InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Which Me Do You Know? ❯ A New Beauty ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch. 7: A New Beauty
As usual, the school went by kinda slow. Luckily, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Miroku, Sango, and Koga decided to all go see a movie around five thirty, despite the fact that it was a school night. Kagome wanted to come but she had to study for an important test.
When the group arrived at the theater, Inuyasha was in one of his dark moods, but he wasn't feeling violent, just distant. Everyone but Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were a little shocked; they had never seen Inuyasha in this type of mood.
“Sessh, is Inuyasha alright?” Sango asked in a whisper.
“He is fine. It is just his split personality. The medicine should subdue it soon,” he replied. They decide to see The Mist. After buying popcorn and drinks, they filed into the very back of the theater.
I can't believe I let them talk me into coming, Inuyasha thought. I really don't want to be here.
Just at that thought, Inuyasha regretted saying that; a few seats down was a really hot emo guy that looked about his age. He had sort of a slender build, but his arms were well-shaped. He had black hair with an emo cut, and bright, fire red bangs covering one eye, and he had the purest blue eyes Inuyasha had ever seen.
Unfortunately, he was with another guy. Too bad he's with someone…I wouldn't mind having a piece of that, Inuyasha thought. Suddenly, he noticed that the guy he was next to was one of Inuyasha's friends - Hojo. I got an idea…
“Hey Hojo, come sit with us,” Inuyasha offered.
“Oh hey Inuyasha! I haven't seen you around lately,” Hojo greeted while moving towards him. The hot emo guy sat right next to Inuyasha and Hojo was on the other side of “prince charming.”
“How've you been?” Hojo asked.
“Fine, I guess.”
“That's good. Oh, this is Niruko, my cousin. He just moved here, he starts school tomorrow.”
Inuyasha have Niruko a dark, mysterious, but sexy smile and Niruko's eyes lit up. I smell an arousal on him…he's got to be gay or bi, Inuyasha thought. As the movie rolled on, Inuyasha and Niruko were busy with getting to know each other. So far, Inuyasha found out that he loved Slipknot, although he was emo, and hate scary movies but Hojo forced him to come.
Niruko said that he was born in Japan; however, he lived most of his life in Germany; he could even speak German fluently. Inuyasha also discovered that he had a really good sense of humor. And the most important thing of all - he was gay.
“I've known I was gay for a long time, but I've never slept with a guy before,” whispered Niruko.
“I haven't either, but I've slept with plenty of girls,” said Inuyasha. Niruko blushed. He must be a virgin all together, thought Inuyasha.
“So…” Inuyasha started as he tenderly slid Niruko's hair away from his eye. “Have you ever slept with a girl?”
Niruko's face got brighter.
“You don't have to tell me if you don't want to”
“It's fine…I'm a virgin.” Inuyasha flashed his seductive smile.
“My prayers have been answered.” Niruko smiled and Inuyasha soothingly took his hand into his own.
“So have mine.”
“Is it just me or is Inuyasha flirting with Hojo's cousin?” Miroku whispered to Koga.
“No…Inuyasha is defiantly flirting with Niruko,” said Koga.
“Inuyasha's not gay though. I've known him since we were in kindergarten, that's when he first held Sana's hand, and he's hooked up with plenty of girls…”
“Including your mom.” Miroku's parents were divorced because his mother couldn't stay loyal to his father. Although Miroku hates the fact that his parents are parted, he continues to joke about his mother with plastic everything and a brain made out of boobs.
“Shut up Koga…” Miroku warned.
“Sorry Miroku…but you left yourself right open to that one,” Koga answered.
“Do you think it could be part of his split personality?”
“I saw him and Kagome flirting in the hall earlier today.”
“Are you talking about Inuyasha and Hojo's cousin?” Sango asked.
“Yeah,” replied Miroku.
“Sesshomaru said that it was part of his split personality,” said Sango.
“That's what we were thinking.”
“So…would it be too much to ask for a simple…innocent…kiss?” Inuyasha questioned seductively.
“No…you may have a kiss. Just know one thing - it's too little to ask,” Niruko answered.
Inuyasha leaned in and gently rested his eager lips upon the soft flesh of Niruko's lips. As light as he could, Inuyasha nibbled the flesh before him, asking for his entrance. Niruko accepted his plead, and their tongues tenderly collided.
Four eyes were glued on the intensive scene just a few seats away from them. Inuyasha…what has gotten into you? Sesshomaru wondered.
Hojo was busy with burrowing his eyes in his arm and holding onto his seat as if to save his life; he didn't fancy horror films, nor could he handle them.
The hand that Inuyasha had placed on the back of Niruko's neck was leisurely making its way to his hips. Once it got there, Niruko let a quiet moan that told Inuyasha he wanted more. So…Inuyasha picked up the pace. Once again, he removed his hand, this time he slide it across Niruko's body to the warm chamber that was releasing the enticing aroma of arousal. Niruko moaned again, this time it was out of pure satisfaction…