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"Where Silence Meant Everything" Reviews/Comments [ 26 ]
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 Reviewed By: Inuyasha Baby_bre [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 12, 2006 21:18 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
just lovely . plz update soon
 Reviewed By: MetsukiKaraTen [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 26, 2006 03:58 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Love it, thank you for sharing it with us! I left me with all kinda warm fuzzy stuff going on... *sigh*
 Title: *applauds*
Reviewed By: InuYasha's Dollbaby  On: May 24, 2006 00:35 CDT
Very nice ending & epilogue. It was sweet & very canon. Well done.
 Title: Sorry I'm late!
Reviewed By: InuGrrrl (NSI)  On: February 27, 2006 06:38 CST
Oh man! Such drama! So kagura is on the side of good now, eh? Love it. Everything is so damn tense. can't believe it's almost over. *pouts* I say again, it's a very original piece and i really enjoyed it. Can't wait until you weave a new tale! Damn & Inu is turning demon too-love it! aaah, fatality, is almost done. I'm doing the battle now so it should post soon. Please don't take away my nudies!! :P
 Title: Another awesome chappie! WOOT!
Reviewed By: InuGrrrl [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2006 03:45 CST
You're so good at this!!! Having them inside the jewel? What a twist! I hadn't even realized Inu tried to steal it. That's how he was able to enter-damned clever! Just the fact that everyone was inside of it to begin with. Holy crap! Then there's my Sessie-sama. Geez i love him more & more with every chap. *squee* Now that Miro has his wind tunnel back, I gotta wonder what he'll do. This is just so intriguing & hella awesome to boot. Good damn job, i love it!! *Kudos 2 U*
 Title: *Glomps you* I loved it!!!
Reviewed By: InuGrrrl (NSI)  On: February 22, 2006 02:54 CST
Okay first off, *****SQUEEEEE****** Thank you for the dedication. I love this story, I really do! Now the chappie - excellent! So that fucko was inside the jewel all along. VERY original. I knew that jewel had some shit with it, lol. I also LOVED Sessie in this chap. You managed to keep him apathetic yet spinkled with sweetness *gush* I'm eager for the next one. This has been such a fun ride. I don't get to read as many fics as I'd like, but there are a few I always make time for & this is definitely one of them. Thanks for writing it! *goes to look at nudie Inu posters*
 Title: WOOT! Another chappie!
Reviewed By: InuGrrrl (NSI)  On: February 19, 2006 15:01 CST
This made my day! I finally have a chance this weekend to sit back & read. Loved it & soooo many roads to travel on :P Okay, so Naraku (that teme) is back for more, Miroku will have his wind tunnel soon (poor thing) and kagome may or may not do something stupid like bring Kikyou back ( O.O ). Geez! Leave that dead girl-dead! What always makes me laugh about them is that they have suuuuch bad communication! Inu's totally in love with her. argh! I love how she called him a prick! haha Okay, so we got kagura & kanna coming in on this & we still don't know what the jewel is up to. SO MANY ROADS!!! Another chapppppppppie!!!! Oh & i will be updating all of your faves shortly 0.~ Thanks for reading my stuff!
Reviewed By: Winterwood  On: February 16, 2006 20:48 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
THANK YOU YOU SONOFABITCH!!!! THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE STORY THAT FINALLY BROUGHT ME BACK INTO THE MINDSET OF FANFICTION!!!!! Thankyou. It is an absolute honor just to read this. It's sad as hell and its got me by the heart and it wont let go.
 Title: Great, you're back!
Reviewed By: InuGrrrl (NSI)  On: February 16, 2006 13:10 CST
Loved the chappie. It's interesting to see Sesshy-sama being so patient, dare i say a tad sensitive? But the best was the end of course. InuYasha fisting Kikyou (geez-that sounds bad, ne?) was tops but I wonder why he's chasing Kagome. I would like to think that he realizes/recognizes that she is his true mate. At the same time, are Kikyou's words ringing true? Does he see her in kags to the point that if he'd kills Kikyou, he'd also kill kagome? Or is he just getting rid of anything that stands between him and the tama? OR is he just in mating mode & wants to nail her? lmao... Okay, I've done enough weird musings :P
 Reviewed By: miko_kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 20, 2005 20:01 CST
please finish the story, there is soo much you have to tell!!!!!!!!!
 Title: Pretty sneaky, heh
Reviewed By: InuGrrrl (NSI)  On: December 19, 2005 02:04 CST
You are sooooo clever! lmao I was ready for some answers too, heh. So the side of sessho is the sweetie part of him. The part of him that he locks away because he's so damn apathetic, lol. And...the jewel maybe real OR fake, ne? And no Naraku Qs..I can accept that since it's a huge part of the plot. Shit's about to hit the fan isn't it? Yah. I can smell it! Woooot! Waiting for the next!!
 Title: Hallo! ;)
Reviewed By: wombat_love_fish [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 17, 2005 19:19 CST
hmmm...didn't have anything betta to do so I just happened to come across this story thingy and here i am! Keep writting 's good! ;) Bye bye...m goin sleepin...Love wombat
 Title: Another great chap!
Reviewed By: InuGrrrl (NSI)  On: December 17, 2005 00:35 CST
So it's sesshy sama to the rescue. I'm confloosed...is he conscious of the fact that he's visiting with kags, so to speak? Is Naraku really alive (gasp!) is this all an elaborate trick he's got going. Is the Shikon No Tama real? Or is it some crazy baubble fake that's making Inu crazy? Aaah, so many Qs!
 Reviewed By: Inu-Kag15 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 09, 2005 22:51 CST
I'm really enjoying the plotline so far, I hope it gets better...well, obviously! Great story, keep up the awesome work!
 Title: Sesshy-Sama!!
Reviewed By: InuGrrrl (NSI)  On: December 09, 2005 16:00 CST
I'm really surprised! At first I expected it to be Big papa, lol. But it was Sesshy. Does he know that he did that? Is he calling InuYasha to the west to save Kags? Will she be waking up soon? Then there's the jewel...what will InuYasha wish for? Ack! So many questions!! I love this fic ^_^
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