InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where Silence Meant Everything ❯ Everything And It's End ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~Chapter 16~ Everything and It’s End  

Kagome’s vision was blurring, and Inu-Yasha’s red eyes bore straight through her mortal body.

The inexperienced miko knew she had to do something. She just didn’t know how to do it. She closed her eyes and sent out a small prayer to her incarnate. Kikyou would be able to do it, to bring Inu-Yasha back.

Naraku seemed to read her thoughts and laughed, a horrible echoing sound in the darkness that surrounded the group. “You! What could you do, miko? It was only your previous soul that would have been able to save him, you know.”

She balled her fists and Naraku’s claws bore deeper into her flesh. ’My blood!’

Inside her body she knew was a deep reserve of miko energy, probably contained in her soul. She gasped as she delved deeper into her own body. She had to find it, and fast. Her search drove faster until she spotted a small bit of pink.

With a determined shout, Kagome pulled on it. The small sphere exploded into a bright light that flew from Kagome’s skin.

Naraku’s arm was burned straight from his body and Kagome threw a barrier around herself, limiting the space Naraku could stretch his tentacles.

Inu-Yasha, who was close to the miko, was also encased in the glowing barrier.

“If you used Kongosouha through the barrier… Inu-Yasha, hurry!”

The hanyou’s eyes stopped glowing the fiery red as he nodded. Kagome took a position slightly behind her protector.


Kagura was sweating as the energy from Kagome flooded the heady air. This was it. Sesshoumaru had extended an offer, an offer she couldn’t refuse, and here she was dying. ’I-I don’t want to die yet!’

Sesshoumaru looked on at the exchange between his otouto and the nisou coldly. He quickly sheathed Tensaiga and drew his far more impressionable sword, Toukijin.

“Do not move, Wind Witch.” His simple command startled Kagura into bowing her head slightly. She was humbled as she watched his nimble form leap (The wind sorceress thought “Floating” may have been more fitting) gracefully toward his younger brother and his intended.

Sesshoumaru landed behind Kagome in his usual grace. Kagome turned to him and nodded solemnly.

“Sesshoumaru-sama… Inu-Yasha will destroy him.”

It was admirable, Sesshoumaru thought, for Kagome to be so devoted to one of questionable lineage. Sesshoumaru merely nodded his assent.

Kagome turned back to Inu-Yasha and touched his shoulder. “Hurry, Inu-Yasha, he’ll try at the barrier soon!”

Inu-yasha lifted his sword, now covered in dangerous looking diamond spears, and shouted, “Kongosouha!” As the spears left the barrier, Kagome was sure they took some of the strong miko aura with them.

As the diamonds neared Naraku, Sesshoumaru took off behind them. He raised his sword, despite the angry shout of Inu-Yasha and swiped down hard just after the diamonds started the turn of Naraku to ash.

Soon, the only bits of Naraku left were the shimmering pieces of what Kagome called glitter.

Inu-Yasha sighed heavily in relief. “Oi, Asshole!”

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes, his back turned to his brother. “Yes, half-breed?”

“You’d better not have killed that bastard, or I swear I’ll make sure you have to put up with that fucker, Totosai until you die!”

Sesshoumaru smirked and Inu-Yasha’s eyes widened. “Is that so, whelp?”


Kagome rolled her eyes and sighed. ’Ah well, boys will be boys, I suppose.’ She turned away from the arguing brothers and towards a pale Kagura and smiled broadly. Kagome stepped towards her and reached out, willing to touch the girl.

Before she could get close enough, Kagura stiffened up. “Don’t.”

Kagome’s smile drooped. “Sorry, Kagura-san…”

The wind witch’s eyes widened, she didn’t know that the young miko knew of her betrayal of Naraku. “I am your enemy, stupid girl!”

Inu-Yasha seemed to finally notice that Kagome was missing from his side. In a panic, he searched, finding her next to Kagura, speaking in soft tones to the youkai.

“Don’t interfere. Naraku has returned her heart, she is once more of the living state.”

“She was living before, jackass.”

“Living under the control of the bastard, Naraku.”

Inu-Yasha snorted, but stayed put.

Kagome reached out again, this time touching Kagura’s arm lightly. “You were always of the wind. You’re heart is freed, Kagura. What do you wish now?”

Kagura pulled her arm back. “I will be free, of course. Stupid girl…”

“You deserve nothing sort of that, Kagura-san.”

Kagura’s faced flushed ruby and Kagome offered her another bright smile. The wind witch just folded her arms along her chest and huffed. Kagome turned around and ambled back towards her hanyou.

Inu-Yasha also crossed his arms. “How the fuck are we supposed to get outta’ here?”

Kagome shrugged. “Has to have something to do with the jewel, right?”

Sesshoumaru spoke up. “We have to anchor ourselves to something powerful. A spiritual object or person.”

Inu-Yasha and Kagome turned to each other. Inu-Yasha snorted. “I would hardly consider him spiritual.

Kagome giggled. “Miroku it is, then.”


Miroku was surprised when the barrier had dropped on it’s own, and had been twofold more surprised when he saw the slumbering forms of Inu-Yasha, Kagome and Sesshoumaru against Goshinboku.

Sango put her hands to her hips. “Houshi-sama, you have lost the Kazanna, right?”

Miroku looked puzzled. “I didn’t notice, but yes…”

Sango smiled. “Naraku seems to be no more.”

The monk sighed, but started at the harsh pull in his soul. He gripped his chest hard as Kagome’s voice flowed through his mind. Hold on Houshi-sama, if I can come back anchored through you, I can help you. I’ll try to make this as painless as possible.

He gasped out a “Yes” and grabbed at Sango’s hand roughly.

He steeled himself against the harsh pain and allowed her to use his holy aura to pull her mind back into the world. Sweat beaded on his brow.

Kagome’s earthly eyes opened slowly and Miroku was relieved at the lack of pain he felt.

Sango’s gasp resounded in the quiet clearing. She rushed to Kagome’s side and held up her head. Kagome groaned and tensed.

“Ow… Ow…” she muttered something under her breath (her blessed breath marked Sango).

Inu-Yasha’s eyes opened in a flash.

He slowly and clumsily made his way to the other side of Kagome and held her hand silently as the pull of Sesshoumaru made her teeth grit in pain.

It was as she was freed of the pain of Sesshoumaru that Kagura stumbled out from behind the tree.

“I told you I could do it!”

Kagome rolled her eyes at Inu-Yasha’s boisterous voice. “Shut up, you’re giving me a headache.”


Miroku and Sango were beyond confused, but found solace in the fact that Kagome and Inu-Yasha were arguing.

Sesshoumaru let out a snort and stood, his tell-tale grace switched back on, and went to Kagura. The two disappeared into the dark woods and Kagome sighed loudly.

“I’ll never understand either of them.”

“Keh! That’s because my brother is just like a woman. I won’t ever understand them, either!”

Kagome’s eyes narrowed. “Osuwari, jackass.”

Inu-Yasha crashed, unceremoniously, into the grass.

“Sango-chan, Miroku-sama… It’s so good seeing you again.”

Sango nodded vigorously and Miroku bowed his head in silent greeting. “It’s nice to see you so back to normal, Kagome-chan. You gave us quite a scare.”

Kagome nodded. She put a hand to the Shikon no Tama, hanging at her throat. “I’m afraid I’ll have to rid us of this jewel soon…”

Miroku and Sango nodded and Inu-Yasha’s big mouth opened again, eliciting another “Osuwari” from Kagome.

Miroku and Sango just laughed, glad to see things were getting back to normal.

In the distance, the sun peeked over the horizon.

‘How fitting,’ thought Kagome, ’Another brand new day…’





Guys, I’m so glad to tell you this will wrap it up. This is the last chapter to this long journey I have called Where Silence Meant Everything. It brings a little tear to my eyes, knowing all I have left is an epilogue I probably finish tonight.

I’m also excited about starting some new projects and wrapping up some of my older ones.

Ohh! And a little shameless self-promotion!! Go check out my new fic “No Face, No Name, No Number”. I’m very proud of that little piece of lovin’!

Okay that my plug for the day.

Thank you all for sticking with me through this, even if you’ve read and not left a review, you’re view count still appears and I am grateful to everyone of you.