InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ While Kagome's Away, Demons Will Play ❯ Desires Revealed ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: Nope, I still don’t own Inuyasha

WARNINGS: Graphic Bi-Sexual Threesome (M/M/F). Language


Part IV – Desires Revealed

Kagome stood frozen to the ground, eyes wide and mouth hanging open as her mind raced trying to process what she was actually seeing: Inuyasha and Koga wrapped in each others arms, kissing and caressing each other.

‘Inu…yasha… What the…no way…Inu and Koga? But, but they hate each other,’ were the first thoughts to enter her mind.

Her next thoughts were to run, run as far away as she could, but her body wouldn’t respond to her brain’s command. She just couldn’t tear her eyes away from the two lovers. They look so…in love and, and happy.

‘Inuyasha never looked like that when I’d catch him with Kikyo. This is…this is so romantic and HOT,’ Kagome thought as she felt a small tingling between her legs.

‘Freak me out! What am I thinking? I shouldn’t be seeing this, or think it’s hot. Oh Inuyasha, why does everyone get to have you but me? It isn’t fair.’ Kagome was feeling hurt and left out once again, then turned her thoughts towards Koga.

‘I can’t believe Koga… so much for him insisting that I’m his woman. Wolves mate for life, my ass!’ She scowled, ‘If he can’t have me then he’ll go and steal the one person that he knows I love and want to be with; stupid wolf.’

The miko’s feelings were rapidly switching from hurt to pissed off, yet that tingling between her legs that has been plaguing her since she first saw the demons so romantically entwined, had grown into a throbbing pulse inside her hooded jewel. She grimaced as she felt a slick wetness between her delicate, feminine folds begin to well up.

‘Why am I getting so turned on watching them? I should be yelling and screaming and sitting Inuyasha into next week or running, yes, running would be good if only I could move my damn feet!’ She scolded herself. ‘Why is my body betraying me?’

Her heart raced and her breathe caught in her throat as she watched Koga’s hand sensually move from Inu’s ribcage down to one of the hanyou’s tight, smooth, flawless butt cheeks, cupping it, then squeezing. He then dragged his claws up and over an equally smooth and flawless muscular stomach and chest, finally circling an erect nipple, causing the hanyou to whimper loudly and deepen the kiss they were sharing.

Kagome could not only feel the slickness between her thighs, but now her nipples were so hard she could feel the silk material of her bra pressing against them, caressing them.

The flustered miko exhaled a shaky breathe she was holding and jealously wished that she was the one causing Inuyasha to whimper like that, or that she was on the receiving end of being touched so gently and expertly by Koga.

‘What am I thinking? Don’t be selfish; Kagome,’ she admonished herself, ‘I should be happy that Inu’s found someone special to be with. I’m just glad it’s Koga, and not Kikyo. Koga’s a great guy and they’ll be able to protect each other and watch over each other. They’ll be perfect together,’ she admitted to herself.

‘Even if Inuyasha had chosen me as his mate, I couldn’t have accepted. I don’t want to grow old in front of him, that’s just wrong. But… if I could have been with him at least once, I could go back home with a cherished memory to last me the rest of my life, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen now,’ she realized sadly.

Kagome was startled out of her thoughts when Kilala growled, making their presence known to the wolf and hanyou.

“Oh shit,” was all she could say as the two demons stopped their kissing and touching and quickly turned their heads towards the sound. Their bodies became rigid as they met Kagome’s bewildered and shocked expression.

“Oh shit,” Inu and Koga said in unison.

Inuyasha couldn’t avert his eyes from the miko’s gawking stare. His golden orbs welled up with sadness, convinced that he had lost her forever.

‘It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. She’ll never forgive me now.’ He tried to swallow but his mouth had suddenly gone dry.

“Koga,” he called to his lover in a hoarse and broken whisper. “I’ve lost her, Koga, she’s gonna hate me now.”

Koga looked down at his soon to be mate and felt his heart wench at the frightened and lost look on his puppy’s face. He then looked back to Kagome and smiled to himself. Inu was too upset and scared to notice, but Koga wasn’t.

“It’s going to be okay, puppy, trust me on this,” he said quietly and confidently.

Inu didn’t answer, he was too traumatized.

“Inu, can’t you smell it?” Koga nudged his lover a little.

There was still no answer.

“Her arousal, baka; snap out of it and smell her scent. She’s excited from watching us.”

Inuyasha finally looked at Koga with a confused expression.

Koga smiled down at him and said, “Just tell her how you feel and what’s in your heart and everything will be fine.”

The wolf then lifted himself off the half demon and took his hand, pulling him up to a standing position.

Inuyasha got up and turned away from Kagome as crimson colored his cheeks. “We’re naked wolf. Shouldn’t we put on our clothes?” He said holding back a sob.

“I don’t think she’ll mind, puppy,” Koga was staring back at a panting miko.

Koga took Inuyasha’s hand and turned him around, then seductively strolled towards the miko with his puppy in tow.

“I can smell her now, Koga. Her arousal is so strong,” the hanyou remarked.

“I know,” Koga answered with a smirk.

Kagome tried to slow down her breathing when she noticed the wolf and hanyou get up and walk over to her, NAKED! Kagome wanted to close her eyes and die from embarrassment or dig a hole and bury herself in it and die.

The fire neko, however, snorted and made a hasty retreat back through the forest.

‘They’re so gorgeous,’ she thought. ‘Inuyasha looks like an angel sent from the heavens with his long silver hair, golden eyes, and perfect muscular physique. Oh Kami, he has silver curls. They’re so cute,’ she mused then her eyes bugged out even more as her gaze went a little lower. ‘He’s huge! Are they supposed to be that big? Okay girl, just calm down.’

She then turned her gaze to Koga. ‘I’ve never seen him with is hair down before. It’s beautiful against his bronze skin and cobalt eyes. He’s so handsome. I knew he was tone and in shape, but his muscles and six pack abs are to die for. He looks like a Greek God,’ then glancing lower she noticed, ‘Oh Kami, he’s huge too. Not as big as Inuyasha but he’s got nothing to be ashamed of.’

She lifted her gaze quickly, chastising herself for checking them out so wantonly and met Koga’s indigo eyes. Koga’s looking right through me to my soul, he knows I want them. This is too mortifying,’ she swallowed back her saliva before they caught her drooling.

When the demons finally reached Kagome, Koga placed Inu directly in front of her as he quietly walked around to her back.

Inu was the first to speak.

“Kagome, please hear my out before you sit into next week,’ he took a deep, shaky breathe before continuing. “I never meant to hurt you or for you to find out about me and Koga like this. We ran into each other three days ago out here at the spring, and things just happened between us. Instead of us killing each other, we ended up making love… and talking… and spending time in each other’s arms. We realized that we belong together. I love Koga very much and we want to be mates, but I love you too, Kagome. I always have. I don’t want to loose you now. I know it’s selfish and asking a lot of you, but I want Koga as my mate and you as our lover,” Inu said with tear-filled, pleading eyes.

Kagome blinked and shook her head in disbelief.

“Y-You l-love us b-both, but want me for your l-lover,” she stammered, feeling her eyes glisten with tears of confusion… and hope. Then she asked softly, almost afraid of the answer because of being hurt so many times in the past. Not totally believing that he could love them both because he certainly never showed her the kind of love he was showing Koga.

“If you love me and want me too, Inuyasha, then why haven’t you ever kissed me, or touched me. When was it going to be my turn, Inuyasha? When were going to show me this love you’re talking about?” She asked as a tear rolled down her cheek.

She took a step back and bumped into Koga’s hard chest, startling her, and to make things worse, the movement caused her sweet nectar to drip onto her panties, soaking the thin material that covered her most guarded area.

“I-I was afraid. I didn’t want to dishonor you, Kagome. You deserve better,” he said barely above a whisper, lowering his head, and then snapped it up when he smelled her arousal spike even more.

“I don’t understand,” she managed to squeak out feeling the warmth of Koga’s chest.

She flinched when Koga answered for Inu. His lips were right next to her ear.

“He’s afraid to take your virginity Kagome.” Koga whispered in her ear and felt a shiver go up her spine.

“Why?” She whispered back, ignoring Inu for the moment and ignoring the fact that she was so hot and horny she could pass out at any moment.

“Because he doesn’t think its right to take your innocents without being mated or married, and he won’t mate with you because as a human you’ll age faster then he will. He’s afraid of loosing you too soon, Kagome.” Koga answered then wrapped his arm across her stomach to help support her as he sensed her body weakening.

“I’m well aware of the aging thing, Koga. I’ve always known we could never marry or be mated. I feel the same way. I just want to be with him until I have to return home,” she said, whispering back to Koga, almost conspiratorially. She then continued.

“If that’s really the reason, then that’s just stupid. I’ve always wanted my first time to be with Inuyasha… too touch him the way you were doing… and…” she stopped herself and began to nibble on her bottom lip.

“And what, Kagome,” Koga asked. His lips were now grazing the outer rim of her ear. He smiled as she leaned back even closer to him.

“And now I want you both. I don’t need or care about being mated. I want Inuyasha and now I want you too. Please,” she said so softly that if the demons didn’t have such acute hearing they never would have heard her shy request.

The hanyou was standing shell-shocked taking in the conversation between the two people he loves. He couldn’t believe what Kagome was saying. ‘Koga was right, she does understand and still wants to be with me. Maybe everything is going to be alright,’ he thought hopefully.

“I think we can give you what you want my little miko.” Koga then licked the shell of her ear once again and said, “Just give yourself over to us without feeling ashamed or embarrassed. We both love you, Kagome, and want to make you happy, okay?” Koga purred seductively, and then stroked the back of her hair, gently, as he looked at Inuyasha who was still standing shell-shocked.

Kagome moaned from the wolf’s dominantly sexy words as his hot breathe fanned over the side of her face forcing her center to throb and ache to be touched.

“Just tell me what you want me to do. I trust and love you both with all of my heart and soul,” she said honestly.

“Are you sure Kagome? I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret later. Once I’ve taken your innocence you can never get it back,” Inu said seriously.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life, Inuyasha. Please, I want you to take me,” she stated just as seriously, then looked at the wolf demon and said, “I want you too, Koga. I think I’ve always needed you both,” giving Koga a shy smile.

Koga purred in her ear after hearing her sweet admission as his body heated up even more.

The hanyou then smiled gently at her. “Anytime you want to stop or feel uncomfortable just say so, alright?”

Inu then took a step closer to her.

“I didn’t say you could move yet, puppy, now did I?” Koga growled at Inu as his eyes took on a predatory glaze.

“Keep it gentle Koga, don’t loose control,” Inu growled back at Koga, in a low husky tone.

Inu loved it when Koga took charge. It aroused him more so then when he is seme, but this was Kagome’s first time and he didn’t want her manhandled or frightened. He wanted to keep their love making with Kagome, gentle, yet erotic.

“I will, puppy,” Koga replied placing a wet kiss on Kagome’s neck, grinning as he felt her body shudder.

“Kagome’s been waiting a long time for you to kiss her properly, Inuyasha, so make it worth the wait.” Koga instructed his puppy as his cock was quickly swelling at the thought of making love to the two most beautiful creatures in the world.

Kagome nervously looked up into Inuyasha’s eyes, and then relaxed as she saw two golden jewels look back at her with tenderness and warmth and…love.

Inuyasha took another step closer to Kagome and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear as he observed Koga pull himself back, giving the hanyou more room.

Inu’s hand went from pushing her hair back to gently caressing her cheek with his thumb, wiping away the tear that had slid down her face earlier. He then lowered his thumb to her bottom lip tracing the velvety softness of her skin.

“You are so beautiful, Kagome,” Inu whispered and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, then another soft kiss closer to her temple, then on her temple. He moved down towards her ear and gently sucked in her earlobe, nibbling it then letting it slip out between his teeth.

He continued leaving butterfly kisses across her delicate jaw line making his way to her chin. He stopped to nip it like he had with her earlobe, then licked his way up to her bottom lip, slowly sucking it in, teasing it with slow sensual licks.

Kagome’s body trembled from each kiss and lick from the hanyou. ‘How can someone who’s so rude and obnoxious all the time be so gentle and sensual?’ Kagome thought to herself, and then moaned.

Inuyasha thought he was in a dream as he tasted, touched, and inhaled every nuance his Kagome held. Her skin was soft as silk, not one blemishing mar on her beautiful complexion. She tasted like sweet honey, but smelled like apple blossoms on a spring day, so fresh and pure.

As he heard her moan and felt her lips part, he deftly snuck his tongue inside her mouth. Finding her honey sweet flesh, he stroked over the top and slowly massaged it, then slid his tongue teasingly down the smooth side of the silken muscle, then over to the other side massaging and stroking.

Curling the tip of his sinfully skilled tongue underneath hers, he played and teased until Kagome gained her confidence and began warring with the invading appendage.

They each tasted the other’s hot depths; each exploring gums, and teeth. Kagome spent quite some time playing with Inu’s fangs, stroking them with her hot tongue. They moaned indecently as they delved deep into each other’s recesses. The sensation sent sparks all the way down to their groins.

Kagome wrapped her arms around Inu’s neck, burying her fingers in his silken tresses, molding her body within his tender and naked embrace, feeling his hardened sex press up against her stomach.

Inu tightened his grip around her back and neck, pulling her close and deepening their kiss as they lost themselves in one another.

Koga’s cock was now at full attention as he watched the two sharing such a simple and long awaited joining, but as tender as it was, the wolf prince wanted to taste her as well.

Taking a step closer to Kagome, Koga pressed his chest and stiff member against her back, reminding the miko of his presence.

Kagome gasped, and pulled her lips away from Inu’s as she felt Koga’s hard length rub against her back. He then grasped the back of her hair, gently pulling her head back and tilting it as he captured her lips and plunged his tongue deep into her mouth, branding her with his own pent up passion, devouring her sweetness.

Inu took advantage of her exposed neck and began to kiss and lick a path from her throat to behind her ear, taking her earlobe into his mouth, nibbling on the sweet morsel again, finally releasing it to burn kisses down her neck to her collarbone, sucking the tender skin into his hot mouth.

Kagome was lost in a sea of tactile pleasure as she moaned from Koga’s ravishing, wet, hot kiss and Inuyasha’s searing lips against her neck.

Koga ended the kiss with a lick across her lips as Inu pulled away from her neck.

They both stared at the beautiful miko as she gasped for air with her eyes shut, licking her swollen, and wet lips. Her mind was spinning from such a passionate and sensual assault.

Koga looked at his puppy and winked as he whispered in Kagome’s ear. “Kagome, you said you wanted to touch Inu the way I do. Do you want to help me play with our puppy?”

Inuyasha’s eye twitched as did his cock at the mention of being played with by both of them.

Kagome’s eyes flew open as she felt herself becoming more and more painfully aroused and found herself looking into lust filled golden orbs. She then looked over and saw deep blue pools glittering with playful naughtiness.

“Yessss,” she hissed with her eyes taking on their own hunger for the two demons, but added, “I want to see the two of you kiss first.”

The wolf and hanyou looked at each other a bit in shock, and then turned their gaze back to her, grinning when they sensed total desire, want, and lust emanate from every pore on her body.

“You liked watching us didn’t you, Kagome?” Inu smiled at her as his cheeks reddened a bit.

“I think our little miko knows exactly what she likes, don’t you?” Koga ran the back of his hand over her flushed cheek.

Kagome looked up at the wolf prince with half lidded eyes and confidently nodded her head in agreement.

Koga stepped around her to where Inu was standing and reached his hand out to the side of Inu’s head, burying his fingers into the soft silver locks and pulled the hanyou closer to him.

Kagome licked her lips as she watched the two demons with heated anticipation.

Inuyasha closed the distance between them and looked up into his wolf’s eyes and nuzzled his head into Koga’s strong hand.

Koga lifted his other hand and traced a claw over the hanyou’s bottom lip.

“Show Kagome how well that sweet mouth of yours can suck, puppy,” Koga whispered.

With a groan, his lips parted, enveloping the wolf’s clawed appendage within his hot mouth and moaned as he sucked and manipulated it with his tongue.

The wolf then slowly slid his finger in and out of his puppy’s mouth, growling as the digit simulated another act while massaging Inu’s scalp.

Leaning in closer so their lips were only a whisper apart, Koga removed his finger and took possession of the hanyou’s wet, hot cavern, swallowing a moan from the half demon.

“I want to see your tongues touching,” Kagome rasped, moving closer to the two demons. Her entire body was on fire watching her two lovers kiss.

The wolf and hanyou broke the seal their lips shared and allowed their tongues to play and caress with the other in the warm sun.

Kagome held her breathe as she watched them duel sensually in a ritual mating dance of glistening flesh.

The demons, however, were breathing heavily as their engorged cocks were pressed together between their undulating, sweaty hips.

Inu’s hands fell to the wolf’s ass, holding him in place so he could gyrate his groin harder against Koga’s.

Koga tightened his grip around his puppy’s head and shoulders, deepening the kiss by forcing Inu’s tongue back into his mouth, plundering it ravenously.

Kagome swallowed a lump in her throat and whimpered at the sight. ‘This is hotter than any yaoi manga I’ve ever read,’ she thought watching the two mold themselves together like a clay sculpture.

Her body was aching to be touched. The fabric of her clothes teased her skin from the slightest movement, which included breathing. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds and the crotch of her panties were soaked with her juices permeating the air with the scent of her heavy arousal.

“You two are so fucking hot,” Kagome spoke out, breathlessly.

Shocked at hearing Kagome use the “F” word and the potency of her arousal saturating the air, the wolf and hanyou broke apart to face one seriously hot and horny miko.

Kagome stepped even closer and pulled Inu’s head down towards her lips forcing her tongue inside his mouth, aggressively; swiping, and lapping and swirling it over and against anything she could reach in the hanyou’s sweet orifice.

She then pulled away abruptly, leaving Inuyasha dizzy and attacked Koga’s spicy cavern next, ravishing the wolf with her hungry hot tongue.

Initially shocked from Kagome’s boldness, Koga indulged the miko’s hunger before taking control of the kiss.

Finally pulling away from the lust-crazed miko, Koga grabbed Inu, pulling him in to join them in a three-way tongue battle.

The miko, wolf, and hanyou licked and nipped and sucked on each other’s lips and tongues, groaning as they played.

Koga then moved down to Inu’s neck, ravishing it with long strokes of his scorching, wet tongue, lapping at the succulent flesh.

Kagome, determined not to be left out, followed Koga’s lead, and began to lick and kiss the other side, enjoying the taste and smell of her hanyou.

“Fuuuuck!” Inu choked out, tipping his head back, giving the miko and wolf more area to play.

“We’ll get to that eventually, puppy,” Koga snickered against the hanyou’s neck and moved lower to his puppy’s chest, outlining the muscles with licks and kisses, slowly making his way to a rock hard nub.

Grazing over the pebbled tip with his fangs, he bit down biting hard enough to make the hanyou yelp, and then apologized by licking over it tenderly.

Inuyasha was in a world of euphoria as his wolf and miko caressed his body, relentlessly.

“Kagome, down here,” Koga whispered, “Follow what I do.”

Without embarrassment, and feeling rather emboldened, Kagome followed Koga and gently made love to her hanyou’s chest, leaving soft kisses all over the hot flesh, making her way to the other awaiting nub.

Hesitating for only a second, she sucked in the nipple and areola into her mouth, flicking her tongue back and forth over the sensitive, taut flesh.

“Oh shit, Kagome, more! Koga, please more!” Inu whimpered, grabbing their heads, pressing them closer to his sensitive flesh.

Koga released the tasty kernel, and turned to Kagome, “Isn’t it fun playing with our puppy, he’s very responsive. I think we should move on, don’t you?” He then gave Kagome a lecherous grin.

“Oh yeah,” the miko agreed as she ran her hands up and down Inuyasha’s muscular torso, then shot her own lecherous grin back at Koga.

“You two are making me crazy. I need to lie down,” Inu whined as his legs grew shaky.

“Not yet puppy, do as your told and don’t move,” Koga intoned, curtly.

“Koga’s right, Inu. Just do as your told, and don’t move. I’m having too much fun,” she giggled continuing her assault down the hanyou’s stomach, marking out her own territory as Koga was doing. She was finally living out her dream.

“Wait until it’s your turn, miko,” Inu looked down with playful eyes, “I’m not going to protect you from hentai Koga,” he chuckled then groaned loudly as Koga began digging a deeper hole in Inu’s belly button with his tongue.

“Fuuuuuck Koga, Kagome pleeease!” Inu cried out again.

Kagome giggled and positioned herself more comfortably on her knees, then stared in shock as she realized what was looking back at her. Gulping back a startled breathe, she looked at Koga and said.

“What the hell am I supposed to do with that monster? He’s so huge,” Kagome said, nervously.

Inuyasha smiled proudly to himself at Kagome’s observation.

“Don’t worry Kagome, I thought the same thing. I’ll show you what to do,” Koga answered as he gently began stroking the hanyou’s huge shaft.

“Ohhhhh fuck, someone suck my cock already,” Inu cried out.”

Inuyasha was holding on by a thin thread. The sight of Kagome on her knees before him as Koga sat next to her fisting his sex was too much. He needed release and he needed it soon.

“Itai!” Inu yelped as Koga slapped the back of his ass, hard.

“Shut up and do as you’re told, puppy. I want to show our little miko the basics on how to worship such a deliciously huge cock,” Koga teased and winked at Inuyasha.

“Kagome, just wrap your lips around it and suck, pleeeease!” Inu whined again.

“Itai!” the hanyou yelped again as he was rewarded with another slap on his ass for his outburst.

“Are you going to keep quiet now, puppy?” Koga asked. “Or do I need to put you over my knee?”

Inuyasha glared at Koga but then nodded his head ‘yes’ and let out a whimper when he felt Kagome grasp his cock firmly and began moving her hand up and down as Koga did.

“Now be a good boy, Inuyasha. Don’t make me use the ‘S’ word,” she said as she spotted a bit of white fluid dripping from the beautiful cock in front of her.

Curiously, she leaned forward and swiped her tongue over the gooey substance, tasting it.

“Do you like it, Kagome?” Koga whispered in her ear, surprised at how unabashed Kagome was acting.

Licking her lips seductively she answered, “Mmmmmm good. A little salty, but very creamy,” and continued exploring the hard yet velvety soft arousal with her tongue.

She slowly licked all around the head, and then followed the pattern of veins pulsing underneath her tongue down to the base of the warm cock and back up.

Inu was panting and trying to concentrate on holding back his release as Kagome lavished his cock with such sweet attention.

Koga was breathing heavily, as well, watching as the miko worshipped his puppy’s twelve inch monument.

“Suck the head into your mouth, Kagome, then swirl your tongue around it,” Koga instructed, breathlessly.

Kagome opened her small mouth and stuffed the large mushroom shaped head inside her warm cavern and began to suck hard, wanting to taste more of Inuyasha’s essence.

She closed her eyes as she felt the creamy saltiness of Inu’s pre-cum slide passed her tongue and down her throat.

Swirling her tongue over the head, she dipped into the slit, trying to capture more liquid as her hand glided up and down his thick shaft.

Kagome was thoroughly enjoying Inuyasha’s whimpering and the feel of his sex in her mouth, but she wanted more. She slowly tried engulfing the rest of his thick member, but came up short, gagging, when the tip brushed against the back of her throat.

Pulling away, she frowned at Koga, “It’s too big. I can’t get anymore down without choking,” she pouted.

“Don’t worry about it, Kagome. Swallowing a shaft whole is a technique that requires a lot of practice,” the wolf explained. “You have to relax your throat muscles and breathe in through your nose as you take him down, that helps control your natural gag reflex.”

“Thanks for the tip, Koga Sensei,” she giggled then looked up at Inuyasha and noticed he had his eyes bolted shut and was breathing really hard.

Grinning back at her, Koga said, “Watch and learn little miko,” as he took a hold of Inu’s shaft and slowly impaled his mouth over the entire huge hard on, breathing in through his nose then breathed out as he pulled back.

“Ohhhhhh fuck, Koga, don’t stop,” Inu moaned as Koga deep throated him.

“Keep going Koga. Make Inuyasha cum, then I’m going to make you cum.” Kagome gave Koga an extremely naughty leer.

The wolf gulped nervously from Kagome’s leer and then proceeded to bury the shaft deep in his throat and swallowed, massaging the head until he had to pull back to breath.

He moved his tongue all over the engorged arousal, teasing the slit relentlessly. He continued to deep throat the hard member; swallowing, sucking, and teasing with his tongue, lips and throat until Inuyasha could not take anymore.

With a loud growl and snarl, the hanyou grabbed Koga’s head and thrust himself down the wolf’s throat faster and deeper until his climax built up within every vein in his body, targeting his shaft to purge itself down his wolf’s throat.

“Kooooogaaaaaa!!!!” Inu screamed as his balls tightened and his cock spasmed, spilling his seed down Koga’s throat, then collapsed to the ground onto his knees.

The wolf swallowed his puppy’s seed as quickly as he could but some escaped dripping down his lips and chin.

Inuyasha sat immobile gasping for air as his body continued to shudder with the last spasms of his climax.

Kagome’s entire body burned from the sight of Inu’s orgasm. She had never seen, read, or heard anything like that before. Her nipples, hidden bundle of nerves, and labia immediately swelled even more causing hot waves to engulf every fiber within her body.

The miko’s breathing was coming in short pants as she tore her eyes away from the hanyou to look at Koga. Her breathe caught at the sight of Inuyasha’s warm, creamy cum dripping down the wolf’s chin, and she snapped.

With a low and wicked groan, Kagome attacked Koga, pushing him onto his back and crawled on top of him to reach his mouth. She then began wildly lapping at the wolf’s lips and chin, cleaning every drop of cum off of him, then plunged her tongue deep into his recesses, tasting Inuyasha’s seed mixed with the demon’s saliva.

With her legs straddling his thigh, the miko began grinding her aching womanhood against Koga’s leg, riding him wantonly and moaning.

Her mind was spinning from the heat coiling inside her. The build up of passion and lust was consuming her in a way she had never felt. Masturbating gave her release when she was alone and it felt good, but this was different. The pulsing throb was buried so deep within her genitals and womb, that she began crying out and grinding harder and harder against Koga’s muscular thigh, trying to relieve the painfully glorious ache inside her.

Koga didn’t know what hit him and was dazed for a few seconds. Once he got his bearings and realized what was happening he held Kagome securely and bent his leg to give her a sturdier perch to rub against, allowing her, happily, to use his body to gain her release.

He then ground his own throbbing cock against her stomach.

‘I might as well kill two birds with one stone,’ he thought to himself, then groaned as their grinding became more frantic.

It didn’t take Koga long to reach his peak. He had been achingly hard during their play and needed to cum too.

With a growl, he came, spilling his seed between them.

Kagome, however, was still riding him madly and continued to cry out as she just couldn’t reach the release she needed.

Inuyasha watched mesmerized as Kagome struggled to cum.

“It’s right there!” She cried, “But it won’t…I can’t make it…

Inu crawled up behind her wrapping his arms around her, stilling her movements and pulled her up so she was still straddling Koga’s thigh, but was upright.

“Shhhhh, its okay sweetheart, just relax,” he whispered. “Sometimes a women’s orgasm is buried so deep that you can’t reach it on your own no matter how excited you are.” Inu said gently in her ear, trying to soothe her.

Koga sat up balancing her on his leg, feeling the amount of slick wetness her hot center rubbed onto his thigh.

The wolf demon then wiped away her tears with his thumbs, then cupping her face between his strong but gentle hands he said, “Don’t worry my little miko. Inu and I will make sure you scream your release over and over,” giving her a reassuring, but naughty smile, then added, “It’s time for us to take over. Do you trust us?” He asked.

“Yes, I love you both so much,” she replied a little shaky.

“We love you too Kagome, always,” Inu hugged her tightly. “But I think we have a small problem.”

“What’s that,” she asked curiously.

“You’re still dressed,” Inu teased with a chuckle.

Then Koga added, “And I’m afraid I made quite a mess on your blouse. We’ll have to do something about that, now won’t we,” he grinned ear to ear at her.

“Then do something about it,” she whispered, leaning back against Inu’s chest.

Koga untied the bow to her blouse and lifted the shirt up and over her head, tossing the soiled garment to the side, leaving her in a thin green silk bra. Koga growled at the sight.

Her breasts were large and firm, spilling over the top of the delicate material, revealing a deep and delicious looking cleavage.

With Inu still behind her, he slid his hands around to her breasts and slowly squeezed. Pushing the soft mounds together, Inu gently pinched the pert nipples and rolled them between his fingers.

“Inuuuu,” she cried. The sensation went straight to her clit forcing her to rub against Koga’s thigh again.

“Does that feel good, Kagome?” Inu breathed in her ear as he continued to roll and squeeze her sensitive rosy pearls through the soft material that still bound her breasts.

Koga grabbed her hips stopping their motion. “I said we’ll take over, Kagome. We’ll do all the work, remember. Now, be a good girl or I’ll have to put you over my knee and spank you,” Koga growled seductively.

Kagome groaned out loud at the thought. Her body was so achingly aroused that any sort of contact would be welcomed.

The wolf and hanyou smiled at each other hearing Kagome’s groan, smelling her excitement heighten.

“I think she might like that, wolfie,” Inu said. “I told you, Kagome, I wouldn’t protect you from hentai Koga,” he chuckled and continued massaging and manipulating her breasts and nipples as Koga watched.

“I don’t care what you do, just make me cum, please,” she begged, nuzzling the back of her head against Inu’s shoulder.

Koga then slid her off of his lap, standing her up, forcing Inu to relinquish his hold on her.

He then repositioned himself on his knees next to Inuyasha.

“Take off your skirt, Kagome,” Koga instructed.

Coyly, Kagome reached behind her back to unbutton then unzip her skirt, fumbling with it in the process from either nervous anticipation or clumsiness, she didn’t know which.

Finally undoing the skirt, she began to pull it down.

“Slowly,” Inu growled.

Startled, she caught her breathe and slowly slid the garment down a little at a time, until it cleared her shapely hips, finally letting it drop to the ground and stepped over it, revealing a pair of matching green silk, string bikini panties.

Kagome blushed as she noticed the demon’s cocks growing before her eyes, then whimpered and took a step back from the heated, lustful glare she was receiving from the wolf and hanyou.

Inu and Koga growled out a moan as they watched the skirt drop to the ground.

Her breast were large and full, leading down to a tiny waist and perfectly rounded hips; creating an hour glass figure with a flat toned stomach.

Her legs were long, lean, and sexy. She was the definition of beauty, covered in milky white, flawless skin.

“Come here little miko,” Koga uttered, lustfully.

Kagome swallowed nervously and took a step forward. A wave of heat encompassed her body as she felt more wetness accumulate between her legs.

She was so wet that the crotch of her silk panties clung to her feminine folds, creating a creased outline of her slit.

The demons released a low rumbling growl from the erotic sight and felt their cocks twitch in anticipation.

Inuyasha reached up and hooked his claw in the center of her bra between her breasts, pulling her down to her knees. He then traced the same claw over the swell of her left breast to her shoulder, sliding his clawed finger underneath the strap and slowly slid it down over her arm.

Koga immediately did the same on her right breast, caressing softly with his claws to her other bra strap, sliding it down her arm in time with the hanyou.

They slowly peeled down the silk lingerie, exposing twin mounds of creamy white flesh, centered by two stiff rose colored nipples.

“Unhook this sexy contraption before I rip if off,” Inu growled.

Not wanting to ruin an expensive Victoria Secret ensemble, she quickly reached behind her back and unhooked the bra, tossing it aside.

Reacting as one, the two demons leaned over and gently caressed the closest breast to them, latching their lips onto her stiff peaks, sucking as much in as they could, suckling and flicking their tongues with rapid speed over the sensitive tips.

“Ahhhhhh Kami Sama!!!!” She screamed so loud that every bird perched in a tree fled the area. The stimulation of their wet, hot, torturous mouths was overwhelming.

She quickly reached down between her thighs to squelch the resurfacing ache tormenting her womanhood.

Inuyasha grabbed her hand, not allowing her to touch herself.

Koga grabbed her other sneaking hand and released the tasty flesh between his lips with a popping sound. Inu also relinquished his hold from her other tasty nub with a slurping sound. Each continued to hold a wrist behind her back.

Inuyasha went for her lips, forcing his tongue inside and probed deeply as Koga attacked her neck and shoulders with heated kisses and nips.

With her center aching painfully, she pushed up with her legs trying to straddle the hanyou’s lap, yearning for any kind of friction against her aroused jewel.

Koga grabbed her lower body by wrapping his free arm around her waist, preventing her any further movement.

Inuyasha broke the kiss and backed away a few inches, just out of reach from the struggling miko who was desperately trying to obtain more contact of any kind from her lovers.

“Please, I can’t stand it anymore,” she whined. “Touch me. Fuck me. Make it stop aching!”

“We will my Kagome, but not yet,” Inu said with a sinister grin. “Trust us, we know what we’re doing,” Inu added as he lay down on his back, taking Kagome with him, forcing her to straddle his hips.

Inu was now on his back. Kagome was straddling his hips with her knees on the ground on either side of the hanyou.

He then pulled her shoulders down towards his chest, burying her face in the crook of his neck with her ass in the air and said to Koga, “Our little miko’s been very naughty, wolfie. She tried to pleasure herself after we forbid it,” the half demon grinned devilishly at his soon to be mate, hoping Koga would get the message and play along.

Inu remembered the spike in Kagome’s arousal at the mention of Koga spanking her earlier and wanted to see what would happen given the horny state his miko was in.

Koga caught on immediately.

“You’re right puppy. Our Kagome has been a very bad little miko.” Koga then leaned over to her ear and rasped, “The only fingers, tongue or cock that will touch your sweet pussy belong to me and Inuyasha. Do you understand?”

Kagome groaned out a sob and felt her clit twitch from the wolf’s dirty and sexy reprimand.

She was so aroused and hot, that she was willing to do or play any game her lovers wanted, knowing they would not really hurt her and would stop at her request.

Deciding to play along, she gave them her permission by answering, “I’ve been so bad, Koga, I need to be punished,” and wiggled her butt for him, then lifted her head bringing her lips to Inu’s ear and added in a sultry voice, “Talk dirty to me, puppy,” and bit Inu’s ear.

The hanyou growled and pulled her head away by grabbing the back of her hair. Narrowing his eyes, he stared at her darkly and asked, “Are you sure this is what you want, Kagome?”

“Yeeeessss,” she purred, then yelped throwing her head back as Koga’s hand came down on her right ass cheek.

The slap startled her and stung a bit, but she shivered as her body responded excitedly from the pain and groaned shamefully to encourage Koga to do it again.

Koga had positioned himself securely behind her when he brought his hand down on her ass and smiled at her reaction.

“You like that don’t you, Kagome,” Koga snickered, “I think you like it a little ruff,” he said as he slapped the opposite cheek, and then rubbed over it gently through her silk panties which were still on.

“Oh fuck yes, Koga, please more,” she moaned, “It hurts so good.”

Koga replied by slapping her other cheek, then again, alternating from one side to the other; always rubbing gently after each strike.

“Pleeeease, touch my pussy. Fuck me now!” Kagome pleaded.

“Kagome, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Inu chuckled.

“Oh shut up, puppy.” She yelled.

Each slap from Koga’s hand stung, but it excited her and turned her on even more.

The wolf’s slaps continued. He timed them far enough apart so as not to really hurt her, but just hard enough to get a response.

Inuyasha watched her carefully for any signs that she’s had enough, but to his surprise she had become even more aroused.

Encouraged by the thick scent of her need, the hanyou growled low in his throat at her and said in a wicked and naughty tone, “I can smell your desire, Kagome. You smell like a bitch in heat,” and wrinkled his nose then curled his upper lip enough to show off his fangs.

Continuing to talk dirty to the miko as Koga continued to spank her, the hanyou whispered, “I can’t wait to slide my tongue inside your hot, wet hole, Kagome” and brought his hands to her breasts and massaged, squeezing harshly.

Inu continued his litany of nasty and naughty comments.

“Do you like me pinching your tits, Kagome? Inu asked.

“Uhhhhnnnn, Inuuuu,” Kagome rasped as the hanyou pinched her nipples hard, rolling them mercilessly between his fingers.

Kagome was panting and moaning and pleading to be fucked. Between Inu pinching her nipples and Koga soothingly caressing her reddened ass followed by another smack, she was soaked.

Inu’s cock was rock hard, bobbing back and forth against Kagome’s raised stomach, spreading his warm pre-cum all over her abdomen. He wondered how long he could wait before drilling into her tight virgin opening.

Koga’s cock was painfully stiff too, but he couldn’t decide if he wanted to fuck the miko’s ass or Inuyasha’s.

Inu pulled her forward enough so his lips would reach her breasts. He then pushed the two soft mounds of flesh together so her nipples were almost touching and flicked his tongue moving from one to the other, suckling, and nipping.

Her rosy nubs were so hard that Inu couldn’t resist biting them gently, worrying them between his teeth and fangs causing her to groan.

“Inuuuu please, please. Kooooga, please touch me!” She cried out. “Someone put something, anything between my legs now, or I swear I’ll purify you both!”

She was now yelling out of frustration. She could feel her body tightening with the same heat as before, deep inside her womb needing to be released before insanity set in.

Both demons snickered at each other knowing that they’ve tortured her long enough and were ready to move on.

Koga peeled her panties back away from the tender flesh, pulling them down to the upper part of her thighs.

The wolf growled at the sight of her crimson colored ass and hairless, glistening folds. He licked his lips and buried his tongue in her tight asshole without warning, darting it in and out.

“Oh fuck, Koga, Koooooogaaaaaaa!” She screamed and bucked her hips back, trying to fuck herself on his rigid tongue.

She was so wet and in such painful bliss, that she began to cry out again, begging and pleading for relief.

Sympathizing with her agony from their relentless teasing, Inu felt it was time to let her cum before he fucked her.

Placing the miko’s hands on either side of his shoulders, he began to slide his body along the grass, between hers and Koga’s spread legs, lining himself up with her wet flower as Koga continued to eat her from behind.

Inu grabbed her lowered underwear and tore them off.

“Inuyasha, you jerk!” Kagome scolded, “I can’t believe you tore my panties!”

Inu gasped, ignoring the outraged miko’s scolding. “Kagome, you have no hair between your legs.” It was a truly erotic vision, making the hanyou’s mouth water.

“Girls of… my time…” Kagome tried to say between groans, “Shave down their… I’ll explain later… Please, Inu, taste me like Koga is,” she whined.

He spread her knees further apart, lowering her heated center closer to the ground and his lips. Koga and his tongue followed.

The hanyou then spread her slick folds apart and inhaled, rolling his eyes back as he was assaulted with the strong sweet scent of her arousal, it fogged his senses. His dick hardened even more, if that was possible.

Koga licked and kissed in and around her tight ring as he stretched out the lower half of his body, aligning his cock with Inu’s.

Inuyasha gasped and raised his hips automatically when Koga’s throbbing sex touched his, then began slowly grinding against each other.

Inu moaned and plunged his tongue deep inside Kagome’s tight canal.

Kagome screamed out from the double penetration of slick hard muscled flesh inside both her openings.

Koga moaned, dragging his tongue over the center of her ass and across her tender cheeks while continuing to rock against Inu’s groin.

Kagome panted and trembled as she felt the hot coiling deep within her womb start to tighten even more as her orgasm arose.

With her wet folds still spread, Inu dragged his tongue over to her clit, licking over the engorged flesh then sucked it in his mouth, holding it there gently between his teeth while his tongue tormented the swollen bud.

“Ohhhh Inuuuuu, mooorrre!” She screamed, trying to rock her crotch against both of their faces.

Releasing her sensitive bundle of nerves, Inu flicked the tip of his tongue back and forth, repeatedly, over the swollen jewel, causing the miko to cry out again.

He then slid back into her wet heat and extended his canine demon tongue further then any human would be able to do; whipping it across her inner walls, tonguing her deeply as Kagome screamed and writhed in ecstasy from Inu’s internal assault, then rolled her eyes back into her head as Koga’s relentless tongue extended itself further as well within her tight backdoor passage.

Groaning and panting, Kagome felt a tight coiling pull from deep within her; flaring out slowly, trying to escape from deep within her womb, heating her vaginal walls, creeping into her folds, targeting her clit until she inhaled sharply releasing a silent scream. Her womb, inner muscles and swollen bud collapsed in on her causing wave after wave of euphoric pleasure, releasing a faucet of sweet juice as her body shook convulsively.

Inu and Koga felt her climax hit as her vaginal and anal muscles contracted around their tongues.

Inu lapped up every drop of cum that seeped from her body, reveling in the taste of pure honey, then moved his head back down to the ground as Koga lifted her hips up higher, sliding his tongue inside her slick passage, licking up the sweet juice still clinging to her hot inner walls, pulling back to clean all around her quivering folds and inner thighs.

Kagome continued trembling as Koga’s hot tongue thoroughly tasted and cleaned her womanhood, then lowered his lips to Inu’s, kissing him deeply; tasting more of the miko’s essence, licking his puppy’s face clean while his hips continued to move over the hanyou’s.

Kagome then stretched out next to Inuyasha and watched with lustful eyes how sweetly and lovingly Koga kissed and licked the hanyou’s lips and face, then reached out to caress Koga muscular ass so she could follow and feel the sensual rhythm he was using to move against Inuyasha.

“Mmmmmmm, you two look incredible like this,” she whispered. “So sexy.”

The demons stopped moving and turned to look at the miko with devilish grins, then Inu reached out his hand to stroke her cheek and said, “I love that you enjoy watching us, Kagome, but we’re not finished with you.”

Kagome looked at them a little fearfully, knowing what was next. She knew it was going to hurt the first time, but given Inu’s size, she was a bit frightened.

Inu could smell her fear, as did Koga.

Koga then moved over to the opposite side of her body, sandwiching the miko between them.

Speaking in a sweet and understanding voice, Inu said, “Kagome, you don’t have to do this. I’ll be as gentle as I can, but when I break through your barrier, it’s going to hurt, a lot. I’ll understand if you’re not ready.”

Koga then chimed in with, “We could always just continue to play with each other,” giving her a saucy smile and licked her cheek.

She giggled and licked Koga back playfully, and then answered sincerely, “I know it will hurt, but I want you inside of me, Inu, and…” grinning evilly she added, “I want Koga inside of you at the same time.”

The hanyou cocked his eyebrow at her, “Well aren’t you the naughty little miko, I like the way you think.”

“You read my thoughts, Kagome,” Koga added. “Inu has the most fuckable ass, and you have the most kissable lips.”

The wolf then leaned down to capture her lips, nibbling on them gently, and then slid his tongue inside to sensually and romantically massage inside her moist mouth.

He kissed her so deeply with his skilled tongue that she whimpered, feeling her clit tingle, and her nether lips lubricate once again.

Inu gently caressed her breasts, teasing one nipple between his fingers as he bent his head to her chest to play with the other nub, flicking it with his tongue then circled the areola. He moved underneath the mound, nipping, and then licked back up to suck in her taut pearl. He then released the tender flesh to kiss his way over to its twin, repeating his actions.

Koga moved from her lips to her neck, licking her throat over to her collarbone, sucking the skin, and then nipping. He raked his fangs across the side of her neck then back down soothingly with his tongue.

Kagome moaned from the intense pleasure she was receiving from her lovers.

Koga then joined Inu, stealing a soft mound for himself, licking and sucking and kissing her soft globe.

Inu slid his hand down her abdomen, ghosting and tickling her warm skin.

Upon reaching the juncture of her thighs, he grazed his middle finger over her naked slit and whispered in her ear.

“Spread your legs for me, Kagome.”

Wordlessly obeying her puppy, she parted her thighs.

The hanyou slid his finger over her hooded jewel to her wet opening, retracting his claws before pushing inside the tight canal and stopped when he reached the evidence of her virginity. Pulling back out, he slid his now moistened digit to her throbbing bud, slowly rubbing it in a circular motion.

“Oh Inuuuu! Rub it harder, faster,” she whimpered raising her hips.

“Not yet sweetheart,” Inu husked with half lidded eyes as he kissed her deeply.

Koga continued suckling her nipple while at the same time moving his hand in between her legs then inserted his middle finger, sliding it in and out of her soaked opening as Inu massaged her clit.

Doubly seduced, Kagome felt a familiar heat arising in her once again as the tension gathered within her lower region. She began panting and writhing from the onslaught of pleasure she was receiving from her lovers.

Realizing she was very close to releasing, Koga removed his finger from her slick passage and stilled Inuyasha’s, and sat up.

“Kneel between Kagome’s legs, puppy, and spread your knees apart for me,” Koga whispered. “You stretch her while I prepare you, okay koi,” Koga instructed softly as he caressed his puppy’s back with gentle strokes.

Kagome whined when the demons removed their fingers. “Don’t stop, please,” she cried.

Not wasting any time, Inu gently spread the miko’s legs further apart and positioned himself on all fours above her with his knees in between her thighs and his hands on either side of her head.

The half demon lowered his head, locking his lips with Kagome’s once more, leaving his ass raised.

The hanyou then inserted his middle finger into the miko’s tight passage, pumping slowly. After hearing her moan, he added his index finger with almost no resistance from her tight, wet opening.

Kagome loved the way Inu’s fingers felt inside her as they rubbed her inner walls gently. She felt nothing but warmth.

She kissed him back passionately encouraging him to do more by thrusting her hips up to meet his fingers.

He kept his rhythm slow, wanting to keep her just on the edge without falling over.

Inu gasp, tearing his lips away from the miko as Koga slipped his tongue in between his cheeks.

“Oh fuck, Koga, that’s good,” Inu whimpered.

Kagome shuddered from Inu’s expression of pleasure that he was receiving from Koga as she received hers from the hanyou.

Inu then slipped in a third finger slowly stretching her open.

There was nothing he could do to ease the pain of tearing through her barrier, but he could at least prepare her for his thickness. He added a fourth finger and began to rub her clit with his thumb at the same time.

“Ahhhhhh, Koga,” Inu moaned when Koga slid an oil coated finger into the center of his ass. ‘When did he grab the oil,’ Inu wondered.

Koga added a second digit, scissoring and stretching. Upon adding a third finger he rubbed over Inu’s prostate, causing the hanyou to cry out.

“Faster,” he begged Koga as he continued to finger fuck Kagome faster almost out of reflex for his own need.

Kagome was writhing under Inu, crying out for more. “Please Inu, do it now, please, I’m ready.”

“Okay Kagome. I think we’re both ready,” Inu rasped, feeling she was as prepared as she was going to get and was anxious to feel his wolf inside of him as well.

Koga removed his fingers and sat back to allow his puppy to enter his miko first, but felt sad in knowing the pain she’s was going to feel. He remembered how much it hurt when Inu took him for the first time.

“Turn over Kagome, it will be easier if you’re on your hands and knees,” Inu said gently.

A little nervously, Kagome turned over and pushed herself onto all fours.

With one hand on her lower back and the other grasping his huge cock, he slowly slid the head in passed her slick portal, feeling it grip him tightly but stretching to accommodate his girth.

Kagome felt herself stretch, it didn’t hurt, but she felt full.

“More Inu, just do it quickly. I want to get passed the painful part and get to the good part I’ve heard about,” she moaned looking over her shoulder at her puppy with pleading eyes.

Wrapping his arm around her waist firmly, he leaned over her back with his cock brushing up against her maidenhead. With a concerned look on his face, he met his wolf’s eyes. Koga gave him a reassuring nod and placed his hand on Inu’s back, mouthing the words, “Tear through it fast.”

Turning back to Kagome, he placed his lips by her ear and said, “I love you Kagome, always.”

With that said, he pulled almost all the way out and drove in hard, tearing through her virginity with lightening speed stopping when he was fully seated inside her.

Inu held her tight as she screamed out from the pain. He didn’t want her to move before she was ready.

Kagome began to sob as tears rolled down her cheeks, falling to the ground.

“It hurts, Inu, it hurts so much,” she cried. The sharp pain that tore through her body was almost blinding. She felt as if she had been sliced opened and Inu’s hard flesh was pressing against the opened wound. It was a horrible burning sensation. ‘I knew it would hurt, but this is awful,’ she thought, biting her bottom as her body trembled.

Inu held her tight, whispering apologies in her ear.

“I’m so sorry, Kagome. I know it hurts, but the pain will go away, I promise. Don’t worry, I won’t move until you’re ready. Your body will adjust. It will just take a little time and then I promise you nothing but pleasure, my Kagome,” the hanyou tried to reassure her.

Koga then said softly, “Inu, sit back slowly with her so she’s straddling your lap,” the wolf was feeling helpless and wanted to help ease her pain.

Inu pulled Kagome backwards with him slowly, trying not do jostle her too much.

Once Kagome was more upright, Koga moved in front of her and gently licked away her tears as his hands began to tenderly caress her body with light touches.

Lowering his lips to her breast, he tenderly suckled one nipple while Inu stroked the other.

Koga then brought his hand between her thighs and began manipulating her jewel, trying to distract her from the pain she was feeling.

“Kogaaa,” she whimpered softly, closing her eyes, feeling only warmth once again from Koga’s gentle ministrations.

Smiling, he rubbed her jewel faster, bringing his lips to hers in a heated deep and wet kiss.

That was enough for the miko. She moaned loudly into Koga’s mouth and ground her hips into Inu’s lap rocking back and forth, the pain all but forgotten.

Inu smiled knowing the worst was over.

Koga pulled away grinning, “I take it the pain has gone away, Kagome. Are you ready for the good part?”

“Yes, it doesn’t hurt any more. I feel warm inside again.” Kagome smiled back at him, relieved.

“Okay, puppy, time to make her scream out for the right reason,” Koga snickered and moved out of the way.

Inu gently rolled them forward placing Kagome back on her hands and knees.

He slid almost all the way out, and then pushed back in slowly.

“That felt really good, Inu, more,” she moaned, feeling a shiver run through her body.

Encouraged by the sounds coming from her, Inu pulled out again and pushed back in a little faster. Thrusting rhythmically, he built up to a medium speed driving in gently.

“Kagome, you’re so fucking tight and hot. You feel so good,” Inu growled.

“Now it’s your turn, my puppy,” Koga growled possessively, and placed himself behind the hanyou, anxious to feel his puppy’s tight heat grip his throbbing member.

Inu stopped thrusting within Kagome, allowing Koga to enter him from behind.

Koga slid inside Inu’s hot tunnel, slowly, eliciting a growling groan from the hanyou.

Kagome looked over her shoulder as Koga entered Inu’s body.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” Kagome shivered as her vaginal walls automatically gripped Inu’s cock tighter in sympathy to his pleasure.

All three moaned as Inu pulled back from Kagome taking Koga with him.

Inu set the pace, in which Koga adeptly adjusted to. As Inu pulled out of Kagome, Koga pushed into Inu, countering the hanyou’s thrusts.

Kagome began to pant and pushed back harder against Inu as she felt her climax starting to rise.

“Please, Inu, I need it faster and harder! I’m not that delicate so fuck me like you mean it, puppy!” Kagome growled surprising the two demons.

Not wanting to disappoint his miko, Inu began thrusting hard and fast into the tiny body below him, slowly feeling his own release creeping up on him as he felt intense pleasure from the tight heat engulfing his aching arousal while at the same time being filled with Koga’s pulsing member inside his ass.

Over and over he pounded into her, hard and fast as Koga pounded into Inu just as hard and fast feeling his heart race and blood boil as his balls tightened.

The sound of skin slapping skin along with three sets of moaning, growling, and snarling filled the air. The three lovers fucked each other harder and faster and harder and faster with synchronized perfection, blurring into each other as one entity.

Finally, Kagome cried out her release, tightening her inner muscles around Inu’s cock in convulsing waves.

He could feel her walls grip him as her juices drenched his cock, dripping out and down her thighs just as Koga slammed into his prostate setting off Inu’s release, howling as he shot his hot seed deep within his miko, causing his anal walls to clamp around Koga’s cock, triggering the wolf’s orgasm adding his howl to Inuyasha’s as he spilled his own hot cum inside his puppy.

Koga, after a minute or two, pulled out first, collapsing to the ground totally exhausted. Next, Inu pulled out very gently, earning a moan of loss from the raven haired miko.

Inuyasha lowered Kagome to the ground turning her over onto her back.

The hanyou then joined her on the cool grass as the three lovers attempted to catch their breaths as they cuddled each other lovingly.

Unbeknownst to the trio, a pair of golden eyes attached to long silver hair caught the last few minutes of their love making from the air.

Floating on his cloud, the golden eyes narrowed as he spoke out loud to himself.

“The flea bag, the mutt and the wench,” he sighed, “I’m going to have nightmares over this one,” and flew off to his castle mumbling, “Rutting peasants.”


Next Chapter: Inu and Koga officially become mates.