InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where is the Light? ❯ Dark Reassurances ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Dark Reassurances

It finally happened. A helpful outlook is made for the pregnant male.

AN: Unfortunately, I must put most of my efforts into studying for my proficiency test in December, so my updates may be halted until after that time. I know I have been sporadic with updates, but I get easily distacted, and I've already started on a new fic in a new category that is not anime. Incredible, isnt it?

If I have a spontaneous need to update between now and December, then I'll be sure to post. Otherwise, I plan on doing a long chapter by the time I'm done studying.


Yukina looked over Inuyasha again, noting the healthy growth of the unborn child and then frowning at the loss of his eyesight. She knew it would be inevitable, given the situation they were put in with the special fruit, but she didn't expect its effects to kick in so soon. Truthfully, she wasn't really sure of when they were supposed to kick in. She smoothed down a stray black strand on her patient's head before smiling softly, knowing he couldn't see it.

"The child is doing fine, as expected." Yukina looked sadly as the other gave her a half smile, rubbing his hand on his slight bump, looking ahead of him, or at least directing his eyes there. She sighed and sat next to the pregnant male, while Kouga was standing in the doorway with a worried look, hands in his pockets for good measure. "You know, it's said that the earlier your eyesight is gone, the earlier it will return."

Inuyasha merely nodded, keeping quiet to himself. Yukina continued after placing a hand over Inuyasha's on his lap. "Also, your eyesight will definitely return by the time you give birth."

"...I can see my baby when it's born?" Inuyasha's awestruck voice was a quiet whisper in the too silent room. Kouga could hear the underlying yern to hold their child and be over with this troublesome part. It was pallable to say the least.

Yukina smiled brightly at this statement. "Of course. We can't have you missing the event, now can we?" Inuyasha must have heard the smile in her voice, for he returned it eagerly. "It'll be over in no time. Just keep smiling like that, Inuyasha."

"I'll try."

"And I'll make sure he does." Kouga finally strided into the room. Yukina stood up, offering her seat to the long haired male so he could be near his mate. He brushed back soft bangs and kissed his husband's forehead. Although Inuyasha's smile dimmed down, it was held in place at the affection given by the other and leaned into Kouga.

"I'll go make some tea and breakfast." She quietly left the room, closing the door behind her. On her way to the kitchen, she found Kurama nursing his daughter, smiling as chubby little hands grasped his long front locks while accepting her feeding. He looked up at her and noticed a slightly sorrowed look.

"Is Inuyasha alright?" He watched a powdered blue head shake softly. Alarmed, he continued the questioning. "It's not the child is it?"

"No, it's perfectly fine. It's his eyesight..."

Kurama looked down at the news, knowing exactly what happened. He gave a sad sigh and went about burping the little girl. "We will all be here for him. And help him through this difficult time. It won't be so bad being blind. One's senses become heightened and-" He was cut off by a small, unceremonious burp and chuckled.

Yukina shook her head in amusement, laughing softly and setting about making breakfast. "I'm sure we'll all get through this. Somehow."

"You needn't worry about him." Hiei stated, stepping into the room and heading straight for the fridge, opening the freezer. Kurama shook his head in dismay, knowing exactly what hi mate was looking for.

"You must have a proper breakfast before eating sweet snow, Hiei." The redhead received a scowl in response to his chastizing.

In the room, Kouga continued to sooth the other's back softly, thinking quietly next to the other. The shift in his arms broke him out of his thoughts and looked down to see Inuyasha somewhat looking in his direction.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Kouga smiled softly before sighing softly. "Do you still want to learn Kage no Ookami?"

Inuyasha blinked at the out-of-the-blue question before smiling faintly. "Of course. But..." His pleasant thoughts shifted to a dark thought. "What about writing?"

"There isn't much to worry about that. Belive it or not, this language is based more on speaking than on writing." He paused to press a hand to the other's abdomen, feeling the small life grow slowly. "It is meant to be this way so that our stories are passed down through each generation through word of mouth. Things are more sacred that way, thus they have more importance that something written down on a parchment that fades to dust over time."

Inuyasha took in this new information with some elation. He placed his own hand above the others, yawning softly. "That's good to know. Maybe I'll get really good at it, since my hearing should get exceptionally better."

Kouga couldn't help but smirk at the comment. "My, aren't we cocky. What makes you think you'll master our language so easily?"

Inuyasha returned the smirk as well, his other unoccupied hand sliding dangerously close to his groin as it rested on his upper thigh. "Because I'm fucking the teacher, and I plan to sleep my way to the top of the class."

"With so little competition, I can see that happening quite quickly." Kouga leaned in and nipped at his husband's jawline before capturing soft lips in a light kiss. "Until then, I think you should rest a bit before Kurama has brefast ready." Kouga felt a quick squeeze of his hand and looked at Inuyasha in curiosity, seeing the unease at this suggestion.

"You're not going to leave yet, right?"

Kouga shook his head, but forgot how fruitless a motion would be at the moment and answered. "No, I'll stay here with you. Now back in bed with you." He helped the other under the covers and slid in himself, feeling content to have the other curled next to him. He felt as if his life was complete, even though their journey was far from over.

Inuyasha lay awake next to his husband, thinking to himself. He wasn't sure if his husband could help him through this, seeing as how they had never encountered a challenge like this before. But compared to being tied up by your husband's relatives, having your husband forced to tell you that you're nothing but a filthy whore, and seeing said husband whipped and bleeding in more places than one, including his manhood, THIS ordeal wasn't so bad.(*) But it was a new playing field: him being pregnant and blind, and not to mention hormonal (which, by the way, was kicking in at the moment). He blinked quickly to dry away the tears before holding onto the other more tightly.

He wasn't sure that being blind wouldn't be such a bad thing. He wasn't sure if he could deliver this child happy and healthy. And most importantly, he wasn't sure if he could deal with the obvious sympathy his friends would give him. He could handle being pampered because of his pregnancy, but the amber eyed male wasn't so sure he could handle the glass treatment he would be likely to receive. 'One step at a time, I guess...' He thought to himself. Inuyasha made it a point to just wait and see how he would handle these situations when they arrived.