InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where To Go When I Feel Like Crying? ❯ Kagome Kidnapped! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yash and company.

Chapter Three: Oh Shiznoz No!

Kagome walked around in the forest. It was a beautiful day. She had said she wanted to take a walk alone. Everything was going fine, that it was…until…outta no where, just to make the story more fun and spicy, Kagura appeared. Kagome made to scream, but Kagura covered her mouth. She took out her feather and pulled Kagome on. Kagome screamed in her throat as Kagura took off.

Meanwhile, back at camp: Yash and Sessh were having a glaring and blinking contest, which Sessh, was of course winning. Then they hear the scream. It was Kagome's scream, and Sessh jumped up and took off, Yash following but a mere centimeter behind him.

Kagura tried to calm down the screaming girl. "Shhh! Be quiet!" she said.

"You're KIDNAPPING me, and you're telling me to be QUIET!" Kagome yelled.

"It's on Naraku's orders, not mine! Please, be QUIET!" she yelled at Kagome.

"Wh-what does he want?" Kagome asked fearfully. She looked up at the older demon, tears in her eyes.

Kagura felt terrible for her. "He wants to be-well "Friends". He's going to…mark you as his mate," she said.

Kagome frowned thru her tears. "Why did you pick me up then, and not him?" she asked her.

"Because I asked too. Kagome, you're a pure miko. Yes, he does still have feelings for Kikyo, and he wants to use you in her place. Kagome…I'm sorry, but he will rape you," she said. Kagura felt the fear and panic increase. "I will try and help you Kagome. I will try," she tried to console the girl. After a few oh gods! Hours? Minutes? They landed in front of Naraku's castle.

"Welcome," an evil voice said from the dark poisonous depths of purple surrounding them.

While: "Oh God!" Yash cried. "That BITCH! She took Kagome!"

"Inuyasha!" Sesshomaru said coolly. "Who took Kagome? This place reeks of Naraku, yet is not him. I have smelt this scent before," he said, tones of glacier ice.

"It was Kagura!" he growled back. Sesshomaru immediately took off and followed the scent that was Kagura, but it was hard.

While: "N-Naraku! What do you want?" Kagome screeched as Naraku stalked towards her.

"Now, now Kikyo. No need to be afraid of me," he said. He picked up Kagome and slung her over his shoulder, carrying her to his castle.

"I'm KAGOME! I'm not that zombie! KA-GO-ME!" she screeched, kicking and punching. Kagura followed after them, fear evident in her red eyes.

"Why don't I take her to my room Naraku? If she is tired, she will be no good. She has been walking for a long time, and was struggling as I captured her," Kagura tried to lie.

Naraku stopped. "Well-I think that for once you are right Kagura. Take her to the baths, clean her, and put her to sleep. We shall continue this in the morning," Naraku said, dropping Kagome on the ground.

Kagura went and helped Kagome up and led her to the indoor hot springs. Kagome stripped her clothing off and slid into the hot water. Kagura washed her hair for her, and she felt Kagome relax by her caring touch. Kagome then washed her body and got out. Kagura let her choose one of her kimonos out and Kagome dressed in them. Kagura led Kagome to her room, and let her lay down on her bed. "I will stand look out," Kagura said, standing near the door.

"Thank you Kagura," Kagome said. And Kagura smiled.

Elsewhere: Yash and Sessh loose Kagura's scent. They decide to camp out for the night. Sesshomaru didn't want to admit it, but he was tired from worry. `Dammit Naraku! If you or Kagura has done ANYTHING to Kagome, I WILL kill you!' he thought. And they fell into a restless slumber.

A/N: Okay all! Sorry the chapter took so long, and that it sucks terribly, but I am SLEEPY! Thanks a bunch for reading it, and if ya want the next chapter, leave a review!

Ne-Chan: I'm glad you liked the chapter! I hope this one was okay. I'm not satisfied with it Ne-Chan! Love you!

Tasha: Hey there Hun. Glad ya like the story! Yes, this WILL be an S/K fic! Unless there is an angry mob after me…but hope ya liked this chapter!