InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where To Go When I Feel Like Crying? ❯ Hatered and Panicking ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Where To Go When I Feel Like Crying?

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and company…no matter how hard I try…

*I want to thank Fox and Kasumi for encouraging me and helping me along the way! Much Love!*


"You JERK! SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT! I HATE you Inuyasha!" Kagome cried, before running into the forest, at such a speed that she was really a blur of black, green, and white. Kagome wasn't watching where she was going. She just kept on running and running, one thing playing thru her mind. `Gotta get away from that JERK!' She ran for hours and was still crying.

Then all of a sudden BAM! She ran into something. Kagome was afraid. VERY afraid. She looked up and was met with a white kimono. Looking further up, she came face to face with Dun Dun Dun…Sesshomaru!

Kagome was terrified. Yet, she was still angry at Inuyasha. She got up, dusted herself off, and looked him straight in the eye. "Sorry, Sesshomaru. I didn't see you there," she said, never faltering her gaze.

Sesshomaru glared at her. This pathetic human was not running away in fear. But at the same time, he was curious as to why Inuyasha was not with her. "Where is Inuyasha?"

"That jerk isn't here! He's probably being tortured in Hell with his clay bitch right now for all I care!" Kagome shouted.

Sesshomaru was taken aback. He dropped his mask for once and smirked. "Well, then. How are you going to protect yourself without that stupid hanyou with you?"

This pissed Kagome off. Did every one think she was a weak, worthless human? "I DON"T NEED HIM TO PROTECT ME! I'M NOT PATHETIC!" she shouted at the youkai lord.

Sesshomaru was shocked to see her miko powers flaring and surrounding her. He decided that it was best to not taunt her anymore. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut short when Kagome broke down crying.

Now this scared Sesshomaru. He didn't know what to do. The salt and disgusting smell of tears mixed with her sweet lilikoi and plumeria scent. He was panicking now. She showed no signs of stopping, so he picked her up and got on his cloud thing. Kagome snuggled into the comfort he offered her and fell asleep from her fatigue (remember all that running?).

Kagome awoke in a soft, silky bed. She was dressed in a light blue with dark green flowers, silk kimono, and was clean. She racked her brain for what might have happened then it hit her. She must be in Sesshomaru's castle! She gasped.

Kagome shook her head and slipped out of bed. She walked down the hall way, her feet padding softly. After about 20 minutes of walking, she came upon what she would call the dining room. She looked around and saw Sesshomaru eating there. He didn't even look up from his food as she entered.

"Sesshomaru-sama?" she squeaked. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Thanks you."

He looked up at her and motioned for her to sit down and eat. She smiled at him and sat down. She could tell that they would get along fine.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Thanks Sesshomaru-sama! I'll miss you!" Kagome said, hugging the youkai lord.

"Bye Nee-chan. Take care of yourself. If you need me or if he ever hurts you, you know where to get me!" Sesshomaru said, hugging her back.

Kagome waved once more before heading into Kaede's village.

A/N: SOO wut do ya think? Plz tell me! And Review too!!! (Well, I guess that's the same thing ne?)