InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Which Me Do You Know? ❯ Welcome Back! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch. 6: Welcome Back!
About two weeks or so later, Inuyasha returned to school. Although he was glad to be back (which he had never thought in his life he'd be so happy to go to school), he wasn't glad to be on four different medications; Inuyasha had depression, a sleeping disorder, paranoia, and a spilt personality. (He was on meds for all of those).
After dropping off Rin, Mr. Inutaisho pulled up in front of the high. In front of the door, there was a huge crowd of people. Inuyasha could see Miroku, Sango, Koga, Kikyo, Kagura, his band, Kagome, and tons of other friends he had. Above the doors, there hung a banner that said welcome back Inuyasha Inutaisho.
Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and their father grinned.
“Have a good day boys,” said Mr. Inutaisho as he drove off to work. As Inuyasha stepped out of the car, people cheered `welcome back', and joyfully yelled for his return. As soon as Inuyasha got up to the door, his friends raided him.
“Welcome back!” Sango yelled.
“It's not like you haven't seen me, you and the others visited me every day. You were with me so often that you got to know my band pretty well,” said Inuyasha. He walked inside and got his schedule from the office. Before Inuyasha went back to school, he took a test to see what grade he should be put into, and because one of the men there tutored him, he did not have to repeat ninth grade; he could move on to his sophomore year.
He looked at his schedule:
First Semester:
1st block: geometry
2nd block: advanced placement English 2
3rd block: Honors Civics
4th block: Theater Arts 2
Second Semester:
1st block: honors biology
2nd block: German 2
3rd block: art 1
4th block: modern arts
“What!? I have advanced English and honor Civics!” Inuyasha exclaimed.
“That's good,” said Sango.
“If you like workin' you're ass off, it's good,” Koga commented.
“I had honors English last year, but I never thought I'd have advanced English,” said Inuyasha. Last year, Inuyasha did poorly in every class except for honors English; he got an A in that class.
“I got a D in world history last year,” Inuyasha informed.
Miroku laughed.
“I remember when you brought your report card home; your dad went nuts and grounded you for a month.”
“He didn't go that crazy; I got to practice with my band,” Inuyasha corrected.
“He said the only reason he let you practice with your band is because he thought that would be the only chance you'd get for a decent job.”
“Ha, ha, you're so funny Miroku,” Inuyasha said sarcastically.
“Where's Kagura? I just saw her a minute ago,” said Inuyasha.
“She's probably at her locker admiring all those pictures she's got of your dad,” laughed Koga.
“She does not have any pictures of my dad.”
“Yes she does.”
The bell rang and Inuyasha went up stairs to geometry. I hate math, I hope there's someone I know in this class, he thought. He walked in the room and took a seat in the back of the class; he never like sitting up front, he felt like everyone was staring at him.
“Good morning Inuyasha, I'll get you a book. I'm Ms. Inzauko.” She handed him a book and a calculator. Everybody knows my name…Inuyasha thought.
“We're on chapter five,” the teacher informed. He opened the book and saw that he already knew this. I could take the test now and pass it.
He put his head on the desk and went to sleep.
“Slacking off the first day back?” A voice asked. Inuyasha looked up.
“Hey Kagome,” he greeted.
“So how's this teacher? Is she a stiff like all the rest of them in this place?” Inuyasha questioned.
“For her, stiff is an understatement. I swear, nagging must be her hobby,” said Kagome.
“Ms. Kagome…could you perhaps tell me the answer to number six?” The teacher asked.
“I'm afraid I can't enlighten you with that particular answer, Ms. Inzauko; that problem seemed to have stumped me,” Kagome replied in a bad-ass tone.
“First thing, do not be smart with me, and second, you would know the answer if you weren't too busy chatting away.”
“My deep, deep apologies, Ms. Inzauko…I am so greatly sorry that you assume that I'm being smart by simply telling you that I don't know the answer,” said Kagome. Damn…she's got guts, Inuyasha thought.
“Ms. Kagome, I suggest you stop trying to impress your friends with your rudeness and start paying attention in class.”
“Ms. Inzauko, I suggest you stop trying to impress your students with your mood swings, and start listening to my answers.”
“Get out,” Ms. Inzauko ordered firmly.
“Gladly,” “Inuyasha, come with me,” Kagome whispered. Inuyasha grinned. Getting kicked out of class was Inuyasha's specialty; he could get kicked out by saying one sentence, and without using cuss words or getting suspended.
Inuyasha raised his hand.
“Yes, Inuyasha?” She asked.
“I don't have any midol, but I do have anti-depressants; they work really well, you'd be tripping on em in no time,” said Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha, please leave and report to the consoler,” the teacher whispered to him.
“Did I do something?” He asked blankly.
“Go now!”
On the way out the door, Inuyasha gave her his infamous, sexy, arrogant grin.
“So the rumors were true,” said Kagome.
“What did they say?” Inuyasha asked.
“Well, I don't know if I can believe them just yet…but they said something about you being a real bad boy,” Kagome replied.
“Oh no…don't believe them. I would never shoot fire works out of a car on the highway, or moon the police as I retreated. And I certainly would never throw smoke bombs into bars and the principle's office,” he said.
“I knew I couldn't believe them,” she laughed. They walked down the hallway.
“She told me to go to the consoler but I don't think I want to go there. I had enough people digging there way into my life when they put me in the nut house.”
“You had to go to a mental institution!?” As Inuyasha nodded, he remembered his long two weeks he spent there…
****************************FLASH BACK*******************************
Because it would take some time before the pills would kick in, Inuyasha was in his foreign, violent, dark mood. He was ready to bash a head into the wall if someone ticked him off. He didn't want to talk to anyone, especially any therapists. Looking like the reincarnation of Lucifer himself, Inuyasha sat in a chair of the metal institution's lobby.
This is all a bunch of bull-shit, Inuyasha thought; just because I don't want to be bothered that makes me crazy. These damn assholes need to get off my back.
“All then, come on back,” said a doctor. Mr. Inutaisho, Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha followed him down the hall. In case Inuyasha had some sort of freak out, Rin stayed with her grandma.
Mr. Inutaisho attempted to give Inuyasha a hug, but he pulled back, so he squeezed his shoulder.
“Inuyasha, listen to the doctors, they're going to help you. I know you don't want to be here, even I don't want you to be away from me, but it's what's best for you, and that what I have to do. Sesshomaru, Rin, and I will come visit you. Before you know you'll be out of here. Make me proud, I love you son,” his father said.
Sesshomaru remained silent; he didn't know what to say.
Here to help me? Yeah right, they can't help me if I'm not crazy, Inuyasha thought. After his father and brother left, Inuyasha was put into the observation room. The back and sides of the room had white padded walls, but in the front, there was plexy glass.
In a white hospital gown, he sat down on the bed and glanced around. There was one vinyl chair a few feet away, and a side table by the bed. I can't stand it in here…he thought. It's like a prison; they're treating me like a criminal, a crazy criminal. What the hell are they going to do to me!? Inuyasha started to panic. They're going to do experiments on me, and torture me with all there so called instruments.
“Hey, let me out of here!” Inuyasha yelled. “Can you hear me!?” “Let me out!” “I don't want to die in here, let me out! Open the door! Don't let them kill me…don't let them kill me!”
“I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't kill anybody! I don't want to die…Get me off death row!” Sweat drizzled down his back and his hands got clammy. As the panic stated to take over, Inuyasha felt a thick haze invade his mind.
“Let me out!” Inuyasha started throwing himself against the padded walls. “I didn't hurt anyone! Don't kill me!” he picked up the chair and tossed in into the plexy glass wall, and he violently knocked over the side table. Two doctors entered the room and calmly walked towards him.
“Don't come near me! I didn't kill them! I'm innocent…Let me live! Let me live! Let me go!” Once Inuyasha started bashing his head again the floor, the doctors held him down. “Let me go! I'm innocent! Don't kill me! Don't kill me….” As he felt a pinch in his thigh, Inuyasha's thoughts became hazy and his mind succumbed to darkness.
****************************END OF FLASH BACK***********************
“I was in the loony house for two weeks. The first day I got in there I gave them a hell of a time; I was yelling, throwing stuff, and I got thirteen stitches in my forehead because I was bashing it on the floor,” Inuyasha informed.
Kagome's face was pale and she stood there in disbelief.
“Sorry…I didn't mean to spill. You don't want to hear about that.”
“No, no it's just shocking, that's all. Besides, it's good to spill; it gets a lot of stuff off your chest,” said Kagome. Inuyasha hearted leaped. She really cares about me, he thought. Why is my heart out of control!? Don't I love Kikyo?
“I bet you're happy to be home.”
“Yeah, I felt like I'd never get home in that place. I'm even happy to be back here, I never thought I'd say that.” Kagome laughed.
“Hey…It's Hollywood's cutest couple,” Koga said as he came strolling there way.
Inuyasha and Kagome blushed.
“What are you doing here, Koga?” Inuyasha asked.
“I'm doing the usual - skipping,” Koga said.
“I should ask you the same,” he said.
“Oh, I and Kagome got kicked out of class.” Koga cocked one eyebrow.
“It's not like that Koga,” said Inuyasha.
“Oh…so you two are just doin' the casual thing?”
“No, we were giving my old bitch of a teacher a hard time.”
“You're almost as bad as Miroku,” Kagome said.
“Baby…I'm worse,” said Koga, putting an arm around Kagome. She laughed. The rest of the day went by pretty slow. Inuyasha got home and laid on his bed, blind to who he'd meet next.