InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Sun Rises ❯ Storm Clouds ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: I'm sorry for the wait. But here is Chapter Two in my sequel to 'When the Truth Rings'. But be honest, I don't think this one will live to up my satisfaction with the first one, but I will try my best. Enjoy the chapter below, and review if you can!

Where The Sun Rises
Chapter Two:
Storm Clouds

"Finally I can sleep," Inuyasha groaned as he laboriously climbed into a tree for the night. "Today was draining; I can hardly move without a muscle screaming. But it will be all worth it when Sango sees what I've done for her."

He closed his eyes, preparing to rest his exhausted body. But as he tried to slip into the slumber he sorely needed, he couldn't help but think he was being watched. Cracking a cautious eye open, he scanned what his vision would allow. A quick shadow darted in between the trunks of the trees, and then it was gone. Opening the other eye, he looked closer, but saw nothing. "MASTER!" a chorus of voices shouted, shooting the surprised hanyou a few feet into the air and landing on the ground with Tetsusaiga in hand.

"Who was that?" he growled, menacingly. When he didn't see anything, he barked, "show yourself!"

"Master... we're down here," a familiar squeaky voice said.

Lowering his gaze, he saw the ferret demons from earlier that day. "What are you doing here?"

"You told us to spread the word about you gaining control over the East, remember?" one of the ferrets answered. "We did what you said."

"So did anyone have a problem with it?" Inuyasha asked, remember his orders.

"Well, most of the demons around here are okay with having a leader... except for a few boars..."


A different ferret spoke up. "There's a group of boar demons around here that kind of already have control over the easternmost lands. They scare us weaker demons into providing them with food and the occasional human or they say we will be killed. We all value or lives, so we do what they say; but they seem to have a big problem with you being here."

"How many of them are there?" Inuyasha asked, resheathing his Tetsusaiga.

"Four of them. But four big and strong boar demons are more than we are all willing to deal with," the ferret concluded. "So what are you going to do about them?"

"What do you think I'm gonna do? I'm gonna go and take care of them," he said, crossing his arms across his chest. "If I'm going to be in control here, then I have to eliminate all threats to the demons I'm taking under my protection."

"YAY!" his followers exclaimed in celebration. High fives and songs of joy erupted among the small animals, and Inuyasha could only watch in amusement. "So Master, what shall we call you?" one ferret asked as the others around him rejoiced.

Turning his eyes upward and drawing a clawed hand to his chin, Inuyasha thought about a suitable name. He soon came up with one he liked. It seemed appropriate in gratitude for a certain person. "I'm not sold on the 'Master' title. Call me Lord Inuyasha. I like that better."

"Yes, my lord," the ferret bowed, the others ceasing in their dancing and following suit.

Inuyasha looked upon them in approval, then said, "I will take care of those boars first thing tomorrow morning. But now I have to get some sleep."

"Yes, my lord. Sleep well."


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"That was delicious!" Kagome sighed in satisfaction, putting down her bowl and patting her stomach. "Sango, I promise your cooking is getting better everyday!"

Miroku nodded in agreement. "Kagome's right. Your meals are getting tastier. I know you'll surprise Inuyasha with your amazing food when he comes back."

"Yeah, I hope so," Sango said, leaning over to grab Kagome's bowl. "But then as long as it's not burnt to a crisp, he'll pretty much eat anything."

'That's for sure," Shippo chuckled, stroking the head of the drowsy Kirara. "He's got the strongest stomach of any creature I've ever seen."

A silent nod from Sango coupled with a small smile told the kitsune she agreed with him. Taking a seat in front of the fire, she absently reached up and scratched the top of her head -- between the pointy ears. Kagome was the first to notice. "SANGO! YOUR EARS!"

"Oww! Don't yell so loud!" Sango winced, flattening her ears into her ebony hair.

"... your ears," Miroku said slowly, eyes widening.

"Oh, I see you've noticed."

Kagome nodded. "When did that happen?"

Smile growing wider, Sango shrugged. "A few days ago. I wanted to see how long it would be before you guys noticed. It seems that all of you aren't very observant."

Miroku lowered his eyes to keep from staring. He laughed softly. "I guess not."

"So," Kagome started to ask, then paused. Deciding to continue with her question, she said, "is your hearing a lot sharper than it was before?"

"A whole lot sharper," Sango answered, stacking the bowls together. "I can hear so much more than I used to. I noticed that my sense of smell has gotten stronger too, but not too much. Actually..."

When she trailed off, Kagome looked at her in concern. "Is something wrong?"

Standing, Sango shook her head no. "Someone is coming to see us. But don't worry -- he's welcome."

A few seconds later, their guest came into view. Sesshomaru. "I see you could tell when I was approaching, taijiya. It seems the demon blood you obtained from your mating has taken its effect."

"Yeah," she nodded, blushing in sudden embarrassment. "What brings you here?"

"I told my brother that I would check up on you periodically in his absence."

"Oh.""Is all well with you?"


"Me too!" Kagome cut in, beaming widely.

He didn't turn to look at her. "I don't care about you. I care about my brother's mate. You had your chance." This silenced her. Returning his speech to Sango, he continued. "If you wish to return with me to my fortress, I have a room prepared for you and your neko. But only if you wish to go; I will not force you."

"I thank you for your offer, but I'm fine where I am," she replied, bowing slightly. "But if you'd like to stay a while, then I will make you something to eat. I like to think my food is even better than last time."

Lowering himself to the grass a short distance from a pot of boiling water, the demon lord nodded shortly. "I will be the judge of that."

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The stars contrasted sharply against the opaque sky as the night drug on. The fire had been extinguished hours ago, and the group had settled into their bedding. Sesshomaru had decided to stay the night to watch over Sango, and the others didn't mind him being there. The demon lord sat with his back against a tree, eyes closed but still alert. Kagome, Shippo, and Kirara lay a few feet away, and Sango was on a low tree branch above Sesshomaru's head. Miroku had chosen a spot near the edge of the clearing, but wasn't asleep.

He lay on his side, head propped up on his elbow. His gaze never left Sango's resting form, and he wished over and over that he was the lucky man who got to drape his frame over hers and make love to her. Unfortunately he wasn't, but it never stopped him from dreaming. And he dreamt about her often, almost every night. As his mind went to recall past thoughts he had about her, a noticeable tightening in his robes caused him to shift quickly and change the subject in his brain.

'It's pretty obvious that I still want her,' the monk thought to himself. 'But she belongs to Inuyasha... however, if I can convince her to get rid of him and come back to me, then I can still make her mine! Starting right now...'

Standing and creeping toward the tree the object of his continued affection slept in, he silently prayed that he would not stir the others with his movements. What he didn't know was that Sesshomaru was awake. His closed eyes fooled the monk to venture close enough to reach up to the low hanging branch and lightly touch Sango's hand. She woke abruptly and looked around frantically, hoping it was Inuyasha who roused her. When she saw who it was, she exhaled a breath of disappointment. "What is it, Miroku?" she whispered.

"I need to talk to you for a second," he answered just as quietly. "I'm sorry to wake you, but this is important."

She said nothing as she carefully lowered herself to the ground, cautious not to hit Sesshomaru on the head. Landing softly on the the cushioning grass, she followed Miroku into the trees. Once they were gone, Sesshomaru opened an eye and growled low. He had caught on to what Miroku wanted to talk about long before the two of them left. The demon could smell Miroku's arousal for his brother's mate since they all settled for the night. 'It seems like I will have to watch the monk,' he conversed mentally. 'It is clear he doesn't quite know what the word 'mate' means. But I'll make sure he understands before my brother returns. It would be a shame for my brother to have to kill a friend.'

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AN: I wonder what is going to happen next! Actually, I already know, but that's not the point. Anyway, review if you can, and let's charge on to Chapter Three!