as they returned home to finish what they started in the kitchen. Mifune hugged her son tightly, while receiving an equally strong embrace.

"I'll come visit often. Please be careful..." Mifune pulled back and smiled warmly at Inuyasha. The amber eyed male nodded softly and walked his mother to the door. Kouga wrapped arms around his husband's waist, nuzzling into his neck from behind.

"Let's go outside for a bit..." Kouga's low voice combined with his breath made the other shiver. Inuyasha turned slightly to look at the other before nodding softly. They walked to the kitchen back door hand in hand and looked around the well maintained grass. They settled their eyes on a oak hammock and went over to it. Kouga wrapped an arm around the back of Inuyasha's seat, while the other male held onto the strong torso, gazing silently up at the stars. The quiet evening noises from crickets and other nocturnal creatures immensely soothed them as they quietly stargazed.

"You can really see the stars well here..." Inuyasha was the first to break the comfortable silence. "I guess the city lights must really take away the beauty of the night sky."

Kouga gave a brief 'hn' and looked at his husband, planting a kiss next to his mouth, smiling at the other. "It's not so bad..." He merely smirked as Inuyasha rolled his eyes at the sly comment. He squeezed the other lovingly with his arms and leaned into the other more, feeling a bit sleepy from the days activities, and the calming atmosphere. Cerulean eyes looked at the half asleep male and smiled. 'It's going to be an interesting few months, isn't it, uda?'

~2 months of pregnancy~

Kouga came home to a quiet home, which was not so unusual. The other small family usually spent their time outside in the fresh air when it wasn't raining, or Hiei had someplace to be. That was a mystery to him. Where on Earth could that small man be going?

He hung his blazer on the door and loosened his tie while walking to his bedroom. He was greeted by the site of his husband sleeping soundly under the blanket he bought him days ago. It had the pattern of the sun, moon, and stars with a dark blue background. Ever since their stargazing their first night there, Inuyasha wanted to go out every clear night to look at them. He thought it may have been because his eyesight would be lost soon, so he wanted to treasure the night sky as much as possible. The blanket was a way to have that sky in his hands.

He made sure to gently climb into the bed and spooned behind the other, nuzzling his neck softly. Inuyasha smiled softly in his sleep, waking gently at the cautious nuzzling. He gave a soft moan at a particular nip before turning around, eyes still closed but a content smile on his face. Kouga stroked the other's face with the back of his hand, causing eyes to flutter open softly. Kouga's soft smile dropped slowly when seeing the amber orbs lacking its usual pupils.

'It can't be...' His thoughts were interrupted by Inuyasha's panicked voice.

"My eyes...are...a-are they open? I can't see you..."


AN: Yep, a cliffie. ^^; so sorry about that, but I thought it was best to end this way! Sorry for taking long to update AGAIN! This chapter didn't come out as long as I wanted it to be, but my ideas for this are all here :/ Hopefully I can update a few more times before my trip in late August.

Also, this link is what kind of blanket Inuyasha has. Not exact, but it can give you an idea: /biederlack-contemporary-blankets-throws/52117-moon-stars-blanket-throw.jpg

Please review! I would highly appreciate it!