InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where is the Light? ❯ A New Way to Speak ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A New Way to Speak

Maybe learning a new language wasn't the best idea...

AN: I'm terribly sorry about the lack of updates! Between needing to find a new job after my old one went into bankruptcy, worrying, getting a new job, moving, visiting family, NOT taking a test because of my lack of studying due to worrying, I haven't updated in ages! @.@ I'm really sorry! I'll try to have quicker updates soon, now that I have a relatively normal schedule.

This chapter may be a bit short, but I believe it is better than nothing. So please bear with me!

< blah > Kage no Oookami

If you're in need of the meanings behind other words, then look towards the bottom of this page. There is a list of words there! There will be new words introduced in this chapter.

Inuyasha was idly rubbing his growing abdomen during his nightly language session with his husband. He was propped up by soft cushions while sitting on their bed. Shishio decided to join their group when he heard his Ani would be teaching Kage no Ookami. It was their fifth lesson, and the now two month and one week pregnant Inuyasha was scrunching up his face in frustration.

"< There is a flower on the moon. >" The pregnant male tilted his head to the side in thought. "That doesn't sound right at all..."

Kouga chuckled softly. "That's because it isn't. Your intonation is off. You need a more upward emphasis near the end of the word." He demonstrated, saying lere, which meant ocean, with an upward intonation. "The way you're saying it is giving emphasis in the beginning."

Shishio was taking notes for both himself and Inuyasha, knowing he would want to see it after the baby was born. "So, it should sound like < there is an ocean on the moon >?"

"< Kete[1], Chama. >" Kouga smiled at his younger brother, patting Inuyasha knee. "Uda, why don't you try again?" He knew his pregnant husband was having a hard time learning, but he was doing well so far. Positive encouragement is all he needed.

Inuyasha gave a nod and cleared his throat. "< There is an ocean on the...on the...moon. >" He gave a yawn after finishing his sentence.

"< Kete, Uda >" A kiss was given to his student for a job well done. Inuyasha lavished in his reward a bit too long, hearing a throat clearing which interrupted their lip-lock.

"I'm still here." Shishio smirked at the couple as they parted.

"Sorry, didn't see you there." Inuyasha smirked at the joke, returning to rubbing his swelling belly. Shishio laughed softly and poked the other on the leg.

"I bet. At least you're getting the reward ant not me." Inuyasha joined in on the laughter, knowing his husband would be flushed at the comment. Said male cleared his throat, trying to get his 'class' to settle down.

"< Alright, let's get serious, shall we? >" Kouga arranged his papers, unaware of the strange looks he received from his students.

"What did he say?" Inuyasha tilted his head in confusion. "It sounded cream..."

Shishio pondered the words in his mind, along with muttering to himself. "Maybe he said we should take an ice cream break."

Kouga snapped his attention back to his students. "What? I didn't say that-"

"Ice cream?" Inuyasha pupil-less eyes lit up at the prospect of getting ice cream. "With popcorn and pickles, right?" The other two occupants of the room made squeamish faces at such an odd combination.

'Popcorn I can understand, but pickles?!' Shishio looked to his brother-in-law sceptically. "If that's what you really want."

"Whoa, wait a sec, I never said anything about ice cream!" Kouga then regretted his words, as he saw his husband take on a dejected look and was on the verge of crying. In a sense, Inuyasha's pregnancy was quite concentrated, meaning it would take half the time to create a new life, so things in his body would happen much quicker, like finicky hormones. 'Crap...'

"But...I want some..." The pregnant male fiddled with the bottom of his shirt, the hem almost coming apart due to his actions. "You never let me have any ice cream, damnit! Mili nux jiraha ilim![2]" He rubbed at his eyes in frustration, trying to wipe away any tears that may have fallen

"Look what you did, Kouga!" Shishio glared at the other, taking Inuyasha's hand in comfort, rubbing the back of it to soothe the other.

Kouga took on a guilty look, not wanting to make his husband come to tears. "I'm sorry, Uda. Of course I love you. You know that right?" After receiving a soft nod, kissed the other's temple in reassurance. "I'll get you both some ice cream and then we'll finish the lesson, alright?" He stood from his spot on a nearby chair and left to retrieve the sweet snow. He couldn't hear the snickers coming from the left he just left though.

"That was perfect, Ani!" Shishio grinned widely, matching Inuyasha's. "It's so fun to mess with his head like this. I may never leave!"

Inuyasha nodded in agreement. "I might as well use my pregnancy to the best of my abilities. And there is an extra room if you need it." He settled more into the cushions behind him and sighed. "Although at times I do feel sorry for tricking him. But he'll catch on sooner or later."

Shishio nodded softly. "You have a point." He heard the soft clatter of bowls and saw Kouga enter the room again with their ice cream, and for Inuyasha, two seperate bowls for popcorn and pickles. Shishio grimaced at the combination and shook his head, glad that he wasn't pregnant.

Kouga was aware that the two males were milking Inuyasha's pregnancy for all it's worth, but he didn't mind. He wanted his husband to be happy, and not dwell too much on his loss of sight. If that meant putting with with a few jabs, then so be it. He smiled at them both, since they were unaware of the pop quiz he had ready for them.

Payback was a bitch.

Sorry this was so short. I have ideas I want to get out in the fic, as well as other fics, so I'm trying my best to be equally creative. Although it's not working a well as I thought...

Charak- son
Chamu- older brother
Chuma- younger sister
Didi- father
Chama- younger brother
Uda- husband
Ara- a tribal sun-god
Charuk- daughter
Jiraha- I love you
Adu- wife
Lere- ocean
Kete[1]- Yes
[2]Mili- you
nux- don't/not
Ilim (ilim)- me
Basically, Inuyasha said "You don't love me!" ^^;

Please review! ^_^