InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where To Go When I Feel Like Crying? ❯ You’ve were where?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Where To Go When I Feel Like Crying?

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and company…but trust me, if I did, Inuyasha would have no trouble deciding who he wanted to be with…<for those who don't know, he'd be with Ka-ME!! Muhahahaha! I mean *starts drooling over Sesshomaru* Kagome…Fluffy is mine! ^Right…^

*I want to thank Fox and Kasumi for encouraging me and helping me along the way! Much Love!*

Chapter One: You've were where?!

Last Time:

Kagome waved once more before heading into Kaede's village.

This Time:

"Kaede!" Kagome called, walking into the hut.

"Is it really you child?" Kaede gasped.

"Yup! How have you been Kaede? Where are the others?" Kagome asked, hugging her and taking a seat opposite of her.

"I'm fine child, fine. But ye must tell me what happened child. And the others? Sango and Shippo went to bathe, and Miroku and Inuyasha went to a nearby village to see if the shard rumors are true. They should all be back anytime now. But child, tell me. Where were you?" Kaede informed.

Kagome then told Kaede what happened and her onii/nee-san relationship with Sesshomaru (onii means bro right?). When she finished, Kaede nodded. "I see child." Kirara came out of her napping place and walked up to Kagome, mewing. Kagome smiled and put her (is Kirara a boy or girl?) on her lap, and started rubbing her ears.

Sango and Shippo happened to come in then. They said hello to Kagome and Kaede then froze. "K-Kagome?" Sango whispered.

"Onee-san! Is that really you?" Shippo cried, lunging into her open arms. (Onee means mom right? Please tell me so I will know! Please! *puppy dog eyes*) Sango quickly followed suite as she engulfed Kagome in a huge hug.

"Oh Kagome! I've missed you SO much! It hasn't been the same without you!" Sango cried.

When Sango and Shippo finally released her, Shippo asked her, "Where were you one-san?" Kagome sighed and told her story over again. When she was done, they both stared at her in shock.

"Y-you were where?" Sango whispered. She shook her head. "You mean to tell me that the last 5 weeks you were at Sesshomaru's place. And you call him brother now?" Kagome merely nodded. "Well, I'll be da-"

"We're back! And we've collected a shard!" Miroku announced, scaring the crap outta the rest.

"Lady Kagome? Is that really you?!" Miroku cried. And not waiting for an answer, he scooped her off her feet and swung her around joyously.

Kagome was shocked that he didn't even try to grope her as usual. Sango noticed this and said, "Ever since you left, he lost the heart to do it."

Kagome smiled involuntarily. Then Inuyasha stalked in. He stopped, frozen in place when he saw Kagome. He wanted nothing more than to lift her off her feet and hug her and kiss her. It was Kagome's eyes that stopped him. They were filled with sadness and hurt.

"Kagome…" he breathed. Kagome's attitude changed immediately. She had promised herself not to be heartbroken over Inuyasha when she was living over at Sesshomaru's place, and get over him, maybe just be friends. She smiled at him and walked over to hug him.

"It's nice to see you again too, Inuyasha," Kagome said.

"But…where were you?" Inuyasha asked, as they all sat down.

Kagome nearly screamed. "Okay, this is the last time I'm telling this story, got it!" They all nodded and she told the story-again.

Inuyasha and Miroku had the same reaction as Sango. "Well, I'm tired. Is it okay if I sleep in your room Kaede?" Kagome asked her.

Kaede smiled and nodded. "Good night everyone! Shippo, are you gonna come sleep with me?" Shippo nodded vigorously and followed her into Kaede's room.

"I still find it hard to believe that Lady Kagome was staying with Sesshomaru and established a brother/sister relationship with him," Miroku sighed.

"True. But I'm still glad she is back," Sango said.

Kaede merely nodded and the response from Inuyasha was a "Feh" and him walking outside to go sleep for the night. And with that cheerful response, they all went to sleep.

A/N: Hiyee all! Hope ya liked this chapter! I'm exhausted! I think I pulled a muscle yesterday or the day before on my forearm. It hurts! Ahh well. I'm a big girl, I can take the pain! Thanks to all my reviewers! Much Love!

Vedelle: Hiyee! Thanks! Glad you like it! Hmm…what exactly do you mean by what kind of fic is this? Do you mean the pairing? If so, I think it may be a Sesshomaru/Kagome fic. But I may make an alternate ending or something…I don't really know for sure. I'm really planning on this being a Sesshomaru/Kagome fic though. Thanks again! And I don't think Rin will be in here…

Shante: Yay! Thank you Nee-Chan! *is it okay if I call you that?* *hugs!* I'm glad you like it! Hehe! Thanks for reviewing! Hope you update your fic soon!

Connie: Thanks! Glad you like it! Yea…Sessh is OOC ne? But, I mean, he was panicking and well…that's just what I would have done lol. Yea. Well, thanks for telling me what you think!

Thanks again all!